1,386 research outputs found

    Behavior in the use of a podcast aggregator in the dissemination of knowledge

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    Utilizando la Teoría Unificada de Aceptación y Uso de Tecnología (UTAUT), este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar qué factores interfieren en el comportamiento de los estudiantes en relación con la Aceptación y el Uso de un agregador de podcast que brinda consejos a los estudiantes sobre la contenidos difundidos en la clase expositiva, en la carrera de Licenciatura en Ciencias Económicas de una Universidad Federal del sur de Brasil. En cuanto al desarrollo de aspectos metodológicos, este estudio utilizó el método cuasiexperimental de proyectos de caso único. Los datos fueron recogidos mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas, la técnica utilizada para el análisis de los datos fue el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM), mediante el método de mínimos cuadrados parciales por modelado de caminos, operado por el Software SPSS v. 017 y SmartPLS v. 3.0. Después de la prueba de hipótesis, dos relaciones fueron significativas (H2 y H14): las expectativas de desempeño y la influencia social impactaron positivamente en la aceptación y la intención de comportamiento del agregador de podcasts. Así, a partir de los resultados del Modelado de Ecuaciones Estructurales, fue posible conocer el comportamiento de los constructos UTAUT en el escenario de la educación superior en contabilidad, con la inclusión de una metodología activa que valoró la inserción de una herramienta tecnológica en la difusión del conocimiento.Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), this study aims to identify which factors interfere in students' behavior in relation to acceptance and use of a podcast aggregator that provides tips to students about the content disseminated in the expository class, in the undergraduate course in Accounting Sciences, at a Federal University of Southern Brazil. With regard to the development of methodological aspects, this study used the quasi-experiment method of single case projects, data were collected through the application of a questionnaire on site with closed questions, the technique used for data analysis was the modeling of structural equations (SEM), using the method of partial least squares by modeling the paths, operationalized by the software SPSS v. 017 and SmartPLS v. 3.0. After the hypothesis test, two relationships were significant (H2 and H14): expectation of performance and social influence positively impacted the acceptance and intention to use the podcast aggregator. Thus, based on the results of the Structural Equation Modeling, it was possible to know the behavior of the UTAUT constructs in the scenario of higher accounting education, with the inclusion of an active methodology that valued the insertion of a technological tool in the dissemination of knowledge.Utilizando-se da Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso da Tecnologia (UTAUT), este estudo tem por objetivo identificar quais os fatores que interferem no comportamento dos estudantes em relação à Aceitação e o Uso de um agregador de podcasts que disponibiliza dicas aos discentes sobre o conteúdo disseminado na aula expositiva, no curso de graduação em Ciências Contábeis, de uma Universidade Federal do sul do Brasil. No que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento dos aspectos metodológicos, ese estudo utilizou o método de quase-experimento de projetos de caso único. Os dados foram coletados por meio da aplicação de um questionário in loco com questões fechadas, a técnica empregada para a análise dos dados foi a modelagem de equações estruturais (SEM), por meio do método dos mínimos quadrados parciais por modelagem de caminhos, operacionalizados pelos softwares SPSS v. 017 e o SmartPLS v. 3.0. Feito o teste de hipóteses foram significativas duas relações (H2 e H14): Expectativa de Desempenho e Influência Social impactaram positivamente a aceitação e a Intenção Comportamental do agregador de podcasts. Desse modo, com base nos resultados da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais foi possível conhecer o comportamento dos construtos da UTAUT no cenário da educação superior contábil, com a inclusão de uma metodologia ativa que valorizou a inserção de uma ferramenta tecnológica na disseminação do conhecimento.peerReviewe

    Flexural Tensile Strength of Asphalt Composites with Calcined Clay under Four-Point Bending

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    Replacing natural aggregates for employment in pavement applications has been exhaustively proposed in order to reduce the unsustainable consumption of these materials. An option widely studied in the Amazon Region is the Sintered Calcined Clay Aggregate (SCCA), a promising alternative to the historical scarcity of rocky material, given the region geology, primarily for the strong occurrence of clays. The aim of this research is to study the use of calcined clay aggregates to create an alternative mixture for asphalt coating of urban paved roads. The influence of temperature variation on the mechanical behavior of SCCA asphalt concrete was also evaluated in order to simulate high-temperature zones. Four-point bending tests were performed on prismatic specimens compacted in controlled conditions with the aim to determine the Flexural Tensile Strength. Superpave method was used for the design of asphalt mixes. The test results from this study indicated that the FTS increases with frequency and decreases with temperature. On the other hand, increasing temperature promotes a tendency of stabilization of the FTS, in which the saturation of the asphalt binder can be observed, due to its viscoelastic nature

    Breeding Cows Body Condition and Dry Matter Availability in Natural Pastures under Rotational System

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    The livestock production in Rio Grande do Sul is based on natural pastures, which suffer great productive seasonality throughout the year, especially due to the quantitative and qualitative deficit that it goes through in the winter months. The existing dynamic between the animal and the forage is fundamental for a better reproductive performance of the brood cows, and consequently an increase of the productivity of beef cattle. The calf herd generation is, certainly, the fundamental element of the full cycle livestock. Knowing the potentiality and understanding the dynamism of the natural fields is a fundamental condition for the choice of adequate handling methods. The present work had as an objective the analysis of the existing correlations between the availability and quality of dry matter of natural pastures in relation to the body conditions of brood cows under a rotation pasture regime. The experiment was conducted in Santana do Livramento/RS, and comprised the period of March to October, 2019. For the determination of the forage mass, visual estimation and double sampling techniques were simultaneously used. The systematization of the experimental area and rotation order of the pickets were determined through a tool developed by the National Institute of Farming Investigation (INIA). The animals were visually evaluated through the body condition score (BCS). The results obtained regarding the availability of dry matter in kg/DM/ha were: 1594, 1159, 2332, 1464, 1048 and 2022. The measurements regarding the proportion of green matter on offer (%) prior to grazing of the animals, were: 65, 45, 35, 70, 70 and 55. The BCS evaluations at the end of each month were 2.98, 2.46, 2.73, 2.85, 3.15 and 3.15. The general body condition followed the trends in GM proportion (%, an indicator of quality) and the variation of DM/ha (quantity), and despite the physiological stage of the animals, there was a BCS evolution

    Meta-Síntese da Publicação Científica de Tecnologia da Informação no Ensino Superior Contábil

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    Information technologies are presented in an interactive, dynamic and propelling way in various contexts and fields of knowledge. In higher education, they are relevant, acting as a facilitating means in the teaching-learning process. In this perspective, the objective of this study is to analyze the scientific production of active and continuous accounting journals linked to postgraduate programs and undergraduate courses in accounting and to organizations related to the accounting profession with Qualis A1 to B4 (Webqualis, 2016), on the topic of information technology in accounting higher education, from 1989 to 2019, through a meta-synthesis. Data collection began with access to the Sucupira platform (Brazil), which, after applying filtering criteria, resulted in a final base of ten articles. The results indicate that this issue in accounting journals is at an early stage of development, even though technological advances are getting closer to society in general. The profile of publications is inclined to two aspects, one is research directed at distance education, and the other regarding the search for interaction between accounting information systems and teaching of accounting in classes, with the purpose of verifying the importance of the inclusion of softwares in the undergraduate disciplines.As tecnologias da informação apresentam-se de maneira interativa, dinâmica e propulsora em diversos contextos e campos do conhecimento. No ensino superior demonstram-se pertinentes, atuando como meio facilitador no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar a produção científica dos periódicos ativos e continuados em contabilidade ligados a programas de pós-graduação e cursos de graduação em contabilidade e a orgãos relacionados a profissão contábil com o Qualis A1 a B4 (Webqualis, 2016), sobre a temática de tecnologia da informação no ensino superior contábil, no período de 1989 a 2019, por intermédio de uma meta-síntese. Para tanto, a coleta de dados teve início com o acesso à plataforma Sucupira, na qual, após a aplicação de critérios de filtragem, resultou em um portfólio final de dez artigos. Os resultados indicam que esse tema, em periódicos de contabilidade, apresenta-se em fase inicial de desenvolvimento, mesmo que os avanços tecnológicos estejam mais próximos da sociedade em geral. O perfil das publicações está inclinado para dois aspectos, um deles são pesquisas direcionadas para a educação à distância, o outro tange à busca da interação entre os sistemas de informação da área contábil com o ensino da contabilidade em salas de aulas, com o propósito de verificar a importância da inclusão desses softwares nas disciplinas de graduação

    Learning Process Visualization for Distance Learning Teachers: Design Requirements and Visual Encodings.

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    In distance learning, receiving feedback is critical not only for students but also for teachers — from students. However, there is a lack of empirically validated recommendations for designing visualizations of process-oriented feedback for distance learning teachers. In this work, we propose design requirements and visual encodings for process-oriented feedback, obtained through an iterative design-based method involving intense participation of teachers from online vocational courses. Our results show that i) the prototypes built according to the proposed requirements were perceived as useful by teachers and ii) granularity level control, context, data pre-processing transparency, and correlation of process data to outcome data are essential for a successful visual learning analytics system in the studied domain

    Anomalous loss hysteresis loop

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    This paper discusses the anomalous loss behavior in two electrical steels types. Starting from a non oriented electrical steel coil, three groups of samples with different grain sizes were produced. Grain oriented steel samples were produced from a commercially available material. The experimental procedure was performed by means of magnetic properties measurements using an Epstein frame. A procedure to draw the hysteresis curve of the anomalous loss is proposed. The results reported that anomalous loss has a different behavior when the two electrical steel types are compared. In non oriented steels anomalous loss is concentrated at the low induction region. In grain oriented steels, a remarkable participation of high induction region is observedIPTCAPE

    Acceptance and Use of the Podcast Aggregator in Accounting in Higher Education: A Symmetric and Asymmetric Approach

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    O objetivo do estudo é identificar os fatores que contribuem para a aceitação e utilização de agregador de podcast capaz de fornecer explicações resumidas sobre aulas expositivas, aos discentes da graduação em Ciências Contábeis de uma Universidade Federal do Sul do Brasil. O estudo seguiu a Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso de Tecnologia (UTAUT). Os dados foram coletados por meio da aplicação de questionário fechado in loco. A modelagem de equações estruturais baseada no método de mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS-SEM) foi utilizada para a análise simétrica e a análise qualitativa comparativa fuzzy-set (fsQCA) para a análise assimétrica dos dados do presente estudo. Os resultados demonstram que simetricamente, a influência social influencia a intenção de uso, enquanto as condições facilitadoras e a intenção de uso influenciam o comportamento de uso dos podcasts. Pela ótica assimétrica, são elencadas cinco combinações causais que promovem alta intenção de uso, e outras quatro soluções que promovem alto comportamento de uso. Os achados contribuem para a prática docente, para a elaboração de estratégias de ensino e para a integração de tecnologias no processo de aprendizagem.The objective of the study is to identify the factors that contribute to the acceptance and use of a podcast aggregator capable of providing summary explanations about expository classes to undergraduate students in Accounting Sciences at a Federal University of Southern Brazil. The study followed the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The data were collected through the application of a closed questionnaire in loco. Structural equation modeling based on the method of partial least squares (PLS-SEM) was used for the symmetric analysis and the qualitative comparative analysis by fuzzy set (fsQCA) for the asymmetric analysis of the data of the present study. The results demonstrate that symmetrically, the social influence influences the intention to use, while the facilitating conditions and the intention to use influence the usage behavior of podcasts. From an asymmetric perspective, five causal combinations are listed that promote high use intent, and four other solutions that promote high use behavior. The findings contribute to teaching practice, the development of teaching strategies and the integration of technologies in the learning process.Facultad de Informátic

    Analisando a Participação e a Aprendizagem em Comunidades Virtuais a partir da Teoria de Barbara Rogoff.

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    O avanço nas telecomunicações tem viabilizado formas cada vez mais sofisticadas de interação social entre indivíduos geograficamente distantes. Estes recursos têm sido utilizados para diversos fins, dentre eles viabilizar o surgimento das comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem. No entanto, ainda há uma carência de instrumentos que auxiliem na avaliação processual da aprendizagem nestes contextos. Neste artigo, é discutida a adequabilidade da teoria sociocultural de Barbara Rogoff, em especial a noção dos “planos de análise”, como estratégia para avaliar de forma processual a aprendizagem em comunidades virtuais. São apresentados os principais construtos da teoria, os trabalhos encontrados na literatura que a utilizam no contexto de comunidades virtuais, e as possibilidades de investigação ainda não exploradas

    Direct resin composite restoration of endodontically-treated permanent molars in adolescents: bite force and patient-specific finite element analysis

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    Objective: To evaluate the influence of three levels of dental structure loss on stress distribution and bite load in root canal-treated young molar teeth that were filled with bulk-fill resin composite, using finite element analysis (FEA) to predict clinical failure. Methodology: Three first mandibular molars with extensive caries lesions were selected in teenager patients. The habitual occlusion bite force was measured using gnathodynamometer before and after endodontic/restoration procedures. The recorded bite forces were used as input for patient-specific FEA models, generated from cone-beam computed tomographic (CT) scans of the teeth before and after treatment. Loads were simulated using the contact loading of the antagonist molars selected based on the CT scans and clinical evaluation. Pre and post treatment bite forces (N) in the 3 patients were 30.1/136.6, 34.3/133.4, and 47.9/124.1. Results: Bite force increased 260% (from 36.7±11.6 to 131.9±17.8 N) after endodontic and direct restoration. Before endodontic intervention, the stress concentration was located in coronal tooth structure; after rehabilitation, the stresses were located in root dentin, regardless of the level of tooth structure loss. The bite force used on molar teeth after pulp removal during endodontic treatment resulted in high stress concentrations in weakened tooth areas and at the furcation. Conclusion: Extensive caries negatively affected the bite force. After pulp removal and endodontic treatment, stress and strain concentrations were higher in the weakened dental structure. Root canal treatment associated with direct resin composite restorative procedure could restore the stress-strain conditions in permanent young molar teeth

    Evaluation of mechanical properties of graphite produced asphalt mixtures

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    Este trabalho avalia o comportamento mecânico do concreto asfáltico embebido em grafite natural (CA-GRAFP) de um aparelho de flexão de 4 pontos. Os modelos experimentais apresentaram frequências de 0,1 Hz, 0,2 Hz, 0,5 Hz, 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz e 20 Hz e temperaturas de 0 ° C a 40 ° C em incrementos de 5 ° C conforme EN 12697 -26. O objetivo foi avaliar o uso de grafite natural na substituição de uma carga tradicional, bem como avaliar as propriedades relacionadas à rigidez resultante de inúmeras combinações de carga. Os resultados mostraram que as amostras de concreto asfáltico embebido em grafite (CA-GRAFP) tiveram um aumento no seu módulo elástico quando comparado ao concreto asfáltico de referência (CA-REF) à medida que a frequência e a temperatura aumentaram