405 research outputs found

    Dietary Quality Maintained among Overweight Brazilian Women Enrolled in a Primary Healthcare Service

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the dietary quality maintained among 113 overweight [body mass index (BMI) 6525.0 kg/m\ub2] women aged 6520 years, who were enrolled in a Brazilian primary healthcare service in 2009. Dietary quality was evaluated using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI)-1995, which was adapted in the Brazilian context. Statistical analysis included linear regression adjusted by self-reporting energy intake. The prevalence of obesity (BMI 6530.0 kg/m\ub2), elevated waist-circumference, and excessive body-fat were 85.8%, 98.2%, and 100% respectively. Data on dietary quality indicated an HEI score of 66.6 (11.3), with low mean scores for \u2018milk and dairy products\u2019 (2.6) and \u2018vegetables\u2019 (3.1). The calcium ( f=0.40) and vitamin C ( f=0.27) intake was positively associated with the HEI score. Fat ( f= 120.38) and sodium ( f= 120.21) intake and protein adequacy ( f= 1218.17) were inversely associated with the dietary quality. We found that the dietary quality in this study population needs improvement, demonstrating the importance of nutritional counselling within the primary healthcare service

    Investigation of Ehrlich ascites tumor cell death mechanisms induced by Synadenium umbellatum Pax.

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    AbstractEthnopharmacological relevanceSynadenium umbellatum Pax. is widely found in South America and empirically used in Brazil for the treatment of several diseases, mainly cancer. The aim of the study was to investigate cell death mechanisms induced by Synadenium umbellatum Pax. using Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells, as well as the myelotoxicity potential of this plant.Materials and methodsS. umbellatum cytotoxicity was evaluated in EAT cells by trypan blue exclusion and MTT reduction test and the mechanisms involved in EAT cell death were investigated by light and fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry. Investigation of S. umbellatum myelotoxicity was performed by clonogenic assay of colony forming unit- granulocyte macrophage (CFU-GM).Results and ConclusionOur results demonstrated that S. umbellatum decreased the viability of EAT cells using both methods. Morphological analyses revealed that S. umbellatum-treatment induced EAT cell death by apoptotic pathway. We demonstrated the occurrence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) overgeneration, increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration, alteration in mitochondrial membrane potential, phosphatydylserine externalization, and activation of caspases 3, 8, and 9. However, S. umbellatum produced myelotoxicity in bone marrow cells in a concentration-dependent manner. In comparison to EAT cells, the effects of S. umbellatum in bone marrow cells were 8-fold lower. Taken together, our results showed that S. umbellatum induced apoptosis in EAT cells at several levels and seems more toxic to tumor cells than to normal bone marrow cells

    Psychometric properties of children’s subjective well-being scales : a multigroup study investigating school type, gender, age and region of children in the south and southeast regions of Brazil

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    This study is part of the third wave of data collection of the international project “Children’s Worlds” (Children’s Worlds, the International Survey of Children’s Well-Being – ISCWeB). The objective was to check the psychometric properties of three child subjective well-being scales—the Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale (CW-SWBS), the Children’s Worlds Domain-Based Subjective Well-Being Scale (CW-DBSWBS), and the Overall Life Satisfaction (OLS)—in relation to school type, gender, age, and residential region. The research was conducted in the metropolitan regions of the states of Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, and São Paulo, Brazil. Participants were 2676 students from three different age groups (8, 10, and 12 years old), 54.05% girls, with 70.74% enrolled in public school. The results found the psychometric properties of the instruments as adequate, and found evidence of convergent validity of both the CW-SBWS and the CW-DBSBWS with the OLS, which provides support for the use of these instruments in Brazil. These results contribute to the canon of research on children's subjective well-being, in a Latin American context


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    O estudo objetivou identificar a qualidade de vida e os fatores a ela associados entre mulheres com excesso de pesoe doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Tratou-se de estudo transversal com uma amostra de conveniência formadapor 50 usuárias adultas e idosas de uma academia da cidade de Belo Horizonte(MG), Brasil. Para a avaliação daqualidade de vida, utilizou-se instrumento WHOQOL-bref. Realizou-se análise descritiva e regressão linear uni emultivariada. “Relações sociais” foi o domínio que mais contribuiu para a qualidade de vida, seguido do domínio“físico”. Associaram-se a pior qualidade de vida a presença autorreferida de gastrite/úlcera (ß=-11,890; p=0,011),uso de medicamentos (ß=-7,730, p=0,035), maior consumo per capita de açúcar (ß=-0,092; p=0,045), valores elevadosde índice de massa corporal (ß=-1,218; p=0,048) e maior consumo de carboidratos (ß=-0,382; p=0,042). Concluiu-seque muitos são os fatores relacionados à qualidade de vida, que devem ser considerados nos programas de saúde

    Capacitação em avaliação nutricional: Experiências de aprendizagem à distância durante a pandemia da COVID-19

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    A capacitação em avaliação nutricional é essencial para o aperfeiçoamento do processo de trabalho do nutricionista. Em tempos de pandemia da COVID-19, mudanças na atuação profissional e nas formas de ensino impactaram no processo de capacitação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a experiência com a realização do curso de extensão remoto “Avaliação Nutricional: Desafios e Perspectivas”, que teve a finalidade de promover atualização e debate sobre tópicos desafiadores e inovadores em avaliação nutricional. O curso foi realizado no período de março a abril de 2021 com carga horária total de 40 horas, com atividades síncronas e assíncronas. O público do curso foi composto por nutricionistas de diversas regiões brasileiras com média de idade de 35,6 anos, com atuação profissional principalmente em nutrição clínica e saúde coletiva. Os relatos dos participantes indicaram que o curso oportunizou aprendizagem e atualização profissional com elevado percentual de participação nas atividades síncronas (88,8%) e assíncronas (78,9%). A realização do curso reafirmou a importância de proporcionar espaços reflexivos sobre os desafios vivenciados pelo nutricionista no âmbito da avaliação nutricional, sendo primordial a busca por novas tecnologias que facilitem e propiciem maior interação e colaboração dos participantes em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Espera-se que a experiência relatada neste artigo promova novas ações pautadas na troca de saberes entre a comunidade acadêmica e a sociedade, contribuindo para a democratização do conhecimento. Palavras-chave: Nutricionistas; Capacitação Profissional; Covid-19; Relações Comunidade-Instituição Training in nutritional assessment: Distance learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic Abstract: Training in nutritional assessment is essential to improve the work process of nutritionists. During the COVID-19 pandemic, professional performance and teaching methods changes impacted the training process. Thus, this paper aims to describe the experience with the realization of the remote extension course "Nutrition Assessment: Challenges and Perspectives," which aimed to promote updating and debate about challenging and innovative topics in nutritional assessment. The course was accomplished from March to April 2021 with a total workload of 40 hours, with synchronous and asynchronous activities. The course audience consisted of nutritionists from different Brazilian regions with an average age of 35,6 years old, with professional performance mainly in clinical nutrition and public health. The participants' reports indicated that the course provided an opportunity for learning and professional updating, with a high percentage of participation in synchronous (88.8%) and asynchronous (78.9%) activities. The experience with course development reaffirmed the importance of offering opportunities for reflection about challenges experienced by nutritionists in the context of nutritional assessment, being essential in the search for new technologies that facilitate and provide more significant interaction and collaboration of participants in virtual learning environments. The experience reported in this article is expected to promote new actions based on the exchange of knowledge between the academic community and society, contributing to the democratization of knowledge. Keywords: Nutritionists; Professional Training; Covid-19; Community-Institutional Relation

    O recurso mais importante para as organizações são mesmo as pessoas? Uma análise da produção científica sobre qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT)

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    DOI: 10.5902/198346595705 The discourse in organizations in general, regardless of size or nature, focuses on a recurring basis the relevance of human capital for success and direct relationship between employee performance and organizational results. Studies about quality of work life are extremely important to understand the variables that impact performance and results for both: the organization and its employees. To evaluate how scientific research reflect this importance, this study has been developed to analyze the scientific production on the subject of quality of work life - QWL in Brazil, analyzing the articles published in the annals of EnANPAD - Meeting of the National Association Postgraduate and Research in Administration. This is a bibliometric research of academic production in the period 1997 to 2011. After collection of information were found 64 articles that met at least one of keywords defined by the scope of this study. As a result it was found that the subject of quality of working life until 2008 was still discussed in scientific literature only incidentally, with an investigative nature, in order to diagnose only QVT index, without seeking to identify its impact on the organization as a whole. However, from 2009 it can already notice a maturity based on the identification of works that investigated the relationship between QWL, social responsibility, organizational commitment and, including, performance.DOI: 10.5902/198346595705 O discurso nas organizações em geral, independente de porte ou natureza, aborda recorrentemente a relevância do capital humano para o sucesso e a relação direta entre o desempenho dos colaboradores e seus resultados. Estudos sobre a qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT) são de extrema importância para entender as variáveis que têm impacto sobre a performance e os resultados, tanto da organização, quanto de seus colaboradores. Para avaliar o quanto as pesquisas científicas refletem essa importância, neste estudo tem-se como objetivo analisar a produção científica acerca do tema QVT no Brasil, observando, para isso, os artigos publicados nos anais do Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (EnANPAD). Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliométrica da produção acadêmica do período de 1997 a2011. Após a coleta das informações, foram encontrados 64artigos que atendiam a pelo menos uma das palavras-chave definidas pelo escopo deste estudo. Como resultado verificou-se que o tema QVT, até 2008, ainda era abordado na produção científica de forma incipiente, com cunho investigativo, com o intuito apenas de diagnosticar índices de QVT, sem buscar identificar seus reflexos na organização como um todo. No entanto, a partir de 2009, já se pode perceber certo amadurecimento quanto à identificação de trabalhos que buscaram avaliar as relações entre QVT, responsabilidade social, comprometimento organizacional e, inclusive, desempenho

    Oral hygiene and habits of children with autism spectrum disorders and their families

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    Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) frequently receive poorer health care then the general population. Frequently the speech-language pathologist is the only health professional that follows the child?s everyday life and therefore is the only resource for guidance regarding basic health habits. Poor oral health may result in severe discomfort and other health problems that can be prevented by simple routine habits and adequate professional follow-up. The aim of the present study was to gather information about oral hygiene and dental care habits of children with ASD and their families. The hypothesis was that these children have poorer oral care habits than their families. Participants were parents of 120 children with autism, aged 4 to 12 years in two different cities of the state of Sao Paulo. They answered to a simple questionnaire about oral hygiene and health care habits. Indicated that there is a significant difference (p< 0.001) between the children and their families regarding basic oral hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing, as well as routine visits to the dentist. This information clearly indicates the need for education programs aiming to encourage the inclusion children with ASD in the basic habits of oral care carried-out by the families


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    Objetivo: caracterizar el perfil social demográfico y clínico de mujeres con cáncer en el trato genital sometidas a la radioterapia en el Centro de Pesquisas oncológicas entre 2010 y 2014.Método: estudio ecológico que se realizó por medio de 880 archivos del Registro Hospitalario de Cáncer. El análisis se hizo por estadística descriptiva, con cálculo de taja de prevalencia.Resultados: la mayor incidencia, 204 casos (23,18%), ocurrió en la franja etaria de los 40-49 años; con mayor taja de prevalencia de los 60 a 69 años, 165 casos (82,28%) para cada 100.000 mujeres. Estadio III con 315 casos (35,8%), topografía de cuello del útero con 695 casos (78,97%) y respectivas tajas de prevalencias 12,97%, 28,61%. De los casos de cáncer del cuello de útero, 274 (39,77%) ocurrieron en la Grande Florianópolis (Santa Catarina, Brasil) y 99 (14,37%) en la macro región Sur.Conclusión: se reafirman la magnitud del cáncer de cuello del útero, la necesidad de las políticas públicas para prevención de la enfermedad y el diagnóstico precoz de las lesiones pre neoplásicas y/o neoplásicas.Objetivo: caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico de mulheres com câncer no trato genital submetidas à radioterapia no Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas entre 2010 e 2014.Método: estudo ecológico realizado em 880 arquivos do Registro Hospitalar de Câncer. A análise ocorreu por estatística descritiva, com cálculo de taxa de prevalência.Resultados: a maior incidência, 204 casos (23,18%) ocorreu na faixa etária dos 40-49 anos; com maior taxa de prevalência dos 60 a 69 anos, 165 casos (82,28%) para cada 100.000 mulheres. Estádio III com 315 casos (35,8%), topografia colo do útero com 695 casos (78,97%) e respectivas taxas de prevalências 12,97%, 28,61%. Dos casos de câncer do colo do útero, 274 (39,77%) foram procedentes da Grande Florianópolis e 99 (14,37%) da macrorregião Sul.Conclusão: reafirma-se a magnitude do câncer do colo do útero, a necessidade das políticas públicas para prevenção da doença e do diagnóstico precoce das lesões pré-neoplásicas e/ou neoplásicas.Objective: To characterize the sociodemographic and clinical profile of women with cancer in the genital tract who underwent radiation therapy at the Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas between 2010 and 2014.Method: Ecological study of 880 files of the Hospital-based Cancer Registry. Descriptive statistics, with calculation of the prevalence rate was used in the analysis.Results: The higher incidence, 204 cases (23.18%) occurred in the age group of 40-49 years; with a higher prevalence rate from 60 to 69 years, 165 cases (82.28%) for every 100,000 women. Stage III with 315 cases (35.8%), cervical topography with 695 cases (78.97%) and respective prevalence rates 12.97%, 28.61%. Of the total cases of cervical cancer, 274 (39.77%) were from Grande Florianópolis (Santa Catarina, Brazil) and 99 (14.37%) from the southern macro-region. Conclusion: The importance of cervical cancer, the need for public policies for disease prevention and early diagnosis of pre-neoplastic and/or cancer lesions are reaffirmed here

    Pre-frailty, frailty and associated factors in older caregivers of older adults

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    INTRODUCTION: Providing care to an older adult is an activity that requires considerable physical effort and can cause stress and psychological strain, which accentuate factors that trigger the cycle of frailty, especially when the caregiver is also an older adult. However, few studies have analyzed the frailty process in older caregivers. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prevalence of pre-frailty, frailty and associated factors in older caregivers of older adults. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted including 328 community-dwelling older caregivers. Frailty was identified using frailty phenotype. Socio-demographic, behavioral and clinical aspects, characteristics related to care and functioning were covariables in the multinomial logistic regression. RESULTS: The prevalence of pre-frailty and frailty were 58.8% and 21.1%, respectively. An increased age, female sex, not having a conjugal life, depressive symptoms and pain were commonly associated with pre-frailty and frailty. Sedentary lifestyle was exclusively associated with pre-frailty, whereas living in an urban area, low income and the cognitive decline were associated with frailty. A better performance on instrumental activities of daily living reduced the chance of frailty. CONCLUSION: Many factors associated with the frailty syndrome may be related to the act of providing care, which emphasizes the importance of the development of coping strategies for this population