1,274 research outputs found

    Presentación. Tecnologías digitales, pantallas y lenguaje audiovisual

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    En este período de profundos procesos de transformación que provocan constantemente nuevos modos de comunicación, cambios en lo social, cultural y subjetivo; procesos de desterritorrialización y reterritorrialización (en este caso, simbólicos); migraciones, fragmentaciones y reagrupamiento social; transformaciones en los sujetos y formas de constitución de identidades; modos de subjetividad y de institucionalidad; de la relación inclusión / exclusión; de lo público y lo privado; de lo político y la política; el poder y la hegemonía. Este es el marco en el que se inscriben nuestras miradas, reflexiones e intervenciones.Fil: Murolo, Norberto Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Alfonso, Alfredo

    Information Sharing and Coordination in Collaborative Flood Warning and Response Systems

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    The introduction of new information and communication technologies enables communities to share information and self-organize in the response to disasters. Crowd-sourcing approaches enable professional authorities to capture information from the ground in real-time. However, there is a gap between the professional and community-driven response: locally emergent initiatives may lack the overview needed for efficient coordination, while decisions taken by professionals may not consider the actual situation on the ground. We study this information sharing and coordination gap through the lens of urban flood early warning and response systems. Based on a literature review combining academic articles as well as guidelines and reports from practice, we derive design principles for these systems. Considering the case study of Accra, specific requirements are individuated. The design principles are then used to address the requirements, resulting in a set of functionalities for a collaborative flood warning and response system. These functionalities provide the basis for further development and evaluation

    Bolivia : diaspora and emigration policies

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    INTERACT - Researching Third Country Nationals’ Integration as a Three-way Process - Immigrants, Countries of Emigration and Countries of Immigration as Actors of IntegrationIs immigration on the Bolivian political agenda? If we only analyze the official census figures and focus on laws, decrees and public policy initiatives, we should probably answer ‘no’. However, as we shall see, we have to consider another reality after integrating various statistical estimates that increase official numbers and after acknowledging the work of some governmental departments as well as non-governmental social research and advocacy organizations and Bolivian migrants associations abroad. To understand the difference in the response to migration questions in Bolivia, we now present the policy and institutional foundations on which the immigration debate is held in Bolivia. Some public policy, civil right defense and research initiatives have been proposed and established, but these initiatives would be best judged after considering how much political and economic support they will receive in future.INTERACT is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union

    Cuencas de salida para el problema de Sitnikov con masa variable

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    In the present paper, we perform a numerical study of the Sitnikov problem aiming to characterize the orbits of a variable mass particle (e.g., comet, rocket, asteroid or spacecraft) and determine the uncertainty in the prediction of the final state of the test particle. The classification of final states was done through the well-known exit basins, while the determination of the uncertainty was calculated using a new tool named Basin entropy. It is found that for small values of the initial mass of the test particle, the number of initial conditions leading to bounded orbits gets increased, thus reducing the uncertainty in the final states. The same behavior in uncertainty is observed for increasing values of the exponent in Jeans law for the variation of the mass. Our results allow us to conclude that: i) an accelerated fuel consumption in the initial stages of stabilization of a satellite can keep the object in an oscillatory state around the primaries and ii) if the mass of the satellite is less than one hundredth of the mass of each primary, it is possible to predict with a very high certainty the final state of the satellite, regardless of the accuracy in the initial conditions of the system.En el presente trabajo, se realiza un estudio numérico del problema de Sitnikov que busca caracterizar las órbitas de una partícula de masa variable (e.g. un cometa, un cohete, un asteroide o una nave espacial), y determinar la incertidumbre en la predicción de los estados finales del sistema. La clasificación de los estados finales se realiza a través de las conocidas cuencas de salida, mientras que la determinación de la incertidumbre se calcula usando una nueva herramienta denominada entropía de las cuencas. Se encuentra que, para valores pequeños de la masa inicial de la partícula de prueba, el número de condiciones iniciales conducentes a órbitas acotadas aumenta significativamente, reduciendo así la incertidumbre en los estados finales. El mismo comportamiento en la incertidumbre se observa para valores grandes del exponente en la Ley de Jeans para la variación de la masa. Nuestros resultados permiten concluir que: i) un acelerado consumo de combustible en las etapas iniciales de estabilización de un satélite puede mantener el objeto en un estado oscilatorio en torno a las primarias y ii) si la masa del satélite es menor a una centésima parte de la masa de cada primaria, es posible predecir con una altísima certidumbre el estado final del mismo, sin importar la exactitud en las condiciones iniciales del sistema.No presente trabalho, realizamos um estudo numérico do problema Sitnikov com o objetivo de caracterizar as órbitas de uma partícula de massa variável (por exemplo, cometa, foguete, asteróide ou espaçonave) e determinar a incerteza na previsão do estado final da partícula de teste . A classificação dos estados finais foi feita através das conhecidas bacias de saída, enquanto a determinação da incerteza foi calculada usando uma nova ferramenta chamada entropia da bacia. Verificou-se que, para pequenos valores da massa inicial da partícula de teste, o número de condições iniciais que levam a órbitas limitadas aumenta, reduzindo assim a incerteza nos estados finais. O mesmo comportamento na incerteza é observado para valores crescentes do expoente na lei de Jeans para a variação da massa. Nossos resultados permitem concluir que: i) um consumo acelerado de combustível nos estágios iniciais de estabilização de um satélite pode manter o objeto em um estado oscilatório em torno das primárias e ii) se a massa do satélite for menor que um centésimo da massa de cada primário, é possível prever com uma certeza muito alta o estado final do satélite, independentemente da precisão nas condições iniciais do sistema

    Tecnologías del Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento como estrategias en la formación de los docentes de la Escuela Normal Superior de Cúcuta, Colombia

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    Objective: to provide theoretical elements to lay the foundations of the strategies for Learning and Knowledge Technology (LKT) in the process of teacher training of La Normal Superior School María Auxiliadora, Cúcuta, Colombia. Methodology: this research was conducted under the qualitative approach, based on the experiential introspective interpretative paradigm, in order to research pedagogical strategies (LKT). This means it is based on the teachers’ reality, their experiences, perceptions, and experiences. This study comprised of ten teacher trainers from La Normal Superior School, Cúcuta, Colombia, who were selected from the Institutional Complementary Training Programs. Data was collected through focused interviews with open questions. Results: three theoretical issues arose from the LKTs: Training through competences for the consolidation of LKT strategies; Critical thinking and problem-based learningusing LKTs, and the construction of knowledge in the teaching-learning process.  Conclusions: in order to be strengthened within the classroom, LKTs must be built up on theoretical issues, to allow teachers to resize their activity to become managers and mediators in the use and application of these emerging technologies.Objetivo: generar elementos teóricos que fundamenten las estrategias de las Tecnología del Aprendizaje y Conocimiento TAC en el proceso de formación de los docentes de la Escuela NormalSuperior María Auxiliadora de Cúcuta Colombia.  Metodología: se desarrolló bajo el enfoque cualitativo, sustentado en el paradigma interpretativo introspectivo vivencial, con el fin de develar las estrategias pedagógicas (TAC) donde se realiza la investigación, es decir, a partir de la realidad de los docentes, sus experiencias, percepciones, vivencias. En este estudio participaron 10 docentesformadores de formadores de la Escuela Normal Superior de Cúcuta, Colombia, seleccionados del Programas de Formación Complementaria de la Institución. Para la recolección de los datos se utilizó la entrevista focalizada con preguntas abiertas.  Resultados: se generaron tres elementos teóricos que fundamentan las estrategias TAC: Formación por competencias para la consolidación de las TAC; Pensamiento crítico y aprendizaje basado en problemas mediante el uso de la estrategia TAC y La construcción del conocimiento en el proceso de enseñanza- prendizaje. Conclusiones: para consolidarse en el aula, las estrategias TAC deben construirse sobre elementos teóricos que permitan a los docentes redimensionar su actividad para ser gestores y mediadores en el uso y aplicación de estas tecnologías emergente

    Receptor ELF de campo magnético: desempeño en frecuencia y detección de señales naturales

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    This article presents the analog stage analysis of an extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field receiver. Details are described about the characterization and modeling of the antenna used, as well as the frequency behavior of the system. To achieve higher sensitivity, a coil was manufactured with a considerably high inductance (800 H), in addition to a high-gain amplification stage (88 dB). An equivalent circuit model was defined for the antenna, and its parasitic elements were determined by laboratory measurements and computational approximations. The acquisition system has a digitization stage with a sampling frequency of 100 Hz. To study its behavior against possible aliasing effects, an analysis of the analog stage in the frequency domain was carried out, determining the optimal operating conditions. Field tests of the equipment were carried out in the mountains of Villa Alpina, Cordoba, Argentina. Taking into account that the system was designed for the measurement and study of natural electromagnetic phenomena in the ELF band, the first six Schumann resonances have been successfully captured and detected.En este artículo se presenta el análisis de la etapa analógica de un receptor de campo magnético para frecuencias extremadamente bajas (ELF). Se describen detalles sobre la caracterización y modelado de la antena utilizada, así como el comportamiento en frecuencia del sistema. Para lograr una mayor sensibilidad, se fabricó una bobina con una inductancia considerablemente alta (800 H), además de una etapa de amplificación de alta ganancia (88 dB). Se definió un modelo de circuito equivalente para la antena y se determinaron sus elementos parásitos mediante mediciones de laboratorio y aproximaciones computacionales. El sistema de adquisición tiene una etapa de digitalización con una frecuencia de muestreo de 100 Hz. Para estudiar su comportamiento frente a posibles efectos de aliasing, se realizó un análisis de la etapa analógica en el dominio de la frecuencia determinando las condiciones óptimas de funcionamiento. Las pruebas de campo del equipo se llevaron a cabo en las sierras de Villa Alpina, Córdoba, Argentina. Teniendo en cuenta que el sistema fue diseñado para la medición y estudio de fenómenos electromagnéticos naturales en la banda ELF, se han logrado detectar con éxito las primeras seis resonancias de Schumann

    Cuencas de salida para el problema de Sitnikov con masa variable

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    In the present paper, we perform a numerical study of the Sitnikov problem aiming to characterize the orbits of a variable mass particle (e.g., comet, rocket, asteroid or spacecraft) and determine the uncertainty in the prediction of the final state of the test particle. The classification of final states was done through the well-known exit basins, while the determination of the uncertainty was calculated using a new tool named Basin entropy. It is found that for small values of the initial mass of the test particle, the number of initial conditions leading to bounded orbits gets increased, thus reducing the uncertainty in the final states. The same behavior in uncertainty is observed for increasing values of the exponent in Jeans law for the variation of the mass. Our results allow us to conclude that: i) an accelerated fuel consumption in the initial stages of stabilization of a satellite can keep the object in an oscillatory state around the primaries and ii) if the mass of the satellite is less than one hundredth of the mass of each primary, it is possible to predict with a very high certainty the final state of the satellite, regardless of the accuracy in the initial conditions of the system.En el presente trabajo, se realiza un estudio numérico del problema de Sitnikov que busca caracterizar las órbitas de una partícula de masa variable (e.g. un cometa, un cohete, un asteroide o una nave espacial), y determinar la incertidumbre en la predicción de los estados finales del sistema. La clasificación de los estados finales se realiza a través de las conocidas cuencas de salida, mientras que la determinación de la incertidumbre se calcula usando una nueva herramienta denominada entropía de las cuencas. Se encuentra que, para valores pequeños de la masa inicial de la partícula de prueba, el número de condiciones iniciales conducentes a órbitas acotadas aumenta significativamente, reduciendo así la incertidumbre en los estados finales. El mismo comportamiento en la incertidumbre se observa para valores grandes del exponente en la Ley de Jeans para la variación de la masa. Nuestros resultados permiten concluir que: i) un acelerado consumo de combustible en las etapas iniciales de estabilización de un satélite puede mantener el objeto en un estado oscilatorio en torno a las primarias y ii) si la masa del satélite es menor a una centésima parte de la masa de cada primaria, es posible predecir con una altísima certidumbre el estado final del mismo, sin importar la exactitud en las condiciones iniciales del sistema.No presente trabalho, realizamos um estudo numérico do problema Sitnikov com o objetivo de caracterizar as órbitas de uma partícula de massa variável (por exemplo, cometa, foguete, asteróide ou espaçonave) e determinar a incerteza na previsão do estado final da partícula de teste . A classificação dos estados finais foi feita através das conhecidas bacias de saída, enquanto a determinação da incerteza foi calculada usando uma nova ferramenta chamada entropia da bacia. Verificou-se que, para pequenos valores da massa inicial da partícula de teste, o número de condições iniciais que levam a órbitas limitadas aumenta, reduzindo assim a incerteza nos estados finais. O mesmo comportamento na incerteza é observado para valores crescentes do expoente na lei de Jeans para a variação da massa. Nossos resultados permitem concluir que: i) um consumo acelerado de combustível nos estágios iniciais de estabilização de um satélite pode manter o objeto em um estado oscilatório em torno das primárias e ii) se a massa do satélite for menor que um centésimo da massa de cada primário, é possível prever com uma certeza muito alta o estado final do satélite, independentemente da precisão nas condições iniciais do sistema

    Locating Multiple Leaks in Water Distribution Networks Combining Physically Based and Data-Driven Models and High-Performance Computing

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    Water utilities are urged to decrease their real water losses, not only to reduce costs but also to assure long-term sustainability. Hardware- and software-based techniques have been broadly used to locate leaks; within the latter, previous works that have used data-driven models mostly focused on single leaks. This paper presents a methodology to locate multiple leaks in water distribution networks employing pressure residuals. It consists of two phases: one is to produce training data for the data-driven model and cluster the nodes based on their leak-flow-rate-independent signatures using an adapted hierarchical agglomerative algorithm; the second is to locate the leaks using a top-down approach. To identify the leaking clusters and nodes, we employed a custom-built k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm that compares the test instances with the generated training data. This instance-to-instance comparison requires substantial computational resources for classification, which was overcome by the use of high-performance computing. The methodology was applied to a real network located in a European town, comprising 144 nodes and a total length of pipes of 24 km. Although its multiple inlets add redundancy to the network increasing the challenge of leak location, the method proved to obtain acceptable results to guide the field pinpointing activities. Nearly 70% of the areas determined by the clusters were identified with an accuracy of over 90% for leak flows above 3.0 L/s, and the leaking nodes were accurately detected over 50% of the time for leak flows above 4.0 L/

    Porcelanato técnico colorido em massa - avaliação da influência do percentual de pigmento nas propriedades tecnológicas e estéticas

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Blumenau. Engenharia de MateriaisEste trabalho de conclusão de curso (TCC) tem como objetivo principal a avaliação da influência do percentual de pigmento usado na massa porcelânica sobre as propriedades tecnológicas (resistência à flexão, absorção de água, retração de queima, densidade aparente e microestrutura (poros residuais)) e estéticas (cor, reflectância) do produto. Foi foco deste estudo um porcelanato técnico de coloração preta que em geral usa grandes quantidades de pigmento preto (aproximadamente 1kg por metro quadrado de produto acabado). Este pigmento preto, constituído pelos cromóforos Fe e Cr, tem a estrutura Cromita e trata-se de um pigmento obtido por solução sólida de Cr2O3 e Fe2O3. Os estudos foram realizados a partir de uma formulação industrial de porcelanato técnico sem pigmentos (barbotina obtida por moagem contínua industrial) para a partir desta, em laboratório, efetuar a adição dos diferentes percentuais em massa de pigmento preto e preparar os corpos de prova por prensagem. As amostras foram queimadas à temperatura de 1200°C, com ciclo de 40 minutos, e as propriedades tecnológicas determinadas para avaliar as alterações provocadas pela adição do pigmento, em comparativo com amostras produzidas com a barbotina pura (sem o pigmento preto). A aparência estética (cor) das amostras foi avaliada a partir da coordenadas de CIELab e o Modelo de Kubelka-Munk foi utilizado para avaliar o poder de coloração do pigmento em estudo. O pigmento foi caracterizado por difração de raios-X (DRX) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os resultados evidenciaram que este apresenta predominantemente as fases cristalinas cromita (Fe0.6Cr0.4)2O3 e espinélio (Mg,Fe)(Cr,Al)2O3. As partículas de pigmento apresenta morfologia esférica com tamanho na ordem de 2μm. A caracterização tecnológica demonstrou que o pigmento afetou significativamente a fusibilidade da massa do porcelanato técnico, alterando as propriedades intrínsecas do material após a queima: houve leve aumento da densidade aparente do produto final com o aumento do percentual de pigmento, assim como aumento do percentual de absorção de água. A resistência mecânica à flexão, segundo a análise estatística de Weibull, não foi influenciada pela quantidade de pigmento preto adicionado à massa porcelânica. A temperatura ideal de densificação para cada percentual de pigmento foi determinada pela curva de gresificação.The main objective of this course work is to evaluate the influence of the percentage of pigment used in the porcelain mass on the technological properties (flexural strength, water absorption, firing shrinkage, bulk density and microstructure (residual pores)). and aesthetics (color, reflectance) of the product. The focus of this study was a black-colored technical porcelain tile that generally uses large amounts of black pigment (approximately 1kg per square meter of finished product). This black pigment, consisting of chromophores Fe and Cr, has the structure Chromite and is a pigment obtained by the solid solution of Cr2O3 and Fe2O3. The studies were carried out from an industrial pigment-free technical porcelain formulation (industrial continuous grinding slurry) to add different percentages of black pigment in the laboratory and prepare the test specimens by pressing. . The samples were burned at a temperature of 1200 °C, with a 40-minute cycle, and the technological properties determined to evaluate the changes caused by the addition of pigment, compared to samples produced with pure barbotine (without black pigment). The aesthetic appearance (color) of the samples was also evaluated and the Kubelka-Munk Model was used to evaluate the pigment power of the study pigment. The black pigment was characterized with DRX and SEM techniques. The results showed that it presents predominantly the crystalline phase of Iron and Chromium Oxide (Fe0.6Cr0.4)2O3 traces of (Mg,Fe)(Cr,Al)2O3 spinel. Pigment particles have a spherical morphology with a size in the order of 2 μm. The technological characterization demonstrated that the pigment significantly affected the fusibility of the technical porcelain mass, thus varying the intrinsic properties of the material after firing: increase of the apparent density of the final product with the increase of the pigment percentage, as well as the absorption percentage of Water. Mechanical flexural strength, according to Weibull's statistical analysis, was not influenced by the amount of black pigment added to the porcelain mass. The ideal densification temperature for each pigment percentage was determined by the curing curve