7,798 research outputs found

    Time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy with spectral domain ghost imaging

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    An atomic-level picture of molecular and bulk processes, such as chemical bonding and charge transfer, necessitates an understanding of the dynamical evolution of these systems. On the ultrafast timescales associated with nuclear and electronic motion, the temporal behaviour of a system is often interrogated in a 'pump-probe' scheme. Here, an initial 'pump' pulse triggers dynamics through photoexcitation, and after a carefully controlled delay a 'probe' pulse initiates projection of the instantaneous state of the evolving system onto an informative measurable quantity, such as electron binding energy. In this paper, we apply spectral ghost imaging to a pump-probe time-resolved experiment at an X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) facility, where the observable is spectral absorption in the X-ray regime. By exploiting the correlation present in the shot-to-shot fluctuations in the incoming X-ray pulses and measured electron kinetic energies, we show that spectral ghost imaging can be applied to time-resolved pump-probe measurements. In the experiment presented, interpretation of the measurement is simplified because spectral ghost imaging separates the overlapping contributions to the photoelectron spectrum from the pump and probe pulse

    Inner Valence Hole Migration in Isopropanol

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    Even within the sudden approximation, the removal of one neutral Hartree-Fock orbital does not leave the molecule in a pure one-hole state of the cation; coupling to virtual orbitals leads to a breakdown in the molecular orbital picture. This can be understood as interaction with two-hole one-particle states (singly excited cations) and becomes significant when those states are energetically similar to the one-hole states. This splitting of states is most relevant for inner valence holes which lie above the double ionisation potential. As such, impulsive creation of an inner valence hole (IVH) wavepacket results in a time dependent charge density which is purely electronic in nature (charge migration) [1] , [2] , though it depends on the nuclear geometry at the time of excitation, and subsequent nuclear motion will result in decoherence [3]

    Bosonic Fractionalisation Transitions

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    At finite density, charge in holographic systems can be sourced either by explicit matter sources in the bulk or by bulk horizons. In this paper we find bosonic solutions of both types, breaking a global U(1) symmetry in the former case and leaving it unbroken in the latter. Using a minimal bottom-up model we exhibit phase transitions between the two cases, under the influence of a relevant operator in the dual field theory. We also embed solutions and transitions of this type in M-theory, where, holding the theory at constant chemical potential, the cohesive phase is connected to a neutral phase of Schr\"odinger type via a z=2 QCP.Comment: references added. minor changes. version published in JHE

    Global Gene Expression Analysis in the Livers of Rat Offspring Perinatally Exposed to Low Doses of 2,2′,4,4′-Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether

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    BACKGROUND: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers are a group of flame-retardant chemicals appearing increasingly in the environment. Their health effects and mechanisms of toxicity are poorly understood. OBJECTIVES: We screened for the sensitive effects and mechanisms of toxicity of 2,2 ,4,4 -tetra-bromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) by analyzing the gene expression profile in rats exposed to doses comparable to human exposure. METHODS: Wistar dams were exposed to vehicle or BDE-47 (0.002 and 0.2 mg/kg body weight) every fifth day from gestation day 15 to postnatal day 20 by injections to caudal vein. Total RNA was extracted from the livers of pups and hybridized to the whole-genome RNA expression micro-arrays. The list of genes 2-fold differentially expressed was exported to PANTHER and Ingenuity Systems for analysis of enriched ontology groups and molecular pathways. RESULTS: Oxidoreductase and transferase protein families were enriched in exposed rats as were these biological process categories: carbohydrate metabolism; electron transport; and lipid, fatty acid, and steroid metabolism. Four signaling pathways (cascades of activation of drug-metabolizing enzymes) and 10 metabolic pathways were significantly enriched. Drug-metabolizing enzymes appear to be regulated by BDE-47 through an aryl hydrocarbon receptor-independent mechanism. Direct interaction with retinoid X receptor or its upstream cascade may be involved. The main metabolic effects consisted of activation of metabolic pathways: alpha- and omega-oxidation of fatty acids, glycolysis, and starch hydrolysis. CONCLUSIONS: Altered expression of genes involved in metabolic and signaling pathways and functions of the organism occurs after perinatal exposure of rat offspring to BDE-47 at doses relevant for the general population

    Characterization of silicon heterojunctions for solar cells

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    Conductive-probe atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM) measurements reveal the existence of a conductive channel at the interface between p-type hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and n-type crystalline silicon (c-Si) as well as at the interface between n-type a-Si:H and p-type c-Si. This is in good agreement with planar conductance measurements that show a large interface conductance. It is demonstrated that these features are related to the existence of a strong inversion layer of holes at the c-Si surface of (p) a-Si:H/(n) c-Si structures, and to a strong inversion layer of electrons at the c-Si surface of (n) a-Si:H/(p) c-Si heterojunctions. These are intimately related to the band offsets, which allows us to determine these parameters with good precision

    The development and application of a new tool to assess the adequacy of the content and timing of antenatal care

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    Abstract Background: Current measures of antenatal care use are limited to initiation of care and number of visits. This study aimed to describe the development and application of a tool to assess the adequacy of the content and timing of antenatal care. Methods: The Content and Timing of care in Pregnancy (CTP) tool was developed based on clinical relevance for ongoing antenatal care and recommendations in national and international guidelines. The tool reflects minimal care recommended in every pregnancy, regardless of parity or risk status. CTP measures timing of initiation of care, content of care (number of blood pressure readings, blood tests and ultrasound scans) and whether the interventions were received at an appropriate time. Antenatal care trajectories for 333 pregnant women were then described using a standard tool (the APNCU index), that measures the quantity of care only, and the new CTP tool. Both tools categorise care into 4 categories, from ‘Inadequate’ (both tools) to ‘Adequate plus’ (APNCU) or ‘Appropriate’ (CTP). Participants recorded the timing and content of their antenatal care prospectively using diaries. Analysis included an examination of similarities and differences in categorisation of care episodes between the tools. Results: According to the CTP tool, the care trajectory of 10,2% of the women was classified as inadequate, 8,4% as intermediate, 36% as sufficient and 45,3% as appropriate. The assessment of quality of care differed significantly between the two tools. Seventeen care trajectories classified as ‘Adequate’ or ‘Adequate plus’ by the APNCU were deemed ‘Inadequate’ by the CTP. This suggests that, despite a high number of visits, these women did not receive the minimal recommended content and timing of care. Conclusions: The CTP tool provides a more detailed assessment of the adequacy of antenatal care than the current standard index. However, guidelines for the content of antenatal care vary, and the tool does not at the moment grade over-use of interventions as ‘Inappropriate’. Further work needs to be done to refine the content items prior to larger scale testing of the impact of the new measure

    Terrestrial exposure of a fresh Martian meteorite causes rapid changes in hydrogen isotopes and water concentrations

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    Determining the hydrogen isotopic compositions and H2O contents of meteorites and their components is important for addressing key cosmochemical questions about the abundance and source(s) of water in planetary bodies. However, deconvolving the effects of terrestrial contamination from the indigenous hydrogen isotopic compositions of these extraterrestrial materials is not trivial, because chondrites and some achondrites show only small deviations from terrestrial values such that even minor contamination can mask the indigenous values. Here we assess the effects of terrestrial weathering and contamination on the hydrogen isotope ratios and H2O contents of meteoritic minerals through monitored terrestrial weathering of Tissint, a recent Martian fall. Our findings reveal the rapidity with which this weathering affects nominally anhydrous phases in extraterrestrial materials, which illustrates the necessity of sampling the interiors of even relatively fresh meteorite falls and underlines the importance of sample return missions

    Kondo Conductance in an Atomic Nanocontact from First Principles

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    The electrical conductance of atomic metal contacts represents a powerful tool to detect nanomagnetism. Conductance reflects magnetism through anomalies at zero bias -- generally with Fano lineshapes -- due to the Kondo screening of the magnetic impurity bridging the contact. A full atomic-level understanding of this nutshell many-body system is of the greatest importance, especially in view of our increasing need to control nanocurrents by means of magnetism. Disappointingly, zero bias conductance anomalies are not presently calculable from atomistic scratch. In this Letter we demonstrate a working route connecting approximately but quantitatively density functional theory (DFT) and numerical renormalization group (NRG) approaches and leading to a first-principles conductance calculation for a nanocontact, exemplified by a Ni impurity in a Au nanowire. A Fano-like conductance lineshape is obtained microscopically, and shown to be controlled by the impurity s-level position. We also find a relationship between conductance anomaly and geometry, and uncover the possibility of opposite antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic Kondo screening -- the latter exhibiting a totally different and unexplored zero bias anomaly. The present matching method between DFT and NRG should permit the quantitative understanding and exploration of this larger variety of Kondo phenomena at more general magnetic nanocontacts.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Supplementary materials under request at [email protected]

    Prediction of photoperiodic regulators from quantitative gene circuit models

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    Photoperiod sensors allow physiological adaptation to the changing seasons. The external coincidence hypothesis postulates that a light-responsive regulator is modulated by a circadian rhythm. Sufficient data are available to test this quantitatively in plants, though not yet in animals. In Arabidopsis, the clock-regulated genes CONSTANS (CO) and FLAVIN, KELCH, F-BOX (FKF1) and their lightsensitive proteins are thought to form an external coincidence sensor. We use 40 timeseries of molecular data to model the integration of light and timing information by CO, its target gene FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), and the circadian clock. Among other predictions, the models show that FKF1 activates FT. We demonstrate experimentally that this effect is independent of the known activation of CO by FKF1, thus we locate a major, novel controller of photoperiodism. External coincidence is part of a complex photoperiod sensor: modelling makes this complexity explicit and may thus contribute to crop improvement