22 research outputs found

    Construction of Bioreactors for Obtaining Mycelium from Agaricus Brunnescens and Pleurotus Ostreatus Mushrooms Using the Honey Tek Technique

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    Mycelium cultivation plays an important role in mushroom production and in various biotechnological studies. Submerged fermentation has received much attention as a promising alternative for the efficient production of mushroom biomass and active metabolites. For the following research, bioreactors were constructed to obtain pure mycelium from Pleurotus ostreatus and Agaricus brunnescens mushrooms using the Honey technique. This method is based on using honey as the main nutrient for the growth of microorganisms on an industrial scale. In the beginning, spore impressions were extracted by the dry chamber method and inoculated into the honey broth. The bioreactors were dimensioned with a 2.5 L culture chamber, 2 L production, controlled temperature of 28∘C, pH = 4, and agitation of 120 revolutions per minute. Conidia/milliliter was quantified every three days with a Neubauer chamber, and the Kjeldahl method was used to identify protein as the main bioactive metabolite of the mycelium. Finally, the mycelium obtained was evaluated on three types of substrates comparing their colonization time. The use of bioreactors in mycelium cultivation is efficient as better mycelium quality, higher biomass yield, and more dispersion on substrates are obtained. It also has the benefits of much better oxygen mass transfer and culture homogeneity. With this technique, physical, chemical, and biological factors can be controlled to produce mushrooms in a much shorter time. Keywords: bioreactor, honey technic, mycelial biomass, Agaricus brunnescens, Pleurotus ostreatus. Resumen El cultivo de micelio juega un papel importante en la producción de hongos y en diversos estudios biotecnológicos, el usar la fermentación sumergida ha recibido mucha atención como alternativa prometedora para la producción eficiente de la biomasa de hongos y metabolitos activos. Para la siguiente investigación se construyeron biorreactores con el objetivo de obtener micelio puro de hongos Pleurotus ostreatus y Agaricus brunnescens usando la técnica Honey. El método Honey se basa en aprovechar la miel como nutriente principal para el crecimiento de microorganismos a escala industrial. En principio se extraen impresiones de esporas mediante el método de cámara seca y se inoculan en caldo honey. Los biorreactores se dimensionaron con una cámara de cultivo de 2,5 litros, producción de dos litros, temperatura controlada de 28 grados Celsius, pH igual a cuatro y agitación de 120 revoluciones por minuto. Se cuantificaron los conidios/mililitro cada tres días con una cámara de Neubauer y se usó el método Kjeldahl para identificar la proteína como principal metabolito bioactivo del micelio. Finalmente, el micelio obtenido fue evaluado sobre tres tipos de sustratos comparando su tiempo de colonización. El uso de biorreactores en el cultivo de micelio es eficiente debido a que se obtiene mejor calidad de micelio, mayor rendimiento de biomasa y más dispersión sobre sustratos. Así mismo, posee los beneficios de una transferencia de masa de oxígeno y una homogeneidad de cultivo mucho mejores. Con esta técnica se pueden controlar factores físicos, químicos y biológicos para producir setas en tiempos mucho más cortos. Palabras Clave: biorreactor, honey tek, biomasa micelial, Agaricus brunnescens, Pleurotus ostreatus

    Vocabulario de la sociedad civil, la ruralidad y los movimientos sociales en América Latina

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    El Vocabulario de la Sociedad Civil, la Ruralidad y los Movimientos Sociales en América Latina tiene como objetivo desarrollar vocablos relacionados con temas de gran trascendencia para la vida colectiva de la población Latinoamericana; pretende introducir a estudiantes, personas del ámbito académico y activistas en la comprensión de estas categorías de análisis. A través de la mirada de 70 especialistas que participaron en este vocabulario, es posible comprender muchos de los términos que se utilizan dentro de la investigación social y áreas relacionadas con las ciencias políticas, ambientales y rurales, a partir de una mayor explicación y detalle. Es por ello que se inserta este trabajo desde una mirada colectiva y amplia de los conceptos que se exponen. En este libro podrá encontrar las ideas de varios autores y autoras de distintas universidades, con una visión multi, inter y transdisciplinaria. El esfuerzo que se realizó para conjuntar varios términos y analizar su compleja red de interpretaciones, permitirá que este manuscrito pueda ser consultado por estudiantes, personas del ámbito científico-académico, y ciudadanía; porque contiene el estado del arte, la historia del paulatino avance de múltiples conceptos y su vigencia en el contexto actual

    Colombian consensus recommendations for diagnosis, management and treatment of the infection by SARS-COV-2/ COVID-19 in health care facilities - Recommendations from expert´s group based and informed on evidence

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    La Asociación Colombiana de Infectología (ACIN) y el Instituto de Evaluación de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Salud (IETS) conformó un grupo de trabajo para desarrollar recomendaciones informadas y basadas en evidencia, por consenso de expertos para la atención, diagnóstico y manejo de casos de Covid 19. Estas guías son dirigidas al personal de salud y buscar dar recomendaciones en los ámbitos de la atención en salud de los casos de Covid-19, en el contexto nacional de Colombia

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Construction of Bioreactors for Obtaining Mycelium from Agaricus Brunnescens and Pleurotus Ostreatus Mushrooms Using the Honey Tek Technique

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    Abstract Mycelium cultivation plays an important role in mushroom production and in various biotechnological studies. Submerged fermentation has received much attention as a promising alternative for the efficient production of mushroom biomass and active metabolites. For the following research, bioreactors were constructed to obtain pure mycelium from Pleurotus ostreatus and Agaricus brunnescens mushrooms using the Honey technique. This method is based on using honey as the main nutrient for the growth of microorganisms on an industrial scale. In the beginning, spore impressions were extracted by the dry chamber method and inoculated into the honey broth. The bioreactors were dimensioned with a 2.5 L culture chamber, 2 L production, controlled temperature of 28○C, pH = 4, and agitation of 120 revolutions per minute. Conidia/milliliter was quantified every three days with a Neubauer chamber, and the Kjeldahl method was used to identify protein as the main bioactive metabolite of the mycelium. Finally, the mycelium obtained was evaluated on three types of substrates comparing their colonization time. The use of bioreactors in mycelium cultivation is efficient as better mycelium quality, higher biomass yield, and more dispersion on substrates are obtained. It also has the benefits of much better oxygen mass transfer and culture homogeneity. With this technique, physical, chemical, and biological factors can be controlled to produce mushrooms in a much shorter time

    Caracterización de la diversidad de variedades nativas de maíz (Zea mays) y papas (Solanum tuberosum) en las provincia de Tungurahua (Ecuador)

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    La diversidad de diferentes fenotipos nativos de maíz y papa está influenciada por su forma de conservación, uso y destino final. La recolección de semillas es una forma de mantener la diversidad de semillas. En Ecuador el uso principal del maíz y la papa nativos con almidón es el consumo humano, especialmente en Tungurahua donde se preparan platos típicos a base de este. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo explorar la diversidad de variedades nativas de maíz (Zea mays), y papa (Solanum tuberosum), en seis comunidades de la provincia de Tungurahua, Ecuador. La metodología utilizada fue grupos focales, donde se entrevistaron siete grupos focales, cada grupo focal con ocho a diez miembros. Encontramos seis fenotipos de maíz nativo, de los cuales hay cinco de uso común y uno de uso poco común. Además, el maíz se almacena principalmente en sacos (67%) y sobre tapetes (30%) en los hogares. Para la papa, encontramos treinta y dos variedades diferentes, de las cuales catorce se obtuvieron mediante mejoramiento comercial y dieciocho fueron material nativo, las cuales se almacenan principalmente en pilas y bolsas. En este estudio se concluyó que, las variedades nativas de papa y maíz están en riesgo de extinción debido a que la mayoría de estas variedades no existe una política pública para la preservación del conocimiento ancestral y las variedades son preservadas principalmente por personas mayores de la comunidad

    Benefits of Legume Species in an Agroforestry Production System of Yellow Pitahaya in the Ecuadorian Amazon

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    Agroforestry systems have become an alternative that promotes the conservation of natural resources and the sustainable production of fruit crops in the Ecuadorian Amazon. However, it is required to demonstrate the benefit of the companion species that make up these production systems. The objective of this research was to determine how the legume species within an agroforestry system influence the yield of yellow dragon fruit (pitahaya), carbon sequestration and nutritional contribution. The experiment was carried out in Palora (province of Morona Santiago) and organized in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments were two agroforestry arrangements and the monoculture as a control treatment. Erythrina poeppigiana, Gliricidia sepium and Flemingia macrophylla were used in the agroforestry arrangements for the contribution of biomass. Results showed that during the five years of study, pitahaya yield was influenced by the quality of the leaf litter (biomass) incorporated in to the fruit crop. Biomass from E. poeppigiana and F. macrophylla as companion crops contributed a greater amount of Ca and Mg, increased C sequestration and crop yield. The results suggest that the use of legume species in agroforestry systems positively affects pitahaya productivity, enabling sustainable agriculture in the Ecuadorian Amazon

    Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Passiflora spp. Germplasm Grown in Ecuador

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    Tropical fruits are in high demand for their flavor and for their functional composition because these compounds are considered nutraceuticals. Passion fruit production is of economic importance to Ecuador; however, several Passiflora species are grown and each has to be analyzed to identify their phytochemical composition. In this study, the polyphenol, flavonoid, carotenoid, vitamin C, sugar and organic acid contents were determined. Six different Passiflora spp. germplasms were analyzed, coming from Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa, Passiflora alata, Passiflora edulis f. edulis and unidentified Passiflora species (local germplasm). Measurement techniques included reflectometry for vitamin C, spectrophotometry for antioxidant compounds and HPLC for sugars and organic acids. Data were analyzed by principal component analysis, correlation and analysis of variance. Results showed that INIAP 2009 and P10 showed a high amount of polyphenols, antioxidant activity and citric content. Sweet passion fruit had the lowest vitamin C content while Gulupa showed the highest content. In terms of the local germplasm, POR1 showed the lowest content of flavonoids while PICH1 had high flavonoid and carotenoid content. Polyphenols were the main compounds that influenced antioxidant activity. This phytochemical information adds value to passion fruit as a nutraceutical source

    Nutrient Contribution and Carbon Sequestration of an Agroforestry System of <i>Coffea canephora</i> Cultivated by Conventional and Organic Management in the Ecuadorian Amazon

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    Agroforestry systems (AFSs) seek synergies that improve productivity, sustainability, and environmental benefits. This is achieved through the supplying of nutrients to the soil, carbon storage, and sequestration. In the Ecuadorian Amazon, Coffea canephora is planted together with leguminous, woody, forest, and secondary forest species, where the continuous incorporation of vegetative residues from shade species represents a substantial addition of nutrients within these systems. This study was carried out from 2018 to 2022 to determine the contribution of nutrients contained in the biomass and C sequestration in agroforestry systems of coffee with conventional (high use of agrochemicals) and organic (without the use of chemicals) management. The study was carried out with a randomized complete block design, using a factorial arrangement (2 × 4 with three replications). This arrangement included two types of systems (agroforestry and monoculture) and four agronomic management practices (high and medium for conventional, and intensive and low organic). The biomass and nutrient content were measured twice a year (every 180 days); in addition, the yield was also recorded. A multivariate and univariate analysis was used for data analysis through R and SAS software. After five years of evaluation, it was determined that the N, K, Ca, and Mg contents were higher in the agroforestry systems than the monocultures. In the AFSs, the highest nutrient content was obtained with the medium conventional and low organic agronomic management, while in the monocultures, it was obtained with the high and medium conventional management. In addition, at a soil depth of 20 cm, the total storage and CO2 were 38.12 and 139.8 t ha−1, respectively. The highest yields were obtained with conventional management in AFSs (1599 kg ha−1) and monoculture (1789.45 kg ha−1). Overall, AFSs showed a significant contribution of nutrients, such as N, K, Ca, and Mg, for coffee cultivation; moreover, yields were similar in the AFS and monoculture with both conventional and organic management, which is positive, since AFSs also contribute environmental benefits

    Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates in healthy children attending day-care centers in 12 states in Mexico Aislamientos de S. pneumoniae en niños sanos de estancias infantiles en 12 estados de México

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae, which is a major factor in the transmission of this bacterium. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Nasopharyngeal cultures were performed on children attending 32 day-care centers in 12 states in Mexico. RESULTS: Streptococcus pneumoniae was isolated from the nasopharynx of 829 out of 2 777(29.9%) subjects aged two months to six years. All children lived in urban areas and 80% spent more than six hours daily in a day-care center. Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes most frequently identified were: 19F (23%), 6B (15.6%), 23F (11.2%) and 6A (14.9%). Thirty-six percent of the isolates were susceptible to penicillin. CONCLUSIONS: Serotype distribution suggests the possible benefits that could be obtained from the heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.OBJETIVO: La intención de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de portadores nasofaríngeos asintomáticos de Streptococcus pneumoniae, el cual es el principal factor en la transmisión de esta bacteria. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Los cultivos nasofaríngeos fueron realizados en niños que asisten a 32 estancias infantiles en 12 estados de México. RESULTADOS: Streptococcus pneumoniae fue aislado de la nasofaringe de 829 (29.9%) niños de los 2 777 incluidos en el estudio con un rango de edad de 2 meses a 6 años. Todos los niños vivían en áreas urbanas y 80% permanecían más de seis horas diarias en la estancia infantil. Los serotipos de Streptococcus pneumoniae más frecuentemente identificados fueron: 19F (23%), 6B (15.6%), 23F (11.2%) y 6 A (14.9%). Treinta y seis por ciento de los aislamientos fueron susceptibles a penicilina. CONCLUSIONES: La distribución de serotipos nos da una idea de los posibles beneficios que podrían obtenerse de la vacuna neumocóccica conjugada heptavalente