341 research outputs found

    Another look at graph coloring via propositional satisfiability

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    AbstractThis paper studies the solution of graph coloring problems by encoding into propositional satisfiability problems. The study covers three kinds of satisfiability solvers, based on postorder reasoning (e.g., grasp, chaff), preorder reasoning (e.g., 2cl, 2clsEq), and back-chaining (modoc). The study evaluates three encodings, one of them believed to be new. Some new symmetry-breaking methods, specific to coloring, are used to reduce the redundancy of solutions. A by-product of this research is an implemented lower-bound technique that has shown improved lower bounds for the chromatic numbers of the long-standing unsolved random graphs known as DSJC125.5 and DSJC125.9. Independent-set analysis shows that the chromatic numbers of DSJC125.5 and DSJC125.9 are at least 18 and 40, respectively, but satisfiability encoding was able to demonstrate only that the chromatic numbers are at least 13 and 38, respectively, within available time and space

    Commonsense axiomatizations for logic programs

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    AbstractVarious semantics for logic programs with negation are described in terms of a dualized program together with additional axioms, some of which are second-order formulas. The semantics of Clark, Fitting, and Kunen are characterized in this framework, and a finite first-order presentation of Kunen's semantics is described. A new axiom to represent “commonsense” reasoning is proposed for logic programs. It is shown that the well-founded semantics and stable models are definable with this axiom. The roles of domain augmentation and domain closure are examined. A “domain foundation” axiom is proposed to replace the domain closure axiom

    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin receptors modulate glutamate-induced phase shifts of the suprachiasmatic nucleus

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    Light information reaches the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) through a subpopulation of retinal ganglion cells. Previous work raised the possibility that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its high-affinity tropomyosin-related receptor kinase may be important as modulators of this excitatory input into the SCN. In order to test this possibility, we used whole-cell patch-clamp methods to measure spontaneous excitatory currents in mouse SCN neurons. We found that the amplitude and frequency of these currents were increased by BDNF and decreased by the neurotrophin receptor inhibitor K252a. The neurotrophin also increased the magnitude of currents evoked by application of N-methyl-D-aspartate and amino-methyl proprionic acid. Next, we measured the rhythms in action potential discharge from the SCN brain slice preparation. We found that application of K252a dramatically reduced the magnitude of phase shifts of the electrical activity rhythm generated by the application of glutamate. By itself, BDNF caused phase shifts that resembled those produced by glutamate and were blocked by K252a. The results demonstrate that BDNF and neurotrophin receptors can enhance glutamatergic synaptic transmission within a subset of SCN neurons and potentiate glutamate-induced phase shifts of the circadian rhythm of neural activity in the SCN. Originally published European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 24, No. 4, Aug 200

    Electrochemical titrations and reaction time courses monitored in situ by magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy

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    Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra, at ultraviolet–visible or near-infrared wavelengths (185–2000 nm), contain the same transitions observed in conventional absorbance spectroscopy, but their bisignate nature and more stringent selection rules provide greatly enhanced resolution. Thus, they have proved to be invaluable in the study of many transition metal-containing proteins. For mainly technical reasons, MCD has been limited almost exclusively to the measurement of static samples. But the ability to employ the resolving power of MCD to follow changes at transition metal sites would be a potentially significant advance. We describe here the development of a cuvette holder that allows reagent injection and sample mixing within the 50-mm-diameter ambient temperature bore of an energized superconducting solenoid. This has allowed us, for the first time, to monitor time-resolved MCD resulting from in situ chemical manipulation of a metalloprotein sample. Furthermore, we report the parallel development of an electrochemical cell using a three-electrode configuration with physically separated working and counter electrodes, allowing true potentiometric titration to be performed within the bore of the MCD solenoid

    Carotenoid Distribution in Living Cells of Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae)

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    Haematococcus pluvialis is a freshwater unicellular green microalga belonging to the class Chlorophyceae and is of commercial interest for its ability to accumulate massive amounts of the red ketocarotenoid astaxanthin (3,3′-dihydroxy-β,β-carotene-4,4′-dione). Using confocal Raman microscopy and multivariate analysis, we demonstrate the ability to spectrally resolve resonance–enhanced Raman signatures associated with astaxanthin and β-carotene along with chlorophyll fluorescence. By mathematically isolating these spectral signatures, in turn, it is possible to locate these species independent of each other in living cells of H. pluvialis in various stages of the life cycle. Chlorophyll emission was found only in the chloroplast whereas astaxanthin was identified within globular and punctate regions of the cytoplasmic space. Moreover, we found evidence for β-carotene to be co-located with both the chloroplast and astaxanthin in the cytosol. These observations imply that β-carotene is a precursor for astaxanthin and the synthesis of astaxanthin occurs outside the chloroplast. Our work demonstrates the broad utility of confocal Raman microscopy to resolve spectral signatures of highly similar chromophores in living cells

    Immunity against Ixodes scapularis Salivary Proteins Expressed within 24 Hours of Attachment Thwarts Tick Feeding and Impairs Borrelia Transmission

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    In North America, the black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, an obligate haematophagus arthropod, is a vector of several human pathogens including Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease agent. In this report, we show that the tick salivary gland transcriptome and proteome is dynamic and changes during the process of engorgement. We demonstrate, using a guinea pig model of I. scapularis feeding and B. burgdorferi transmission, that immunity directed against salivary proteins expressed in the first 24 h of tick attachment — and not later — is sufficient to evoke all the hallmarks of acquired tick-immunity, to thwart tick feeding and also to impair Borrelia transmission. Defining this subset of proteins will promote a mechanistic understanding of novel I. scapularis proteins critical for the initiation of tick feeding and for Borrelia transmission
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