41 research outputs found

    Atrial Fibrillation Induced by Anticancer Drugs and Underling Mechanisms.

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    Cancer therapy has made major progress in the past several decades, but treatments are often accompanied by significant side effects. Arrhythmias are a widespread complication of some antineoplastic drugs, with atrial fibrillation (AF) being the most often encountered drug-associated arrhythmia. Preexisting AF risk factors are commonly present in cancer patients who develop drug-associated AF, and active cancer itself may cause or promote AF. Although anticancer drugs may induce AF in cancer patients without AF risk factors, it appears that most drug-associated AF develop when cancer drugs add or aggravate precancer-existing and/or cancer-related pro-AF factors/alterations, additively or synergistically producing AF. Abnormalities in intracellular calcium activity seem to be involved in the generation of anticancer drug-induced AF. In cancer survivors with cancer therapy-induced cardiomyopathy, AF often occurs, with most of the arrhythmias likely to develop secondary to the cardiomyopathy. AF may lead to modification or even cessation of cancer therapy. The management of AF in patients with cancer is currently conducted largely based on pragmatic assumptions. This review briefly discusses AF caused by anticancer drugs and the underlying mechanisms

    Effect of Flecainide and Ibutilide Alone and in Combination to Terminate and Prevent Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation

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    BACKGROUND: There is a need for improved approaches to rhythm control therapy of atrial fibrillation (AF). METHODS: The effectiveness of flecainide (1.5 µmol/L) and ibutilide (20 nmol/L), alone and in combination, to cardiovert and prevent AF recurrence was studied in canine-isolated coronary-perfused right atrioventricular preparations. We also examined the safety of the combination of flecainide (1.5 µmol/L) and ibutilide (50 nmol/L) using canine left ventricular wedge preparations. RESULTS: Sustained AF (\u3e1 hour) was inducible in 100%, 60%, 20%, and 0% of atria in the presence of acetylcholine alone, acetylcholine+ibutilide, acetylcholine+flecainide, and acetylcholine+ibutilide+flecainide, respectively. When used alone, flecainide and ibutilide cardioverted sustained AF in 40% and 20% of atria, respectively, but in 100% of atria when used in combination. Ibutilide prolonged atrial and ventricular effective refractory period by 15% and 8%, respectively, at a cycle length of 500 ms (P\u3c0.05 for both). Flecainide increased the effective refractory period in atria by 27% (P\u3c0.01) but by only 2% in the ventricles. The combination of the 2 drugs lengthened the effective refractory period by 42% in atria (P\u3c0.01) but by only 7% (P\u3c0.05) in the ventricles. In left ventricular wedges, ibutilide prolonged QT and Tpeak-Tend intervals by 25 and 55%, respectively (P\u3c0.05 for both; cycle length, 2000 ms). The addition of flecainide (1.5 µmol/L) partially reversed these effects (P\u3c0.05 for both parameters versus ibutilide alone). Torsades de Pointes score was relatively high with ibutilide alone and low with the drug combination. CONCLUSIONS: In our experimental model, a combination of flecainide and ibutilide significantly improves cardioversion and prevents the recurrence of AF compared with monotherapies with little to no risk for the development of long-QT-mediated ventricular proarrhythmia

    Atrial arrhythmogenicity of KCNJ2 mutations in short QT syndrome: Insights from virtual human atria

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    Gain-of-function mutations in KCNJ2-encoded Kir2.1 channels underlie variant 3 (SQT3) of the short QT syndrome, which is associated with atrial fibrillation (AF). Using biophysically-detailed human atria computer models, this study investigated the mechanistic link between SQT3 mutations and atrial arrhythmogenesis, and potential ion channel targets for treatment of SQT3. A contemporary model of the human atrial action potential (AP) was modified to recapitulate functional changes in IK1 due to heterozygous and homozygous forms of the D172N and E299V Kir2.1 mutations. Wild-type (WT) and mutant formulations were incorporated into multi-scale homogeneous and heterogeneous tissue models. Effects of mutations on AP duration (APD), conduction velocity (CV), effective refractory period (ERP), tissue excitation threshold and their rate-dependence, as well as the wavelength of re-entry (WL) were quantified. The D172N and E299V Kir2.1 mutations produced distinct effects on IK1 and APD shortening. Both mutations decreased WL for re-entry through a reduction in ERP and CV. Stability of re-entrant excitation waves in 2D and 3D tissue models was mediated by changes to tissue excitability and dispersion of APD in mutation conditions. Combined block of IK1 and IKr was effective in terminating re-entry associated with heterozygous D172N conditions, whereas IKr block alone may be a safer alternative for the E299V mutation. Combined inhibition of IKr and IKur produced a synergistic anti-arrhythmic effect in both forms of SQT3. In conclusion, this study provides mechanistic insights into atrial proarrhythmia with SQT3 Kir2.1 mutations and highlights possible pharmacological strategies for management of SQT3-linked AF

    HRS/EHRA/APHRS Expert Consensus Statement on the Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Inherited Primary Arrhythmia Syndromes

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