16 research outputs found

    IL-8 as mediator in the microenvironment-leukaemia network in acute myeloid leukaemia

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    The bone marrow microenvironment is physiologically hypoxic with areas being as low as 1% O-2, e.g. the stem cell niche. Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) blasts misuse these bone marrow niches for protection by the local microenvironment, but also might create their own microenvironment. Here we identify IL-8 as a hypoxia-regulated cytokine in both AML cell lines and primary AML samples that is induced within 48 hours of severe hypoxia (1% O2). IL-8 lacked effects on AML cells but induced migration in mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC),an integral part of the bone marrow. Accordingly, MSC were significantly increased in AML bone marrow as compared to healthy bone marrow. Interestingly, mononuclear cells obtained from healthy bone marrow displayed both significantly lower endogenous and hypoxia-induced production of IL-8. IL-8 mRNA expression in AML blasts from 533 patients differed between genetic subgroups with significantly lower expression of IL-8 in acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL),while in non APL-AML patients with FLT ITD had the highest IL-8 expression. In this subgroup, high IL-8 expression was also prognostically unfavourable. In conclusion, hypoxia as encountered in the bone marrow specifically increases IL-8 expression of AML, which in turn impacts niche formation. High IL-8 expression might be correlated with poor prognosis in certain AML subsets

    Damage control strategy in perforated diverticulitis with generalized peritonitis

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    Background: The best treatment for perforated colonic diverticulitis with generalized peritonitis is still under debate. Concurrent strategies are resection with primary anastomosis (PRA) with or without diverting ileostomy (DI), Hartmann's procedure (HP), laparoscopic lavage (LL) and damage control surgery (DCS). This review intends to systematically analyze the current literature on DCS. Methods: DCS consists of two stages. Emergency surgery: limited resection of the diseased colon, oral and aboral closure, lavage, vacuum-assisted abdominal closure. Second look surgery after 24-48 h: definite reconstruction with colorectal anastomosis (-/+DI) or HP after adequate resuscitation. The review was conducted in accordance to the PRISMA-P Statement. PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane central register of controlled trials (CENTRAL) and EMBASE were searched using the following term: (Damage control surgery) AND (Diverticulitis OR Diverticulum OR Peritonitis). Results: Eight retrospective studies including 256 patients met the inclusion criteria. No randomized trial was available. 67% of the included patients had purulent, 30% feculent peritonitis. In 3% Hinchey stage II diverticulitis was found. In 49% the Mannheim peritonitis index (MPI) was greater than 26. Colorectal anastomosis was constructed during the course of the second surgery in 73%. In 15% of the latter DI was applied. The remaining 27% received HP. Postoperative mortality was 9%, morbidity 31% respectively. The anastomotic leak rate was 13%. 55% of patients were discharged without a stoma. Conclusion: DCS is a safe technique for the treatment of acute perforated diverticulitis with generalized peritonitis, allowing a high rate of colorectal anastomosis and stoma-free hospital discharge in more than half of the patients

    Deep learning image recognition enables efficient genome editing in zebrafish by automated injections

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    <div><p>One of the most popular techniques in zebrafish research is microinjection. This is a rapid and efficient way to genetically manipulate early developing embryos, and to introduce microbes, chemical compounds, nanoparticles or tracers at larval stages. Here we demonstrate the development of a machine learning software that allows for microinjection at a trained target site in zebrafish eggs at unprecedented speed. The software is based on the open-source deep-learning library Inception v3. In a first step, the software distinguishes wells containing embryos at one-cell stage from wells to be skipped with an accuracy of 93%. A second step was developed to pinpoint the injection site. Deep learning allows to predict this location on average within 42 μm to manually annotated sites. Using a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), both steps together take less than 100 milliseconds. We first tested our system by injecting a morpholino into the middle of the yolk and found that the automated injection efficiency is as efficient as manual injection (~ 80%). Next, we tested both CRISPR/Cas9 and DNA construct injections into the zygote and obtained a comparable efficiency to that of an experienced experimentalist. Combined with a higher throughput, this results in a higher yield. Hence, the automated injection of CRISPR/Cas9 will allow high-throughput applications to knock out and knock in relevant genes to study their mechanisms or pathways of interest in diverse areas of biomedical research.</p></div

    Enterolithiasis-associated ileus in Crohn's disease

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    Aggregated Statistics Dataset

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    The file generated by the parse-logs script. Is used to calculate rate of passing / failing flaky tests.</p

    Evaluation Script: Jupyter Notebook

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    Jupyter Notebook containing Python snippets to analyze the dataset of test runs.</p

    DOPS (Direct Observation of Procedural Skills) in undergraduate skills-lab: Does it work? Analysis of skills-performance and curricular side effects

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    Objective: Sufficient teaching and assessing clinical skills in the undergraduate setting becomes more and more important. In a surgical skills-lab course at the Medical University of Innsbruck fourth year students were teached with DOPS (direct observation of procedural skills). We analyzed whether DOPS worked or not in this setting, which performance levels could be reached compared to tutor teaching (one tutor, 5 students) and which curricular side effects could be observed.Methods: In a prospective randomized trial in summer 2013 (April – June) four competence-level-based skills were teached in small groups during one week: surgical abdominal examination, urethral catheterization (phantom), rectal-digital examination (phantom), handling of central venous catheters. Group A was teached with DOPS, group B with a classical tutor system. Both groups underwent an OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) for assessment. 193 students were included in the study. Altogether 756 OSCE´s were carried out, 209 (27,6%) in the DOPS- and 547 (72,3%) in the tutor-group.Results: Both groups reached high performance levels. In the first month there was a statistically significant difference (p<0,05) in performance of 95% positive OSCE items in the DOPS-group versus 88% in the tutor group. In the following months the performance rates showed no difference anymore and came to 90% in both groups. In practical skills the analysis revealed a high correspondence between positive DOPS (92,4%) and OSCE (90,8%) results.Discussion: As shown by our data DOPS furnish high performance of clinical skills and work well in the undergraduate setting. Due to the high correspondence of DOPS and OSCE results DOPS should be considered as preferred assessment tool in a students skills-lab.The approximation of performance-rates within the months after initial superiority of DOPS could be explained by an interaction between DOPS and tutor system: DOPS elements seem to have improved tutoring and performance rates as well.DOPS in students ‘skills-lab afford structured feedback and assessment without increased personnel and financial resources compared to classic small group training.Conclusion: In summary, this study shows that DOPS represent an efficient method in teaching clinical skills. Their effects on didactic culture reach beyond the positive influence of performance rates

    Emergency resection is an independent risk factor for decreased long-term overall survival in colorectal cancer: a matched-pair analysis

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    Abstract Background Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant neoplasms worldwide. Up to 30% of the patients present in an emergency setting despite an established screening program. Emergency colorectal resection is associated with increased mortality and morbidity as well as worse oncological outcome. This study aims to analyze the impact on tumor recurrence and survival in patients with an emergency colorectal resection, independent of sex, age, and tumor stage. Methods Patients, who underwent an oncological resection for colorectal cancer at the Medical University of Innsbruck, Department of Visceral, Transplant and Thoracic Surgery, between January 2003 and December 2018 were analyzed retrospectively and screened for emergency resections. Matched pairs were formed to analyze the impact of emergency operations on long-term outcomes, considering tumor stage, sex, and age, comparing it with elective patients. Results In total, 4.5% out of 1297 patients underwent surgery in an emergency setting. These patients had higher UICC (Union internationale contre le cancer) stages than elective patients. After matching the patients for age, sex, and tumor stage, emergency patients still had higher mortality. The incidence of recurrence was higher (47.5% vs. 25.4%, p = 0.003) and the 5-year overall survival decreased (35.6% vs. 64.4%, p < 0.001) compared to the matched patients with elective resection. Correcting for 90-day mortality still a reduction in the 5-year overall survival was demonstrated (44% vs. 70%, p = 0,001). The left-sided colon tumors were more common in the emergency group (45.8% vs. 25.4%, p = 0.006) and the rectal tumors in the elective one (21.2% vs. 3.4%, p = 0.002). Conclusion Patients undergoing emergency resection for colorectal cancer have a decreased tumor-specific and overall survival compared to patients after elective resection, independent of age, sex, and tumor stage, even after correcting for 90-day mortality. These findings confirm the importance of colorectal cancer awareness and screening to reduce emergency resections

    Dickkopf-3 as a new potential marker for neoangiogenesis in colorectal cancer : expression in cancer tissue and adjacent non-cancerous tissue

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    Gene expression of Dickkopf-3 (Dkk-3) has been shown to be upregulated in tumor endothelium of colorectal cancer (CRC). For the first time, we analyzed Dkk-3 protein expression in CRC and its potential as a marker for neoangiogenesis. We used tissue microarrays (TMAs) to investigate Dkk-3 in microvessels of 403 CRC samples, 318 appropriate adjacent non-cancerous samples and 127 normal colorectal samples. Of cancer samples with CD31-positive microvessels, 67.7% were positive for Dkk-3. Dkk-3 staining was demonstrated in endothelial cells of all microvessels in nearly all cases. Dkk-3-positive samples showed a higher mean microvessel count than did Dkk-3-negative samples (P=0.001). Dkk-3 expression increased with rising numbers of microvessels per sample (P>0.0001). In adjacent samples with CD31-positive microvessels, 56% were Dkk-3-positive in all microvessels. Similar to cancer samples, Dkk-3-positive adjacent samples had a higher mean microvessel count than did Dkk-3-negative samples (P>0.0001), and Dkk-3 expression also increased with rising numbers of microvessels (P>0.0001). All microvessels in normal mucosa samples were negative for Dkk-3. Dkk-3 can be considered a putative pro-angiogenic protein in neovascularization and may possibly be a marker for neoangiogenesis in CRC. Further investigations will elucidate whether Dkk-3 is a target structure for novel therapies

    CLN3 deficiency leads to neurological and metabolic perturbations during early development

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    AbstractJuvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (or Batten disease) is an autosomal recessive, rare neurodegenerative disorder that affects mainly children above the age of 5 years and is most commonly caused by mutations in the highly conservedCLN3gene. Here, we generatedcln3morphants and stable mutant lines in zebrafish. Although neither morphant nor mutantcln3larvae showed any obvious developmental or morphological defects, behavioral phenotyping of the mutant larvae revealed higher basal activity, hyposensitivity to abrupt light changes and hypersensitivity to pro-convulsive drugs. Importantly, in-depth metabolomics and lipidomics analyses revealed significant accumulation of several glycerophosphodiesters (GPDs) and a global decrease of bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate (BMP) species, two classes of molecules previously proposed as potential biomarkers forCLN3disease based on independent studies in other organisms. We could also demonstrate GPD accumulation in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cerebral organoids carrying a pathogenic variant forCLN3. Our models revealed that GPDs accumulate at very early stages of life in the absence of functional CLN3 and highlight glycerophosphoinositol and BMP as promising biomarker candidates for pre-symptomaticCLN3disease