516 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Pt.axis Telekom Indonesia Cabang Mega Kuningan, Jakarta)

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    This objective of research is to describe how transformational leadership and work motivation take effect on performance of the employee inside PT. AXIS Telekom Indonesia simultaneously and partially. The author using explanatory research. Total Population on this research is about 126 employees, located on PT. AXIS Telekom Indonesia Jakarta. Sampling in this research using random sampling method, and shrink the population to be 56 respondents. The author using descriptive analysis,multiple liner regression which is parting as test F and test t. Based on result of the calibration, independent variable which is consist of transformational leadership style and work motivation simultaneously or significantly cooperating influence with performance employee which is dependent variable

    Significant elastic anisotropy in Ti1x_{1-x}Alx_xN alloys

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    Strong compositional-dependent elastic properties have been observed theoretically and experimentally in Ti1x_{1-x}Alx_x N alloys. The elastic constant, C11_{11}, changes by more than 50% depending on the Al-content. Increasing the Al-content weakens the average bond strength in the local octahedral arrangements resulting in a more compliant material. On the other hand, it enhances the directional (covalent) nature of the nearest neighbor bonds that results in greater elastic anisotropy and higher sound velocities. The strong dependence of the elastic properties on the Al-content offers new insight into the detailed understanding of the spinodal decomposition and age hardening in Ti1x_{1-x}Alx_xN alloys.Comment: 3 figures, 3 page

    Significant elastic anisotropy in Ti1x_{1-x}Alx_xN alloys

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    Strong compositional-dependent elastic properties have been observed theoretically and experimentally in Ti1x_{1-x}Alx_x N alloys. The elastic constant, C11_{11}, changes by more than 50% depending on the Al-content. Increasing the Al-content weakens the average bond strength in the local octahedral arrangements resulting in a more compliant material. On the other hand, it enhances the directional (covalent) nature of the nearest neighbor bonds that results in greater elastic anisotropy and higher sound velocities. The strong dependence of the elastic properties on the Al-content offers new insight into the detailed understanding of the spinodal decomposition and age hardening in Ti1x_{1-x}Alx_xN alloys.Comment: 3 figures, 3 page

    Implementasi Konsep Lean Manufacturing Guna Mengurangi Pemborosan di Lantai Produksi

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    CV Marga Jaya (Pabrik II) adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan paving/conblock secara masal. CV Marga Jaya (Pabrik II) selalu berusaha mengurangi pemborosan yang terjadi selama proses produksi paving/conblock. Pemborosan yang terjadi antari lain, adanya produksi berlebih, transportasi, waktu menunggu, dan cacat yang berlebih. Lean Manufacaturing merupakan pendekatan yang bertujuan untuk merampingkan proses dengan mengurangi pemborosan yang terjadi selama proses produksi. Pendekatan konsep lean manufacturing dimulai dengan membuat big picture mapping, dilanjutkan dengan waste assessment model (WAM), diagram cause and effects, value stream analysis tools (VALSAT), usulan perbaikan waste yang terjadi, dan pembuatan descrete event simulation (DES). Hasil yang didapat bahwa waktu menunggu yang terjadi diperbaiki dengan menggunakan conveyor, produksi berlebih yang terjadi diperbaiki dengan melakukan perencanaan produksi, dan cacat berlebih yang terjadi diperbaiki dengan menggunakan 5W+1H dengan sebelumnya menggunakan konsep lean six sigma dan didapat nilai sigma sebesar 4,31 sigma. Simulasi proses menunjukkan dengan mengurangi pemborosan, kemampuan produksi naik 15,36% (penjemuran 30 hari) dan 147,20% (penjemuran 7 hari)

    Hydride precipitation and stresses in zircaloy-4 observed by synchrotron X-ray diffraction

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    The grain stresses within hydrides precipitated in rolled zircaloy-4 plates were determined by synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments using an 80 keV photon beam and a high-speed area detector placed in transmission geometry. Results showed large compressive stresses (360 ± 20 MPa) in the hydrides along the plate rolling direction. The origin of these stresses was investigated by performing hydride dissolution/precipitation in situ for thermal cycles between room temperature and 400 C. A large stress hysteresis was observed, with a steady decrease on heating and an abrupt change on cooling. The observed stresses are explained by the constraint imposed by grain boundaries on the growth of hydride platelets on the rolling–transverse plane of the rolled plates.Fil: Santisteban, Javier Roberto. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; Argentina. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Energía Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Vicente Alvarez, Miguel Angel. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Energía Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Vizcaino, Pablo. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Ezeiza; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Banchik, A. D.. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Ezeiza; ArgentinaFil: Almer, J. D.. No especifíca

    Evaluating deformation behavior of a TBC-System during thermal gradient mechanical fatigue by means of high energy X-ray diffraction

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    Applications of TBC-systems involve complex thermal mechanical loading pattern including transient thermal gradients across the coated system, which result in multiaxial stresses and stress gradients affecting the damage behavior. In an ongoing research, starting more than 10 years ago, the authors developed laboratory test facilities for evaluating the damage behavior of TBC-systems for gas turbine blades in aeroengines under realistic thermal mechanical loading conditions [1]. Fatigue tests involving thermal gradients have been conducted and damage behavior in dependence of load pattern and pre heat treatment has been intensively investigated on TBC-systems comprising a partially yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) topcoat and a MCrAlY bond coat both applied by electron physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) onto nickel based super alloys serving as substrate [2]. Numerical analyses by means of FE-calculations did provide hypotheses explaining the observed damage behavior [3], but even though the results are plausible they did depend on reasonable assumptions on materials properties since reliable data on the properties of the thin coating layers are still lacking, especially for high temperatures. High energy X-ray diffraction can provide the requested information since it is possible to achieve information on the local deformation processes in each layer with high spatial resolution, and short acquisition times allow for in situ investigation of time dependent deformation processes. A new test facility based on concepts after [1] for cyclic thermal loading of tubular specimens and applying a controlled thermal gradient across the coated specimen’s wall has been developed for implementation into an electro-mechanical test machine at the advanced photon source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory. A precision positioning rig allows for exact µm-positioning of the entire test machine with respect to the focused X-ray beam, and X-ray diffraction patterns were taken using a 2D detector, giving accurate 360° lattice parameter data [4]. Tests have been performed with varying thermal and mechanical load schemata intending to determine material properties from the respective strain response. The beam energy was 65 keV, and throughout all experiments the beam scanned through the coating layers with a window and step size of 30 µm. Strain data were acquired in plane parallel to the specimen’s length axis and out of plane. Results of the strain data evaluation will be presented and discussed. Exemplary results are: - Elastic properties of the YSZ showed a gradient across the coating thickness reflecting the microstructure gradient of the YSZ resulting from the EB-PVD process. - The YSZ strain was – below the deposition temperature - in plane compressive and out of plane tensile, which is a consequence of (i) the higher thermal expansion coefficient of YSZ with respect to the substrate and (ii) the cylindrical specimen geometry with the YSZ at the outer surface. [1] M. Bartsch, G. Marci, K. Mull, C. Sick, Adv. Eng. Mater. (1999), 1(2), 127–9 [2] M. Bartsch, B. Baufeld, S. Dalkilic, L. Chernova, M. Heinzelmann, Int. J. Fatigue (2008) 30, 211–8 [3] M. T. Hernandez, A. M. Karlsson, M. Bartsch, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2009) 203, 3549–58 [4] S.F. Siddiqui, K. Knipe, A. Manero, C. Meid, J. Wischek, J. Okasinski, J. Almer, A.M. Karlsson, M. Bartsch, S. Raghavan, Review of Scientific Instruments (2013) 84, 08390

    The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions?

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    ChatGPT, a language-learning model chatbot, has garnered considerable attention for its ability to respond to users’ questions. Using data from 14 countries and 186 institutions, we compare ChatGPT and student performance for 28,085 questions from accounting assessments and textbook test banks. As of January 2023, ChatGPT provides correct answers for 56.5 percent of questions and partially correct answers for an additional 9.4 percent of questions. When considering point values for questions, students significantly outperform ChatGPT with a 76.7 percent average on assessments compared to 47.5 percent for ChatGPT if no partial credit is awarded and 56.5 percent if partial credit is awarded. Still, ChatGPT performs better than the student average for 15.8 percent of assessments when we include partial credit. We provide evidence of how ChatGPT performs on different question types, accounting topics, class levels, open/closed assessments, and test bank questions. We also discuss implications for accounting education and research

    The impact of moderate endurance exercise on cardiac telomeres and cardiovascular remodeling in obese rats

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    Introduction: Hypercaloric nutrition and physical inactivity cause obesity, a potential driver of myocardial apoptosis and senescence that may accelerate cardiac aging. Although physical activity reduces mortality, its impact on myocardial aging is insufficiently understood. Here we investigated the effects of a hypercaloric high-fat diet (HFD) and regular exercise training on cardiac cells telomeres and histomorphometric indices of cardiac aging. Methods: Ninety-six 4-months old female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed for 10 months normal (ND) or a HFD diet. Half of the animals in each group performed 30 min treadmill-running sessions on 5 consecutive days per week. At study end, cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area (CSA), interstitial collagen content, vascular density, apoptotic and senescent cells, relative telomere length (RTL), and expression of telomerase-reverse transcriptase (Tert) as marker of telomere-related senescence and apoptosis were analyzed. Results: Compared to ND, the HFD group developed obesity, higher CSA, lower capillary density and tended to have more apoptotic cardiomyocytes and interstitials cells. Myocardial RTL and the expression of Terf-1 and Terf-2 were comparable in sedentary HFD and ND animals. In the HFD group, regular moderate endurance exercise improved myocardial vascularization, but had no effect on CSA or apoptosis. Notably, the combination of exercise and HFD increased senescence when compared to sedentary ND or HFD, and reduced RTL when compared to exercise ND animals. Exercising HFD animals also showed a trend toward higher Tert expression compared to all other groups. In addition, exercise reduced Terf-1 expression regardless of diet. Conclusion: HFD-induced obesity showed no effects on myocardial telomeres and induced only mild morphologic alterations. Summarized, long-term moderate endurance exercise partially reverses HFD-induced effects but may even trigger cardiac remodeling in the context of obesity