397 research outputs found

    Isolation of Clostridium perfringens from swine carcasses and feces

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    Bacterial hazards are the major concern in the production of food of animal origin. Clostridium perfringens is a common cause of food-borne illness. The illness is characterized by profuse diarrhea and acute abdominal pain. At this study 30 carcass swabs from dorsal area and 30 fecal samples from a swine abattoir were analyzed over C. perfringens presence

    Taxonomic revision of Mcvaughia W.R.Anderson (Malpighiaceae): notes on vegetative and reproductive anatomy and the description of a new species

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    A taxonomic revision of Mcvaughia is presented, including the description of a new species from the state of Piauí, Brazil, and notes on wood, secondary phloem, leaf, and floral morpho-anatomy. We present a key to the species, full morphological descriptions, a distribution map, and notes on distribution, ecology, etymology, and conservation status for each species

    Brazilian community restaurants’ low-income food handlers : association between the nutritional status and the presence of non-communicable chronic diseases

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    This cross-sectional study aimed primarily to determine the association between the nutritional status and the presence of non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) among community restaurants’ food handlers, since their access to food can influence their body mass index (BMI). The study discusses the socio-demographic status of participants, dietary intake, the prevalence of overweightness/obesity, and self-reported diagnosed NCDs. In 36 Community Restaurants (CRs) from all of the Brazilian regions, we collected data from 559 food handlers. We used a questionnaire to collect socio-demographic data and the reported diagnosed chronic diseases. For the anthropometric evaluation with Body Mass Index calculation, we measured the weight and the height of the individuals. They were all weighed before having lunch at the CR, without shoes and coats. Associations between variables were analyzed by the chi-square test and Poisson regression at a significance level of 5%, considering health as the outcome variable. Most of the food handlers were female (63.1%), married or with a partner (51.7%), and overweight (59.9%). Among the food handlers that presented diagnosed NCDs (n = 96, 17.2% of food handlers), 45.8% (n = 44) presented hypertension and 12.5% (n = 12) type 2 diabetes mellitus. There was a significant association between BMI and NCD status in the studied population. The total daily sodium intake of food handlers was higher than the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), especially from the CR lunch, which may raise the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension (the most prevalent non-communicable disease found in our study). Despite that, in general, the CRs provide access to cheap and adequate meals to their workers, considering energy intake and the proportion of macronutrients. In this population, overweightness and obesity were prevalent; there was an association of obesity with chronic disease in the study population. Therefore, it is necessary for better menu planning for CRs to guarantee sodium reduction throughout time

    Dentoalveolar comparative study between removable and fixed cribs, associated to chincup, in anterior open bite treatment

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this prospective study was to compare the dentoalveolar effects produced by two types of palatal crib, removable (Rpc+C) and fixed (Fpc+C), combined with chincup in growing patients with anterior open bite. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Each group comprised 30 patients, in the mixed dentition phase, with similar cephalometric characteristics and skeletal ages. Group 1 (Rpc+C) presented initial mean age of 8.3 years and mean anterior open bite of 4.0 mm. Group 2 (Fpc+C) presented initial mean age of 8.54 years and mean anterior open bite of 4.3 mm. The evaluation period comprised 12 months between initial (T1) and second lateral radiograph (T2). The T2-T1 changes were compared cephalometrically in the 2 groups using the non-paired t-test. RESULTS: Vertical changes in the posterior dentoalveolar region were similar between the groups (about 1 mm) and no significant differences were found in molar mesialization. The Fpc+C group had in average 1.6 mm more improvement of the overbite as a result of greater maxillary incisor extrusion (1.3 mm). Patients in this group also presented less lingual tipping of maxillary incisors and more mandibular incisors uprighting. CONCLUSIONS: The Fpc+C combination was more efficient in the correction of the negative overbite mainly due to greater extrusion of the maxillary incisors. However, the Rpc+C appliance promoted better upper and lower incisor inclination, resulting in a more adequate overjet

    Pyrosequencing-based analysis reveals a novel capsular gene cluster in a KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolate identified in Brazil

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    Background: An important virulence factor of Klebsiella pneumoniae is the production of capsular polysaccharide (CPS), a thick mucus layer that allows for evasion of the host's defense and creates a barrier against antibacterial peptides. CPS production is driven mostly by the expression of genes located in a locus called cps, and the resulting structure is used to distinguish between different serotypes (K types). in this study, we report the unique genetic organization of the cps cluster from K. pneumoniae Kp13, a clinical isolate recovered during a large outbreak of nosocomial infections that occurred in a Brazilian teaching hospital.Results: A pyrosequencing-based approach showed that the cps region of Kp13 (cps(Kp13)) is 26.4 kbp in length and contains genes common, although not universal, to other strains, such as the rm/BADC operon that codes for L-rhamnose synthesis. cpsKp13 also presents some unique features, like the inversion of the wzy gene and a unique repertoire of glycosyltransferases. in silico comparison of cps(Kp13) RFLP pattern with 102 previously published cps PCR-RFLP patterns showed that cpsKp13 is distinct from the C patterns of all other K serotypes. Furthermore, in vitro serotyping showed only a weak reaction with capsular types K9 and K34. We confirm that K9 cps shares common genes with cps(Kp13) such as the rm/BADC operon, but lacks features like uge and Kp13-specific glycosyltransferases, while K34 capsules contain three of the five sugars that potentially form the Kp13 CPS.Conclusions: We report the first description of a cps cluster from a Brazilian clinical isolate of a KPC-producing K. pneumoniae. the gathered data including K-serotyping support that Kp13's K-antigen belongs to a novel capsular serotype. the CPS of Kp13 probably includes L-rhamnose and D-galacturonate in its structure, among other residues. Because genes involved in L-rhamnose biosynthesis are absent in humans, this pathway may represent potential targets for the development of antimicrobial agents. Studying the capsular serotypes of clinical isolates is of great importance for further development of vaccines and/or novel therapeutic agents. the distribution of K-types among multidrug-resistant isolates is unknown, but our findings may encourage scientists to perform K-antigen typing of KPC-producing strains worldwide.LNCC, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Microbiol Paulo de Goes, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniv Estadual Londrina, Dept Patol Clin Anal Clin & Toxicol, Londrina, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab ALERTA, Div Doencas Infecciosas, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab ALERTA, Div Doencas Infecciosas, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Effects of re-stripping on the seminal characteristics of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) during the breeding season

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    Seminal characteristics in teleost fish with an annual reproductive period, such as pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), may vary during the breeding season. The sperm formed before the beginning of the spawning period may be stored for a long time, causing damage to the cells. Therefore, re-stripping may be an important way to eliminate the "old" and allow for the collection of "new" spermatozoids. In this study, we analyzed the seminal characteristics of hormonally induced pacu at the beginning, middle and end of the breeding season, and we analyzed samples from re-stripped males (stripped first at the beginning, re-stripped in the middle, and re-stripped again at the end of the season) during two breeding seasons. The sperm density, ionic composition, pH, and osmolality were similar among the groups. The semen volume, seminal plasma protein concentration and incidence of morphologically anomalous sperm increased over time. In addition, some parameters that are associated with good-quality semen decreased, such as sperm motility, viability and DNA integrity. Moreover, we observed a positive association among motility, viability and DNA integrity for sperm with elevated 11-ketotestosterone, but there was no such association for fshb or lhb mRNA levels in the pituitary. The semen that was obtained earlier (at the beginning) or from re-stripped males exhibited better characteristics than the other samples collected. In conclusion, collecting semen from pacu at the end of breeding season should be avoided; it is preferable to strip early and then re-strip later in the season, and this approach may be used for diverse aquaculture purposes

    Circulating miRNAs as Potential Biomarkers for Celiac Disease Development

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Celiac disease (CeD), an immune-mediated disease with enteropathy triggered by gluten, affects ~1% of the general European population. Currently, there are no biomarkers to predict CeD development. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short RNAs involved in post-transcriptional gene regulation, and certain disease- and stage-specific miRNA profiles have been found previously. We aimed to investigate whether circulating miRNAs can predict the development of CeD. METHODS: Using next-generation miRNA-sequencing, we determined miRNAs in >200 serum samples from 53 participants of the PreventCD study, of whom 33 developed CeD during follow-up. Following study inclusion at 3 months of age, samples were drawn at predefined ages, diagnosis (first anti-transglutaminase antibody (TGA) positivity or diagnostic biopsy) and after the start of a gluten-free diet (GFD). This allowed identification of circulating miRNAs that are deregulated before TGA positivity. For validation of the biomarkers for CeD and GFD response, two additional cohorts were included in subsequent meta-analyses. Additionally, miRNAs were measured in duodenal biopsies in a case-control cohort. RESULTS: 53 circulating miRNAs were increased (27) or decreased (26) in CeD versus controls. We assessed specific trends in these individual miRNAs in the PreventCD cohort by grouping the pre-diagnostic samples of the CeD patients (all had negative TGA) by how close to seroconversion (first sample positive TGA) the samples were taken. 8/53 miRNAs differed significantly between controls and samples taken <1 year before TGA positivity: miR-21-3p, miR-374a-5p, 144-3p, miR-500a-3p, miR-486-3p let-7d-3p, let-7e-5p and miR-3605-3p. 6/26 downregulated miRNAs reconstituted upon GFD, including miR-150-5p/-3p, whereas no upregulated miRNAs were downregulated upon GFD. 15/53 biomarker candidates also differed between CeD biopsies and controls, with a concordant direction, indicating that these circulating miRNAs might originate from the intestine. CONCLUSIONS: We identified 53 circulating miRNAs that are potential early biomarkers for CeD, of which several can be detected more than a year before TGA positivity and some start to normalize upon GFD

    Investigating avian influenza infection hotspots in old-world shorebirds

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    Heterogeneity in the transmission rates of pathogens across hosts or environments may produce disease hotspots, which are defined as specific sites, times or species associations in which the infection rate is consistently elevated. Hotspots for avian influenza virus (AIV) in wild birds are largely unstudied and poorly understood. A striking feature is the existence of a unique but consistent AIV hotspot in shorebirds (Charadriiformes) associated with a single species at a specific location and time (ruddy turnstone Arenaria interpres at Delaware Bay, USA, in May). This unique case, though a valuable reference, limits our capacity to explore and understand the general properties of AIV hotspots in shorebirds. Unfortunately, relatively few shorebirds have been sampled outside Delaware Bay and they belong to only a few shorebird families; there also has been a lack of consistent oropharyngeal sampling as a complement to cloacal sampling. In this study we looked for AIV hotspots associated with other shorebird species and/or with some of the larger congregation sites of shorebirds in the old world. We assembled and analysed a regionally extensive dataset of AIV prevalence from 69 shorebird species sampled in 25 countries across Africa and Western Eurasia. Despite this diverse and extensive coverage we did not detect any new shorebird AIV hotspots. Neither large shorebird congregation sites nor the ruddy turnstone were consistently associated with AIV hotspots. We did, however, find a low but widespread circulation of AIV in shorebirds that contrast with the absence of AIV previously reported in shorebirds in Europe. A very high AIV antibody prevalence coupled to a low infection rate was found in both first-year and adult birds of two migratory sandpiper species, suggesting the potential existence of an AIV hotspot along their migratory flyway that is yet to be discovered

    Integrative overview of the herpetofauna from serra da mocidade, a granitic mountain range in northern Brazil

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    The Brazilian mountain ranges from the Guiana Shield highlands are largely unexplored, with an understudied herpetofauna. Here the amphibian and reptile species diversity of the remote Serra da Mocidade mountain range, located in extreme northern Brazil, is reported upon, and biogeographical affinities and taxonomic highlights are discussed. A 22-days expedition to this mountain range was undertaken during which specimens were sampled at four distinct altitudinal levels (600, 960, 1,060 and 1,365 m above sea level) using six complementary methods. Specimens were identified through an integrated approach that considered morphological, bioacoustical, and molecular analyses. Fifty-one species (23 amphibians and 28 reptiles) were found, a comparable richness to other mountain ranges in the region. The recorded assemblage showed a mixed compositional influence from assemblages typical of other mountain ranges and lowland forest habitats in the region. Most of the taxa occupying the Serra da Mocidade mountain range are typical of the Guiana Shield or widely distributed in the Amazon. Extensions of known distribution ranges and candidate undescribed taxa are also recorded. This is the first herpetofaunal expedition that accessed the higher altitudinal levels of this mountain range, contributing to the basic knowledge of these groups in remote areas. © Leandro J.C.L. Moraes et al
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