10,408 research outputs found

    Murine Lewis Lung Carcinoma-Derived Endothelium Expresses Markers of Endothelial Activation and Requires Tumor-Specific Extracellular Matrix In Vitro

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    AbstractThe purpose of the study was to identify characteristics specific to tumor-derived endothelium that may be important in tumor biology, or for the development of targeted therapeutics or imaging agents. Normal C57BI/6 murine heart or lung endothelium, or C57BI/6 murine Lewis lung carcinoma tumor-derived endothelium was isolated from excised tissues using specific antibodies. The endothelium was cultured using either native fibronectin, or the oncofetal form of fibronectin. Cell surface adhesion molecule expression was analyzed by flow cytometry, and the cellular distribution of specific molecules was examined using indirect immunofluorescence staining. Oncofetal fibronectin was critical for maintaining the phenotype of tumor-derived endothelium, which demonstrated an elongated morphology in vitro, with few cell-cell contacts. They expressed high levels of CD31, CD102, and vascular endothelial cadherin, and constitutively expressed CD62E, CD54, and CD106, indicating an “activated” phenotype. Moreover, they expressed significantly greater levels of Sca-1 and Flk-1 than normal murine endothelium. Cellular distribution of CD31, ÎČ-catenin, and CD106 in tumor-derived endothelium was not continuous at cell borders, as observed in cultures of murine heart endothelium. In conclusion, Lewis lung carcinoma-derived tumor endothelium exhibits a specific phenotype in vitro, distinct from normal endothelium, and could be used as an in vitro tool for developing targeted agents

    A note on the recent sighting of Zosterops flava Javan White-eye

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    A selection of sites on the north coast of West Java was surveyed for White-eyes Zosterops between March 1984 and December 1985. Javan White-eye Zosterops f1ava was recorded at Pulau Dua, Muara Gembong and Tanjung Sedari. White-eyes were not seen at Pulau Rambut, Muara Angke, or on the coast between Indramayu and Cirebon. z. flava was seen only once in mangrove, preferring relic stands of coastal forest. This favoured habitat is now much reduced and fragmented, and remains under further human pressure, thus z. F1ava should be 1isted as threatened in Java

    Photograph of Beauregard, Davey Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

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    Photograph of Beauregard, Davey Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Residence of J.B. Curran, Died 7 JaN 1921 AGED 70. R.Allport photograph 1907 - Pr/ HBT/3

    Changing the ideological roots of prejudice: Longitudinal effects of ethnic intergroup contact on social dominance orientation

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    Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) has been reported to be strongly related to a multitude of intergroup phenomena, but little is known about situational experiences that may influence SDO. Drawing from research on intergroup contact theory, we argue that positive intergroup contact is able to reduce SDO-levels. The results of an intergroup contact intervention study among high school students (Study 1, N=71) demonstrated that SDO-levels were indeed attenuated after the intervention. Furthermore, this intervention effect on SDO was especially pronounced among students reporting a higher quality of contact. A cross-lagged longitudinal survey among adults (Study 2, N=363) extended these findings by demonstrating that positive intergroup contact is able to decrease SDO over time. Moreover, we did not obtain evidence for the idea that people high in SDO would engage less in intergroup contact. These findings indicate that intergroup contact erodes one of the important socio-ideological bases of generalized prejudice and discrimination

    Making space for experiences

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    Leisure and retail providers need to understand the elements of the visitor experience and the way in which they evaluate their satisfaction. This article suggests a holistic prism model of the interaction between the management and the visitor in a leisure space. This is applied to a netnographic study of visitors to a folk festival to illustrate the interconnectiveness of the different attributes causing dissatisfaction. It found that the physical and operational attributes were evaluated not through a checklist of individual features but as hindrances to the visitor's desire to make best use of the time. Visitors also evaluated the experience in the light of their own values and concerns, passing judgement on the values communicated by the management. At the heart of the experience was the enjoyment of choosing from an abundant offer and discovering something new. The main attraction is often only the pretext for enjoying the company of friends so places to meet before and chill-out afterwards are vital to the experience. The distinctiveness of the setting, the food and drink can become the sensory cues which give the event or location its uniqueness. The challenge to retail and leisure organisations is to design these elements of a memorable experience into their offerings

    Turning to God in the Face of Ostracism: Effects of Social Exclusion on Religiousness

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    The present research proposes that individuals who are socially excluded can turn to religion to cope with the experience. Empirical studies conducted to test this hypothesis consistently found that socially excluded persons reported (a) significantly higher levels of religious affiliation (Studies 1, 2, and 4) and (b) stronger intentions to engage in religious behaviors (Study 2) than comparable, nonexcluded individuals. Direct support for the stress-buffering function of religiousness was also found, with a religious prime reducing the aggression-eliciting effects of consequent social rejection (Study 5). These effects were observed in both Christian and Muslim samples, revealing that turning to religion can be a powerful coping response when dealing with social rejection. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Investigating the veracity of self-reported post-traumatic growth: a profile analysis approach

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    Research into posttraumatic growth—positive psychological change that people report in their relationships, priorities in life, and self-perception after experiences of adversity—has been severely critiqued. We investigated the degree to which community members’ friends and relatives corroborated targets’ self-perceived positive and negative changes as measured by the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-42. We found corroboration only for negative changes when we examined overall (averaged) scores. However, using a profile analysis procedure, we found significant participant–informant agreement on the domains of change that had relatively higher scores in the target’s profile and those that had relatively lower scores. Our results demonstrate that informants were able to observe that targets had changed and were sensitive to the idiosyncratic ways in which these changes had manifested in targets’ behavior

    AC-coupled GaAs microstrip detectors with a new type of integrated bias resistors

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    Full size single-sided GaAs microstrip detectors with integrated coupling capacitors and bias resistors have been fabricated on 3'' substrate wafers. PECVD deposited SiO_2 and SiO_2/Si_3N_4 layers were used to provide coupling capacitaces of 32.5 pF/cm and 61.6 pF/cm, respectively. The resistors are made of sputtered CERMET using simple lift of technique. The sheet resistivity of 78 kOhm/sq. and the thermal coefficient of resistance of less than 4x10^-3 / degree C satisfy the demands of small area biasing resistors, working on a wide temperature range.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, to be published in NIM
