46 research outputs found

    Claves sint谩cticas de la estil铆stica ling眉铆stica

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    Most of the research carried out in stylistics has devoted a great deal of its attention to the analysis of lexical devices and to the effects created by these lexical resources in the communicative utterance. This article argues that discourse intentionality is a useful concept that offers a productive framework for the examination of the stylistic meaning (suggestions, hints, images, evocations, etc.) brought about by syntactic resources. The following are the syntactic categories that have been used in this stylistic analysis: isotaxis, ellipsis, linguistic presupposition, passivisation, nominalisation and thematisation, disjuncts and connectors, syntactic order and verbal tenses, and deviation from syntactic order.La mayor parte de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en la estil铆stica ha dedicado gran parte de su atenci贸n al an谩lisis de dispositivos l茅xicos y a los efectos creados por estos recursos l茅xicos en la expresi贸n comunicativa. Este art铆culo debate si la intencionalidad discursiva es un concepto 煤til que ofrece un marco de trabajo productivo para la examinaci贸n del significado estil铆stico (sugerencias, pistas, im谩genes, evocaciones, etc.) llevadas a cabo por los recursos sint谩cticos. Las siguientes son las categor铆as sint谩cticas que se han usado en este an谩lisis estil铆stico: isotaxis, elipsis, presuposici贸n ling眉铆stica pasivaci贸n, nominalizaci贸n y tematizaci贸n, separadores y conectores, orden sint谩ctico y tiempos verbales, y la desviaci贸n con respecto al orden sint谩ctico


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    Obra ressenyada: MAZZUCCO, Patricia; HEBE MARANCHELLO, Alejandra. Diccionario biling眉e de terminolog铆a jur铆dica. Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Candil, 2004


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    Obra ressenyada: Patricia MAZZUCCO; Alejandra HEBE MARANCHELLO, Diccionario biling眉e de terminolog铆a jur铆dica. Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Candil, 2004

    La comprensi贸n como destreza activa en el paradigma de la pragm谩tica

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    Th铆s article, in its first part sets out to present some of the lines and ideas referred to the nature of language brought forth by the new linguistic paradigm called pragmatics. In Its second part, it goes on to discuss their implications In listening comprehension within this paradigm and their influence in language teaching

    La comprensi贸n como destreza activa en el paradigma de la pragm谩tica

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    Th铆s article, in its first part sets out to present some of the lines and ideas referred to the nature of language brought forth by the new linguistic paradigm called pragmatics. In Its second part, it goes on to discuss their implications In listening comprehension within this paradigm and their influence in language teaching