38 research outputs found

    Amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) has orthologs of vertebrate odorant receptors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A common feature of chemosensory systems is the involvement of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in the detection of environmental stimuli. Several lineages of GPCRs are involved in vertebrate olfaction, including trace amine-associated receptors, type 1 and 2 vomeronasal receptors and odorant receptors (ORs). Gene duplication and gene loss in different vertebrate lineages have lead to an enormous amount of variation in OR gene repertoire among species; some fish have fewer than 100 OR genes, while some mammals possess more than 1000. Fascinating features of the vertebrate olfactory system include allelic exclusion, where each olfactory neuron expresses only a single OR gene, and axonal guidance where neurons expressing the same receptor project axons to common glomerulae. By identifying homologous ORs in vertebrate and in non-vertebrate chordates, we hope to expose ancestral features of the chordate olfactory system that will help us to better understand the evolution of the receptors themselves and of the cellular components of the olfactory system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have identified 50 full-length and 11 partial ORs in <it>Branchiostoma floridae</it>. No ORs were identified in <it>Ciona intestinalis</it>. Phylogenetic analysis places the <it>B. floridae </it>OR genes in a monophyletic clade with the vertebrate ORs. The majority of OR genes in amphioxus are intronless and many are also tandemly arrayed in the genome. By exposing conserved amino acid motifs and testing the ability of those motifs to discriminate between ORs and non-OR GPCRs, we identified three OR-specific amino acid motifs common in cephalochordate, fish and mammalian and ORs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Here, we show that amphioxus has orthologs of vertebrate ORs. This conclusion demonstrates that the receptors, and perhaps other components of vertebrate olfaction, evolved at least 550 million years ago. We have also identified highly conserved amino acid motifs that may be important for maintaining receptor conformation or regulating receptor activity. We anticipate that the identification of vertebrate OR orthologs in amphioxus will lead to an improved understanding of OR gene family evolution, OR gene function, and the mechanisms that control cell-specific expression, axonal guidance, signal transduction and signal integration.</p

    Changes in the gene expression profiles of the brains of male European eels (Anguilla anguilla) during sexual maturation

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    Background: The vertebrate brain plays a critical role in the regulation of sexual maturation and reproduction by integrating environmental information with developmental and endocrine status. The European eel Anguilla anguilla is an important species in which to better understand the neuroendocrine factors that control reproduction because it is an endangered species, has a complex life cycle that includes two extreme long distance migrations with both freshwater and seawater stages and because it occupies a key position within the teleost phylogeny. At present, mature eels have never been caught in the wild and little is known about most aspects of reproduction in A. anguilla. The goal of this study was to identify genes that may be involved in sexual maturation in experimentally matured eels. For this, we used microarrays to compare the gene expression profiles of sexually mature to immature males. Results: Using a false discovery rate of 0.05, a total of 1,497 differentially expressed genes were identified. Of this set, 991 were expressed at higher levels in brains (forebrain and midbrain) of mature males while 506 were expressed at lower levels relative to brains of immature males. The set of up-regulated genes includes genes involved in neuroendocrine processes, cell-cell signaling, neurogenesis and development. Interestingly, while genes involved in immune system function were down-regulated in the brains of mature males, changes in the expression levels of several receptors and channels were observed suggesting that some rewiring is occurring in the brain at sexual maturity. Conclusions: This study shows that the brains of eels undergo major changes at the molecular level at sexual maturity that may include re-organization at the cellular level. Here, we have defined a set of genes that help to understand the molecular mechanisms controlling reproduction in eels. Some of these genes have previously described functions while many others have roles that have yet to be characterized in a reproductive context. Since most of the genes examined here have orthologs in other vertebrates, the results of this study will contribute to the body of knowledge concerning reproduction in vertebrates as well as to an improved understanding of eel biology.Peer Reviewe

    The molecular basis of color vision in colorful fish: Four Long Wave-Sensitive (LWS) opsins in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are defined by amino acid substitutions at key functional sites

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Comparisons of functionally important changes at the molecular level in model systems have identified key adaptations driving isolation and speciation. In cichlids, for example, long wavelength-sensitive (LWS) opsins appear to play a role in mate choice and male color variation within and among species. To test the hypothesis that the evolution of elaborate coloration in male guppies (<it>Poecilia reticulata</it>) is also associated with opsin gene diversity, we sequenced long wavelength-sensitive (LWS) opsin genes in six species of the family Poeciliidae.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sequences of four LWS opsin genes were amplified from the guppy genome and from mRNA isolated from adult guppy eyes. Variation in expression was quantified using qPCR. Three of the four genes encode opsins predicted to be most sensitive to different wavelengths of light because they vary at key amino acid positions. This family of LWS opsin genes was produced by a diversity of duplication events. One, an intronless gene, was produced prior to the divergence of families Fundulidae and Poeciliidae. Between-gene PCR and DNA sequencing show that two of the guppy LWS opsins are linked in an inverted orientation. This inverted tandem duplication event occurred near the base of the poeciliid tree in the common ancestor of <it>Poecilia </it>and <it>Xiphophorus</it>. The fourth sequence has been uncovered only in the genus <it>Poecilia</it>. In the guppies surveyed here, this sequence is a hybrid, with the 5' end most similar to one of the tandem duplicates and the 3' end identical to the other.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Enhanced wavelength discrimination, a possible consequence of opsin gene duplication and divergence, might have been an evolutionary prerequisite for color-based sexual selection and have led to the extraordinary coloration now observed in male guppies and in many other poeciliids.</p

    Data from: Deep sequencing of the olfactory epithelium reveals specific chemosensory receptors are expressed at sexual maturity in the European eel Anguilla anguilla

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    Vertebrate genomes encode a diversity of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) that belong to large gene families and are used by olfactory systems to detect chemical cues found in the environment. It is not clear however, if individual receptors from these large gene families have evolved roles that are specific to certain life stages. Here, we used deep sequencing to identify differentially expressed receptor transcripts in the olfactory epithelia (OE) of freshwater, seawater and sexually mature male eels (Anguilla anguilla). This species is particularly intriguing because of its complex life cycle, extreme long distance migrations and early-branching position within the teleost phylogeny. In the A. anguilla OE, we identified full-length transcripts for 13, 112, 6 and 38 trace-amine associated receptors (TAAR), odorant receptors (OR) and type I and type II vomeronasal receptors (V1R and V2R). Most of these receptors were expressed at similar levels at different life stages and that a subset of OR and V2R-like transcripts were more abundant in sexually mature males suggesting that ORs and V2R-like genes are important for reproduction. We also identified a set of GPCR signal transduction genes that were differentially expressed indicating that eels make use of different GPCR signal transduction genes at different life stages. The finding that a diversity of chemosensory receptors are expressed in the olfactory epithelium and that a subset are differentially expressed suggest that most receptors belonging to large chemosensory gene families have functions that are important at multiple life stages while a subset have evolved specific functions at different life stages

    Whole genome sequence of the deep-sea sponge Geodia barretti (Metazoa, Porifera, Demospongiae)

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    Sponges are among the earliest branching extant animals. As such, genetic data from this group are valuable for understanding the evolution of various traits and processes in other animals. However, like many marine organisms, they are notoriously difficult to sequence, and hence, genomic data are scarce. Here, we present the draft genome assembly for the North Atlantic deep-sea high microbial abundance species Geodia barretti Bowerbank 1858, from a single individual collected on the West Coast of Sweden. The nuclear genome assembly has 4,535 scaffolds, an N50 of 48,447 bp and a total length of 144 Mb; the mitochondrial genome is 17,996 bp long. BUSCO completeness was 71.5%. The genome was annotated using a combination of ab initio and evidence-based methods finding 31,884 protein-coding genes

    Sex-limited experimental evolution drives transcriptomic divergence in a hermaphrodite

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    International audienceThe evolution of gonochorism from hermaphroditism is linked with the formation of sex chromosomes, as well as the evolution of sex-biased and sex-specific gene expression to allow both sexes to reach their fitness optimum. There is evidence that sexual selection drives the evolution of male-biased gene expression in particular. However, previous research in this area in animals comes from either theoretical models or comparative studies of already old sex chromosomes. We therefore investigated changes in gene expression under three different selection regimes for the simultaneous hermaphrodite Macrostomum lignano subjected to sex-limited experimental evolution (i.e., selection for fitness via eggs, via sperm, or a control regime allowing both). After 21 and 22 generations of selection for male-specific or female-specific fitness, we characterized changes in whole-organism gene expression. We found that female-selected lines had changed the most in their gene expression. Although annotation for this species is limited, GO-term and KEGG pathway analysis suggests that metabolic changes (e.g., biosynthesis of amino acids and carbon metabolism) are an important adaptive component. As predicted, we found that expression of genes previously identified as testis-biased candidates tended to be downregulated in the female-selected lines. We did not find any significant expression differences for previously identified candidates of other sex-specific organs, but this may simply reflect that few transcripts have been characterized in this way. In conclusion, our experiment suggests that changes in testis-biased gene expression are important in the early evolution of sex chromosomes and gonochorism

    The regulation of methylation on the Z chromosome and the identification of multiple novel Male Hyper-Methylated regions in the chicken

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    DNA methylation is a key regulator of eukaryote genomes, and is of particular relevance in the regulation of gene expression on the sex chromosomes, with a key role in dosage compensation in mammalian XY systems. In the case of birds, dosage compensation is largely absent, with it being restricted to two small Male Hyper-Methylated (MHM) regions on the Z chromosome. To investigate how variation in DNA methylation is regulated on the Z chromosome we utilised a wild x domestic advanced intercross in the chicken, with both hypothalamic methylomes and transcriptomes assayed in 124 individuals. The relatively large numbers of individuals allowed us to identify additional genomic MHM regions on the Z chromosome that were significantly differentially methylated between the sexes. These regions appear to down-regulate local gene expression in males, but not remove it entirely (unlike the lncRNAs identified in the initial MHM regions). These MHM regions were further tested and the most balanced genes appear to show decreased expression in males, whilst methylation appeared to be far more correlated with gene expression in the less balanced, as compared to the most balanced genes. In addition, trans effect hotspots were also identified that were based on the autosomes but affected the Z, and also that were based on the Z chromosome but that affected autosomal DNA methylation regulation. In addition, quantitative trait loci (QTL) that regulate variation in methylation on the Z chromosome, and those loci that regulate methylation on the autosomes that derive from the Z chromosome were mapped. Trans-effect hotspots were also identified that were based on the autosomes but affected the Z, and also one that was based on the Z chromosome but that affected both autosomal and sex chromosome DNA methylation regulation. We show that both cis and trans loci that originate from the Z chromosome never exhibit an interaction with sex, whereas trans loci originating from the autosomes but affecting the Z chromosome always display such an interaction. Our resultshighlight how additional MHM regions are actually present on the Z chromosome, and theyappear to have smaller-scale effects on gene expression in males. Quantitative variation in methylation is also regulated both from the autosomes to the Z chromosome, and from the Zchromosome to the autosomes


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    These are the expression data for the olfactory epithelium of freshwater (FW), seawater (SW) and sexually mature (SM) male A. anguilla. The expression values are condition means and the protein descriptions for the transcriptome assembly contigs are based on a BLAST search of RefSeq proteins. For further details, please see the associated publicatio