723 research outputs found

    Obras en movimiento. El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Vicente Aguilera Cerni de Vilafamés y las exposiciones temporales

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    El artículo aborda el análisis de las exposiciones temporales producidas por el MACVAC a lo largo de su historia. Se han establecido tres periodos diferenciados: el primero de 1969 a 1971, momentos previos a la inauguración oficial del museo. El segundo desarrollado a lo largo de la década de los años 80 del siglo XX, momento de gran producción de exposiciones tanto en las instalaciones del museo como muestras itinerantes en otros ámbitos expositivos. El tercero, marcado por la elección de la nueva directora Rosalía Torrent en 2015 iniciándose, tras un periodo de parálisis de actividades, un resurgir de la producción de exposiciones temporales tanto en el propio museo como fuera de él, explorando nuevas vías de acercar el arte contemporáneo a la sociedad.The article focuses on the analysis of temporary exhibitions produced by the MACVAC throughout its history. Three distinct periods have been established: the first from 1969 to 1971, moments before the oficial opening of the Museum. The second, developed over the decade of the 80s of the 20th century, a time of great production of exhibitions, both in the Museum facilities and traveling exhibitions in other display areas. The third, marked by the election of the new Director Rosalía Torrent in 2015, starting after a period of paralysis of activities, a revival of the production of temporary exhibitions in the Museum itself and outside of it, exploring new ways of bringing contemporary art closer to society

    El Street Art y la (in)cultura urbana: el ejemplo de Córdoba

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    Street Art is an artistic phenomenon that, although present in our everyday lives, has been condemned to a certain ostracism. On the one hand, the Academic Community is –in this field– oblivious to what happens in real world; on the other hand, the vast majority of our society is immersed in very different concerns. Both of them have avoided its inevitable existence not only in art panorama, but also in the urban landscape. The problem takes a harder perspective within the Historical City, where the variety of the Heritage outshines any other manifestation. This study opens a new research line in Córdoba, starting with an analysis of the society from which Street Art is created and what it means, documenting its most significant features on a cartographic map, applying the aesthetic experience as the foundation of our own thinking, and, based on this, making some proposals for interpretation. All of these conclusions have the potential to be applied to other Spanish cities.El Street Art es un fenómeno artístico presente en nuestra vida diaria al que se ha condenado a un cierto ostracismo. Tanto la comunidad académica, en este aspecto ajena a lo que ocurre en el mundo real, como la gran mayoría de la sociedad, inmersa en preocupaciones bien distintas, han obviado su existencia ineludible no ya en el arte, sino en el propio paisaje urbano; aun cobra un sentido más crudo en la Ciudad Histórica, donde la ingente cantidad de Patrimonio eclipsa cualquier otra manifestación. Este trabajo abre una nueva línea de investigación en Córdoba, partiendo de un análisis de la sociedad en que se origina y de aquello que significa; documentando sus representaciones más significativas sobre una base cartográfica; aplicando la experiencia estética como fundamento de nuestra reflexión; y, con base en lo anterior, realizando algunas propuestas de interpretación. Todo ello, con posibilidades de ser extrapolado a otras ciudades españolas

    Derecho civil catalán

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    Séptimo accésit del Certame

    El incorrector

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    Cuarto accésit del Certame

    A la recerca de la pesta porcina

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    La pesta porcina és una malaltia infecciosa molt contagiosa que causa una alta mortalitat en el bestiar. Atès que no existeix un tractament per a aquesta malaltia, les autoritats sanitàries sacrifiquen els animals quan es produeix un brot d'aquest tipus. Investigadors de la UAB van observar un cas ocorregut a Catalunya per estudiar els passos que segueix aquest mortal virus.La peste porcina es una enfermedad infecciosa muy contagiosa que causa una alta mortalidad en el ganado. Dado que no existe un tratamiento para esta enfermedad, las autoridades sanitarias sacrifican los animales cuando se produce un brote de este tipo. Investigadores de la UAB han monitorizado un caso ocurrido en Cataluña para estudiar los pasos que sigue este mortal virus

    Colour Transformation and Textural Change in Biotite: Some Remarks for the Interpretation of Firing Technology in Greyware Pottery Thin-Sections

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    : Firing is a crucial step in the production of pottery, as it irreversibly transforms the clay into ceramic. Clay sintering and subsequent vitrification occur during firing, together with other transformations undergone by specific minerals and rock inclusions according to their optical and physical properties, including their colour. Some of these are visible in thin-sections and might be interpreted as technological markers or contribute to the estimation of firing temperatures, although most of them are poorly documented. In this paper, we approach the transformations in colour, texture and optical properties that occurred in biotite inclusions from medieval greyware pottery. Our study considers a batch of 40 pottery samples from medieval Catalonia analysed by XRD. According to the estimated firing temperature ranges and atmospheres, we examined the behaviour of biotite at different temperature ranges from 700 ◦C to 1000 ◦C by means of optical microscopy, considering its size, shape and abundance, and compared these features to a wider assemblage of thin-sections from medieval earthenware. The results obtained are interesting, as they offer a valuable reference for petrographic studies on pottery. We discuss the potential of ceramic petrography as a way to perform more precise and refined sample selection for further analysis on archaeothermometr

    A low-cost multispectral camera

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2020, Tutor: Ismael Benito AltamiranoWe present the results of a cost-effective multispectral camera experimental set-up. Multispectral camera set-ups are often expensive, they require special cameras with more resolution, due to the increase of spectral bands to be captured. Here we show this procedure is equivalent to solve an equations system, derived from illuminating with several light conditions a sample and capturing it with a traditional, and low-cost, RGB camera. Moreover, we achieve a back-propagation reconstructed image, thus we can get back to the original photo by mapping the corresponding reflectivity photos of the three RGB channel

    La persistència de la tuberculosi bovina

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    La tuberculosi bovina és una malaltia crònica que afecta les vaques, però que també pot afectar els humans. Les campanyes de control d'aquesta malaltia que s'han estat duent a terme des de 1956 no han aconseguit eradicar-la i han quedat estancades en un romanent d'aproximadament un 1%. Investigadors de la UAB han estudiat l'èxit d'aquestes campanyes a tot el territori de l'estat i han conclòs que el patró d'eliminació de la malaltia no ha estat homogeni en el territori, sinó que hi ha zones en què la taxa d'eliminació ha estat més gran que en altres.La tuberculosis bovina es una enfermedad crónica que afecta a las vacas, pero que también puede afectar a los humanos. Las campañas de control de esta enfermedad que se han estado llevando a cabo desde 1956 no han conseguido erradicarla, quedando estancadas en un remanente de alrededor de un 1%. Investigadores de la UAB han estudiado el éxito de estas campañas en todo el territorio del estado y han concluído que el patrón de eliminación de la enfermedad no ha sido homogéneo en el territorio, sino que existen zonas en que la tasa de eliminación ha sido mayor que en otras

    Epidemiology, impact and control of bovine cysticercosis in Europe : a systematic review

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    Background: Bovine cysticercosis in Europe has been known for centuries but the data showing the occurrence of this zoonosis are scarce. The aim of this paper is to review and present the current knowledge on bovine cysticercosis in Europe. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of studies published between 1990 and November 2014. Qualitative and quantitative data on prevalence, risk factors, burden and interventions were extracted and analysed. Results: Reports on prevalence were available for 23 European countries, mostly from western and central Europe; for a few of these only data before 1990 were available. Prevalence based on meat inspection was generally low (below 6.2 % in 95 % of the records) and varied between and within countries. Serology and detailed meat inspection provided a higher prevalence range (0.41–14 %). Only few studies analysing risk factors were identified. Reported factors related to access to pastures and risky waters, dairy production and uncontrolled human defecation in the proximity of the farm among others. Only one estimate of the economic impact of the disease could be identified. Recommended interventions were focused on increasing diagnostic tests sensitivity or the application of risk based surveillance strategies. Conclusions: There is a lack of complete and updated data on most countries, especially in eastern Europe. Further risk factor studies might be needed together with estimates on the burden of the disease in all European countries. Risk-based interventions are being encouraged but current data are limited to guide this approach