1,054 research outputs found

    The motivational aspect: The low and high proficiency undergraduates of Islamic University College of Malaysia (IUCM) in using tell me more (TMM) language learning software

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    Many learners are excited to use language learning software when the software is introduced. However, it is believed that, the low proficiency users are less motivated compared to high proficiency users. This study compares the motivational level of low and high proficiency undergraduates of IUCM in using TMM language learning software. The data was collected by administering the modified Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS) questionnaire (Keller, 1987) to the respondents and analyzed using SPSS software to arrive at the statistical figures. The analysis shows that there are not many discrepancies in terms of the motivational level between the two groups in using the software, thus indicating the strengths of the software in catering for both groups. However, there are also some weaknesses in the software that will be addressed in this paper. Finally, possible modifications to TMM software pertaining to the features related to the ARCS model (Keller, 1987) will also be put forth

    Pemanfaatan Bahan Baku Lokal untuk di Glasir Guna Meningkatkan kualitas Gerabah (Earthenware) Menjadi Keramik Di Dusun Sandi Kecamatan Pattallassang Kabupaten Takalar

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    Penelitian ini merupakan upaya peningkatan kualitas gerabah menjadi seni keramik dengan melakukan berbagai eksperimen penerapan teknik glasir. Oleh karena kualitas tanah liat lokal di daerah sekitar perajin gerabah berada diragukan hanya bisa untuk bakaran rendah (gerabah) maksimal 800°, maka akan di gunakan beberapa alternatif bahan baku tanah liat, seperti tanah liat dari Kabupaten Pangkep maupun tanah liat dari Kabupaten Gowa, yang diperkirakan dapat diglasir dengan bakaran tinggi di atas 800°. Alternatif lainnya adalah mencampur tanah liat lokal dari daerah perajin dengan tanah liat dari luar dengan teknik pengolahan bahan untuk memperoleh bahan baku tanah yang lebih plastis dan tahan untuk di glasir. Permasalahan utama penelitian adalah seni kerajinan gerabah telah bertahan selama ratusan tahun di Kabupaten Takalar, namun peningkatan mutu berjalan sangat lambat sehingga kurang kompetitif di pasar nasional maupun pasar global, permasalahan lainnya adalah sebagian besar perajin lebih dari 60 % masih bertahan dengan membuat seni gerabah tradisional sementara harga seni gerabah tradisional masih sangat rendah. 11 bahan tanah local sebagai sampel penelitian berlanjut pada tahap pengglasiran dengan teknik celup menggunakan bahan glasir FT360 (transparan), 19I (biru), dan 19 (putih). Pembakaran dilakukan dengan tungku kontinu terbuat dari batu tahan api dengan menggunakan bahan bakar kayu (sisa kayu jati) dan dapat diukur suhu bakarnya menggunakan pyrometer. Rencana pembakaran dilakukan selama 5 jam hingga mencapai 1100°. Hasil pembakaran glasir menunjukkan pada umumnya seluruh sampel yang diglasir dapat bertahan pada suhu 1100° dan glasir meleleh. Kelemahannya adalah teknik glasir yang belum sesuai standar menyebabkan hasil glasir belum merata, masih banyak pecah-pecah (retak) permukaan glasirnya. Namun demikian body keramik yang diglasir tidak mengalami perubahan bahkan dapat tetap stabil, hanya saja teknik glasir perlu lebih diperbaiki pada penelitian selanjutnya

    Councils Update in Egypt ((Egyptian Parliament 1837-1923 Model))

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    التجربة المصرية مع الحضارة الاوربية الحديثة تشبه في بعض نواحيها تجارب غيرها من البلدان العربية التي عرفت الغرب, والذي أثار الاحتكاك به, وأخذ الارتشاف من افكاره ونظمه ارتشاف الظامئ المنبهر. والاخذ بالمبادئ والنظم الديمقراطية في بداية القرن التاسع عشر والتي ظل أثرها يتسع باستمرار, قد هيأ للطبقات الشعبية الوسيلة التي تكفل لها التعبير عن مشاعرها بمزيد من الوضوح, وبدفعة قوية من محمد علي وبجهد المفكرين امثال جمال الدين الافغاني وتلامذته وانتشار الصحف وواقع الاحتكاك بالغرب وتحت تهديده نمت كل تيارات الفكر الكبرى. كان مهمة واضعي البرلمان ولوائحه هي صيانة مصالحهم, فقد كانوا محتفظين تجاه أشياعهم نفس تحفظهم تجاه غرائمهم, ومن هذه الظروف منحت مصر نفسها دستور استوحت اغلب نصوصه من القانون البلجيكي, وقد صدر في 19 نيسان عام 1923 ووضع الجزء الاكبر من سيادة الدولة, وكذلك مسؤولية الوزراء في يد البرلمان.The Egyptian experience with the modern European civilization is similar in some respects to the experiences of other Arab countries that have known the West, and which has aroused friction with it. The introduction of democratic principles and systems at the beginning of the 19th century, whose impact has been constantly expanding, has given the popular classes the means to express their feelings more clearly, with a strong impetus from Muhammad Ali and the work of intellectuals such as Jamaluddin Afghani and his students, the spread of newspapers and the reality of friction in the West All streams of great thought. Under the circumstances, Egypt granted itself a constitution inspired by most of its provisions of Belgian law. It was promulgated on 19 April 1923 and placed the bulk of the sovereignty of the state, as well as the responsibility of ministers In the hands of parliament

    Ultra-short of pico and femtosecond soliton laser pulse using microring resonator for cancer cells treatment

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    A system of microring resonators (MRRs) incorporating with an add/drop filter system is presented in which ultra-short single and multi temporal and spatial optical soliton pulses can be simulated and used to thermalbased killing of abnormal cells, tumor and cancer, applicable in nanomedical treatments. This proposed system uses chaotic signals generated by a bright soliton pulse within a nonlinear MRRs system. Interaction between gold nanoparticles and ultra-short femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses holds great interest in laser nanomedicine. By using the appropriate soliton input power and MRRs parameters, required spatial and temporal signals are generated spreading over the spectrum. Results obtained show that smallest single temporal and spatial soliton pulse with FWHM = 712 fs and FWHM = 17.5 pm could be generated respectively. The add/drop filter system is used to generate high capacity ultra-short soliton pulses in the range of nanometer/second and picometer/second

    The feasibility study towards usage of information technology adoption towards promoting the SMEs products in Kemubu Agricultural Development Authority (KADA) / Ali Zainal Abidin Jalil

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    The purpose of this research was to identify the use of information technology adoption towards promoting the SMEs product in Kemubu Agricultural Development Authority (KADA). Most of the businesses have now accepted and used information technology application in running their businesses as it become an important tool to increase their business in the domestic as well as global market place. In future IT will grow more rapidly in the Malaysian SMEs sectors. In order to increase the effectiveness of IT, companies can use internet to present almost unlimited information about their products and services in cyberspace. The researcher used simple random sampling, where 100 questionnaire were distributed to the entrepreneur that been guide under KADA. The researcher measured five independent variables which is level of technology, competitor influences, managerial influences, ease of use and cost effectiveness. The dependent variable that been use in this study is information technology adoption. The finding shows that all five independent variables have a relationship with information technology adoption. The method used by the researcher to get these result is by using the regression analysis and P-value approach. Therefore, all SMEs companies that been guide under KADA should use information technology application to improve, increase and enhance their performance as well as their tool to promotin

    Non Linear Optic in Fiber Bragg Grating

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    A Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) is a periodic variation of the refractive index of the core in the fiber optic along the length of the fiber. The principal property of FBGs is that they reflect light in a narrow bandwidth that is centered about the Bragg wavelength, ?B (A. Orthonos and K. Kalli, 1999). FBGs are simple intrinsic devices that are made in the fibre core by imaging an interference pattern through the side of the fibre. They are used as flexible and low cost in-line components to manipulate any part of the optical transmission and reflection spectrum. FBG is formed by the periodic variations of the refractive index in the fiber core. Several techniques have been established to inscribe them with UV-lasers. However, these technologies are limited to photosensitive fiber core material, which are unsuitable for high power applications. Only recently modifications have been demonstrated in a non photosensitive fiber but at the expense of longer exposure times (K. W. Chow et al., 2008). FBGs have all the advantages of an optical fibre, such as electrically passive operation, lightweight, high sensitivity with also unique features for self-referencing and multiplexing capabilities. This gives them a distinct edge over conventional devices (Nahar Singh et. al, 2006, Govind P. Agrawal 2002)

    Mentalidad de crecimiento y yo ideal en L2 como predictores del compromiso estudiantil en estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera: El rol mediador de la perseverancia en L2

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    This research delves into the dynamics of growth mindset, ideal L2 self, grit, and student engagement using well-established data collection instruments in the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning. A sample comprising 379 participants drawn from diverse language institutes in Iran, provided empirical data for this study. Employing structural equation modeling and validated scales for each construct, the study unveils a partially mediated model, illuminating the intricate relationships among the variables under investigation. The findings reveal that both ideal L2 self and growth mindset exert a significant influence on student engagement, with grit serving as a crucial partial mediator in these associations. Moreover, growth mindset demonstrates a notable indirect effect on student engagement, primarily mediated by grit. The study not only advances our understanding of motivational drivers in EFL learning but also yields practical insights for educators and curriculum designers seeking to bolster student engagement and perseverance in language learning environments.Esta investigación indaga en las dinámicas de la mentalidad de crecimiento, el yo ideal en L2, la perseverancia y el compromiso estudiantil utilizando instrumentos de recolección de datos bien establecidos en el contexto del aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL). Una muestra de 379 participantes provenientes de diversos institutos de idiomas en Irán proporcionó la base empírica para este estudio. Empleando modelado de ecuaciones estructurales y escalas validadas para cada constructo, el estudio revela un modelo parcialmente mediado, iluminando las relaciones intrincadas entre estos factores clave. Los hallazgos muestran que tanto el yo ideal en L2 como la mentalidad de crecimiento ejercen una influencia significativa en el compromiso estudiantil, siendo la perseverancia un mediador parcial crucial en estas asociaciones. Además, la mentalidad de crecimiento demuestra un notable efecto indirecto en el compromiso estudiantil, principalmente mediado por la perseverancia. El estudio no solo avanza en nuestra comprensión de los impulsores motivacionales en el aprendizaje de EFL, sino que también ofrece ideas prácticas para educadores y diseñadores de currículo que buscan fortalecer el compromiso estudiantil y la perseverancia en entornos de aprendizaje de idiomas

    New approach to the solutions of the pib equation

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    In this paper, based on the Exp-function method and mathematical derivation, we obtain several explicit and exact traveling wave solutions for the PIB equation.Publisher's Versio

    Plasma kinetic theory

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    The description of plasma using fluid model is mostly insufficient and requires the consideration of velocity distribution which leads to kinetic theory. Kinetic theory of plasma describes and predicts the condition of plasma from microscopic interactions and motions of its constituents. It provides an essential basis for an introductory course on plasma physics as well as for advanced kinetic theory. Plasma kinetics deals with the relationship between velocity and forces and the study of continua in velocity space. Plasma kinetics mathematical equations provide aid to the readers in understanding simple tools to determine the plasma dynamics and kinetics as described in this chapter. Kinetic theory provides the basics and essential introduction to plasma physics and subsequently advanced kinetic theory. Plasma waves, oscillations, frequencies, and applications are the subjects of kinetic theory. In this chapter, mathematical formulations essential for exploring plasma kinetics are compiled and described simplistically along with a precise discussion on basic plasma parameters in simple language with illustrations in some cases