747 research outputs found

    Projeto de Intervenção Pedagógica no Colégio São Francisco Xavier

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    This article proposes a line of research with parameters of descriptive analysis of experimental reports at São Francisco Xavier Jesuit Education Network school, with reference to books and articles. Contextualizing a chain of experiences and documented evidences within the learning field, which disseminate a guiding path, through exercises of social principles. The existing problematization of this study, addresses non-existent fragments of solid and grounded proposal. Implementing methods of pedagogical interventions, for the formation of citizenship education, exercising social values at São Francisco Xavier Jesuit Education Network school. General objective to characterize the elaboration of a pedagogical project for the construction of good social principles in elementary and high schools at São Francisco Xavier High School, Jesuit Network of Education. Having in view some specific objectives to diagnose a project of São Francisco Xavier High School, Jesuit Network of Education, launches a project "paths to global citizenship", through a passport of virtues and social values. Identifying good behavioral attitudes, contemplating fair actions. Highlighting the need to use the passport to collect information, through the registration stamp consequently documenting the social virtues, committed during the process of good actions, also having a control form regarding the attitudes exposed by the elementary and high school students. The project took place during recess, with its due times stipulated by the pedagogical coordination, at São Francisco Xavier High School, Jesuit Education Network. Well, indicating a proposal of pedagogical intervention of citizenship, has the purpose of decreasing some taboos existing in society, nurtured by hatred, inequality and a plastered discrimination.Este artigo apresenta um projeto de intervenção pedagógica, baseado em um contexto experimental, de recortes bibliográficos de livros e artigos acentuados, tendo um parâmetro de referências teóricas em uma linha de normas  educacionais. Sendo assim, dando ênfase em uma problemática, pouco explorada, no campo de estudo, tendo uma defasagem contínua na resolução de propostas pedagógicas. Portanto, é necessária uma abordagem de formação pedagógica de intervenção de princípios sociais. Objetivo geral é elaborar um projeto pedagógico, para construção de bons princípios sociais no ensino fundamental e médio no colégio São Francisco Xavier, rede jesuíta de Educação. Tendo como objetivo específico diagnosticar um projeto titulado como " caminhos para a cidadania global", sendo que o  instrumento de pesquisa de estudo, é por meio de um passaporte, sendo que o mesmo é realizado os registros de virtudes e valores sociais pelos próprios discentes. Identificando as atitudes de boa índole comportamental, contemplando ações justas. As características das etapas de pesquisa é utilizado o passaporte para coleta das informações, através do carimbo e registros documentando as virtudes sociais cometidas durante o processo de boas ações, tendo também  um formulário de controle com relação às atitudes expostas pelos alunos do ensino fundamental e médio. Bom a sistematização dos aspectos do projeto deve os seguimento das seguintes pautas da pesquisa onde se refere ao desenvolvimento do projeto, a estrutura do estudo tem a base do marco teórico, qualitativo/quantitativo (misto), enfatizando também os conceitos-chaves, enfoques teóricos, proposta metodológica, conceito da cidadania global, dimensão curricular, etapas da pesquisa, justificação da viabilidade e resultados previstos. Concluímos que o desenvolvimento do projeto foi significativo durante e após o processo do projeto, tendo mudanças comportamentais dos alunos

    Inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais: desafios e perspectivas.

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    This article aims to present the challenges of inclusion for students with special needs. The study was consolidated through bibliographic, investigative reviews based on the testimonies of Teachers who reported difficulties for not being prepared to deal with these students, resulting in numerous complaints from parents, regarding the negligence of teachers and employees in relation to children with disabilities. It was found that the coordination, even claiming to have material available, however, did not present adequate preparation for its professionals due to the lack of support from the Department of Education. As final considerations, they add that the implementation and operationalization of school inclusion programs are still recent, presenting mechanisms that offer opportunities for students to attend pedagogical, recreational, sporting and cultural activities in regular teaching schools, always with the help of a caregiver. The validity of Special Education is justified by the certainty of the importance of education for everyone.Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os desafios da inclusão para os educandos com necessidades especiais. O estudo consolidou-se por meio de revisões bibliográficas, investigativas a partir de depoimentos de Professores que relataram dificuldades por não estarem preparados para lidar com estes alunos, acarretando com isso inúmeras reclamações de pais, no que diz respeito ao descaso dos professores e funcionários em relação as crianças com deficiências. Verificou-se que a coordenação, mesmo afirmando ter material disponível, no entanto, não apresentava preparo adequado para os seus profissionais devido à ausência de suporte da Secretaria de Educação. Como considerações finais, acrescentam que a implantação e a operacionalização dos programas de inclusão escolar ainda são recentes, apresentando mecanismos que oferecem oportunidades para que os alunos possam frequentar atividades de acompanhamento pedagógico, recreativas, esportivas e culturais nas escolas regulares de ensino sempre com o auxílio de um cuidador. A validade da Educação Especial se justifica na certeza da importância de uma educação para todos

    Concentração do crédito rural no Estado da Bahia no período de 1999 a 2003

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    O crédito rural é uma das principais políticas de fomento à agricultura, porém os recursos têm sido distribuídos de forma desigual, privilegiando o Sul e o Sudeste brasileiros. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi mensurar a concentração do crédito agrícola na Bahia, dividido em suas mesorregiões, no período de 1999 a 2003. Para tanto, utilizou-se a metodologia do índice T de Theil e da análise tabular dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram concentração do crédito entre as mesorregiões baianas. Apesar de se verificar concentração do crédito pela análise tabular, esta não foi fortemente caracterizada pelo índice T de Theil, que mensurou a distribuição do crédito em relação ao valor da produção. A despeito da elevação do índice no período analisado, verificou-se que esta ainda é baixa em comparação ao seu valor máximo.------------------------------The rural credit is one of the most important agricultural policy finance, however the resources have been distributed in an inequality way, benefiting the brazilian south and southeast regions. This article aims to mensurate the rural credit concentration in the Bahia state, it was divided in its 7 (seven) “mesorregiões”, in the period from 1999 to 2003. Tabular analysis, estimation of Theil T index were used as the basic analytical techniques for the study. The main results of the research show concentration among the “mesorregiões” by tabular analysis, but analyzing by Theil index, this concentration was not perceived. They differ because the Theil index consider the relationship between the credit distribution and agricultural production value. Despite of the elevation in the Theil index in the full period, note that the concentration is lower faced with his higher value.crédito rural, concentração, distribuição, índice T de Theil, Bahia, rural credit, concentration, distribution, Theil index, Agricultural Finance,

    Investment funds and underpricing of shares

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess whether greater participation of venture capital/private equity (VC/PE) funds in the companies’ capital structure at the moment of initial public offering (IPO) contributes to the reduction in the underpricing of their shares. Design/methodology/approach – Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, mean difference test and cross-sectional regression were used. The final sample consisted of 89 companies making IPO in Brasil Bolsa Balcão between 2007 and 2017. Findings – The participation of VC/PE funds was shown to mitigate the effect of information asymmetry on managers and shareholders, thus reducing the underpricing of companies at the moment of IPO (H1). However, the expectation that a greater participation of these funds promotes further reduction in a potential underpricing (H2) was not confirmed. Research limitations/implications – One can highlight the small amount of IPOs during the sampling period due to the occurrence of international and national economic crises, as well as the difficulty in obtaining information on the participation of VC/PE funds in the companies’ capital structure. Practical implications – It was observed that information asymmetry had a mitigating effect from the presence of these funds in the companies, which can improve the pricing of their shares, decrease the costs and make volume captions viable for investments, in addition to giving credibility to the market information effectiveness. Originality/value – This study differs from others in that it assesses not only the influence of VC/PE funds on the reduction of the underpricing of IPO shares, but also the participation of these funds in the capital of these companies

    Educação Física escolar e multimídias: novos contextos de implementação da BNCC

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    This article presents a theoretical discussion, from bibliographical of excerpts, which addresses the problematization of Physical Education (PE) content, along with the Common National Curriculum Base, in the virtual learning environment using technological resources on the platform digital, while emphasizing the scenario of social confinement. The objective is to present cutout methods, as a reference for a systematized planning for Physical Education classes, based on bibliographic research on the methodological approach of participant observation and the didactic guidelines of the Federal Council of Physical Education. The study of this research covers the possibilities of interaction with teaching tools in the context of multiple learning, cooperation of family members and colleagues in activities, objectives of Physical Education in remote learning in the BNCC proposal, government actions in social confinement in distance learning (EAD), profile of the digital student at BNCC, the importance of the contribution of the didactic sequence in Physical Education and the results and discussions of LDB in physical education. The conclusion that teachings on digital platforms encompass strategic resources, in order to guarantee qualitative teaching, BNCC includede in the scope of basic training a great focus on technology, considering the growing need to train citizens with digital literacy, in the content of Physical Education.Este artigo apresenta uma discussão teórica, de recortes bibliográficas, que aborda a problematização dos conteúdos da Educação Física (EF), junto com a base nacional comum curricular (BNCC), no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) com uso de recursos tecnológicos na plataforma digital, ao mesmo tempo enfatizando o cenário de confinamento social. O objetivo, é apresentar métodos   de recortes, como referência para o um planejamento sistematizado para as aulas de Educação Física, tendo como base as pesquisas recortes bibliográficas da abordagem metodológica da observação participantes e as orientações didáticas do Conselho Federal de Educação Física (CONFEF). O estudo dessa pesquisa abranger as possibilidades de interação com as ferramentas de ensino em âmbito de múltiplas aprendizagens, cooperação dos familiares e dos colegas nas atividades, objetivos da Educação Física no ensino remoto na proposta da BNCC, ações governamentais no confinamento social no ensino a distância (EAD), perfil do aluno digital na (BNCC), a importância da contribuição da sequência didática na Educação Física e os resultados e discussões da (LDB) na Educação Física. A conclusão que os ensinamentos nas plataformas digitais abrangem recursos estratégicos, de forma que garantir um ensino qualitativo, a BNCC incluiu no escopo da formação básica um grande enfoque em tecnologia, considerando a necessidade cada vez maior de formar cidadãos com letramento digital no conteúdo da Educação Física

    Sala de Aula Invertida: Uma metodologia Ativa na Aprendizagem

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    The book addresses, in an engaging way, the active methodology that is currently highlighted due to the pandemic we are experiencing, but also leads us to a reflection and motivation to know, in more detail, and according to the two educators, motivated by a very simple question "What is the best solution for my students" what ideas have been evolving and reaching the current practice of today and disseminated, at the world level, exposing their successes and failures and revealing, also, the experiences gained, leading to the improvement of the method and the proper guidelines for those who want to be part of this universe. Which does not mean that it will be an easy task: teaching never is.O livro aborda, de maneira envolvente, a metodologia ativa que está em destaque, atualmente, devido à pandemia à qual vivenciamos, mas, também nos leva a reflexão e a motivação em conhecer, mais detalhadamente, e na visão dos dois educadores, motivados por uma pergunta muito simples “Qual é a melhor solução para os meus alunos"?, quais as ideias foram evoluindo e chegando a prática atual de hoje e disseminado, a nível de mundo, expondo seus sucessos e fracassos e revelando, também, as experiências adquiridas, levando ao aperfeiçoamento do método e as devidas orientações para aqueles que realmente querem fazer parte desse universo. O que não significa que será tarefa fácil, ensinar nunca é

    Permanent education in everyday of family health teams: utopia, intention or reality?

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    Objective: To discuss the meanings of Permanent Education in Health in the work of the Family Health teams in Senhor do Bonfim/BA, and its articulation theory vs. practice. Method: Qualitative research of critical reflective approach, semi-structured interviews, and systematic observations of the work of 11 workers of Primary Care and 5 managers of the local municipality’s Department of Health were held. To analyze the data, we used the content analysis technique. Results: The results show a conflict between the theory and practice of Permanent Education, in which converge concepts and practices that are close to the continuing education and health education. Conclusion: The surveyed primary care staff were confused or unaware of the concept and of the development of the practice of Continuing Education

    Clinical and epidemiological profiles of non-traumatic myelopathies

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    Non-traumatic myelopathies represent a heterogeneous group of neurological conditions. Few studies report clinical and epidemiological profiles regarding the experience of referral services. Objective: To describe clinical characteristics of a non-traumatic myelopathy cohort. Method: Epidemiological, clinical, and radiological variables from 166 charts of patients assisted between 2001 and 2012 were compiled. Results: The most prevalent diagnosis was subacute combined degeneration (11.4%), followed by cervical spondylotic myelopathy (9.6%), demyelinating disease (9%), tropical spastic paraparesis (8.4%) and hereditary spastic paraparesis (8.4%). Up to 20% of the patients presented non-traumatic myelopathy of undetermined etiology, despite the broad clinical, neuroimaging and laboratorial investigations. Conclusion: Regardless an extensive evaluation, many patients with non-traumatic myelopathy of uncertain etiology. Compressive causes and nutritional deficiencies are important etiologies of non-traumatic myelopathies in our population.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Neurol & Neurocirurgia, Div Geral Neurol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Neurol & Neurocirurgia, Div Geral Neurol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Concentrações séricas de aspartato aminotransferase e creatinoquinase e concentrações plasmáticas de lactato em equinos da raça Mangalarga Marchador após exercício físico

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    The aim of this study was evaluate the influence of physical exercise (marcha gait) on serum values of CK and AST and plasmatic values of lactate in Mangalarga Marchador horses trained in Espirito Santo, Brazil. Serum and plasma samples were obtained from 15 horses in four different moments: rest (T0), 5 minutes (T1), 30 minutes (T2) and 2 hours (T3) after the exercise. Lactate analysis revealed values of 1.02 ± 0.41 mmol/L, 2.73 ± 2.43 mmol/L, 1.89 ± 1.24 mmol/L and 1.31 ± 0.60 mmol/L, respectively at T0, T1, T2 and T3. When evaluating AST, the results recorded in T0, T1, T2 and T3 were, respectively, 189.3 ± 56.0 UI/L, 223.9 ± 53.5 UI/L, 186.8 ± 25.8 UI/L and 193.9 ± 44.7 UI/L. Finally, the CK at moments T0, T1, T2 and T3 were, respectively, 113.4 ± 56.3 UI/l, 144.1 ± 70.9 UI/L, 143.0 ± 81.0 UI/L and 173.1 ± 128.0 UI/L. The results showed that marcha gait leaded to significantly increased in plasma lactate and did not alter serum AST and CK, suggesting that the equines used were conditioned to the physical exercised imposed.O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência do exercício físico (provas de marcha) sobre os valores séricos de AST e CK e valores plasmáticos de lactato em equinos da raça Mangalarga Marchador criados no estado do Espírito Santo. Amostras de soro e plasma foram obtidas de 15 equinos em quarto diferentes momentos: repouso (T0) e com 5 minutos (T1), 30 minutos (T2) e 2 horas (T3) após o término do exercício. Foram registrados valores de lactato plasmático de 1,02 ± 0,41 mmol/L, 2,73 ± 2,43 mmol/L, 1,89 ± 1,24 mmol/L e 1,31 ± 0,60 mmol/L, respectivamente nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3. Na análise de AST, os resultados registrados nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3 foram, respectivamente, de 189,3 ± 56,0 UI/L, 223,9 ± 53,5 UI/L, 186,8 ± 25,8 UI/L e 193,9 ± 44,7 UI/L. Finalmente, os valores séricos de CK foram de 113,4 ± 56,3 UI/l, 144.1 ± 70,9 UI/L, 143,0 ± 81,0 UI/L e 173,1 ± 128,0 UI/L, respectivamente nos momentos T0, T1, T2 and T3. A análise dos resultados demonstrou que a marcha influenciou de forma significativa o lactato plasmático, porém não influenciou a atividade sérica de AST e CK, sugerindo que os equinos usados encontravam-se condicionados ao exercício físico imposto

    Vitamin A: the functionality of supplementation for children of all ages

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    Objective:to analyze scientific production in the search for the best scientific evidence for vitamin A supplementation in children at different growth and development stages. Methodology: This is a systematic literature review that followed the protocol proposed by the Cochrane Center of Brazil. Data collection was performed in Pubmed, Scopus, Cinahl, Web of Science, and Cochrane databases, using the English descriptors, selected Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Thus, from the 10 selected studies, according to the criteria, their methodological characteristics were analyzed through globally validated instruments and the degree of scientific evidence was identified. Results: As regards the analysis of the results it was evidenced that vitamin A supplementation should be as follows: first analyze the social characteristics of the population, thus defining the nutritional profile; and supplementation should be above the stimulated age, recommending the dosage of vitamin A in growth and development appointments. Conclusion: Studies show the benefit of using vitamin A in populations said to be vulnerable. However, studies show that this practice must be analyzed according to the social vulnerability of each country and region