57 research outputs found

    Jak uspołecznić robota: Organizacja przestrzenna i multimodalne interakcje semiotyczne w laboratorium robotyki społecznej

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    Badacze reprezentujący robotykę społeczną projektują swoje roboty tak, aby funkcjonowały one jako społeczni agenci w interakcji z ludźmi oraz z innymi robotami. Jakkolwiek nie przeczymy, że fizyczne cechy robota oraz jego oprogramowanie są istotne dla osiągniecia tego celu, pragniemy zwrócić uwagę na znaczenie organizacji przestrzennej oraz procesów koordynacji interakcji robota z ludźmi. Interakcje te badaliśmy, prowadząc obserwacje w [„rozszerzonym”] laboratorium robotyki społecznej. W tekście dokonujemy multimodalnej analizy interakcyjnej dwóch momentów praktyki projektantów robotów społecznych. Opisujemy kluczową rolę samych robotyków oraz grupy małych dzieci nieposługujących się jeszcze językiem, które zaangażowano w proces projektowania robota. Twierdzimy tu, że społeczny charakter projektowanej maszyny jest w istotny sposób powiązany z subtelnością ludzkich zachowań w laboratorium. To ludzkie zaangażowanie w proces tworzenia społecznego sprawstwa robota nie jest kwestią woli indywidualnych osób. Raczej jest tak, że dopasowania maszyn i ludzi wymaga dynamika sytuacyjna, w której osadzony jest robot

    Influence of cortical nanoparticles on the embryonic development of three seabirds: Arbacia lixula, Paracentrotus lividus and Sphaerechinus granularis

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    Nanočestice cerijevog (IV) oksida (NP CeO2) imaju široku primjenu uključujući funkcionalne premaze, elektroniku, tehniku, medicinu te su prisutne u okolišu kao sekundarni produkt motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem (dodatak gorivu). Posljednje spomenuto može biti od posebne važnosti, jer se očekuje da će opterećenje okoliša proizašlo iz ispušnih plinova automobila biti značajno. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati potencijalnu toksičnost NP CeO2 na tri vrste ježinaca: Arbacia lixula, Paracentrotus lividus i Sphaerechinus granularis primjenom testa embrionalnog razvoja ježinca (SUDET). Nakon izlaganja zigota koncentracijama NP CeO2 u rasponu od 10 - 10 000 μg/L, embrionalni razvoj sve tri vrste se nastavio bez značajnih razlika u odnosu na kontrolni uzorak. Sperma ježinaca tretirana je s NP CeO2 u koncentracijskom rasponu od 10 - 10 000 μg/L. Rezultati su pokazali da NP CeO2 nisu imale negativan učinak na spermu. Naime, više od 90% jajnih stanica kod sve tri vrste bilo je uspješno oplođeno. Nadalje, tako oplođene jajne stanice uspješno su se razvile do stadija morfološki normalne larve pri svim koncentracijama, osim pri koncentraciji od 10 000 μg/L. Rezultati su pokazali da NP CeO2 kada su tretirane larve vrsta A. lixula i P. lividus nakon 48 h pokazale samo 74.25 ± 8.42% i 82.25 ± 2.63% normalno razvijenih larvi. S toga, testom embrionalnog razvoja ježinaca nije dokaznao da su ispitivane NCeO2 materijal zbog kojeg bi se trebalo brinuti, niti pri visokim koncentracijama. Međutim, potrebno je provesti dodatna istraživanja prije nego se zabrinutost oko nanočestica CeO2 može u potpunosti otkloniti.Cerium (IV) oxide nanoparticles (NP CeO2) have a wide variety of applications including as a component in functional coating, in electronics, engineering, medicine, and are present in the environment as secondary products of combustion engines due to their use as fuel additives. It is the latter which may be of particular concern as the environmental load deriving from automobile exhaust is expected over the coming years to be significant. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential embryotoxicity of NP CeO2 on three sea urchin species: Arbacia lixula, Paracentrotus lividus and Sphaerechinus granularis using the sea urchin embryo development test (SUEDT). Embryonal development following the exposure of zygotes to NP CeO2 at concentrations ranging between 10 - 10000 μg/L proceeded for all three species without significant differences compared to the control. Sea urchin sperm was treated with NP CeO2 at the same concentrations as for the zygotes and results indicated that NP CeO2 did not affect the fertilization ability of sea urchin sperm, with more than 90% of eggs for each species successfully fertilized. These eggs developed into morphologically normal larvae at all NP concentrations except for the 10000 μg/L NP CeO2 treatment where larvae of A. lixula and P. lividus showed only 74.25 ± 8.42% and 82.25 ± 2.63% normally developed larvae after 48h, respectively. Thus, the sea urchin embryo development test did not indicate that the investigated NP CeO2 is a material of concern, even at high concentrations. However, a broader range of 57 bioassays must be conducted before concerns about the potential toxicity of cerium oxide nanoparticles may be completely alleviated

    Influence of cortical nanoparticles on the embryonic development of three seabirds: Arbacia lixula, Paracentrotus lividus and Sphaerechinus granularis

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    Nanočestice cerijevog (IV) oksida (NP CeO2) imaju široku primjenu uključujući funkcionalne premaze, elektroniku, tehniku, medicinu te su prisutne u okolišu kao sekundarni produkt motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem (dodatak gorivu). Posljednje spomenuto može biti od posebne važnosti, jer se očekuje da će opterećenje okoliša proizašlo iz ispušnih plinova automobila biti značajno. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati potencijalnu toksičnost NP CeO2 na tri vrste ježinaca: Arbacia lixula, Paracentrotus lividus i Sphaerechinus granularis primjenom testa embrionalnog razvoja ježinca (SUDET). Nakon izlaganja zigota koncentracijama NP CeO2 u rasponu od 10 - 10 000 μg/L, embrionalni razvoj sve tri vrste se nastavio bez značajnih razlika u odnosu na kontrolni uzorak. Sperma ježinaca tretirana je s NP CeO2 u koncentracijskom rasponu od 10 - 10 000 μg/L. Rezultati su pokazali da NP CeO2 nisu imale negativan učinak na spermu. Naime, više od 90% jajnih stanica kod sve tri vrste bilo je uspješno oplođeno. Nadalje, tako oplođene jajne stanice uspješno su se razvile do stadija morfološki normalne larve pri svim koncentracijama, osim pri koncentraciji od 10 000 μg/L. Rezultati su pokazali da NP CeO2 kada su tretirane larve vrsta A. lixula i P. lividus nakon 48 h pokazale samo 74.25 ± 8.42% i 82.25 ± 2.63% normalno razvijenih larvi. S toga, testom embrionalnog razvoja ježinaca nije dokaznao da su ispitivane NCeO2 materijal zbog kojeg bi se trebalo brinuti, niti pri visokim koncentracijama. Međutim, potrebno je provesti dodatna istraživanja prije nego se zabrinutost oko nanočestica CeO2 može u potpunosti otkloniti.Cerium (IV) oxide nanoparticles (NP CeO2) have a wide variety of applications including as a component in functional coating, in electronics, engineering, medicine, and are present in the environment as secondary products of combustion engines due to their use as fuel additives. It is the latter which may be of particular concern as the environmental load deriving from automobile exhaust is expected over the coming years to be significant. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential embryotoxicity of NP CeO2 on three sea urchin species: Arbacia lixula, Paracentrotus lividus and Sphaerechinus granularis using the sea urchin embryo development test (SUEDT). Embryonal development following the exposure of zygotes to NP CeO2 at concentrations ranging between 10 - 10000 μg/L proceeded for all three species without significant differences compared to the control. Sea urchin sperm was treated with NP CeO2 at the same concentrations as for the zygotes and results indicated that NP CeO2 did not affect the fertilization ability of sea urchin sperm, with more than 90% of eggs for each species successfully fertilized. These eggs developed into morphologically normal larvae at all NP concentrations except for the 10000 μg/L NP CeO2 treatment where larvae of A. lixula and P. lividus showed only 74.25 ± 8.42% and 82.25 ± 2.63% normally developed larvae after 48h, respectively. Thus, the sea urchin embryo development test did not indicate that the investigated NP CeO2 is a material of concern, even at high concentrations. However, a broader range of 57 bioassays must be conducted before concerns about the potential toxicity of cerium oxide nanoparticles may be completely alleviated

    Studying robots outside the lab:HRI as ethnography

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    As more and more robots enter our social world, there is a strong need for further field studies of humanrobot interaction. Based on a two-year ethnographic study of the implementation of a South Korean socially assistive robot in Danish elderly care, this paper argues that empirical and ethnographic studies will enhance the understanding of the adaptation of robots in real-life settings. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes how users and the context of use matters to this adaptation, as it is shown that roboticists are unable to control how their designs are implemented and how the sociality of social robots is inscribed by its users in practice. This paper can be seen as a contribution to long-term studies of HRI. It presents the challenges of robot adaptation in practice and discusses the limitations of the present conceptual understanding of human-robot relations. The ethnographic data presented herein encourage a move away from static and linear descriptions of the implementation process toward more contextual and relational accounts of HRI

    The enrolment to higher education institutions at the University of Rijeka before and after the introduction of the State Graduation Exam

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    Cilj: Željeli smo utvrditi kako su se uvođenje državne mature i odabir kriterija bodovanja odrazili na strukturu upisanih studenata i uspješnost svladavanja gradiva iz fizike. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje smo proveli na Sveučilištu u Rijeci na studentima Medicinskog fakulteta i Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija. Obuhvatili smo ukupno 779 studenata medicine, 237 fizioterapije i 100 radiološke tehnologije u razdoblju od 2008./2009. do 2014./2015. akademske godine (ak. g.). Za usporedbu su korišteni neparametrijski testovi Kruskal-Wallisova ANOVA i Hi-kvadrat test. Rezultati: Nakon uvođenja državne mature promijenio se omjer broja studenata iz Primorsko-goranske i ostalih županija. Zastupljenost studenata iz Primorsko-goranske županije na studiju medicine iz godine u godinu sve je manja, pa je tako u ak. g. 2012./2013. iznosila samo 19,4 %. Kod fizioterapije taj postotak se izjednačio, dok se na radiološku tehnologiju oduvijek upisivao veći broj studenata koji dolaze izvan naše županije. Nakon uvođenja državne mature na studiju medicine udio studenata iz medicinskih škola pao je na približno 5 %. Na fizioterapiji je uočen porast broja studenata iz medicinskih škola koji u posljednje dvije ak. g. iznosi 75 % i 78 %. Na radiološkoj tehnologiji udio studenata iz medicinskih škola prije državne mature ak. g. 2008./2009. i 2009./2010. iznosio je 100 % i 93 %, a nakon uvođenja državne mature postotak je varirao s obzirom na promjenu kriterija upisa u intervalu od 0 % ak. g. 2014./2015. do 66 % ak. g. 2012./2013. Zaključak: Rezultati su pokazali da se odabir kriterija pri upisu odražava na probir kao i na uspjeh studenata na ispitima. No budući da je ovo istraživanje provedeno samo na kolegijima iz fizike, za donošenje konačnog zaključka analizu je neophodno proširiti i na ostale kolegije.Aim: The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of the introduction of the State Graduation Exam and selected entrance criteria on the structure of enrolled students and their achievements in the acquisition of knowledge in physics. Subjects and methods: The investigation was conducted at the University of Rijeka and included students of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health Studies. The total of 779 medical students, 237 students of physiotherapy and 100 students of radiological technology in the period from the academic year 2008/2009 to 2014/2015 participated in the study. Non-parametric tests Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and the chi-square (c2) test were used for comparison. Results: Upon the introduction of the State Graduation Exam, the ratio of students from the Primorsko-goranska County and other counties has changed. The prevalence of students from Primorsko-goranska County enrolled in the study of medicine has been decreasing steadily, and it accounted for 19.4 % in the academic year 2012/2013. In the study of physiotherapy this percentage became equal, whereas the number of students enrolled in the study of radiological technology coming from other counties has always prevailed. Upon the introduction of the State Graduation Exam, in the study of medicine, the proportion of students who have completed secondary medical school was reduced to approximately 5 %. In the study of physiotherapy the number of students coming from the secondary medical school increased, and it amounted to 75 % and 78 % in the last two academic years respectively. The percentage of students enrolled in the study of radiological technology who have completed secondary medical schools before the State Graduation Exam was 100 % and 93 %, in the academic years (2008/2009, 2009/2010), but after the introduction of the State Graduation Exam the proportions varied depending on the changes in the entrance criteria in the range of 0 % in the academic year 2014/2015 to 66 % in the academic year 2012/2013. Conclusion: Our results showed that the selection and the achievements of students in exams depended significantly on the selection of entrance criteria. However, this study was conducted only in the physics courses and a further analysis involving other courses is needed to reach the final conclusion

    Mediated business: Living the organisational surroundings – Introduction

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    This special section builds upon Deirdre Boden’s work on the constitutive nature of talk for organizations and the Culture & Organization 2004 special issue that developed her concern. Specifically, we aim to further engage with how business is managed, formed and locally accomplished by means of the organizational surroundings that the participants make themselves part of and the multimodal resources that they have at their disposal, in other words: how people live the organizational surroundings. Our hope is to shed light on future directions in the multimodal analysis of workplace interaction and studies of organization in general, and encourage a further interconnection among scholars from various disciplines

    Enactive individuation: technics, temporality and affect in digital design and fabrication

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    The nature of creative engagement with computers and software presents a number of challenges to 4E cognition and requires the development of analytical frameworks that can encompass cognitive processes as they extend across material and informational realms. Here I argue that an enactive view of mind allows for better understanding of digital practice by advancing a dynamic, transactional, and affective framework for the analysis of computational design. This enactive framework is in part developed through the Material Engagement Theory (MET) put forward by Lambros Malafouris, in part from the phenomenologically inspired philosophy of Bernard Stiegler. Both advance temporality, technics and technique as key to understanding human creative imagination and their work can support each other in different ways; Stiegler allows for a theorisation of digital tools largely missing from the cognitive archaeology of Malafouris, whilst Malafouris provides a cognitive theory to further develop key ideas in Stiegler’s philosophy. Bringing their work together through Gilbert Simondon’s theory of individuation, I develop the concept of enactive individuation and apply this to the analysis of a case of robotic design and fabrication from my fieldwork with digital architects and engineers. This case allows for further exploration of how enactivism might productively be extended into the digital realm by underscoring the explorative engagement at heart of even highly systematic work with computers and software

    Diversity of Scleractinian corals (Anthozoa, Scleractinia) in the Kvarner region

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    Biogeografsko tumačenje faune kamenih koralja Jadranskog mora još se uvijek zasniva na problemima sistematike i nedostatku podataka. Prema podacima iz literature te nedavnih istraživanja, u području Kvarnera pronađeno je i sakupljeno 16 vrsta kamenih koralja s šezdeset i dvije postaje. Pronađene vrste predstavljaju oko 57% dosad ukupno pronađenih kamenih koralja u Jadranskom moru i oko 50% u Sredozemnom moru. Četiri vrste smatraju se endemima Sredozemnog mora. Raznolikost podloge i bentoskih biocenoza značajna je za rasprostranjenost kamenih koralja u području Kvarnera. Velika bioraznolikost koralja na području Kvarnera pod jakim je antropogenim utjecajem te negativnim utjecajem klimatskih promjena i zagrijavanja mora. Tijekom istraživanja kamenih koralja u području Kvarnera utvrđeno intenzivno širenje invazivne alge Caulerpa cylindracea Sonder na svim istraživanim postajama. Najviše su ugrožene vrste biocenoze fotofilnih alga poput solitarnog koralja Balanophyllia europaea i kolonijalne vrste Cladodora caespitosa. Riba papigača Sparisoma cretense (Linnaeus, 1758) utvrđena je na većini istraživanih postaja u južnom dijelu Kvarnera. Sve istraživane vrste pokazuju stupnjeve oštećenja populacija vezano za temperaturne anomalije. Najviše su ugroženi kameni koralji Cladocora ceaspitosa, Balanophyllia europaea, Madracis pharensis te Leptopsammia pruvoti. Utvrđeno je i izbjeljivanje polipa kod vrsta Cladocora caespitosa, Madracis pharensis i Balanophyllia europaea tijekom ljetnih mjeseci 2019. godine. Ovi koralji pokazali su se kao odlične indikatorske vrste na kojima se može provoditi monitoring, jer su izuzetno osjetljive na klimatske i negativne antropogene utjecaje.Biogeographical interpretation of the Scleractinian fauna of the Adriatic Sea is still based on taxonomical problems and shortage of data. Using data of recent research and previous literature records, sixteen Scleractinian species were recorded and collected in the area of Kvarner Region from 62 stations. Recorded species account for about 57% of Scleractinians known in the Adriatic Sea, and for about 50% of Scleractinians known in the Mediterranean Sea. Four species are considered to be Mediterranean endemics. Heterogeneity of substrates and benthic communities is considerable in the Kvarner Region, with Scleractinians present on most different kinds of substrates and in a wide range of benthic communities. The large biodiversity of corals in the Kvarner area is strongly influenced by anthropogenic influences and the negative impact of climate change and sea warming. During the research of stone corals in the Kvarner area, intensive spread of the invasive alga Caulerpa cylindracea found Sonder at all investigated stations. The most endangered species are biocenosis of photophilous algae that lives on corals such as the solitary coral Balanophyllia europaea and the colonial species Cladodora caespitosa. The parrot fish Sparisoma cretense (Linnaeus, 1758) was found at most of the investigated stations in the southern part of Kvarner. All studied species show degrees of damage to populations related to temperature anomalies. The most endangered are the stone corals Cladocora ceaspitosa, Balanophyllia europaea, Madracis pharensis and Leptopsammia pruvoti. Polyp bleaching was also found in the species Cladocora caespitosa, Madracis pharensis and Balanophyllia europaea during the summer months of 2019. These corals have proven to be excellent indicator species on which monitoring can be carried out, as they are extremely sensitive to climatic and negative anthropogenic influences