455 research outputs found

    J. H. Newman, hoy

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    Documentos del Instituto de Antropología y Ética, número 1

    Fostering the cooperative learning of mathematics in engineering schools through the "Teacher-Apprentice" group dynamics

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    In this presentation, we report on the experience gained and the results obtained from an educational innovation project that has sought to introduce cooperative learning into the mathematics subjects of the first year of the Engineering degrees at the University of Malaga. In particular, we focus on the teamwork-based learning method that we have called the "Teacher-Apprentice" dynamics: Groups of 3-5 members are formed in which one of the members takes on the role of the Teacher, while the rest are the Apprentices. We introduce a system of incentives such that the group that progresses adequately in the subject has the right to group bonuses, which count towards the final grade awarded to each of the group members and which are different for the Teacher and for the Apprentices to allow for some level of competitiveness within the group. The selection of the Teacher is reviewed after each scheduled assessment test, where the student in the group who has obtained the highest score from among the group members will become the (possibly new) Teacher. The results collected to date reveal that group dynamics increase the motivation with which students face math learning, while helping them to correct conceptual errors through discussion with their peers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. “I Plan Propio Integral de Docencia” de la Universidad de Málaga (PIE17-025

    Evaluación de cinco genotipos de haba (Vicia faba L.) con seis niveles de fósforo en Tecámac, México

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    Abstract. During the spring-summer of 2000, the investigation was carried out in field conditions utilizing a design of complete blocks, with 30 treatments and three repetitions with a factorial arrangement. The characteristics evaluated were height of the first legume (apv), final height (af), number of stems (nt), number of grains per legume (ngv), number of legumes per plant (nvp), weight of 100 seeds p(100)s and grain yield (rend). The analysis of variance (anova) revealed significant effects for genotypes in the variables p(100)s**, rend** and apv*. As for the phosphorus, the af and rend presented significant values to 0.05. The interaction gxf was highly significant for the rend. The best variety according to the dms was the v-32 (3.92 t ha-1). The characteristics that influenced the expression of grain yield were: nt, nvp and p(100)s

    Large magnetic anisotropy in mononuclear metal complexes

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    This review examines mononuclear metal complexes with high magnetic anisotropy and the theoretical approaches used to rationalize their magnetic properties. Electronic structure calculations based on CASSCF (or CASPT2/NEVPT2) methods provide a quantitative agreement of the zero- field splitting parameters either for mononuclear transition metal complexes or for equivalent lanthanide systems. To produce a more qualitative tool for predicting the magnetic anisotropy of metal complexes, we have developed a set of simple models. For transition metal systems, a simple model based on the splitting of the d orbitals, considering the coordination mode of the metal and its electronic configuration, is enough to qualitatively predict the system's magnetic anisotropy. A similar approach does not work with the f orbitals of the lanthanide complexes. As an alternative, we studied the electrostatic field generated by the ligands and found that this magnitude controls the shape and the orientation of the anisotropic electron density. This procedure allows us to rationalize and to predict whether the system will have a strong axial character, and also to determine the direction of the magnetic moment

    Parámetros, correlaciones y tendencias genéticas de caracteres reproductivos en ganado Holstein de México

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    The objective was to calculate the parameters, correlations and describe the genetic trends of reproductive traits in Holstein cattle from Mexico in three different periods of time, in females born between 2006 and 2019, using records of the Mexican Holstein association. The reproductive parameters calculated were: calving to first insemination interval (CFI), number of services per conception (NSC), days open (DO), interval between calving (IBC), and age at first calving (AFC). The components of variance were estimated using restricted maximum likelihood in an animal model, to calculate genetic parameters (narrow-sense heritability (h2), repeatability (r) and genetic correlations) and phenotypic correlations. Additive genetic variances and genetic values were also estimated in three periods of time (P1: 2006-2009, P2: 2010-2013 and P3: 2014-2017). The calculated heritabilities were from 4 to 9 % and the repeatabilities from 8 to 9 %, values close to previous reports for fertility traits. Phenotypic correlations were positive for almost all reproductive parameters and genetic correlations were positive over a wide range (0.13-0.99). Analyses by period showed changes, possibly derived from the influence of the import and use of germplasm from foreign bulls (mainly from the United States of America and Canada) which implement genomic selection and include fertility traits. The present research has made it possible to update the information on reproductive and genetic parameters in fertility traits that can be incorporated into national genetic evaluations.El objetivo fue calcular los parámetros, correlaciones y describir las tendencias genéticas de caracteres reproductivos en ganado Holstein de México en tres periodos diferentes de tiempo, en hembras nacidas entre 2006 y 2019, usando registros de la asociación Holstein de México. Los parámetros reproductivos calculados fueron: intervalo parto a primer servicio (IPPS), el número de servicios por concepción (NSC), los días abiertos (DAB), el intervalo entre partos (IEP) y la edad al primer parto (EPP). Los componentes de la varianza fueron estimados utilizando máxima verosimilitud restringida en un modelo animal, para calcular parámetros genéticos (heredabilidad en sentido estricto (h2), repetibilidad (r) y correlaciones genéticas) y correlaciones fenotípicas. También se estimaron varianzas genéticas aditivas y valores genéticos en tres periodos de tiempo (P1: 2006-2009, P2: 2010-2013 y P3: 2014-2017). Las heredabilidades calculadas fueron de 4 a 9 % y las repetibilidades del 8 al 9 %, valores cercanos a reportes previos para características de fertilidad. Las correlaciones fenotípicas fueron positivas para casi todos los parámetros reproductivos y las genéticas fueron positivas en un rango amplio (0.13-0.99). Los análisis por periodos mostraron cambios, posiblemente derivados de la influencia de la importación y uso de germoplasma de toros extranjeros (principalmente de los Estados Unido de América y Canadá) que implementan selección genómica e incluyen características fertilidad. La presente investigación ha permitido actualizar la información de parámetros reproductivos y genéticos en caracteres de fertilidad que podrán ser incorporados a las evaluaciones genéticas nacionales

    Collaborative environments to the innovation supported by smart agent with sustainable approach

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    Existe una nueva categoría de herramientas emergentes conocidas como CAI (innovación asistida por ordenador). CAI ha ido creciendo como respuesta a las mayores demandas de fiabilidad de la industria en productos innovadores, bajo el paradigma de Industria 4.0. Algunas ideas y conceptos iniciales de CAI se basan en la asistencia al diseñador de productos en las etapas tempranas del proceso de diseño y desarrollo de productos. El objetivo de estas herramientas es ayudar a los innovadores, inventores, diseñadores, desarrolladores de procesos y gerentes en su desempeño creativo, con la expectativa de cambios en los paradigmas a través del uso de esta nueva categoría de herramientas de software. Por ello, se ha elaborado un entorno colaborativo para la innovación soportado por agentes inteligentes distribuidos con enfoque sostenible, dando soporte en las etapas tempranas del diseño y desarrollo del producto a través de una nueva herramienta CAI. Al mismo tiempo se ha desarrollado una estructura de conocimiento basado en commonKADS implementándola en cinco agentes inteligentes distribuidos para dar soporte al entorno colaborativo.Currently there is a new category of emerging tools known as CAI (Computer Assisted Innovation). CAI has been growing as a response to greater demands of reliability on the industry in innovative products, under the paradigm of Industry 4.0. Some ideas and initial concepts of CAI are based on the assistance to the product designer in the early stages of the product design and development process. The aim of these tools is to help innovators, inventors, designers, process developers and managers in their creative performance, expecting changes in the paradigm through the use of this new category of software tools. Therefore, a collaborative environment for innovation supported by intelligent agents distributed with a sustainable approach has been developed, providing support in the early stages of product design and development through a new CAI tool. At the same time, a knowledge structure based on commonKADS has been developed, implementing it in five distributed intelligent agents to support the collaborative environment

    Análisis de la dimensión social del desarrollo sostenible. Análisis de las preferencias de interacción en Educación Física en Secundaria

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar los componentes de la interacción social que influyen en el aprendizaje cooperativo en las clases de educación física durante la educación secundaria obligatoria (ESO), abarcando edades de 11 a 16 años, y su contribución al desarrollo sostenible. Se incluyeron objetivos secundarios, como comparar estas dimensiones por género y nivel de grado, y determinar la etapa de la ESO más recomendable para implementar el aprendizaje cooperativo en educación física. El estudio fue de corte transversal, cuantitativo y descriptivo, con direccionalidad prospectiva y control observacional. Participaron 372 estudian tes de ESO de un instituto público en Elche, de un total de 412 invitados. La muestra se distribuyó entre 119 estudiantes de 1º de ESO, 119 de 2º, 62 de 3º y 72 de 4º. Se utilizó el cuestionario "Escala Graupera/Ruiz de Preferencias de Interacción Social en Educación Física (GR-SIPPEL)". Los principales resultados mostraron una preferencia general por la cooperación en educación física, con puntuaciones más altas en competitividad para las niñas. Además, se observó una disminución en cooperación y afiliación a medida que los estudiantes avanzaban de curso, con un aumento en competitividad e individualismo. Como conclusión se puede decir que los estudiantes de secundaria mostraron una fuerte preferencia por la cooperación durante las clases de educación física.The aim of this research is to analyze the components of social interaction that influence cooperative learning (CL) in physical education (PE) classes during compulsory secondary education (ESO), spanning ages from 11 to approximately 16 years old, and its contribution to sustainable development (SD). Secondary objectives include comparing these dimensions by gender and grade level, and determining the most advisable stage of ESO to implement CL in PE. The study is cross-sectional, quantitative, and descriptive, with prospective directionality and observational control. A total of 372 ESO students from a public institute in Elche participated, out of 412 invited. The sample was distributed among 119 1st ESO students, 119 2nd ESO students, 62 3rd ESO students, and 72 4th ESO students. The "Graupera/Ruiz Scale of Social Interaction Preferences in PE (GR-SIPPEL)" questionnaire was used. Results indi cate a general preference for cooperation in PE, with higher competitiveness scores for girls. Additionally, a decrease in cooperation and affiliation is observed as students progress through grades, alongside an increase in competitiveness and individualism. In conclu sion, secondary school students exhibit a strong preference for cooperation during PE classes

    Concordancia entre los modelos de SCORE y Framingham y las ecuaciones AHA/ACC como evaluadores de riesgo cardiovascular

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    ResumenObjetivoDiferentes modelos de evaluación de riesgo cardiovascular están actualmente en uso en Colombia. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la concordancia entre las ecuaciones AHA/ACC 2013, SCORE y Framingham ajustado, así como el impacto de usar una u otra en la cantidad de pacientes clasificados como de alto riesgo y en la cantidad de pacientes que requerirían manejo farmacológico.MétodosSe evaluaron 800 pacientes entre 40 y 74 años, de la clínica de prevención primaria del Hospital militar Central en Bogotá (Colombia), libres de eventos cardiovasculares. Se estimaron el riesgo a 10 años de enfermedad arterioesclerótica cardiovascular según las ecuaciones propuestas por las guías AHA/ACC 2013, el riesgo de muerte cardiovascular según la función SCORE de la guía europea y el riesgo coronario según la función de Framingham ajustada, recomendada por la guía colombiana. Se consideró como indicación de manejo farmacológico un cálculo de riesgo AHA/ACC o Framingham ajustado>7,5%. Un riesgo de Framingham>20% o SCORE>5% definía el riesgo alto.ResultadosSegún el Framingham había un 5,9% de pacientes de alto riesgo, según las ecuaciones de SCORE para países de bajo riesgo un 18,7% y según las ecuaciones de SCORE para países de alto riesgo, un 31,2%. El coeficiente Kappa mostró baja concordancia entre Framingham ajustado y cada una de las ecuaciones de SCORE (0,28 y 0,22 respectivamente). Según las recomendaciones de la guía AHA/ACC, el tratamiento hipolipemiante estaría indicado en un 40,8% de los pacientes, frente a un 50,6% según la guía colombiana (Framingham ajustado). El coeficiente kappa fue de 0,5735.ConclusionesEn la actualidad existe pobre acuerdo entre las diferentes escalas de evaluación del riesgo cardiovascular usadas en Colombia, hecho que conlleva incertidumbre para la toma de decisiones terapéuticas. Los datos de este estudio demuestran la necesidad de validar los modelos de SCORE y AHA/ACC en Colombia y Latinoamérica.AbstractMotivationIn Colombia, different models of cardiovascular risk assessment are currently being used. The motivation of this study is to analyse the concordance between the ACC/AHA 2013 equation, SCORE and adjusted Framingham, as well as the impact of using one or another in the amount of patients classified as high risk and the amount of patients requiring pharmacological management.Methods800 patients between 40 and 74 years old were assessed, from the primary prevention clinic of the Hospital Militar Central in Bogotá (Colombia), who were free of cardiovascular events. 10-year risk for atherosclerotic vascular disease was estimated according to the equations proposed by ACC/AHA 2013 guides, the risk of cardiovascular death according to the SCORE function of the European guide and the coronary risk according to the adjusted Framingham function recommended by the Colombian guide. The indication of pharmacological management was considered with an ACC/AHA or adjusted Framingham risk of>7.5%. A >20% Framingham or a >5% SCORE risk were considered high risk.ResultsAccording to Framingham there was a 5.9% of high-risk patients, according to SCORE equations for low-risk countries an 18.7% and according to SCORE equations for high-risk countries, a 31.2%. The Kappa coefficient showed a low concordance between adjusted Framingham and each of the SCORE equations (0.28 and 0.22 respectively). According to the ACC/AHA guide recommendations, hypolipidemic treatment would be indicated in 40.8% of patients, versus a 50.6% following the Colombian guide indications (adjusted Framingham). Kappa coefficient was 0.5735.ConclusionsNowadays there is a poor agreement between the different cardiovascular risk assessment scales used in Colombia, thus generating uncertainty when it comes to making therapeutic choices. Data from this study show the need to validate the validate the SCORE and ACC/AHA models in Colombia and Latin America

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Perempuan dalam Jabatan Publik (Studi Kasus: Lurah Perempuan di Kelurahan Kesiman Kecamatan Depasar Timur)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara aktual bagaimana gaya kepemimpinan lurah perempuan di Kelurahan Kesiman. Penelitian ini melihat gaya kepemimpinan dari dua sisi yang berbeda yaitu gaya kepemimpinan secara umum dan gaya kepemimpinan khas perempuan. gaya kepemimpinan secara umum terdiri dari gaya kepemimpinan otoriter, demokratis, dan laissez-faire. Sedangkan gaya kepemimpinan khas perempuan terdiri dari maskulin - feminim dan transformasional - transaksional. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif deskritif. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan yang digunakan oleh lurah perempuan di Kesiman adalah gaya kepemimpinan demokratis jika dilihat dari sisi gaya kepemimpinan secara umum, dan gaya kepemimpinan maskulin-transformasional jika dilihat dari gaya kepemimpinan khas perempuan

    Clinical metagenomic analysis and Cancer

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    After seven years of periodic controls by the SEIMC (Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology), it can be affirmed that the analysis is capable of detecting microorganisms in any type of sample (Blood, CSF, Saliva, BAL, Urine, Sputum, Faeces, Tissues, Prosthetic Material, Exudates, Swabs, Etc…), it requires a small amount of sample, it identifies more than 77,000 pathogens in a single test, simultaneously detects Archaea, G+ and G- Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Protists and parasites, it detects nonculturable pathogens and those that revert to false negatives, it is not affected by inhibition by antibiotics or other causes, resistance to antibiotics and antimycotics are detected, results are obtained in 24 hours, it is the most sensitive and reliable direct microbial identification technique and specific today. The analysis is 87% more sensitive than a culture, 99% reliable in gender determination, 91% reliable in sensitivity, increases the rate of accurate diagnosis of infections by more than 50%, as it is NGS sequencing it is more sensitive, specific and reliable than 16s and 18s sequencing. The test is highly useful for detecting microorganisms associated with cancer.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech