1,148 research outputs found

    Suomen viljelysmaiden rikkitila

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    A method for determining total sulphur in plant material and soil samples using the induction furnace technique and subsequent turbidimetric determination of sulphate sulphur was discussed. A procedure for extracting sulphur from soil samples with ammonium acetate (pH 4.65), the interference of the organic matter being reduced by oxidation of the extract with H2O2, was proposed. Sulphur balance in Finnish cultivated soils was estimated by taking into account the average amounts of emitted (8 kg S/ha/yr.), precipitated (8 kg S/ha/yr.) and leached (8 kg S/ha/yr.) sulphur. The actual situation in the cultivated soils seems thus to be depending, on an average, on the uptake by plants and the sulphur applied (12 kg S/ha/yr. in the early 1970s). In 104 samples of cultivated soil, the content of total sulphur showed a slight correlation with the content of organic carbon. The amounts of sulphur extracted in various ways were not predictable by means of the soil characteristics used (pHCaCl2, org. C and texture). Extracted sulphur did not correlate sufficiently with the development and sulphur uptake of plants. Under field conditions in northern Finland, sulphur application produced a relatively distinct result in respect both to the ley yields on Carex peat, and their sulphur content. On mineral soils in southern Finland the yields were unaffected by supplementary fertilization with sulphur. In the pot experiments performed a fairly close relationship between sulphur and nitrogen was demonstrated.Tässä tutkimuksessa jouduttiin aluksi rikin määritystapojen joukosta valitsemaan laboratorion varustuksen ja maanäytteiden laadun mukaiset menetelmät. Kokonaisrikin määrittämiseen kehitettiin menetelmä, joka perustuu näytteen polttamiseen induktiouunissa ja sulfaattiakin turbidimetriseen mittaukseen vetyperoksidiin imeytetystä polttokaasusta. Maauutteiden analysoinnissa esille tulevat vaikeudet voitiin selvästi osoittaa. Analyysitulosten arvo näytti yleisesti käytetyn bariumkromaattimenetelmän kohdalla jopa kyseenalaiselta. Rikin määrittämiseksi ammoniumasetaattiuutteesta (pH 4.65) on esitetty uusi menetelmä, jossa eloperäisen aineksen määritystä häiritsevää vaikutusta on vähennetty käsittelemällä uutteita vetyperoksidilla. Suomen viljelysmaitten rikkitase arvioitiin ottamalla huomioon maahan ilmakehästä ja viljelytoimenpiteiden seurauksena tuleva rikki sekä huuhtoutumisesta ja kasvien otosta aiheutuva rikin kulutus. Sateen mukana tulevan ja vesistöihin huuhtoutuvan rikin määrät näyttivät olevan samaa suuruusluokkaa eli noin 8 kg/ha vuodessa. Lannoitusvuonna 1970—71 levitettiin rikkiä lannoitteissa noin 12 kg viljeltyä hehtaaria kohti. Tämä viljasadolle riittävä määrä on ilmeisesti liian niukka paljon rikkiä vaativille kasveille. Alustava tutkimus Suomen viljelysmaiden rikkivaroista ja niiden käyttökelpoisuudesta kasveille suoritettiin analysoimalla joukko maanäytteitä ja järjestämällä näissä maissa astia- ja kenttäkokeita. Näytteet olivat 62 kohteesta linjan Oulu-Kuusamo eteläpuolella. Näytteiden kokonaismäärä oli 104, joista 62 pinta- ja 42 jankkonäytettä. Näytesarjan multa- ja turvemaat (21 kpl) sisälsivät keskimäärin 118±220 mg rikkiä ilmakuivaa maakiloa kohti, savimaat (22 kpl, koska eräs sulfaattimaan näyte jätettiin tarkastelun ulkopuolelle) 450±94, hiesu- ja hiuemaat (18 kpl) 410±100 ja hieta- ja hiekkamaat (42 kpl) 310±43 mg/kg (vaihtelurajat ilmoitettu 95 % luotettavuudella). Kivennäismaiden jankko sisälsi keskimäärin 30 % vähemmän rikki kuin pintamaa. Maanäytteiden kokonaisrikin pitoisuus oli melko hyvin korreloitunut eloperäisen aineksen pitoisuuden kanssa (r = 0.83***). Tutkittuihin reagensseihin (1 % NaCl, 0.03 M NaH2P04-2N CH3COOH ja CH3COONH4-CH3COOH, pH 4.65) uuttuva rikki sen sijaan ei juuri riippunut määritetyistä maan yleisistä ominaisuuksista (pHCaCl2, org.C ja tekstuuri). Tutkituista uuttoliuoksista hapan ammoniumasetaatti uutti vähiten rikkiä myös kun tilavuuspaino otettiin huomioon. Muut kaksi menetelmää antoivat keskenään samaa suuruusluokkaa olevia tuloksia. Mikään uuttomenetelmistä ei pystynyt antamaan selvää kuvaa siitä, miten lannoiterikki vaikuttaa kasvien kehitykseen. Ammoniumasetaattiin uuttuvan rikin määrä kuvasi kuitenkin jotenkin maan rikkitilaa. Tämän menetelmän tärkeä etu näytti olevan tilavuusyksikköön perustuva uuttosuhde, joka antoi vertailukelpoisia tuloksia niin kivennäis- kuin multa- ja turvemaistakin. Timoteivaltaisen nurmen rikkilannoitus saraturvemailla Kuusamossa lisäsi suhteellisen selvästi nurmisatoa ja sen rikinottoa kesällä 1969. 10 kg rikkiä hehtaarille oli tarpeeksi nurmisadon kohottamiseksi tyydyttävälle tasolle. Vielä runsaampi rikkilannoitus aiheutti melkein yksinomaan sadon rikin pitoisuuden lisääntymisen. Etelä-Suomessa vuonna 1970 järjestetyissä kenttäkokeissa rikkilannoitus ei vaikuttanut kevätviljojen satoihin. Lähinnä lannoitteiden koostumuksen suunnittelua ajatellen tutkittiin astiakokein toisaalta rikin toisaalta typen, fosforin ja molybdeenin vuorosuhteita. Tuntui ilmeiseltä, että määrältään ja laadultaan optimaalisen sadon saavuttamiseksi rikkiä ja typpeä täytyy olla kasvien käytettävissä tietyssä suhteessa, joka todennäköisesti on rajojen N/S = 5-20 puitteissa. Kun rapsi kärsi samanaikaisesti näiden kahden ravinteen puutetta, typpi rajoitti ensisijaisesti kasvin vegetatiivista kehitystä ja rikki siementen muodostusta. Rikki ja fosfori tuntuivat vaikuttavan kasvissa toisistaan riippumatta, kun taas molybdeenilannoitus rikin niukkuuden vallitessa kohotti voimakkaasti kasviaineksen molybdeeninpitoisuutta

    Investigation of the Relationship Between School Climate, Coping Strategies, and Peer Bullying in Secondary School Students

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between school climate and coping strategies and peer bullying in secondary school students. The population of the study is 7th and 8th-grade secondary school students. The study group included 284 students (153 female and 131 male) attending a secondary school located in Afyon. The study used the School Climate Scale (SCS), KIDCOPE and Bully Scale (BS) as data collection instruments. The  relations  between SCS scores and KIDCOPE scores and bullying were examined  with  Pearson  Moments  Multiplication Correlation Coefficient Technique.As a result of the analyzes, SCS total score and some of the subscales (fairness, order and discipline, parent involvement, sharing of resources, student interpersonal relations, teacher-student relations) have significant and positive relationships with peer bullying. Alsoit was seen that there were positive and significant relationships between bullying and some of the KIDCOPE subscales (avoidant coping and negative coping).In addition, the predictability of school climate and coping strategies were tested with multiple regression analysis. As a result of analysis, it was found that some of the SCS subscales (order and discipline and teacher-student relations)and one of the KIDCOPE subscale (negative coping) were an important predictor of bullying

    The Effect of Inquiry-Based Collaborative Learning and Inquiry-Based Online Collaborative Learning on Success and Permanent Learning of Students

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    This study aims to specify the effect of inquiry-based collaborative learning and inquiry-based online collaborative learning methods on students' success and permanent learning. In this quantitative study, a pre-test post-test non-equalized control group model of quasi-experimental design has been used. The study's sample comprises 64 students, 32 in the experimental and 32 in the control group, determined by the stratified sampling method. The research has taken place in four stages. Firstly, an achievement test for chemical bonds subject has been applied as a pre-test to both experimental and control groups. The researchers have developed the test; it consists of 33 questions. Secondly, chemical bonds have been taught to control groups with inquiry-based collaborative learning methods and experimental groups with inquiry-based online collaborative learning methods. The achievement test has been applied to both groups as a post-test in the third stage. The same test has been applied as a retention test six weeks later. In the analysis of tests, dependent and independent samples t-test have been used in p=.05 significance level. The research results show that the inquiry-based online collaborative learning method is more effective on students' success and permanent learning than other methods

    Advancing Legal Animal Rights in International Live Transport

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    International trade of farm animals constitutes an essential part of the food- and animal production industry today in the European Union (EU) and globally. The industry is characterised by transboundary value chains, involving the transport of millions of live farm animals to other countries annually to be bred, fattened, and slaughtered. International transport of live animals represents a major animal welfare concern as the farm animals are frequently exposed to conditions causing suffering, pain and sometimes death. The international law protecting traded farm animals’ wellbeing is fragmented and unclear. Current animal protection laws are increasingly criticised for being unable to protect animals’ wellbeing efficiently. Consequently, an active scholarly debate prevails in the legal field of animal law around the need for new legal approaches to enhance the protection of animals in legal systems. Against this background, this present thesis aims to analyse the rules pertaining to international transport of live animals between the EU and third countries through a lens of animal law. In the legal field of animal law, a zoocentric perspective is applied as opposed to the traditional anthropocentric perspective on laws relating to animals to analyse how legal systems could protect animals most effectively from harmful treatment. The thesis intends to explore modern theories of legal animal rights and animal subjectivity as an alternative to current legal protection. Thus, by focusing on the concrete example of international live animal transport, two research questions are analysed from a zoocentric perspective; how is European farm animals’ welfare currently protected in international live transport and how could legal animal rights protect internationally traded and transported farm animals from harmful human impact? The thesis shows how EU- and international law justifies and maintains systems detrimental to farm animals’ wellbeing. While the available legal provisions protect some aspects of individual animals’ welfare, harmful treatment of farm animals remains permitted under current laws. In addition, the thesis shows that a main obstacle for improving farm animal protection in international transport is that farm animals, under the current legal paradigm, are considered as legal objects in law. A coherent legal recognition of animals as living, sentient beings with legal animal rights is missing. Thus, this thesis argues that a legal paradigm shift is needed to enable the most efficient protection of farm animals in international trade and transport. It would imply ascribing animals with legal rights, which is conceptually possible. The analysis further shows that if animals would hold fundamental rights, it would necessitate a systemic change in the trade and transport of live farm animals

    Sulphur status in Finnish cultivated soils

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    A method for determining total sulphur in plant material and soil samples using the induction furnace technique and subsequent turbidimetric determination of sulphate sulphur was discussed. A procedure for extracting sulphur from soil samples with ammonium acetate (pH 4.65), the interference of the organic matter being reduced by oxidation of the extract with H2O2, was proposed. Sulphur balance in Finnish cultivated soils was estimated by taking into account the average amounts of emitted (8 kg S/ha/yr.), precipitated (8 kg S/ha/yr.) and leached (8 kg S/ha/yr.) sulphur. The actual situation in the cultivated soils seems thus to be depending, on an average, on the uptake by plants and the sulphur applied (12 kg S/ha/yr. in the early 1970s). In 104 samples of cultivated soil, the content of total sulphur showed a slight correlation with the content of organic carbon. The amounts of sulphur extracted in various ways were not predictable by means of the soil characteristics used (pHCaCl2, org. C and texture). Extracted sulphur did not correlate sufficiently with the development and sulphur uptake of plants. Under field conditions in northern Finland, sulphur application produced a relatively distinct result in respect both to the ley yields on Carex peat, and their sulphur content. On mineral soils in southern Finland the yields were unaffected by supplementary fertilization with sulphur. In the pot experiments performed a fairly close relationship between sulphur and nitrogen was demonstrated

    On the inheritance of female sterility in cattle

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    Mikä selittää "suuren vaurastumisen" - ja mitä on "humanomics"?

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    Psychology as a positive science

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    Psikoloji tarihine bakıldığında psikolojinin bilim olma kimliğine, fizik ile kurduğu bağ sayesinde ulaştığı görülür. Müller’den başlayarak, Helmholzt, Weber, Fechner ve en nihayet Wundt’a kadar uzanan yolda temel düşünce, bilincin fizik kanunlarını tespit etmek idi. Bu düşüncenin altında yatan ise, Newton’un kanunlarının felsefede ele alınan temel konulara da uygulanabileceği düşüncesiydi. Soyut bir mekanizma olan zihin ile somut bir mekanizma olan bedenin etkileşip etkileşmediklerini, etkileşiyorlarsa bunun nasıl gerçekleştiğini çözmeye yönelik olarak yürütülen zihin-beden sorunu tartışması, felsefede uzun zamandır sürmekteydi. Descartes’in ele aldığı ruh (zihin)-beden sorununu fiziğin ilkelerini kullanarak açıklama düşüncesi, psikolojinin bilim olmasında önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Bu düşünce ile yola çıkan psikolojinin, sosyal bilim safına kayması ne yazık ki fazla uzun sürmemiştir. Duyum, algı, bellek, öğrenme vb. gibi bilincin öğelerini teşkil eden konuların pozitif bilimlerin yöntemleriyle çalışılmasındaki zorluk, bu durumun başlıca nedeni olmuştur. Bugün psikoloji artık bir yol ayrımındadır ve tercihini sosyal bilimden yana mı, yoksa pozitif bilimden yana mı kullanacağına karar vermelidir. Bu karar, psikolojinin bugününü ve yarınını şekillendirmede çok önemli bir yere sahip olacaktır. Bu düşüncelerden hareketle mevcut çalışmada, psikolojinin kısa bir tarihsel arka planı verilerek, psikolojinin günümüzde ve gelecekteki durumunun sosyal bilim olarak mı yoksa pozitif bilim olarak mı şekillenmesi gerektiği tartışılacaktır.When the history of psychology is observed, it appears that psychology's identity of being a science has been achieved through its connection with physics. Starting from Müller, Helmholtz, Weber, Fechner, and finally, until Wundt, the basic idea was to determine the physical laws of conscience. Underlying this thought was the belief that Newton's laws could be applied to the fundamental issues dealt with in philosophy. The discussion of the mind-body problem, which was intended to solve whether the mind, a non-physical mechanism, interacts with the body as a concrete mechanism, and how this interaction occurs, has long been on the agenda in philosophy. The idea of explaining the spirit (mind)-body problem of Descartes using the principles of physics has played an important role in psychology's becoming a science. The shift of the psychology that came out with this thought to the side of social science did not last long. The difficulty in working with the methods of positive sciences, which constitute conscience items such as sensation, perception, memory, learning,etc. has been the main cause of this situation. Today, psychology is now at a crossroad and should decide whether to favour social science or positive science. This decision will have a very important place in shaping the present and future situation of psychology. Moving on from these thoughts, this study will be presenting a brief historical background of psychology and whether the present and the future situation should be shaped as social science or as positive science will be argued

    Leaching of nutrients from mixed fertilizer in some Finnish soils

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    The movement of fertilizer nutrients in soil was followed in ten soils under laboratory conditions. The 20 cm high soil columns in plastic tubes were top-dressed with a mixed fertilizer, 15—20—14, and irrigated twice with 30 mm of water each time. The distribution of the nutrients was determined from the leachate and the extracts of dilute sulphuric acid. Under these conditions, the average distance the nutrients moved downward was 17 cm for NH4—N, 10 cm for P and 14 cm for K. The weighted mean of the nitrate concentration distribution was located 11 cm beneath the surface. The distribution of the ammonium nitrogen and the potassium was correlated to the clay content of the soil (r=—0.74*, r=—0.80**). The percolation rate of the nitrate was correlated to the combined influence of organic carbon and clay, though the structure of the soil samples was destroyed before the experiment

    The effect of selenium fertilizers on the selenium content of barley, spring wheat and potatoes

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    When Se-enriched fertilizers were given to barley and spring wheat on fine sand soils in Southern Finland the Se content in the grain was raised as follows: 50 g Se/ha increased the Se content by around 50 µg/kg; 250 g Se/ha by appr. 400 µg/kg; and 500 g Se/ha by a little more than 900 µg/kg. The selenium content of potatoes rose to 100 µg Se/kg dry matter when the soil was enriched with 500 g Se in the form of Na2SeO2 per hectare. The selenium content of potatoes was found to be very low when no added selenium was given. The selenium content of potatoes did not fall when the potatoes were boiled