8 research outputs found
Theory of Names and Metaphysical Realism
En el presente escrito, los autores pretenden una nueva interpretación de las principales tesis de la más conocida obra de Kripke, Naming and Necessity. Se atiende a las nociones de a priori (y de necesidad) y a posteriori (y contingencia), la noción de designador rígido (con su explícita crítica a la teoría descriptivista fregeana de los nombres) y su revisión de los conceptos metafísicos de modalidad de dicto y modalidad de re. Más tarde, se definirá mínimamente la noción de realismo y se intentará situar a Kripke en el tipo que más cómodamente se adapte a sus presupuestos teóricos de carácter ordinario. Todo ello permitirá situar la teoría kripkeana de los nombres dentro de un marco realista que posibilitará, en otro momento ulterior, formular ciertas críticas a esta Teoría Causal de la Referencia y al realismo metafísico a ella asociada. Abstract
In this paper, the authors analyze the most important thesis of Kripke’s Naming and Necessity: those of a priori (and necessity) and a posteriori (and contingence), the rigid designator notion (and its criticism of the Fregean descriptivist theory of names) and his review of de dicto and de re metaphysical concepts. Then, we minimally define Kripke’s Realism notion and we rebuild the Kripkean ordinary realistic option. Finally, we criticize the Causal Reference Theory and its metaphysical implications
In this paper, the authors analyze the most important thesis of Kripke’s Naming and Necessity: those of a priori (and necessity) and a posteriori (and contingence), the rigid designator notion (and its criticism of the Fregean descriptivist theory of names) and his review of de dicto and de re metaphysical concepts. Then, we minimally define Kripke’s Realism notion and we rebuild the Kripkean ordinary realistic option. Finally, we criticize the Causal Reference Theory and its metaphysical implications.En el presente escrito, los autores pretenden una nueva interpretación de las principales tesis de la más conocida obra de Kripke, Naming and Necessity. Se atiende a las nociones de a priori (y de necesidad) y a posteriori (y contingencia), la noción de designador rígido (con su explícita crítica a la teoría descriptivista fregeana de los nombres) y su revisión de los conceptos metafísicos de modalidad de dicto y modalidad de re. Más tarde, se definirá mínimamente la noción de realismo y se intentará situar a Kripke en el tipo que más cómodamente se adapte a sus presupuestos teóricos de carácter ordinario. Todo ello permitirá situar la teoría kripkeana de los nombres dentro de un marco realista que posibilitará, en otro momento ulterior, formular ciertas críticas a esta Teoría Causal de la Referencia y al realismo metafísico a ella asociada
Los problemas de la filosofía kripkeana: la crítica a la autoidentificación de los objetos
El presente artículo pretende criticar las tesis fuertes de la ontología kripkeana, derivadade la semántica que Kripke desarrolló a partir de la lógica modal, por ser poco claras yprecisas y por contener un grave error de fondo: la adopción de las intuiciones ordinariascomo guía de su filosofía. Además, se discute la plausibilidad o no de la adscripción de lastesis kripkeanas al millianismo, lo que permitirá atender a ciertas nociones problemáticasy posibilitará concluir que, tal vez, no es muy recomendable basar un sistema filosóficoen las intuiciones ordinarias
Reflections about the problems of the ergonomic adaptation of screens to older users
Las diferentes tecnologías de pantallas se están aplicando en la actualidad a nuevos dispositivos de diferentes tipos y tamaños, para los cuales no se han planteado soluciones de Ergonomía Visual. Los productos tecnológicos que compramos deben pasar controles de seguridad, confortabilidad y usabilidad en general, pero también visuales cuando se trata de PVD’s. Una guía o protocolo del diseño ergonómico de PVD’s resultará de gran interés, sobre todo para los usuarios de edad avanzada, que podrán basarse en ella para adaptar el entorno visual a sus necesidades, y para fabricantes de dispositivos, con el fin de proporcionar la adaptación a diferentes necesidades.The different technologies of screens are being applied at present to new devices of different types and sizes, for which solutions of Visual Ergonomics have not considered. The technological products that we bought must pass controls of security, comfortableness and usability in general, but also visual for PVD’s. A guide or protocol of the ergonomic design of PVD’ s will be from great interest, mainly for the users of advanced age, who will be able to base on it to adapt the visual environment to their needs and for manufacturers of devices, in order to provide the adjustment to different needs
Research in visual optics of the Vision and Colour Group (University of Alicante)
El Grupo de Visión y color de la Universidad de Alicante se creó en el año 2002 a partir de 3 doctores, cuyas tesis doctorales eran afines al campo de las Ciencias de la Visión. Aunque los campos científicos que abarca el grupo son amplios, desde la Ciencia y Tecnología del Color hasta la Ergonomía Visual, durante los últimos años se han realizado trabajos a nivel docente e investigador directamente relacionados con la Óptica Visual y materias afines (Visión Binocular, etc.). Éste es un breve resumen de estos trabajos.The Colour and Vision Group of the University of Alicante was made in 2002 from three doctors, whose PhD works were related with Vision Sciences. Although the scientific interests the group includes are extent, from Colour Technology and Science to Visual Ergonomics, during last years some academic and scientific works have been done directly related to Visual Optics and some affine topics (Binocular Vision, etc). This article is a short summary of these works
What is the frequency of anatomical variations and pathological findings in maxillary sinuses among patients subjected to maxillofacial cone beam computed tomography? A systematic review
When considering dental implant rehabilitation in atrophic posterior sectors, the maxillary sinuses must be evaluated in detail. Knowledge of the anatomical variations and of the potential lesions found in these structures conditions the outcome of sinus lift procedures and therefore of the dental implants. A systematic review is made to determine the frequency of anatomical variations and pathological findings in maxillary sinuses among patients subjected to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).
A PubMed (MEDLINE) literature search was made of articles published up until 20 December 2015. The systematic review was conducted based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA). The quality of the studies included in the review was assessed using the Methodological Index for Nonrandomized Studies (MINORS).
The combinations of search terms resulted in a list of 3482 titles. Twenty-three studies finally met the inclusion criteria and were entered in the systematic review, comprising a total of 11,971 patients. The most common anatomical variations were pneumatization and sinus septa. The prevalence of maxillary sinus disease ranged from 7.5% to 66%. The most common pathological findings of the maxillary sinus were mucosal thickening, sinusitis and sinus opacification.
Although the main indication of CBCT of the maxillary sinus in dentistry is sinus floor elevation/treatment planning and evaluation prior to dental implant placement, this imaging modality is increasingly also used for endodontic and periodontal purposes. There is no consensus regarding the cutoff point beyond which mucosal thickening of the maxillary sinus should be regarded as pathological, and the definition of maxillary sinusitis moreover varies greatly in the scientific literature. In this regard, international consensus is required in relation to these concepts, with a clear distinction between healthy and diseased maxillary sinuses.Sin financiación1.671 JCR (2017) Q2, 41/91 Dentistry, Oral Surgery and MedicineUE
Role of a Dentist in the Diagnosis of Child Abuse and Neglect: A Literature and Narrative Review
Objective: To determine the level of knowledge, the aptitudes and capacity of dentists in reporting cases of CA; the barriers facing the reporting of cases; and the key clinical characteristics for the detection of CA.
Methodology: A search was made of the PubMed (MEDLINE), ScienceDirect, LILACS and SciELO databases for articles published up until March 2019, involving analytical observational and descriptive studies relevant to the objectives of our study. All articles were independently reviewed by two authors.
Results: Injuries caused by CA are largely located in the orofacial region – the most prevalent being caries, burns and fractures. The most frequently identified risk factor is behavioral alterations on the part of the parents or caregivers. The reviewed studies reflect a discrepancy between suspected and reported cases of CA.
Conclusion: Although dentists are able to detect injuries, there is a great lack of knowledge about how to report cases of CA to the authorities. It is interesting to establish guidelines for the detection and reporting of suspicious cases. Improved training in forensic and legal dentistry is needed, together with the establishment of detection and reporting protocols. The clinical signs detected in the case of CA and neglect include untreated caries, poor oral hygiene, traumatisms, burns, lacerations and biting. The recognition of such signs and correct case history compilation are essential for the detection of CA.Sin financiaciónNo data JCR 20190.393 SJR (2019) Q2, 69/148 Dentistry (miscellaneous)No data IDR 2019UE