61 research outputs found

    Antarctic/Scotia plate convergence off southernmost Chile

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    The southern tip of South America off Chile has suffered a long phase of ocean-continent convergence which has shaped the continental margin through different phases of accretion and tectonic erosion. The present accretionary wedge is a discontinuous geological record of plate convergence and records only part of the accretionary processes resumed after Chile ridge consumption (14 Ma). The structural style of the subduction complex, such as rates of sediment accretion and tectonic erosion, structural vergence, width of the accretionary wedge, taper angle and deformation in the forearc basin, varies along the margin. Large taper values are related to narrow wedges and seaward vergent structures. Low tapers occur where deformation at the toe of the accretionary complex is spread over wide areas and is related both to landward and seaward vergent thrust faults. Seismic data interpretation contributes to define more accurately frontal wedge morphology and geometry of subduction and suggests that different modes of accretion together with tectonic erosion may be active concurrently along the trench at different locations. In areas of subduction driven accretionary processes the majority of trench sediments are involved in accretionary processes and sediments are uplifted and piled up in the form of imbricate thrust sheets. In areas where the wedge is non-accretionary the continental margin shows steeper continental slopes associated with narrow accretionary wedges, more intense sediment disruption and very shallow décollement levels. Variation in structural style and in the geometry of the forearc region setting off Southernmost Chile, has been interpreted as related to the existence of different structural domains: the nature of their boundaries is still unclear mainly for the lack of high resolution bathymetric data. They have been tentatively related to tectonic lineaments belonging to the Magellan Fault system and/or to the character and morphology of the converging plates (lateral heterogeneities, sea-mounts and fracture zones), which produce a segmentation of the margin

    Mediterranean megaturbidite triggered by the AD 365 Crete earthquake and tsunami

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    Historian Ammianus Marcellinus documented the devastating effects of a tsunami hitting Alexandria, Egypt, on July 21, AD 365. "The solidity of the earth was made to shake 
 and the sea was driven away. The waters returning when least expected killed many thousands by drowning. Huge ships
 perched on the roofs of houses
 hurled miles from the shore
.”. Other settlements around the Mediterranean were hit at roughly the same time. This scenario is similar to that of the recent Sumatra and Tohoku tsunamis. Based on geophysical surveys and sediment cores from the Ionian Sea we show that the 20–25 m thick megaturbidite known in the literature as Homogenite/Augias was triggered not by the Santorini caldera collapse but by the 365 AD Cretan earthquake/tsunami. An older similar megaturbidite was deposited after 14.590 ± 80 yr BP, implying a large recurrence time of such extreme sedimentary events in the Mediterranean Sea

    Lake Afrera, a structural depression in the Northern Afar Rift (Red Sea)

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    The boundary between the African and Arabian plates in the Southern Red Sea region is displaced inland in the northern Afar rift, where it is marked by the Red Sea-parallel Erta Ale, Alaita, and Tat Ali volcanic ridges. The Erta Ale is offset by about 20 and 40 km from the two en echelon ridges to the south. The offset area is highly seismic and marked by a depression filled by lake Afrera, a saline body of water fed by hydrothermal springs. Acoustic bathymetric profiles show ≈80 m deep canyons parallel to the NNW shore of the lake, part of a system of extensional normal faults striking parallel to the Red Sea. This system is intersected by oblique structures, some with strike-slip earthquakes, in what might evolve into a transform boundary. Given that the lake’s surface lies today about 112 m below sea level, the depressed (minus ≈190 m below sea level) lake’s bottom area may be considered the equivalent of the “nodal deep” in slow-slip oceanic transforms. The chemistry of the lake is compatible with the water having originated from hydrothermal liquids that had reacted with evaporites and basalts, rather than residual from evaporation of sea water. Bottom sediments include calcitic grains, halite and gypsum, as well as ostracod and diatom tests. The lake’s level appears to have dropped by over 10 m during the last ≈50 years, continuing a drying up trend of the last few thousand years, after a “wet” stage 9,800 and 7,800 years before present when according to Gasse (1973) Lake Afrera covered an area several times larger than at present. This “wet” stage corresponds to an early Holocene warm-humid climate that prevailed in Saharan and Sub Saharan Africa. Lake AbhĂ©, located roughly 250 km south of Afrera, shows similar climate-driven oscillations of its level

    The AD 365 Crete Earthquake/Tsunami Submarine Impact on the Mediterranean Region

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    The Calabrian and Hellenic subduction systems accommodate the African Eurasian plate convergence in the Mediterranean Sea and are the site of large earthquakes in the forearc region facing the northern African coasts. Some of the historical earthquakes were associated with the generation of tsunami waves affecting the entire Mediterranean basin. We investigated the submarine effects of the AD 365 Crete earthquake on the sedimentary records through the integrated analysis of geophysical data, turbidite deposits, and tsunami modelling. Seismic reflection images show that some turbidite beds are thick and marked by acoustic transparent layers at their top. Radiometric dating of the most recent of such mega-beds, the Homogenite/Augias turbidite (HAT), provide evidence for synchronous basin-wide sedimentation during a catastrophic event which has occurred in the time window of AD 364–415, consistent with the AD 365 Mw = 8.3–8.5 Crete earthquake/tsunamis. The HAT (up to 25 m thick) contains components from different sources, implying remobilization of material from areas very far from the epicentre. Utilizing the expanded stratigraphy of the HAT and the heterogeneity of the sediment sources of the Mediterranean margins, we reconstructed the relative contribution of the Italian, Maltan and African margins to the turbidite deposition. Our sedimentological reconstructions combined with tsunami modelling suggest that the tsunami following the Crete earthquake produced giant turbidity currents along a front over 2000 km long, from northern Africa to Italy. Our cores suggests that during the last 15,000 years, only two similar turbidites have been deposited in the deep basins, pointing to a large recurrence time of such extreme sedimentary events

    Dataset of analyzes performed to determine the level and timing of selected organic pollutants’ inputs in sediments of the Lake of Cavazzo (Italy)

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    This data article presents the dataset collected for selected organic pollutants in the framework of a larger research project aimed at assessing the effects of different environmental stressors (natural and anthropogenic) in sediments of the Lake of Cavazzo, a basin of glacial origin located in a seismically active region of the Italian Eastern Alps. Information relative to sampling strategy and operations, location of sampling sites, sedimentary chronological benchmarks, and profiles of RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color code determined from high resolution photos taken at cores CAV-04 and CAV-06 are reported, together with analytical data for 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 21 polychlorinated biphenyls’ congeners (including the non-Aroclor CB-11), 14 polybrominated diphenyl ethers’ congeners, and 22 organochlorine pesticides, whose concentrations were determined by Gas Chromatography coupled both to Low-Resolution and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Interpretation of this dataset is fully discussed in the companion article by Pizzini et al. (2022) and relys on the multi-proxy analysis of sediment samples presented in Polonia et al. (2021) that highlighted lake stratigraphy and major changes occurring at a decadal scale since the 1950s

    Neotectonics of the Sea of Galilee (northeast Israel): implication for geodynamics and seismicity along the Dead Sea Fault system

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    The Sea of Galilee in northeast Israel is a freshwater lake filling a morphological depression along the Dead Sea Fault. It is located in a tectonically complex area, where a N-S main fault system intersects secondary fault patterns non-univocally interpreted by previous reconstructions. A set of multiscale geophysical, geochemical and seismological data, reprocessed or newly collected, was analysed to unravel the interplay between shallow tectonic deformations and geodynamic processes. The result is a neotectonic map highlighting major seismogenic faults in a key region at the boundary between the Africa/Sinai and Arabian plates. Most active seismogenic displacement occurs along NNW-SSE oriented transtensional faults. This results in a left-lateral bifurcation of the Dead Sea Fault forming a rhomb-shaped depression we named the Capharnaum Trough, located off-track relative to the alleged principal deformation zone. Low-magnitude (ML = 3–4) epicentres accurately located during a recent seismic sequence are aligned along this feature, whose activity, depth and regional importance is supported by geophysical and geochemical evidence. This case study, involving a multiscale/multidisciplinary approach, may serve as a reference for similar geodynamic settings in the world, where unravelling geometric and kinematic complexities is challenging but fundamental for reliable earthquake hazard assessments

    Reply to Comment by A. Argnani on "Geometry of the Deep Calabrian Subduction from Wide‐Angle Seismic Data and 3‐D Gravity Modeling"

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    Keypoints This contribution is a reply on a comment submitted by A. Argnani. The alternate interpretation of the wide-angle seismic model is discussed. The Alfeo Fault system is proposed to be the current location of STEP fault. Abstract Andrea Argnani in his comment on Dellong et al., 2020 (Geometry of the deep Calabrian subduction (Central Mediterranean Sea) from wide‐angle seismic data and 3D gravity modeling), proposes an alternate interpretation of the wide-angle seismic velocity models presented by Dellong et al., 2018 and Dellong et al., 2020 and proposes a correction of the literature citations in these paper. In this reply, we discuss in detail all points raised by Andrea Argnani
