364 research outputs found

    Reading circles as a strategy to facilitate young adults’ oral production through task-based language teaching

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    The reading circles strategy offers an opportunity to both practice and improve the four skills, mainly reading and oral production due to the interaction among peers about reading passages. This study sought to promote the use and benefits of reading circles in order to improve the students’ oral production through the Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) method

    Real-Time Automatic Cloud Detection Using a Low-Cost Sky Camera

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    Characterizing the atmosphere is one of the most complex studies one can undertake due to the non-linearity and phenomenological variability. Clouds are also among the most variable atmospheric constituents, changing their size and shape over a short period of time. There are several sectors in which the study of cloudiness is of vital importance. In the renewable field, the increasing development of solar technology and the emerging trend for constructing and operating solar plants across the earth’s surface requires very precise control systems that provide optimal energy production management. Similarly, airports are hubs where cloud coverage is required to provide high-precision periodic observations that inform airport operators about the state of the atmosphere. This work presents an autonomous cloud detection system, in real time, based on the digital image processing of a low-cost sky camera. An algorithm was developed to identify the clouds in the whole image using the relationships established between the channels of the RGB and Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV) color spaces. The system’s overall success rate is approximately 94% for all types of sky conditions; this is a novel development which makes it possible to identify clouds from a ground perspective without the use of radiometric parameters

    Case report: Clitoromegaly as a consequence of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. An accurate medical and surgical approach

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    We present a case of a woman with a history of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) diagnosed at the age of 12, who was referred to our unit for surgical treatment. Despite the initial diagnosis was an indirect inguinal hernia, it was a misdiagnosis. Once in our service, this was corrected into clitoromegaly secondary to CAH. Physical examination and imaging test discarded other abnormalities, such as secondary effects androgenization. Regarding surgical treatment, the techniques used were Spencer and Allen combined with Kumar, which are the most used for clitoroplasty but also less used in Peru.Revisión por pare

    The protoplanetary disk of FT Tauri: multi-wavelength data analysis and modeling

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    Investigating the evolution of protoplanetary disks is crucial for our understanding of star and planet formation. Several theoretical and observational studies have been performed in the last decades to advance this knowledge. FT Tauri is a young star in the Taurus star forming region that was included in a number of spectroscopic and photometric surveys. We investigate the properties of the star, the circumstellar disk, and the accretion and ejection processes and propose a consistent gas and dust model also as a reference for future observational studies. We performed a multi-wavelength data analysis to derive the basic stellar and disk properties, as well as mass accretion/outflow rate from TNG-Dolores, WHT-Liris, NOT-Notcam, Keck-Nirspec, and Herschel-Pacs spectra. From the literature, we compiled a complete Spectral Energy Distribution. We then performed detailed disk modeling using the MCFOST and ProDiMo codes. Multi-wavelengths spectroscopic and photometric measurements were compared with the reddened predictions of the codes in order to constrain the disk properties. This object can serve as a benchmark for primordial disks with significant mass accretion rate, high gas content and typical size.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    La tecnología Blockchain aplicada al Marketing Digital

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    La tecnología Blockchain podría ser la próxima revolución digital, tal y como sucediócon Internet. Tiene un gran potencial y por ello son múltiples empresas las que estánempezando a incorporar esta tecnología. No solo está relacionado con las criptomonedas,gracias a esta tecnología podemos dar valor a nuestra marca. Actualmente, la confianzade los consumidores online puede suponer un problema, el cual podría ser solucionadogracias a la Blockchain.Es una tecnología en la que faltan muchos campos de uso por descubrir, por ello esto nosha motivado a aplicarlo al marketing digital y descubrir los futuros usos que puedebrindar.La Blockchain tiene mucho potencial, y puede aportar soluciones reales al marketing. Porello, vamos a realizar dos propuestas, en una de ellas se propone el uso de la Blockchainen campañas online, eliminando el fraude y ofreciendo transparencia de datos de losusuarios y, por otro lado, se propone eliminar el problema de confianza que tienen losusuarios en la compra online utilizando la Blockchain<br /

    Microservices and Machine Learning Algorithms for Adaptive Green Buildings

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    In recent years, the use of services for Open Systems development has consolidated and strengthened. Advances in the Service Science and Engineering (SSE) community, promoted by the reinforcement of Web Services and Semantic Web technologies and the presence of new Cloud computing techniques, such as the proliferation of microservices solutions, have allowed software architects to experiment and develop new ways of building open and adaptable computer systems at runtime. Home automation, intelligent buildings, robotics, graphical user interfaces are some of the social atmosphere environments suitable in which to apply certain innovative trends. This paper presents a schema for the adaptation of Dynamic Computer Systems (DCS) using interdisciplinary techniques on model-driven engineering, service engineering and soft computing. The proposal manages an orchestrated microservices schema for adapting component-based software architectural systems at runtime. This schema has been developed as a three-layer adaptive transformation process that is supported on a rule-based decision-making service implemented by means of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. The experimental development was implemented in the Solar Energy Research Center (CIESOL) applying the proposed microservices schema for adapting home architectural atmosphere systems on Green Buildings

    Diseño electrónico y software de control para brazo robótico de 6 grados de libertad

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    Diseño electrónico y de un software de control para un protótipo diseñado en un TFG de la convocatoria del 2016. Realizando un estudio previo de este, para luego proceder al montaje completo de servomotores, y electrónica de este, para luego proceder a elegir la forma en la que moveremos el brazo

    Efecto de la competitividad en las exportaciones de cacao de la región Junín generado por la asociatividad en el periodo 2015-2020

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto de la competitividad en las exportaciones de cacao de la región Junín generado por la asociatividad en el periodo 2015-2020”, con el fin de determinar un modelo positivo que fomente a las organizaciones a iniciar su proceso de internacionalización. Para ello, se desarrolla el marco teórico, las bases teóricas relacionadas a la competitividad, asociatividad y exportaciones de cacao. Además, se determina la situación actual del sector agropecuario, exportación de cacao, así como el marco contextual del departamento de Junín. En adición, se identifica el problema y sus causas, así como el diagnóstico situacional de las exportaciones de cacao a nivel nacional y regional, la competitividad nacional y la asociatividad a nivel local e internacional. Adicionalmente, se determina el problema, las hipótesis y objetivos asociados a la realidad problemática. La metodología de la investigación es mixta, no experimental y transeccional. Para el análisis cuantitativo se realizó encuestas a asociaciones del sector y para el análisis cualitativo, se entrevistó a expertos en exportaciones agropecuarias y asociatividad. Finalmente, se determinó que la competitividad tuvo un efecto positivo en las exportaciones de cacao de la región Junín generado por la asociatividad en el periodo 2015-2020. Asimismo, se accede a una mayor cantidad de recursos (producto del financiamiento) y a un mayor conocimiento de internacionalización (producto de las capacitaciones). Por otro lado, el Estado brinda apoyo sobre la asociatividad a los interesados; sin embargo, este apoyo no es eficiente para lograr un efecto sólido en el sector.The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of competitiveness on cocoa exports from the Junín region generated by associativity in the 2015-2020 period, in order to determine a positive model that encourages organizations to start their process. of internationalization. For this, the theoretical framework is developed, the theoretical bases related to competitiveness, associativity and cocoa exports. In addition, the current situation of the agricultural sector, cocoa export, as well as the contextual framework of the department of Junín is determined. In addition, the problem and its causes are identified, as well as the situational diagnosis of cocoa exports at the national and regional levels, national competitiveness and associativity at the local and international levels. Additionally, the problem, hypotheses and objectives associated with the problematic reality are determined. The research methodology is mixed, non-experimental and transactional. For the quantitative analysis, surveys were conducted to associations of the sector and for the qualitative analysis, experts in agricultural exports and associativity were interviewed. Finally, it was determined that competitiveness had a positive effect on cocoa exports from the Junín region generated by associativity in the 2015-2020 period. Likewise, there is access to a greater amount of resources (product of financing) and a greater knowledge of internationalization (product of training). On the other hand, the State provides support on associativity to those interested; however, this support is not efficient to achieve a solid effect in the sector.Tesi

    Field Quality Control of Spectral Solar Irradiance Measurements by Comparison with Broadband Measurements

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    Measurement of solar spectral irradiance is required in an increasingly wide variety of technical applications, such as atmospheric studies, health, and solar energy, among others. The solar spectral irradiance at ground level has a strong dependence on many atmospheric parameters. In addition, spectroradiometer optics and detectors have high sensitivity. Because of this, it is necessary to compare with a reference instrumentation or light source to verify the quality of measurements. A simple and realistic test for validating solar spectral irradiance measurements is presented in this study. This methodology is applicable for a specific spectral range inside the broadband range from 280 to 4000 nm under cloudless sky conditions. The method compares solar spectral irradiance measurements with both predictions of clear-sky solar spectral irradiance and measurements of broadband instruments such as pyrheliometers. For the spectral estimation, a free atmospheric transmittance simulation code with the air mass calculation as the mean parameter was used. The spectral direct normal irradiance (Gbl) measurements of two different spectroradiometers were tested at Plataforma Solar de Almería, Spain. The results are presented in this article. Although only Gbl measurements were considered in this study, the same methodology can be applied to the other solar irradiance componentsThis research was funded by the Chilean Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (CORFO), grant number 17BPE3-83761, and 7PTECES-75830 under the framework of the project “AtaMoS TeC,” by the ANID grant number ANID/FONDAP/15110019 (SERC-Chile) and ANID/ FONDECYT-INITIATION/11190289, funded by the Spanish Education and Competitivity Ministry and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund grant number ENE2017-83790-C3- 1,2,3 and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund grant reference PID2020-118239RJ-I00 (MAPVSpain) Special thanks to Antonio Campos (PSA, Spain) for his support during this wor

    Effects of Folinic Acid Administration on Lower Limb Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats

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    Surgery under ischemic conditions, lasting up to 3 h, is routinely performed in orthopedic surgery, causing undesirable injury due to ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, with short and medium-term functional repercussions. To date, there is no established prophylactic treatment. In this work we evaluated folinic acid (FA) in a rodent model of lower limb ischemia-reperfusion (IRI-LL). 36 male WAG rats underwent 3 h of lower limb ischemia. In the saline group, rats received intraperitoneal administration of saline (used as vehicle for treatment). In the experimental group, rats were pretreated with FA (2.5 mg/kg) before the end of ischemia. After ischemia, animals were sacrificed at 3 h, 24 h or 14 days (for biochemical determination (Na+, K+, Cl-, urea, creatinine, CK, LDH, ALP, ALT, and AST), pathological assessment, or functional study using the rotarod test; respectively). Another six animals were used to establish the reference values. The prophylactic administration of FA significantly reduced the elevation of biochemical markers, especially those that most directly indicate muscle damage (CK and LDH). In addition, it also improved direct tissue damage, both in terms of edema, weight, PMN infiltrate and percentage of damaged fibers. Finally, the administration of FA allowed the animals to equal baseline values in the rotarod test; what did not occur in the saline group, where pre-ischemia levels were not recovered. Following 3 h of lower limb ischemia, FA minimizes the increase of CK and LDH, as well as local edema and leukocyte infiltration, allowing a faster recovery of limb functionality. Therefore, it could be considered as a prophylactic treatment when tourniquet is used in clinics.This research received funding from the University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU (grant reference GIU19/088)