22 research outputs found

    Las competencias del profesorado en TIC: estructura básica

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    Las competencias en TIC del profesorado son una variable clave para la integración de las TIC en la escuela. Este artículo presenta un esquema de indicadores de competencia para dos dimensiones, competencias tecnológicas y competencias pedagógicas, desde un modelo MIMIC. El modelo incluye la definición de una relación específica entre estas dimensiones y también de los efectos de un conjunto de factores relevantes: personales (género, edad y frecuencia de uso del ordenador) y contextuales (tipo de centro, etapa educativa y acceso al aula de informática). La información se recogió mediante un cuestionario aplicado a una muestra de 868 profesoras y profesores de educación primaria y secundaria de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los resultados confirman la estructura relacional estable entre ambas dimensiones de competencia, así como que las competencias tecnológicas influyen sobre las pedagógicas. Asimismo, el modelo muestra las influencias de los factores personales y contextuales sobre estas dimensiones. El modelo presentado apunta la necesidad urgente de estudiar las dimensiones relacionadas con las TIC en educación desde una perspectiva más compleja que pueda mostrar más claramente esas relaciones.The ICT competences of teachers are a key variable for ICT integration in school. This paper presents a framework of indicators of competence in relation to two dimensions from a MIMIC model: the first one concerns technological competences and the second one has to do with pedagogical competences. The model includes the definition of a specific relationship between these dimensions and also the effects of a set of relevant factors: personal (gender, age and frequency of computer use) and contextual (type of educational institution, educational stage and access to computer classroom). The information was collected through a questionnaire answered by a sample of 868 teachers of elementary and secondary education in the Comunidad Valenciana. The results confirm a stable relational structure between both dimensions of competence, where the technological competence influences the pedagogical competence. Also, the model shows the influences of contextual and personal variables on these dimensions. The model used points the urgent need to study the dimensions related to ICT in education from a more complex perspective that can more clearly show those relationships

    A contribution to the selection of tsunami human vulnerability indicators: conclusions from tsunami impacts in Sri Lanka and Thailand (2004), Samoa (2009), Chile (2010) and Japan (2011)

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    After several tsunami events with disastrous consequences around the world, coastal countries have realized the need to be prepared to minimize human mortality and damage to coastal infrastructures, livelihoods and resources. The international scientific community is striving to develop and validate methodologies for tsunami hazard and vulnerability and risk assessments. The vulnerability of coastal communities is usually assessed through the definition of sets of indicators based on previous literature and/or post-tsunami reports, as well as on the available data for the study site. The aim of this work is to validate, in light of past tsunami events, the indicators currently proposed by the scientific community to measure human vulnerability, to improve their definition and selection as well as to analyse their validity for different country development profiles. The events analysed are the 2011 Great Tohoku tsunami, the 2010 Chilean tsunami, the 2009 Samoan tsunami and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The results obtained highlight the need for considering both permanent and temporal human exposure, the former requiring some hazard numerical modelling, while the latter is related to site-specific livelihoods, cultural traditions and gender roles. The most vulnerable age groups are the elderly and children, the former having much higher mortality rates. Female mortality is not always higher than male mortality and not always related to dependency issues. Higher numbers of disabled people do not always translate into higher numbers of victims. Besides, it is clear that mortality is not only related to the characteristics of the population but also of the buildings. A high correlation has been found between the affected buildings and the number of victims, being very high for completely damaged buildings. Distance to the sea, building materials and expected water depths are important determining factors regarding the type of damage to buildings

    Manejo Multidisciplinario del Adenocarcinoma de Páncreas: Guía de Práctica Clínica AUNA

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    Introduction: This article provides recommendations for the Multidisciplinary Management of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in the RED AUNA. Methods: A systematic search of clinical practice guidelines (CPG) similar to topics of interest was developed, it was assessed with the AGREE II instrument, a list of questions was elaborated under the PICO structure, a de novo search was carried out prioritizing reviews systematic with or without meta-analysis, followed by primary studies, the elaboration of the evidence tables and the evaluation of the global quality for the outcomes of the clinical questions was carried out following the GRADE methodology. Results: 5 PICO questions corresponding to initial management and systemic management were formulated with 18 recommendations regarding the most effective method for pathological diagnosis, biliary drainage and the most effective and safe systemic treatment in the neoadjuvant, adjuvant and metastatic setting. Conclusions: This article summarizes the methodology and evidence-based recommendations of the CPG for the multidisciplinary management of pancreatic adenocarcinoma of the AUNA Clinic Network.Introducción: Este artículo brinda recomendaciones para el Manejo Multidisciplinario del Adenocarcinoma de Páncreas en la RED AUNA. Métodos: Se desarrolló una búsqueda sistemática de guías de práctica clínica (GPC) similares al tópico de interés, se valoró con el instrumento AGREE II, se elaboró un listado de preguntas bajo la estructura PICO, se realizó una búsqueda de novo priorizando revisiones sistemáticas con o sin meta-análisis, seguida de estudios primarios, la elaboración de las tablas de evidencia y la evaluación de la calidad global para los desenlaces de las preguntas clínicas se realizó siguiendo la metodología GRADE. Resultados: Se formularon 5 preguntas PICO correspondientes al manejo inicial y manejo sistémico con 18 recomendaciones respecto al método más efectivo para el diagnóstico patológico, el drenaje biliar y el tratamiento sistémico más efectivo y seguro en el escenario neoadyuvante, adyuvante y metastásico. Conclusiones: El presente artículo resume la metodología y las recomendaciones basadas en evidencia de la GPC para el manejo multidisciplinario del Adenocarcinoma de páncreas de la Red de Clínicas AUNA

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Contains fulltext : 172380.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Simulación de CIT en la Pesquería del Jurel en Chile

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    In this article, we provide results from simulations for alternative regulatory systems to be applied to the Jack-Mackerel (Jurel) fishery in the center-south of Chile. A model is developed to study individual firm behavior, and results are added for theFishery, regulatory systems, CIT, jack-mackerel

    Simulación de CIT en la pesquería del jurel en Chile.

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    En este artículo se muestran resultados de simulaciones de diferentes sistemas de regulación sobre la pesquería del jurel en la Zona Centro Sur de Chile. Se desarrollan modelos para simular el comportamiento individual de las firmas y los resultados son agregados para toda la pesquería. Se utilizan tres sistemas de regulación para estudiar los efectos de corto plazo asociados a la generación de propiedad individual y transferibilidad de derechos de captura. Estos regímenes incluyen la aplicación de una Cuota Global, Cuotas Individuales No Transferibles y Cuotas Individuales Transferibles, todos ellos para obtener el mismo nivel de Capturas Totales Permitidas (CTP). Esto permite realizar comparaciones de los efectos de estos sistemas en variables claves del comportamiento de las empresas (esfuerzos de pesca y capturas de los diferentes tipos de barco). El análisis se realiza utilizando herramientas de programación lineal y datos reales de la pesquería para el año 1995. Más específicamente, se simula un mercado de derechos, que permite observar precios de equilibrio y otras de sus características de corto plazo. Por último, se observan resultados de eficiencia comparativa, en términos de excedentes de pesca al obtener la CTP establecida. Los resultados sugieren que sistemas de regulación basados en derechos de propiedad no eliminarían la estacionalidad de las capturas en la pesquería del jurel, sino que la desplazarían. Sin embargo, este sistema podría incrementar notoriamente los excedentes agregados de operación de la flota. Los resultados también sugieren una importancia relativamente baja a la característica de transferibilidad de los derechos, al menos en el corto plazo

    Competencies in ICT of teachers and their relation to the use of the technological resources Las competencias en TIC del profesorado y su relación con el uso de los recursos tecnológicos Competências em TIC dos professores e sua relação com o uso de recursos tecnológicos

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    Over the past decade the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have represented a transformation of education policies that have entailed important investments. However, the teacher, as a key element in the integration process of ICT, still does not feel trusted this process. One of the most outstanding causes of this deficit confidence is the lack of teaching staff competence in the ICT. Therefore, the aim of this paper is a study of the teachers’ competence on ICT and their relation to the use being made of these technologies, both professional-personal and with their students. For it a survey design has been used. The target population constitutes the teaching staff of centers of primary and secondary education of the Comunidad Valenciana. Information was collected through questionnaires. Starting from the technological and pedagogic competences in TIC, we have been obtained teachers’ consistent competencies profile with four increasing levels: without knowledge, entrance, adoption and innovation. Likewise, we has been a narrow relationship among this profile and the use that the teachers carries out, more closely connected with the personal-professional who with the use with the students. Findings contribute keys to guide the professional development and teacher initial education programs. En la última década las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) han representado una transformación de las políticas educativas de los distintos países que han conllevado importantes inversiones. No obstante, el profesorado, como elemento clave en el proceso integrador de las TIC, no se siente todavía confiado en este proceso. Una de las causas más relevantes de esta confianza deficitaria es la falta de competencia del profesorado en las TIC. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este artículo es un estudio en profundidad de las competencias en TIC de los profesores y su relación con el uso que realizan de estas tecnologías, tanto a nivel personal-profesional como con sus alumnos. Para ello se ha utilizado un diseño de encuesta. La población de referencia la constituye el profesorado de centros de educación primaria y secundaria de la Comunidad Valenciana. La información se ha recogido a través de cuestionarios. A partir de las competencias tecnológicas y pedagógicas en TIC, se ha obtenido un perfil competencial consistente del profesorado con cuatro niveles crecientes: sin conocimientos, entrada, adopción e innovación. Asimismo, se ha hallado una relación estrecha entre este perfil y el uso que realiza el profesorado, más vinculado con el uso personal-profesional que con el uso con los alumnos. Los hallazgos aportan claves para orientar el desarrollo profesional y la formación inicial de los profesores. Na última década e Tecnologia da Informação Tecnologias da Comunicação (TIC) têm representado uma mudança de política educação em diferentes países que levaram a grandes investimentos. No entanto, o professor, como um elemento chave no processo integração das TIC, ela ainda sente-se confiante neste processo. A das causas mais relevantes deste déficit de confiança é a falta de competência dos professores em TIC. Portanto, o objetivo do presente artigo é um estudo aprofundado das habilidades de TI do professores e sua relação com a utilização destas tecnologias, tanto a nível profissional e pessoal com seus alunos. Isto tem utilizado um projeto de pesquisa. A população de referência é professores em escolas primárias e secundárias Comunidad Valenciana. As informações foram coletadas através de questionários. A partir da capacitação tecnológica e pedagógica TIC tem sido atribuído um perfil de competência pedagógica coerente com quatro níveis crescentes: no conhecimento, a entrada, adoção e inovação. Foi também encontrada uma relação estreita entre o perfil ea utilização feita pelo corpo docente, mais relacionados ao uso pessoal -- profissional para uso com os alunos. As descobertas fornecem pistas para orientar o desenvolvimento profissional e de formação inicial professores

    Advances in tsunami preparedness at the beginning of the Ocean Decade: the Costa Rica case

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    Following the 2004 Indian Ocean and the 2011 Tohoku earthquakes and tsunamis, there has been steady progress in tsunami science and preparedness worldwide. Currently, there are four Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems as Intergovernmental Coordination Groups (ICGs) coordinated by IOC/UNESCO. They include tsunami monitoring, warning, and response. They are mostly based on scientific knowledge including tsunami hazard assessments, 24/7 monitoring systems, agreed operational standard procedures (SOPs), redundant communication and community response mechanisms. Costa Rica has greatly increased its tsunami preparedness during the past six years, after the creation of SINAMOT (Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Tsunamis). SINAMOT works by characterizing the tsunami threat, encouraging, and supporting community preparedness, strengthening the existing tsunami warning SOPs and maintaining the sea level monitoring network. SINAMOT articulates with stakeholders and decision makers such as seismic monitoring networks, national and local government, emergency managers and committees. Four communities in Costa Rica have been recognized as Tsunami Ready by IOC/UNESCO, four more are recognized with pending guidelines and five more are working on fulfilling the requirements. Despite all the progress made, there is still plenty of work to do to have a safe and predictable ocean regarding tsunamis. Atypical tsunami sources are not yet incorporated in hazard assessments, there are many gaps in sea level monitoring, and capacity building is required in many aspects so that developing countries can be more autonomous in their tsunami preparedness and response. Our major challenges today worldwide are with staffing and funding, both to kick-off and to sustain the mentioned activities. Specifically, Costa Rica requires more physical oceanographers and geoscientists working on tsunami science and more funding to study the ocean (including sea level gauges and tsunami hazards assessment) to support the tsunami and other coastal hazard warning systems. This requires working together with communities and stakeholders to increase tsunami preparedness

    Preserving past tsunami information for future preparedness in Indonesia and the Philippines

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    Recent tsunamis, especially after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, provided a better understanding and knowledge of tsunami science as well as on how to build awareness and preparedness. However, tsunamis that happened before 2004, there is limited and/or scattered data, information, records, and reports of the events. In addition, there is either limited or no eyewitness’s story documented, including pictures and videos. The lack of information makes it difficult for policymakers, researchers, and other institutions to disseminate local and contextualized information to the public in raising awareness and education on disaster preparation and mitigation. If a tsunami has happened in the past, it is most likely to happen again in the future. It is imperative that we learn from the past and prepare for the future. This study aims to improve the knowledge of the impact of the tsunami in selected sites in Indonesia and the Philippines prior to 2004, through investigation of historical documents and archives, as well as documentation of eyewitness accounts. The result of this study is expected to be a more effective way to build awareness and to educate the local community. Having evidence-based of past tsunami event in the area will motivate stronger preparedness. It will also provide a better understanding to the local policymakers, disaster management agencies, as well as the community as it is based on local eyewitness accounts and other local sources, as opposed to using examples from other sites, districts, countries or regions

    Preserving past tsunami information for future preparedness in Indonesia and the Philippines

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    Recent tsunamis, especially after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, provided a better understanding and knowledge of tsunami science as well as on how to build awareness and preparedness. However, tsunamis that happened before 2004, there is limited and/or scattered data, information, records, and reports of the events. In addition, there is either limited or no eyewitness’s story documented, including pictures and videos. The lack of information makes it difficult for policymakers, researchers, and other institutions to disseminate local and contextualized information to the public in raising awareness and education on disaster preparation and mitigation. If a tsunami has happened in the past, it is most likely to happen again in the future. It is imperative that we learn from the past and prepare for the future. This study aims to improve the knowledge of the impact of the tsunami in selected sites in Indonesia and the Philippines prior to 2004, through investigation of historical documents and archives, as well as documentation of eyewitness accounts. The result of this study is expected to be a more effective way to build awareness and to educate the local community. Having evidence-based of past tsunami event in the area will motivate stronger preparedness. It will also provide a better understanding to the local policymakers, disaster management agencies, as well as the community as it is based on local eyewitness accounts and other local sources, as opposed to using examples from other sites, districts, countries or regions