324 research outputs found

    Peatlands in the Toledo Mountains (central Spain): characterisation and conservation status.

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    We have limited knowledge about the biodiversity and vulnerability of peatlands in the lower-altitude mountains of the Iberian Peninsula, largely because peatlands have not been routinely differentiated from other habitat types in Spain. Understanding is now developing about the ecology of peatlands in central Spain, but they are already under severe threat of conversion and degradation. In this article we describe the results of a field survey and literature review study to characterise and describe the current condition of peatlands in the Toledo Mountains in terms of their typology, the representation of habitat types protected by European (EU) designations, threats, endangered plant species, and conservation status. Our results suggest that the principal threats are overgrazing by domestic animals and ungulates (red deer and wild boar), fire, expansion of cereal crops, drying-out and erosion. Disturbance is most severe in areas that are not protected by nature conservation designations, where peatlands are especially vulnerable to damage arising from human activities

    A Carboxylesterase 2 Gene Polymorphism as Predictor of Capecitabine on Response and Time to Progression

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    Este artículo ha sido publicado en la revista Current Drug Metabolism Esta versión tiene Licencia Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND Le remito pdf recibido de mi solicitud a la revista del postprint, y que me han enviado por correo electrónico con permiso para su depósito.Capecitabine is a drug that requires the consecutive action of three enzymes: carboxylesterase 2 (CES 2), cytidine deaminase (CDD), and thymidine phosphorylase (TP) for transformation into 5-fluorouracil (5FU). The metabolism of 5FU requires the activity of thymidylate synthase (TS) and dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) among other enzymes. The present study prospectively examined the possible relationship between the toxicity and efficacy of capecitabine and 14 different polymorphisms in CES 2, CDD, TS and DPD. Between 2003 and 2005, a total of 136 patients with advanced breast or colorectal cancer treated with capecitabine were prospectively enrolled. The presence of two polymorphisms (CDD 943insC and CES 2 Exon3 6046 G/A) were associated with a non-statistically significant higher incidence of grade 3 hand-foot syndrome (HFS) (p=0.07) and grade 3-4 diarrhoea (p=0.09), respectively. Patients heterozygous or homozygous for the polymorphism CES 2 5’UTR 823 C/G exhibited a significantly greater response rate to capecitabine, and time to progression of disease (59%, 8.7 months) than patients with the wild type gene sequence (32%, p=0.015; 5.3 months, p=0.014). For the first time, an association between a polymorphism in the CES2 gene and the efficacy of capecitabine has been described, providing preliminary evidence of its predictive and prognostic value

    Citril finches during the winter: patterns of distribution, the role of pines and implications for the conservation of the species

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    El verderón serrano (Serinus citrinella) es una especie paleártica endémica que cría en zonas montañosas subalpinas de la Europa occidental templada. Esta especie parece que está sufriendo un gran declive en su área de distribución septentrional, principalmente en la Selva Negra y en el NE de los Alpes. Se han propuesto muchas razones para dicha disminución, pero todas ellas estaban relacionadas con los hábitats de cría. Dado que esta especie lleva a cabo una migración altitudinal, y que durante el invierno puede utilizar habitats muy distintos, se precisaría un buen conocimiento de los patrones de distribución y de los hábitats utilizados fuera del período reproductor, para poder establecer unas directrices de conservación y gestión adecuadas. Sin embargo, esta información es muy escasa. El propósito de este estudio es determinar el hábitat común utilizado por los verderones serranos en en nordeste de España durante el invierno, para analizar la idoneidad del habitat, y estudiar los movimientos, investigando el origen de la aves que invernan en Cataluña. La distribución se modelizó utilizando el análisis discriminante y la modelización de entropía máxima con los datos registrados desde 1972 al 2009 sobre la presencia de esta especie durante el invierno en Cataluña. Los resultados evidenciaron que la presencia de bosques abiertos mixtos de pino negral (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmanii) y pino silvestre o albar (Pinus sylvestris), con numerosas tierras de cultivo y plantas arvenses, en areas submediterráneas típicas en las que las temperaturas templadas de finales de invierno (días soleados) facilitan la apertura de las piñas, fueron las variables ecológicas y bioclimáticas claves responsables de la distribución del verderón serrano en invierno (valores AUC o área bajo la curva: datos de entrenamiento AUC = 0,955; datos del test AUC = 0,953). Analizamos las recuperaciones (N = 238) de 2.368 aves anilladas en las áreas de invernada y 12.648 aves anilladas en localizaciones subalpinas en los Pirineos adyacentes, desde 1977 al 2004. Los resultados de los datos de recuperación de anillas muestran que en el área de estudio se capturaron aves procedentes de muy diversas localizaciones dentro del área de distribución de la especie estudiada, incluyendo aves transpirenaicas procedentes de los Alpes. Ello enfatiza la gran movilidad de las poblaciones del verderón serrano hasta alcanzar las áreas de invernada. Desde el punto de vista de la conservación, la gran importancia de los pinos (principalmente del negral) para la distribución invernal de esta especie pone de manifiesto que cualquier amenaza para los pinos, especialmente los incendios forestales, tendrá grandes efectos adversos sobre las poblaciones del verderón serrano. Palabras clave: Verderón serrano, Invernada, Selección del hábitat, Idoneidad del hábitat, Desplazamientos, Conservación, Pino negral, Pino silvestre, Pino albar.El verderón serrano (Serinus citrinella) es una especie paleártica endémica que cría en zonas montañosas subalpinas de la Europa occidental templada. Esta especie parece que está sufriendo un gran declive en su área de distribución septentrional, principalmente en la Selva Negra y en el NE de los Alpes. Se han propuesto muchas razones para dicha disminución, pero todas ellas estaban relacionadas con los hábitats de cría. Dado que esta especie lleva a cabo una migración altitudinal, y que durante el invierno puede utilizar habitats muy distintos, se precisaría un buen conocimiento de los patrones de distribución y de los hábitats utilizados fuera del período reproductor, para poder establecer unas directrices de conservación y gestión adecuadas. Sin embargo, esta información es muy escasa. El propósito de este estudio es determinar el hábitat común utilizado por los verderones serranos en en nordeste de España durante el invierno, para analizar la idoneidad del habitat, y estudiar los movimientos, investigando el origen de la aves que invernan en Cataluña. La distribución se modelizó utilizando el análisis discriminante y la modelización de entropía máxima con los datos registrados desde 1972 al 2009 sobre la presencia de esta especie durante el invierno en Cataluña. Los resultados evidenciaron que la presencia de bosques abiertos mixtos de pino negral (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmanii) y pino silvestre o albar (Pinus sylvestris), con numerosas tierras de cultivo y plantas arvenses, en areas submediterráneas típicas en las que las temperaturas templadas de finales de invierno (días soleados) facilitan la apertura de las piñas, fueron las variables ecológicas y bioclimáticas claves responsables de la distribución del verderón serrano en invierno (valores AUC o área bajo la curva: datos de entrenamiento AUC = 0,955; datos del test AUC = 0,953). Analizamos las recuperaciones (N = 238) de 2.368 aves anilladas en las áreas de invernada y 12.648 aves anilladas en localizaciones subalpinas en los Pirineos adyacentes, desde 1977 al 2004. Los resultados de los datos de recuperación de anillas muestran que en el área de estudio se capturaron aves procedentes de muy diversas localizaciones dentro del área de distribución de la especie estudiada, incluyendo aves transpirenaicas procedentes de los Alpes. Ello enfatiza la gran movilidad de las poblaciones del verderón serrano hasta alcanzar las áreas de invernada. Desde el punto de vista de la conservación, la gran importancia de los pinos (principalmente del negral) para la distribución invernal de esta especie pone de manifiesto que cualquier amenaza para los pinos, especialmente los incendios forestales, tendrá grandes efectos adversos sobre las poblaciones del verderón serrano. Palabras clave: Verderón serrano, Invernada, Selección del hábitat, Idoneidad del hábitat, Desplazamientos, Conservación, Pino negral, Pino silvestre, Pino albar.The Citril finch Serinus citrinella is a Paleartic endemic species that breeds in the subalpine mountain zones of western temperate Europe. The species seems to be suffering a serious decline in its northern range, mainly in the Black Forest and the NE of the Alps. Numerous reasons have been provided for this decline, but all of them have been related to breeding habitats. Given that the species undergoes an altitudinal migration and that during winter it may use very different habitats, a sound knowledge of the distribution patterns and habitats used outside the breeding period is needed to conduct adequate conservation policies and management. This information, however, is largely lacking. The aim of this paper was to determine the current habitat used by Citril finches in north–eastern Spain during the winter, to analyse habitat suitability and to study movements, by investigating the origin of birds that overwinter in Catalonia. Citril finch distribution was modelled using both discriminant analysis and maximum entropy modelling, on the basis of species occurrences during winter in Catalonia (data from 1972–2009). Results showed that the presence of two tree species, Black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmanii) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), both as part of mixed open forests, and the presence of abundant farmland and arvensic plants —the two vegetation units located in a typical sub¬mediterranean context, where the warm temperatures (sunny days) in late winter permit the cones to open—, were the ecological and bioclimatic variables that explain the distribution model. All these variables in tandem seem to be the key for the current potential distribution of the Citril finch in winter (AUCscores: training data AUC= 0.955; test data AUC = 0.953). We analyzed recoveries (N = 238) of 2,368birds ringed at wintering grounds and 12,648 birds ringed at subalpine localities in the adjacent Pyrenees from 1977–2004. We found that in the study area, we recovered ringed birds from many different locations from across the distributional range of the species, including trans–Pyrenean birds from the Alps. This stresses the high mobility of Citril finch populations to reach wintering areas. From a conservation point of view, the high importance of pines (mainly Black pine) for the wintering distribution of the species stresses that any threat on pines, especially forest fires, will have acute detrimental effects for Citril finch populations. Key words: Citril finch, Wintering, Habitat selection, Habitat suitability, Movements, Conservation, Black pine, Scots pine

    Vulnerability and resilience of high-mountain pine forests of the Gredos range (Ávila, Spanish Central System): two thousand years of socio-ecological dynamics

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    RESUMEN: En este trabajo se presenta el análisis palinológico de la turbera de Pozo de la Nieve, localizada en el Parque Natural del Valle de Iruelas (Ávila), un área de alto valor sociocultural dentro de la Sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central). Con el objetivo de relacionar los cambios en el paisaje con la explotación de los recursos naturales y eventos climáticos, en primer lugar se han realizado 7 dataciones radiocarbónicas que sitúan el inicio del registro sedimentario ca. 240 cal BC. Los datos polínicos indican la existencia de un denso pinar altimontano dominado por Pinus sylvestris/nigra desde la Segunda Edad de Hierro hasta el periodo islámico. A partir del periodo cristiano las actividades antrópicas se intensifican, especialmente la ganadería en la Edad Contemporánea, lo cual conlleva la progresiva desaparición del pinar de alta montaña y el desarrollo de pastizales mediante el manejo del fuego, situación que culmina con el desarrollo del paisaje actual dominado por piornales pirófilos.ABSTRACT: We present the palynological study of Pozo de la Nieve peat bog, located in a very valuable socio-cultural placement within the Iruelas Valley Natural Park (Gredos range, Iberian Central System). We have focused in relating landscape changes to natural resources management and climatic events. Firstly, we carried out seven radiocarbon dates suggesting the origin of this record ca. 240 cal BC. The palynological data show the existence of dense high-mountain pine woodlands dominated by Pinus sylvestris/nigra from the Late Iron Age to the Muslim period. Later, from the Christian period, anthropogenic activities have intensified, especially livestock grazing in the Contemporary Age. Its consequences are the progressive disappearance of highmountain pine forests and the extension of grasslands by means of fire, which has shaped current landscape dominated by broom communities.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto Desirè-HAR2013-43701-P (Plan Nacional I+D+I, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España). Sebastián Pérez Díaz está financiado por el Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i en la modalidad Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación. Mónica Ruiz Alonso está financiada por el Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i en la modalidad Juan de la Cierva-Formación

    Identification of Two Eosinophil Subsets in Induced Sputum from Patients with Allergic Asthma According to CD15 and CD66b Expression

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    Allergic asthma; Eosinophil subsets; Induced sputumAsma alérgica; Subconjuntos de eosinófilos; Esputo inducidoAsma al·lèrgica; Subconjunts d'eosinòfils; Esput induïtTwo subsets of eosinophils have been described: resident eosinophils with homeostatic functions (rEOS) in healthy subjects and in patients with nonallergic eosinophilic asthma, and inflammatory eosinophils (iEOS) in blood and lung samples from patients with allergic asthma. We explored if it would be possible to identify different subsets of eosinophils using flow cytometry and the gating strategy applied to induced sputum. We conducted an observational cross-sectional single-center study of 62 patients with persistent allergic asthma. Inflammatory cells from induced sputum samples were counted by light microscopy and flow cytometry, and cytokine levels in the supernatant were determined. Two subsets of eosinophils were defined that we call E1 (CD66b-high and CD15-high) and E2 (CD66b-low and CD15-low). Of the 62 patients, 24 were eosinophilic, 18 mixed, 10 paucigranulocytic, and 10 neutrophilic. E1 predominated over E2 in the eosinophilic and mixed patients (20.86% vs. 6.27% and 14.42% vs. 4.31%, respectively), while E1 and E2 were similar for neutrophilic and paucigranulocytic patients. E1 correlated with IL-5, fractional exhaled nitric oxide, and blood eosinophils. While eosinophil subsets have been identified for asthma in blood, we have shown that they can also be identified in induced sputum.This research was supported by the Spanish Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society (SEAIC) by means of a grant awarded in the call of 2017 (reference 17/06) and a BRN—Fundació Pla i Armengol grant in the call of 2018. The funds provided contributed to the acquisition of the material necessary to carry out the study, but the collaborating entities had no role in the analysis or interpretation of the results

    El proceso de diseño de un molino vibro-planetario para la producción de materiales compuestos

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    En este trabajo se presenta el proceso del diseño de un molino que combina el movimiento planetario y vibratorio de recipientes que contienen material nano partículado, para utilizarlo en la producción de materiales compuestos. Se desea que con la combinación de dos movimientos, este se convierta en un molino de alta energía, por la cantidad de movimiento que se le puede imprimir a los elementos moledores, y, también en un molino de alta capacidad por la cantidad de masa que se puede llegar a moler en un solo bache. En su diseño se consideraron dos principios básicos que son, movimiento centrífugo y movimiento axial vibratorio de los recipientes que contienen los polvos, donde la combinación de los dos movimientos garantiza aceleraciones inducidas sobre los elementos moledores superiores a seis (6) veces la gravedad y a su vez alta calidad en la aleación mecánica final, en relación con el tamaño y uniformidad de la aleación. Se realizó el diseño conceptual y detallado de todos los mecanismos y partes que componen el molino, la simulación de la dinámica del conjunto y el análisis estructural de los componentes esenciales. Durante todo el proceso de diseño se soportó el trabajo con software especializado, así por ejemplo para el modelado de todas las piezas y el conjunto se utilizó el Solid Edge; para el análisis estructural se utilizó el Algor y el Ansys y, en la simulación dinámica se usó el Working Model, entre otros. El uso de todas estas herramientas computacionales se cumplió con criterios de diseño de ingeniería inversa y Quality Function Deployment- QFD.This paper show the process the design of a mill that combines the planetary and vibratory movement of the containers the material nano meter size, to use it in the production of composite materials. There is wished that with the combination of both movements, this to convert a mill of high energy for the quantity of movement on the milling elements, and, also on a mill of high capacity for the quantity of mass that it is possible to mill in every patch. In this design it was considered two basic principles that are, centrifugal movement and axial vibratory movement of the containers that of the powders, where the combination of both movements guarantees accelerations induced on the milling elements up to six (6) times the gravity and an high quality in the mechanical final alloy, in relation to the size and uniformity of the alloy. There was realized the conceptual and detailed design of all the mechanisms and parts that of the mill, the dynamics simulation of the assembly and the structural analysis of the essential components. During the all process of design it was support with specializing software, for example for the modeling of all the parts and the assembly used the Solid Edge; for the structural analysis used the Algor and the Ansys software, and, in the dynamical simulation used the Working Model and others. The use of all these tools computational they were realized by criteria of design of inverse Engineering and Quality Function Deploymen

    Split-range control for improved operation of solar absorption cooling plants

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    This paper proposes the first application of a split-range control technique on a concentrating solar collector to improve an absorption plant production. Solar absorption plants have solar power availability in phase with cooling demand under design conditions. Thus, it is a powerful cooling technology in the context of renewable energy and energy efficiency. These plants need control systems to cope with solar irradiance intermittency, reject irradiation disturbances, manage fossil fuels backup systems and dump closed-loop thermal-hydraulic oscillations. In this work, control techniques are proposed and simulated in an absorption plant in Spain. The plant consists of a concentrating Fresnel solar collector connected to an absorption chiller. The objectives are to operate with 100% renewable solar energy and avoid safety defocus events while reducing temperature oscillations and control actuators effort. Firstly, the current available plant controllers are defined, then two modifications are proposed. The first modification is a split-range controller capable of manipulating both flow and defocus of the Fresnel collector, the second modification is a PI controller to substitute the original chiller on-off controller. The results compare, through validated models, the different control systems and indicate that using both proposed controllers reduces 94% of the sum of actuators effort and 43% of the integral of absolute set-point tracking error compared to the plant's factory pre-set controllers. The suggested controllers increase 66% of energy production and 63% of exergy production. Besides, the split-range technique can be extended to any concentrating solar collector control.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) Finance Code 001Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) 304032/2019–0Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) PID2019-104149RB-I00/10.13039/501100011033Consejo Europeo de Investigación (ERC) OCONTSOLAR 78905

    Nunduva, a new marine genus of Rivulariaceae (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) from marine rocky shores

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    Several populations of a non–tapering and tapering, fasciculated, single and geminate false branch- ing heterocytous cyanobacterium were collected from rocky shores in the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. The populations were provisionally placed in Brasilonema based on morphology, but upon sequencing of both environmental and culture material it was discovered that the populations/cultures belonged to the Rivulariaceae, in a marine subclade of the family containing Kyrtuthrix huatulcensis. In culture, the taxon exhibited tapering in isopolar filaments, providing further evidence that it was a member of the rivulariacean clade. Based on molecular data for other cyanobacteria within the rivulariacean clade, we identified at least three more species morphologically distinguishable from the Brasilonema–like material, all of which show more pronounced ta- pering. These cyanobacteria include not only tropical marine strains, but also a strain isolated from the English coastline in the Atlantic Ocean. We propose a new genus and four species for members of this distinctive clade, Nunduva fasciculata gen. nov., sp. nov., N. kania sp. nov., N. biania sp. nov., and N. britannica sp. nov. Other strains that others and we have isolated are sister to Nunduva and may eventually be placed within this genus, but at present, we consider the evidence for inclusion in Nunduva to be insufficient

    Novel ball head screw and screwdriver design for implant-supported prostheses with angled channels: a finite element analysis

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    The primary objective of this study was to design the optimal geometry of a novel screwdriver, create the grooves on a ball head screw, and demonstrate its resistance to a torque of up to 40 Ncm at angulations of 0°, 15°, and 30° by using nonlinear finite element analysis. A secondary objective was to create a foolproof, easily recognizable system. The grooved ball head screw and geometry of the screwdriver, functioning from an angulation of 0° to 30°, was generated using Pro-ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 software. Static structural analyses among bodies in contact were performed at different angles of 0°, 15°, and 30° at a torque of 20 Ncm and 40 Ncm using nonlinear finite element simulation by means of ANSYS 12.0. The maximum stress supported by the ball head screw and screwdriver was similar at 20 Ncm and 40 Ncm. Although greater deformations were found at 40 Ncm, these were small and might not affect the performance of the system. Further, the rupture torque value for the M2 connection was 55 Ncm for 0° and 30°, and 47.5 Ncm for 15°. Numerical simulation showed that the ball head system design can achieve the mechanical strength requirements expected for screws used in implant-supported restorations at an angulation of up to 30°. Finite element analysis showed this novel ball head screw and screwdriver system to be a good solution for angled screw channels in implant-supported prostheses

    Analysis of the drinks that contribute to the hydration of andalusian sportspeople

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    AbstractObjectivesTo estimate the water balance in a healthy population of sportspeople from Southern Spain and determine the sources of their fluid intake, evaluating the contribution of different types of drink and comparing the results by sex and province of residence.MethodsThree hundred eighty-six sportspeople (231 males, 152 females) were enrolled in the study. A questionnaire was administered to calculate nutrient intake through diet and physical activity, and anthropometric measures were taken according to ISAK standards. SPSS-15 was used for data analyses.ResultsFruit juice, tap water, bottled water, processed fruit juice, carbonated drinks, and isotonic drinks comprised 96% of the total water intake. Simple sugar consumption represented 4.44% of daily calorie intake. Significant differences were found between sexes and between professionals and amateurs. The amount of drinks consumed varied as a function of the quality of the drinking water, which significantly differed among the eight Andalusian provinces.ConclusionThis study population did not fully meet fluid intake recommendations, compliance with hydration recommendations varied as a function of the sex and the amateur or professional status of these sportspeople. The pattern of drinks consumption also differed according to their place of residence