547 research outputs found

    Genotypic identification and technological characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Turkish Kargi tulum cheese

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    Kargi tulum cheese is an artisanal cheese produced through the spontaneous fermentation of raw milk ripened inside a goat-skin bag. The objective of this study was to characterize the dominant species of natural lactic acid bacteria (LAB) found in Kargi tulum cheese. Some technologically important properties of LAB isolates were also determined. Seven samples of cheese of different levels of ripeness were taken from local producers and 97 isolates were obtained from these samples. Non-spore forming, Gram-positive, catalase- and oxidase-negative isolates were assessed as LAB. Based on genotypic characterization, the dominant LAB were identified as Lactobacillus paracasei (43.3%), Lactobacillus plantarum (23.7%), Enterococcus durans (6.2%), Streptococcus thermophilus (6.2%), Lactobacillus brevis (5.2%), Enterococcus faecium (5.2%), Lactobacillus fermentum (4.1%) and Lactobacillus pentosus (1%). Homofermentative strains such as L. paracasei, L. plantarum, S. thermophilus; E. durans and E. faecium were selected as probable starter cultures. These strains were tolerant to 6.5% salt. They are also characterized by acidification ability (from pH = 6.6 to 4.7 to 6.0, in 6 to 8 h), low proteinase and high peptidase, esterase, esterase-lipase, β-galactosidase and β- glucosidase activities. They also produce diacetyl and H2O2.Key words: Lactic acid bacteria, genotypic characterization, technological characterization, tulum cheese

    (1,0) superconformal theories in six dimensions and Killing spinor equations

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    We solve the Killing spinor equations of 6-dimensional (1,0) superconformal theories in all cases. In particular, we derive the conditions on the fields imposed by the Killing spinor equations and demonstrate that these depend on the isotropy group of the Killing spinors. We focus on the models proposed by Samtleben et al in \cite{ssw} and find that there are solutions preserving 1,2, 4 and 8 supersymmetries. We also explore the solutions which preserve 4 supersymmetries and find that many models admit string and 3-brane solitons as expected from the M-brane intersection rules. The string solitons are smooth regulated by the moduli of instanton configurations.Comment: 26 page

    Analysis of Turkish swordfish (Xiphias gladius) catch rates in the eastern Mediterranean

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    Indices of abundance of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the Turkish gillnet and longline fisheries operating in the eastern Mediterranean are presented for the period 2008-2013. Annual standardized indices were estimated by means of Generalized Linear Modeling techniques and the predictor variables included the Year and, Month of sampling. Gillnet CPUE data suggested the presence of and increasing abundance trend over the period 2008- 2010, while not any particular trend was identified from the analysis of the longline data set.Versión del edito

    Investigation on the reliability of earthquake prediction based on ionospheric electron content variation

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    Due to lack of statistical reliability analysis of earthquake precursors, earthquake prediction from ionospheric parameters is considered to be controversial. In this study, reliability of earthquake prediction is investigated using dense TEC data estimated from the Turkish National Permanent GPS Network (TNPGN- Active). © 2013 ISIF ( Intl Society of Information Fusi

    The anatomical studies on two Biarum (Araceae) species in Turkey

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    In this study, anatomical properties of Biarum marmarisense (P. C. Boyce) P. C. Boyce and Biarum pyrami (Schott) Engl. var. pyrami were examined. The specimens were collected from Antalya province, South West of Anatolia. Degree of spathe tube margin connection, distribution of pistillodes and staminate-pistillate flower zone interstice length characters are important in Biarum Schott. taxonomy at specific level. The cross-sections of root, stem and leaf parts of the plant were examined and demonstrated by photographs. Although thicknesses of the cell wall of the endodermis and xylem strands are distinguishing features, raphide crystals are same feature in both species. B. marmarisense has observed paracytic stoma types while B. pyrami var. pyrami has anomocytic stoma types. Most of the anatomical properties were similar to the other members of the Araceae family


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    We solve the Killing spinor equations and determine the near horizon geometries of M-theory that preserve at least one supersymmetry. The M-horizon spatial sections are 9-dimensional manifolds with a Spin(7) structure restricted by geometric constraints which we give explicitly. We also provide an alternative characterization of the solutions of the Killing spinor equation, utilizing the compactness of the horizon section and the field equations, by proving a Lichnerowicz type of theorem which implies that the zero modes of a Dirac operator coupled to 4-form fluxes are Killing spinors. We use this, and the maximum principle, to solve the field equations of the theory for some special cases and present some examples.Comment: 36 pages, latex. Reference added, minor typos correcte

    Fibrinogen storage disease without hypofibrinogenemia associated with estrogen therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies within hepatocytes may have different etiologies, including the Endoplasmic Reticulum Storage Diseases (ERSDs). ERSD is a pathological condition characterized by abnormal accumulation of proteins destined for secretion in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes; it may be congenital (primary) or acquired (secondary). Fibrinogen storage disease is a form of ERSD. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of fibrinogen storage disease secondary to estrogen replacement therapy. Its causal relationship to the drug is shown by histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies of paired liver biopsies obtained during and after the drug therapy. CONCLUSION: The liver biopsies of patients with idiopathic liver enzyme abnormalities should be carefully evaluated for cytoplasmic inclusion bodies and, although rare, fibrinogen deposits

    Polarity in GaN and ZnO: Theory, measurement, growth, and devices

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Rev. 3, 041303 (2016) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4963919.The polar nature of the wurtzite crystalline structure of GaN and ZnO results in the existence of a spontaneous electric polarization within these materials and their associated alloys (Ga,Al,In)N and (Zn,Mg,Cd)O. The polarity has also important consequences on the stability of the different crystallographic surfaces, and this becomes especially important when considering epitaxial growth. Furthermore, the internal polarization fields may adversely affect the properties of optoelectronic devices but is also used as a potential advantage for advanced electronic devices. In this article, polarity-related issues in GaN and ZnO are reviewed, going from theoretical considerations to electronic and optoelectronic devices, through thin film, and nanostructure growth. The necessary theoretical background is first introduced and the stability of the cation and anion polarity surfaces is discussed. For assessing the polarity, one has to make use of specific characterization methods, which are described in detail. Subsequently, the nucleation and growth mechanisms of thin films and nanostructures, including nanowires, are presented, reviewing the specific growth conditions that allow controlling the polarity of such objects. Eventually, the demonstrated and/or expected effects of polarity on the properties and performances of optoelectronic and electronic devices are reported. The present review is intended to yield an in-depth view of some of the hot topics related to polarity in GaN and ZnO, a fast growing subject over the last decade

    New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (July 2016)

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    This contribution forms part of a series of collective articles published regularly in Mediterranean Marine Science that report on new biodiversity records from the Mediterranean basin. The current article presents 51 geographically distinct records for 21 taxa belonging to 6 Phyla, extending from the western Mediterranean to the Levantine. The new records, per country, are as follows: Spain: the cryptogenic calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna is reported from a new location in the Alicante region. Algeria: the rare Atlanto-Mediterranean bivalve Cardium indicum is reported from Annaba. Tunisia: new distribution records for the Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois miles from Zembra Island and Cape Bon. Italy: the ark clam Anadara transversa is reported from mussel cultures in the Gulf of Naples, while the amphipod Caprella scaura and the isopods Paracerceis sculpta and Paranthura japonica are reported as associated to the –also allochthonous–bryozoan Amathia verticillata in the Adriatic Sea; in the latter region, the cosmopolitan Atlantic tripletail Lobotes surinamensisis also reported, a rare finding for the Mediterranean. Slovenia: a new record of the non-indigenous nudibranch Polycera hedgpethi in the Adriatic. Greece: several new reports of the introduced scleractinian Oculina patagonica, the fangtooth moray Enchelycore anatina, the blunthead puffer Sphoeroides pachygaster (all Atlantic), and the lionfish Pterois miles (Indo-Pacific) suggest their ongoing establishment in the Aegean Sea; the deepest bathymetric record of the invasive alga Caulerpa cylindracea in the Mediterranean Sea is also registered in the Kyklades, at depths exceeding 70 m. Turkey: new distribution records for two non indigenous crustaceans, the blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Atlantic origin) and the moon crab Matuta victor (Indo-Pacific origin) from the Bay of Izmir and Antalya, respectively; in the latter region, the Red Sea goatfish Parupeneus forsskali, is also reported. Lebanon: an array of records of 5 alien and one native Mediterranean species is reported by citizen-scientists; the Pacific jellyfish Phyllorhiza punctata and the Indo-Pacific teleosteans Tylerius spinosissimus, Ostracion cubicus, and Lutjanus argentimaculatus are reported from the Lebanese coast, the latter notably being the second record for the species in the Mediterranean Sea since 1977; the native sand snake-eel Ophisurus serpens, rare in the eastern Mediterranean, is reported for the first time from Lebanon, this being its easternmost distribution range; finally, a substantial number of sightings of the lionfish Pterois miles further confirm the current establishment of this lessepsian species in the Levantine