197 research outputs found

    Development of paper transistor with memory effect

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    This work will discuss the use of different paper membranes as both the substrate and dielectric for field-effect memory transistors. Three different nanofibrillated cellulose membranes (NFC) were used as the dielectric layer of the memory transistors (NFC), one with no additives, one with an added polymer PAE and one with added HCl. Gallium indium zinc oxide (GIZO) was used as the device’s semiconductor and gallium aluminium zinc oxide (GAZO) was used as the gate electrode. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to access the water content of the paper membranes before and after vacuum. It was found that the devices recovered their water too quickly for a difference to be noticeable in FTIR. The transistor’s electrical performance tests yielded a maximum ION/IOFF ratio of around 3,52x105 and a maximum subthreshold swing of 0,804 V/decade. The retention time of the dielectric charge that grants the transistor its memory capabilities was accessed by the measurement of the drain current periodically during 144 days. During this period the mean drain current did not lower, leaving the retention time of the device indeterminate. These results were compared with similar devices revealing these devices to be at the top tier of the state-of-the-art

    Viabilidade e Implementação de um Título de Impacto Social como meio de redução da população sem-abrigo

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    O presente trabalho visa efetuar um estudo de viabilidade do modelo financeiro Títiulos de Impacto Social aplicado à metodologia Housing First, como meio de diminuir a prevalência da população sem-abrigo com problemas de saúde mental na cidade de Lisboa. A metodologia HF é uma abordagem inovadora e disruptiva face aos tradicionais programas de reinserção e reabilitação de pessoas sem-abrigo, com resultados comprovados a nível internacional, em países como os Estados Unidos da América e Canadá. Para financiar esta metodologia foi aplicado o modelo financeiro TIS, que se apresenta como uma alternativa sustentável à tradicional abordagem financeira da dependência de fundos comunitários e filantropia. Os principais intervenientes considerados foram o Setor Público, um Investidor Social e um Prestador de Serviços, sendo considerado como principal beneficiário a população-alvo da intervenção. Foi demonstrada a viabilidade do modelo para a metodologia HF atingindo uma poupança significativa para o Setor Público e reembolso e retorno financeiro para os investidores. O modelo demonstra ser vantajoso para todas as partes interessadas com resultados bastante positivos, quer a nível social, quer a nível financeiro. Como trabalho futuro o modelo financeiro analisado pode ser replicado para outras zonas do país e ao mesmo tempo extendido como meio de financiamento de outras intervenções inovadoras que abordem diferentes problemáticas sociais

    A carga e o esforço fiscal na União Europeia

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    Mestrado em Ciências EmpresariaisA carga fiscal na União Europeia varia muito consoante o Estado-membro, refletindo as suas políticas económicas e fiscais e a competitividade externa da economia, porém nada nos diz sobre o "peso" dos impostos, por não ter em consideração o nível de vida dos cidadãos e as condições económicas do país. Os índices de esforço fiscal de Frank e de Bird surgem como ferramentas de comparação internacionais, que tentam medir o "sacrifício" relativo dos cidadãos ao ceder recursos ao estado. Este trabalho tem como objetivos analisar a evolução da carga e esforço fiscal na União Europeia no período 1998-2016 e identificar determinantes do esforço fiscal. Os resultados indicam que a carga fiscal média diminui até 2010 e aumenta a partir de 2010, sendo que nem todos os países seguem esta tendência, e indicam também que o esforço fiscal nos Estados-membro tende a diminuir e parece estar a convergir. Os índices de Frank e de Bird podem gerar resultados distorcidos na avaliação temporal, porém permitem criar um ranking que identifica o "peso" relativo de impostos em cada país. Conclui-se que os determinantes que aumentam o esforço fiscal são: inflação, receita fiscal per capita, participação do setor primário na economia, controlo de corrupção, grau de desigualdade na distribuição de rendimentos, despesa pública e nível de educação. O único determinante que contribui para a redução do esforço fiscal é o desenvolvimento económicoThe tax ratio in the European Union differs greatly according to the Member State, reflecting its economic and fiscal policies and the competitiveness of the economy, but is tells us nothing about the "burden" of taxes because it does not take into account the living standards of citizens and the country's economic welfare. Frank and Bird's tax effort indices arise as international comparison tools to gauge the relative "sacrifice" of citizens to hand resources to the government. This paper aims to analyze the evolution of tax ratio and tax effort in the European Union between 1998 and 2016 and to identify tax effort determinants. The results show that the average tax ratio decreases until 2010 and increases after that, with not all countries following this trend. The tax effort seems to decrease and converge between Member States. Frank and Bird's indices may produce distorted results while evaluating time series, but are able to rank each country according to its relative tax "burden". We conclude that the determinants that increase tax effort are: inflation, per capita tax revenue, primary sector share in the economy, degree of inequality in income distribution, public expenditure and level of education. The only determinant that reduces tax effort is economic development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cooperação policial na União Europeia: EUROPOL e PSP: Áreas e mecanismos para potenciar a cooperação

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    A cooperação internacional é um dos pilares da segurança interna e um dos principais mecanismos utilizados para prevenir e combater fenómenos criminais dinâmicos, complexos, tecnologicamente avançados e transfronteiriços. Este trabalho faz uma sobreposição das formas de criminalidade no mandato da Europol e o regime jurídico português no qual uma multiplicidade de actores concorrem para a segurança interna. Partindo dessa premissa, é apresentada uma visão dos vários Centros da Europol, focando a atenção nas temáticas que encontram espelho nas competências e atribuições da PSP. Ao fazer uma breve análise da pluralidade de produtos e serviços disponibilizados pela Europol às Polícias dos Estados Membros da União Europeia, identificam-se as áreas de maior concorrência e nas quais a PSP pode incidir para, por conseguinte, melhorar a sua capacidade analítica, preventiva e operacional. Na parte final do trabalho são apresentados, de forma sucinta, dez mecanismos de cooperação que procuram servir tão-só como catalisadores para uma reflexão mais alargada sobre as estratégias de cooperação internacional no seio da PSP.International cooperation is one of the pillars of internal security and one of the primary mechanisms used to prevent and combat dynamic, complex, technologically advanced and cross-border criminal phenomena. This work highlights the overlapping forms of crime in Europol's mandate and the Portuguese legal regime in which multiple actors compete for internal security. Based on this premise, an overview of Europol's Centres is presented, focusing particularly on the topics that are mirrored in the powers and duties of the PSP. By making a brief analysis of the plurality of products and services offered by Europol to the police forces of the European Union Member States, the areas of most significant competition are identified and on which PSP can focus to improve its analytical, preventive and operational capacity. In the paper's final part, ten cooperation mechanisms are described, which seek only to serve as catalysts for a broader reflection on international cooperation strategies within the PSP.N/

    Da segurança privada: revistas de prevenção e segurança nos recintos desportivos

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    Nos últimos anos as empresas de segurança privada têm vindo a ganhar espaço num domínio outrora monopolizado pelo Estado: a segurança. O alargamento da sua natureza, das suas atribuições e, consequentemente, das suas competências veio criar uma indefinição relativamente ao papel que a segurança privada tem na segurança pública, de tal modo que os conceitos por vezes se misturam perigosamente. Partindo desta premissa, o presente trabalho aprofunda uma dessas competências, nomeadamente, as revistas de prevenção e segurança efectuadas pelos assistentes de recinto desportivo nos acessos aos recintos desportivos. A atribuição (ou delegação) de poderes públicos de autoridade nas empresas de segurança privada afronta o ius imperii do Estado, especialmente quando se actua no espaço público, pelo que se considera que pode haver uma inconstitucionalidade material, violado que é o princípio da proporcionalidade, lato sensu, no corolário da necessidade e da exigibilidade consagrado no n.º 2 do art. 18.º da Constituição da República Portuguesa.In recent years, private security companies have occupied an otherwise State monopoly: security. The broadening of their nature, their attributions and, subsequently, their competences has created an indefinition in the role of private security in public security, such that the concepts sometimes intertwine dangerously. That said, this dissertation studies one of those attributions: prevention and safety body searches performed by stewards in the access of sport events. The attribution (or delegation) of public authority powers on private security companies challenges the State’s ius imperii, especially where the public space is concerned. We therefore reckon the existence of a material unconstitutionality, in violation of the principle of proportionality, lato sensu, whose necessity and chargeability are defined by the 18th article, n. 2, of the Portuguese Republic Constitution

    Spatial convergence of per capita GDP from Ceara State (Brazil)

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    Regional public policies in the state of Ceará have been implementedin order to decentralize economic activity in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza.What is expected of these policies is a reduction in the concentration of GDP percapita between municipalities with income convergence and clustering of activitieswithin the state. This study aims to identify major changes in the spatial distribution of economic activity in the state of Ceará in the period 1996 to 2003. Weused techniques of spatial econometrics to check the evolution of clusters and toestimate the absolute convergence of GDP per capita over the period analyzed. Theresults indicated the presence of spatial effects and relevant relationship betweenthe municipalities and clustering important in the State. Moreover, it is concludedthat there was absolute convergence of per capita GDP with a consequent reductionof regional disparities in the state during the period.Políticas públicas regionais no Estado do Ceará têm sido implementadascom o objetivo de descentralizar a atividade econômica da Região Metropolitana deFortaleza. O que se espera dessas políticas é uma redução da concentração do PIBper capita entre os municípios com convergência de renda e a formação de clustersde atividades no interior do Estado. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principalidentificar as mudanças ocorridas na distribuição espacial da atividade econômicano Estado do Ceará no período de 1996 a 2003. Para tanto, utilizou-se técnicas deeconometria espacial para verificar a evolução dos clusters e estimar a convergênciaabsoluta do PIB per capita ao longo do período analisado. Os resultados indicarama presença de efeitos espaciais relevantes e relacionamento entre os municípios e aformação de clusters importantes no interior do Estado. Além disso, conclui-se quehouve convergência absoluta do PIB per capita com consequente diminuição dasdisparidades regionais no Estado no período analisado

    Follicular dynamics in Serrana goats

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    Twenty-two Serrana goats were studied through two successive estrous cycles in order to characterize their follicular dynamics during the breeding season. The ovaries of the goats were scanned daily by realtime ultrasonography and all follicles ≥3mm were measured and classified. The data were classified by the number of follicular waves per goat to test the hypothesis that temporal and morphological differences between the last follicular wave of an ovary, irrespective of ovulation, will affect the selection of the next ovulatory wave. The mean interovulatory interval was 20.7±1.0 days (mean±S.D.). Three to five waves per estrous cycle were observed and 61.3% (19/31) of cycles had fourwaves. In estrous cycles with fourwaves, the day of onset of the first, second, third and fourth wave was 1.4±1.0, 6.9±1.4, 11.6±1.8 and 16.8±1.6, respectively. No differences (P > 0.05) were found between the day of onset of the first and second waves for estrous cycles with three, four or five waves. However, the day of onset of the third and fourth waves occurred later when the number of waves per estrous cycle increased (P < 0.001). The duration of the interwave interval (time between the day of onset of two consecutive waves) was longer when the second wave was ovulatory. The length of the growth phase (2.4±0.9 days) and size (5.9±0.7 mm) of the dominant follicle in the second wave were lower (P < 0.01) than for the first wave (3.3±1.2 days and 6.6±0.9 mm, respectively) and the fifth wave (4.1±1.2 days and 7.5±1.0 mm, respectively). Within pairs of ovaries, the onset of the last wave occurred later (P < 0.05) and was less variable in ovulatory ovaries (day 16.8±1.4, n = 20) than in anovulatory ovaries (day 15.1±3.7, n = 20). The length of the growing phase was longer (P < 0.001) in the last waves of ovulatory ovaries (3.1±0.9 days) than in the last waves of anovulatory ovaries (1.7±0.8 days). These results support the hypothesis that the day of onset of the ovulatory wave is related to or, at least, conditioned by the luteolysis and the decrease in plasma progesterone. In summary, the estrous cycle of Serrana goats is characterized by sequential follicular wave growth with a great variability in their onset and duration, with the exception of the ovulatory wave. The temporal and morphological differences observed in the last wave of estrous cycle provide strong evidence for the role of progesterone in their regulation

    Visual stimulus does not alter fluid replacement in women practicing Zumba fitness

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    Hydration is an important component of physical performance. The lack of adequate hydric replacement can lead to severe dehydration and early fatigue. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of using visual stimulation on the hydration status of women Zumba fitness practitioners. Sixteen women practicing Zumba fitness (age = 42.3 ± 12.0 years, weight = 75.6 ± 16.8 Kg, height = 1.62 ± 0.58 m, BMI = 28.3 ± 4.6 Kg/m2, WC = 89.4 ± 10.1 cm, %BF = 38.0 ± 6.0) participated in the study. Hydration status was assessed in three moments: 1) familiarization, 2) usual training (Control) and 3) training with visual stimulus for hydration (VS). Body mass before and after training and fluid intake during training were obtained. Sweating rate (SR), fluid intake rate (FIR), and dehydration percentage (D%) were calculated. Temperature and humidity were recorded during training. Hydration status in the recovery period was assessed using urine specific gravity (USG) and urine color (UC) which were measured on the mornings of the training days and the day after training. Although the workouts were performed under similar temperature and humidity conditions, SR was significantly higher in the VS (p=0.002). There was no difference in D%, FIR, USG, and UC between control and VS (p>0.05). Strong correlation was observed between USG and UC (r = 0.76; p<0.001). It was concluded that the students performed adequate fluid replacement which provided a low degree of dehydration during training sessions and that the use of visual stimulus in only one session was not enough to significantly increase fluid intake during training sessions and in the recovery period

    Estímulo visual não altera reposição de líquidos de mulheres praticantes de Zumba fitness

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    Hydration is an important component of physical performance. The lack of adequate hydric replacement can lead to severe dehydration and early fatigue. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of using visual stimulation on the hydration status of women Zumba fitness practitioners. Sixteen women practicing Zumba fitness (age = 42.3 ± 12.0 years, weight = 75.6 ± 16.8 Kg, height = 1.62 ± 0.58 m, BMI = 28.3 ± 4.6 Kg/m2, WC = 89.4 ± 10.1 cm, %BF = 38.0 ± 6.0) participated in the study. Hydration status was assessed in three moments: 1) familiarization, 2) usual training (Control) and 3) training with visual stimulus for hydration (VS). Body mass before and after training and fluid intake during training were obtained. Sweating rate (SR), fluid intake rate (FIR), and dehydration percentage (D%) were calculated. Temperature and humidity were recorded during training. Hydration status in the recovery period was assessed using urine specific gravity (USG) and urine color (UC) which were measured on the mornings of the training days and the day after training. Although the workouts were performed under similar temperature and humidity conditions, SR was significantly higher in the VS (p=0.002). There was no difference in D%, FIR, USG, and UC between control and VS (p&gt;0.05). Strong correlation was observed between USG and UC (r = 0.76; p&lt;0.001). It was concluded that the students performed adequate fluid replacement which provided a low degree of dehydration during training sessions and that the use of visual stimulus in only one session was not enough to significantly increase fluid intake during training sessions and in the recovery period.A hidratação é um importante componente do desempenho físico. A falta de reposição hídrica adequada pode acarretar desidratação grave e fadiga precoce. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do uso de estímulo visual sobre o estado de hidratação de mulheres praticantes de zumba fitness. Participaram do estudo 16 mulheres praticantes de zumba fitness (idade = 42,3 ± 12,0 anos, peso = 75,6±16,8 Kg, altura = 1,62 ± 0,58 m, IMC = 28,3 ± 4,6 Kg/m2, CC = 89,4 ± 10,1 cm, %GC = 38,0 ± 6,0). O estado de hidratação foi avaliado em três momentos: 1) familiarização, 2) treino habitual (Controle) e 3) treino com estímulo visual para hidratação (EV). Foram obtidos a massa corporal antes e após os treinos e o consumo de líquidos durante o treino. Foram calculadas a taxa de sudorese (TS), taxa de ingestão de líquidos (TIL) e porcentagem de desidratação (D%). A temperatura e umidade foram registradas durante os treinos. O estado de hidratação no período de recuperação foi avaliado por meio da gravidade específica da urina (GEU) e coloração da urina (UC) que foram medidos nas manhãs dos dias de treino e do dia seguinte ao treino. Apesar dos treinos terem sido realizados em condições de temperatura e umidade semelhantes, a TS foi significativamente maior no grupo EV (p=0,002). Não houve diferença na D%, TIL, GEU e UC entre controle e EV (p&gt;0,05). Foi observada forte correlação entre a GEU e UC (r = 0,76; p&lt;0,001). Conclui-se que as alunas realizaram reposição hídrica adequada o que proporcionou baixo grau de desidratação nos treinos e que a utilização de estímulo visual em apenas um treino não foi suficiente para aumentar significativamente a ingestão hídrica durante os treinos e no período de recuperação


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    © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.Organizing pneumonia (OP) is a sub-acute process of pulmonary tissue repair secondary to lung injury, defined histopathologically by intra-alveolar buds of granulation tissue within the lumen of distal pulmonary airspaces. It can be either cryptogenic or secondary (SOP) to different clinical conditions, namely infections. Despite being nonspecific, its diagnosis can be made by the association of clinical and imaging criteria. We report two cases of OP associated to SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, admitted at a Portuguese tertiary hospital unit dedicated to COVID-19. Both patients presented with severe respiratory failure with need of invasive mechanical ventilation. After initial recovery, there was worsening of dyspnea and hypoxemic respiratory failure with increase in inflammatory markers. Chest CT revealed an OP pattern. Other conditions such as superinfection, auto-immune disease and iatrogenic etiology, were excluded and corticotherapy at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day was administered. Chest CT follow up of both our patients showed complete resolution of OP pattern, with mild to moderate residual pulmonary fibrosis without honeycombing. There is no OP to SARS-CoV-2 case series yet published describing the progress of patients after corticotherapy, although the association between systemic corticosteroids and lower all-cause mortality in patients with COVID-19 has been recently established. It is possible that, as has been described with other viruses, OP secondary to SARS-CoV-2 represents an immunological process after initial infection, presenting with elevation of inflammatory markers and cytokines storm in the bloodstream and lung tissue, which may explain the favorable response to corticosteroids.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio