334 research outputs found

    Structural Brain Plasticity in Epilepsy Patients Selected for Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy: A Study of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Based Assessment of Tract Alterations

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    Introduction: The standard of care for drug resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) involve surgical approaches including anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) and laser interstitial thermal therapy (LiTT). White matter alterations following ATL are often studied using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) which utilizes properties of water diffusion to obtain parameters (such as fractional anisotropy or FA) that can be used to detect neural plasticity. Despite being a common procedure, there are very few studies that explore post-surgical neural changes after LiTT. The objective of this study is to evaluate and explore the DTI parameter changes in patients who underwent LiTT. Methods: DTI scans were obtained from 9 patients with focal TLE before surgery and 6 months after surgery. Images were analyzed using Tract-Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS). Results: FA value was observed to have decreased in contralateral cerebellum and ipsilateral superior temporal gyrus. On the other hand, FA value increased in ipsilateral fusiform, inferior temporal gyrus, brainstem and contralateral posterior cingulum, precuneus and paracentral lobule. Discussion: Although epilepsy often has a central focus (part of which is surgically removed for treatment purposes) studies have shown that this disease involves multiple seemingly unrelated regions of the brain. Based on the results, post-LiTT patients have been observed to have a reduction of the integrity of white matter tracts in crucial regions of the limbic, frontal and temporal lobes. Since these regions are involved in important processes such as memory and language, findings from this study can help predict post-surgical outcomes for patients who undergo LiTT

    The impact of economic incentives on population instability in rural settlements (case study: Khoosf county)

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    Hoy en día, la inestabilidad de la población es uno de los problemas más importantes en los asentamientos rurales de Irán a pesar de la planificación, el gasto y las grandes inversiones. Dado que la migración rural es por razones lógicas, debemos buscar formas de ralentizar el proceso de migración a las ciudades o reemplazar a los migrantes rurales de los pueblos centrales a pueblos pequeños y aldeas centrales que tienen más instalaciones y servicios y evitan las consecuencias de la migración que impactan negativamente en la población. estructuras económicas de ciudades y pueblos. La investigación se aplica en términos de propósito y naturaleza y es descriptivo-analítico, en términos de metodología. La población consistió en 41 aldeas sobre 100 poblaciones con 4226 hogares y 13892 poblaciones que de acuerdo a la distribución geográfica, categorización poblacional y declive poblacional durante 2006 y 2016, se seleccionó como muestra el 20% de ellos (8 aldeas) con 796 hogares. Se distribuyó un total de 259 cuestionarios (basados en la fórmula de Cochran) entre los hogares de la muestra según el método aleatorio simple. En este estudio, se utilizó la prueba t de una muestra para analizar los datos cuantitativos y la prueba de Friedman para clasificar el efecto de los incentivos económicos sobre la inestabilidad de la población. Con base en los resultados del presente estudio, se puede concluir que los factores económicos (desempleo y bajos ingresos) y la falta de instalaciones y servicios tienen la mayor relación con la inestabilidad de la población en los asentamientos Khoosf

    Multi-period maximal covering location problem with capacitated facilities and modules for natural disaster relief services

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    The paper aims to study a multi-period maximal covering location problem with the configuration of different types of facilities, as an extension of the classical maximal covering location problem (MCLP). The proposed model can have applications such as locating disaster relief facilities, hospitals, and chain supermarkets. The facilities are supposed to be comprised of various units, called the modules. The modules have different sizes and can transfer between facilities during the planning horizon according to demand variation. Both the facilities and modules are capacitated as a real-life fact. To solve the problem, two upper bounds-(LR1) and (LR2)-and Lagrangian decomposition (LD) are developed. Two lower bounds are computed from feasible solutions obtained from (LR1), (LR2), and (LD) and a novel heuristic algorithm. The results demonstrate that the LD method combined with the lower bound obtained from the developed heuristic method (LD-HLB) shows better performance and is preferred to solve both small- and large-scale problems in terms of bound tightness and efficiency especially for solving large-scale problems. The upper bounds and lower bounds generated by the solution procedures can be used as the profit approximation by the managerial executives in their decision-making process

    A New Generalized Modified Weibull Distribution

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    We introduce a new distribution, so called A new generalized modified Weibull (NGMW) distribution. Various structural properties of the distribution are obtained in terms of Meijer’s G–function, such as moments, moment generating function, conditional moments, mean deviations, order statistics and maximum likelihood estimators. The distribution exhibits a wide range of shapes with varying skewness and assumes all possible forms of hazard rate function. The NGMW distribution along with other distributions are fitted to two sets of data, arising in hydrology and in reliability. It is shown that the proposed distribution has a superior performance among the compared distributions as evidenced via goodness–of–fit tests

    Comparative analysis of morphological and biochemical properties of some Mulberry (Morus spp.) genotypes

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    Mulberry is a multipurpose tree in horticulture. Besides nutritional importance, it is used for raising silkworms, fodder and landscape. These is quite a wide genetic diversity among different mulberry genotypes. The present study was undertaken to evaluate certain morphological and biochemical properties of 20 genotypes of Morus alba, M. rubra, and M. nigra species distributed in Golestan Province, northern Iran. The highest leaf length (15.51 cm), petiole length (5.37 cm), vitamin C (4.34 mg/100 g) and phenol (31.89 mg/g) were recorded in M12 genotype. The highest fruit length (5.52 cm), pedicle length (17 mm), soluble solids (18.26%) and sucrose (31.64 mg/g) were recorded in M10 genotype. The amount of glucose (288.82 mg/g) and fructose (121.97 mg/g) were also dominant in M17 genotype. The utmost fruit fresh and dry weights (0.3-67.80 g), fruit diameter (1.99 cm), leaf width (11.94 cm) and flavonoids (24.67 mg/g) were also observed in the M20 genotype. The M1 and M2 genotypes had higher anthocyanin (1.13 µmol/g) and total antioxidant activity (66.71%) compared to other genotypes. Furthermore, fruit fresh and dry weights were positively correlated with fruit length and diameter, pedicle length, and leaf and petiole length. The highest positive correlation was observed among anthocyanin, vitamin C and phenols. The morphological and biochemical traits explained 99 % of the total variance of four and three main components. The results of cluster analysis grouped these genotypes into 3 main groups. Therefore, the highest heritability and genetic advance were found for fruit weight, petiole length, leaf width, antioxidant activity, fructose and flavonoids. The valuable pomological traits recorded for some genotypes may be useful for future breeding programs.

    Isolation of Methicillin-Resistant Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus (MRCoNS) from a fecal-contaminated stream in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

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    Staphylococcus is comprised of 41 known species, of which 18 can colonize humans. Despite the prevalence of infectious Staphylococcus within hospital settings and agriculture, there are few reports of Staphylococcus in natural bodies of water. A recent study by the US Food and Drug Administration found substantial contamination of poultry and other meats with Staphylococcus. We hypothesized that intensive farming of poultry adjacent to streams would result in contaminated runoff, resulting in at least transient occurrence of Staphylococcus spp. in stream waters and sediments. In this study, we sought to determine whether Staphylococcus occurs and persists within Muddy Creek, a stream located in Hinton, Virginia that originates at the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia and runs through various agricultural fields and adjacent to a poultry processing plant in the central Shenandoah Valley. Five different Staphylococcus spp. were detected in water and sediment from Muddy Creek. Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA) was used to isolate eleven Staphylococcus from both water and sediment. These isolates were Gram-positive, catalase-positive, and oxidase-negative cocci that were capable of fermenting mannitol. In addition, a method for screening putative staphylococci species from stream water and sediment was developed. Ten out of the eleven tested isolates were oxacillin resistant (now used to identify phenotypic methicillin-resistance) using a Kirby Bauer disc diffusion test. Furthermore, the isolates were susceptible to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, and gentamicin while two of the isolates were resistant to erythromycin. Additionally, the BOX-PCR repetitive sequence fingerprinting method verified the presence of nine different strains among the isolates. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene identified five of the isolates as Staphylococcus equorum. The Biolog identification protocol further identified the remaining isolates as Staphylococcus xylosus, Staphylococcus lentus, Staphylococcus succinus, and Staphylococcus sciuri. Finally, polymerase chain reaction amplification (PCR) confirmed that ten of the eleven isolates harbored the mecA gene known to confer methicillin-resistance. Overall, the occurrence of coagulase-negative staphylococci (MRCoNS) in stream water and sediment represents a potential environmental and human health concern

    Evaluación de Silicio e irrigación en tres cultivares de Cártamo

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    This study was performed to evaluation of interaction of silicon application and irrigation on agronomic and physiologic traits of safflower at 2018 and 2019. The experiment was conducted as a split plot factorial based on randomized complete block design with 3 replications. The irrigation was main factor (0, 2 and 4 times during growth) and the sub-factor were silicon foliar application (at three levels: 0, 1 and 2 mM) and three safflower cultivars (Goldasht, Padideh and Golmehr). The studied traits were: number of seeds per boll and 1000-grain weight, number and weight of boll, number of lateral branches and branch diameter, plant weight and total plant weight, floret yield, grain yield, chlorophyll a and b, proline and antioxidant enzymes. According to results, treatments had significant effects on studied traits at 5 or 1% statistically level. 2 and 3 times irrigation led to 7 and 24% the increasing of seed yield in compare to control, respectively. It was obtained that 1 and 2mM silicon led to 25 and 15% the increase of seed yield in compare to control. Interaction between treatments showed that the highest seed yield (500g per m2) was observed by Goldasht cultivar under 4-time irrigation and 2mM silicon. Therefore, it can be suggested that Goldasht with 2 mM silicon be used to reduce the effects of dehydration.Este estudio se realizó para evaluar la interacción de la aplicación de silicio y el riego en rasgos agronómicos y fisiológicos del cártamo en 2018 y 2019. El experimento se realizó como un factorial de parcela dividida basado en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 3 repeticiones. El riego fue el factor principal (0, 2 y 4 veces durante el crecimiento) y el subfactor fue la aplicación foliar de silicio (en tres niveles: 0, 1 y 2 mM) y tres cultivares de cártamo (Goldasht, Padideh y Golmehr). Los rasgos estudiados fueron: número de semillas por cápsula y peso de 1000 granos, número y peso de cápsula, número de ramas laterales y diámetro de rama, peso de la planta y peso total de la planta, rendimiento del florete, rendimiento de grano, clorofila ayb, prolina y enzimas antioxidantes Según los resultados, los tratamientos tuvieron efectos significativos en los rasgos estudiados a un nivel estadístico del 5 o 1%. El riego 2 y 3 veces condujo a un aumento de 7 y 24% en el rendimiento de semillas en comparación con el control, respectivamente. Se obtuvo que el silicio de 1 y 2 mM condujo a un aumento de 25 y 15% del rendimiento de la semilla en comparación con el control. La interacción entre tratamientos mostró que el cultivar Goldasht observó un rendimiento de semilla más alto (500 g por m2) bajo riego por 4 tiempos y silicio 2 mM. Por lo tanto, se puede sugerir que se use Goldasht con silicio 2 mM para reducir los efectos de la deshidratación

    Laser Ablation Technique for Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticle in Liquid

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    Recently, the synthesis and application of metal and ceramic nanoparticle are significant subject in science and engineering. The metal nanoparticles such as silver, gold, and copper nanoparticles have more application in material science, nanomedicine, electronic, photonic, and art. One of the green methods for preparation of metal nanoparticles is laser ablation technique that offers a unique tool for nanofabrication of nanoparticles. In this technique, the high-power laser ablates the metal plate and the nanoparticles are formed in the liquid. The properties of nanoparticles using laser ablation are unique, and they are not reproducible by any other method such as chemical methods. The important parameters to produce the metal nanoparticles are energy, wavelength, repetition rate of laser, ablation time, and absorption of an aqueous solution. Laser ablation is a simple method for fabricating the metal nanoparticles without surfactant or chemical addition. In this chapter, the mechanism of formation of metal nanoparticles in liquid, significant parameters for using the laser ablation technique to prepare the metal nanoparticles, and the preparation of silver, gold and copper nanoparticles will be reviewed