16 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini berkenaan dengan pengembangan geopolimer berbasis metakaolin dengan agregat nano-TiO2 sebagai material self-cleaning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran nano-TiO2, sifat mekanik dan karakteristik mikro dari komposit geopolimer sebagai material self-Cleaning. Komposit geopolimer disintesis menggunakan metode aktivasi alkali, dengan menggunakan metakaolin sebagai bahan dasar dan nano-TiO2 sebagai agregat. Variasi agregat nano-TiO2 didalam metakaolin yaitu mulai dari 0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%, 1.00% relative terhadap massa metakaolin. Karakterisasi SEM-EDS digunakan untuk melihat morfologi dan mengetahui komposisi oksida unsur dari bahan dasar dan sampel. Karakterisasi XRD digunakan unutk melihat komposisi fasa dan struktur kristal sampel dan bahan dasar. Pengujian kuat tekan (compressive strength) dilakukan dengan menggunakan universal testing mechin. Hasil analisis sinar-X sampel menunjukkan adanya peningkatan fasa anatase seiring dengan penambahan nano-TiO2. Citra SEM memperlihatkan ikatan antara matriks dan agregat sudah terikat dan persebaran nano-TiO­2 dipermukaan matriks sudah merata. Nilai kuat tekan yang diperoleh sebesar 23.11 MPa dengan penambahan nano-TiO2 1 %. Pengujian self-cleaning dilakukan dengan memberi paparan sinar-UV pada sampel dan menunjukkan efek fotokatalis terbaik pada sampel dengan penambahan nano-TiO2 sebesar 1 %. Kata kunci : geopolimer, karakteristik mikro, nano-TiO2, self-cleaning, sifat mekani

    Variasi Bahasa pada Masyarakat Tutur Kota Jakarta Selatan

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    DKI Jakarta merupakan daerah ibukota negara Indonesia yang terkenal dengan arus transmigrasinya yang besar. Oleh karena iu, banyak budaya dan bahasa yang mengisi daerah ini. Dengan melakukan penelitian di Jakarta Selatan, peneliti berhasil meneliti variasi bahasa Indonesia di kota tersebut. Ditemukan bahwa variasi tingkat tutur bahasa Indonesia klasifikasi kesopanan di Jakarta Selatan ditandai dengan pemilihan diksi kata ganti orang. Kata ganti Saya-Anda lumrah digunakan sebagai variasi sopan yang diterapkan di lingkup pekerjaan dan akademik; kata ganti Aku-Kamu lumrah digunakan sebagai variasi biasa yang diterapkan di lingkup keluarga atau percintaan; sedangkan kata ganti Lu-Gua lumrah digunakan sebagai variasi kasar yang diterapkan di lingkup pertemanan akrab. Selain itu, tidak ditemukan pembedaan diksi yang menentukan tingkat tutur seseorang dalam hal kesopanan pada variasi bahasa Indonesia di Jakarta Selatan

    Comparative Study of the Concept of the Welfare State According to Liberal, Islamic and the 1945 Constitution

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    This research aims to elaborate the thinking between the concept of the welfare state and the current understanding of democracy in Indonesia. the research used is normative legal research using a conceptual approach. The research results show that the concept of the welfare state emerged as an alternative to constitutional democracy in the 20th century, which was a reaction to the influence of liberal pluralism in the 19th century. This thinking gave rise to the proposition "the least government is the best government". The Welfare State is currently proven to be able to develop the economy while increasing the standard of living of the people. The current crisis of the welfare state, which is often debated, both in Europe and the United States, is not about its existence, but only about its size and capacity. The welfare state is nothing new in Islam. Before being implemented in the West, the Islamic world practiced it first

    Analisis Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Matematika Berdasarkan Metode Penskoran Number Right Score dan Metode Penskoran Correction For Guessing Pada Siswa Kelas X MAN 1 Makassar

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    Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah 1) Prestasi belajar matematika siswa dalam mata pelajaran matematika kelas X MAN 1 Makassar dengan menggunakan metode penskoran number right score adalah 58,86, 2) Prestasi belajar matematika siswa dalam mata pelajaran matematika kelas X MAN 1 Makassar dengan menggunakan metode penskoran correction for guessing adalah 62,86, 3) Terdapat perbedaan prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas X MAN 1 Makassar dimana nilai rata-rata kelompok 2 yaitu kelompok yang menggunakan metode penskoran correction for guessing ini lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok 1 yang diberikan metode penskoran number right score. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara metode penskoran number right score dan metode penskoran correction for guessing terhadap prestasi tes belajar bentuk pilihan ganda matematika siswa MAN 1 Makassa


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    Penyalahgunaan narkoba menduduki rangking ke-20 dunia sebagai penyebab angka kematian dan rangking ke-10 di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia, salah satu penyebabnya yaitu faktor lingkungan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan riwayat pengguna dalam keluarga, keutuhan keluarga, teman sebaya/kelompok dan kemudahan memperoleh narkoba pada tahanan Polrestabes Makassar. Rancangan penelitian adalah cross-sectional study. Sampel penelitian ini adalah semua tahanan Polrestabes bulan Oktober sampai Desember 2013 di Rutan Polrestabes dan Rutan Kelas I Makassar berjumlah 85 tahanan. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyalahguna narkoba pada tahanan Polrestabes Makassar adalah laki-laki (83.3%), 48.3% berpendidikan tamat SMA/sederajat, dan 36.7% berusia 18-23 tahun. Hasil uji statistik pada 4 variabel menunjukkan 2 variabel yang berhubungan dengan penyalahgunaan narkoba yaitu teman sebaya/kelompok (p=0.000) dan kemudahan memperoleh narkoba (p=0,000) Sedangkan 2 variabel lainnya tidak berhubungan dengan penyalahgunaan narkoba yaitu riwayat pengguna dalam keluarga (p=0.212) dan keutuhan keluarga (p=0.955). Diharapkan kepada pemerintah daerah setempat untuk memperketat peraturan daerah mengenai penyalahgunaan narkoba dan disarankan agar pihak Polrestabes melakukan razia pada tempat yang dianggap rawan peredaran narkoba agar dapat mencegah maraknya kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba di Makassar, hal ini berkaitan dengan hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan adanya hubungan kemudahan memperoleh narkoba dengan penyalahgunaan narkoba di Kota Makassar

    Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in International Law Perspective

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    Each country has full sovereignity over the airspace above its territory. In protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, the country will do several efforts. One of them is by deciding Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ). However, ADIZ has not any legal foundation that is explicitly stipulated in International law. Therefore it should value sovereignty of the other countries in order to maintain International peace and security Keywords : Sovereignty, ADIZ, International la


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    Field surveys of ectoparasites fauna on small mammals (Rodentia and Scandentia) were conducted since 2008 until 2019 in 12 localities of Sarawak, Malaysia (Borneo). The objectives of these field surveys are to obtain checklist on the distribution of ectoparasites and their hosts (rodents and scandents) in Sarawak, and to determine the ectoparasites that are of known public health importance. Throughout these surveys, seven types of habitat had been recorded from 12 localities of study sites, namely lowland dipterocarp forest, mixed dipterocarp forest, hill dipterocarp forest, riverine forest, limestone forest, secondary forest, and urban area. A total of 50 to 100 cage traps were used to traps hosts for five to six consecutive days per site and ectoparasites were extracted from each host caught using fine comb and forceps. Identification of ectoparasites was based on morphology from available taxonomic keys and published taxonomic drawings. A total of 148 animals comprising 22 species of rodents and scadents were caught and screened for ectoparasites. Of these hosts, 46 species of ectoparasites were identified from a total of 2463 individuals collected. Among the ectoparasites found, six species collected are of known medical importance namely Ixodes granulatus (ticks) Laelaps nuttalli (mesostigmatid mites), Leptotrombidium deliense (trombiculid mites), Sarcoptes scabiei (astigmatid mites), Polypax spinulosa, and Hoplopleura dissicula (lice). Further surveys are recommended for more comprehensive inventory of ectoparasites in different locations and habitats that can build up extensive wealth of information on various aspects such as host-parasite relationship, biology and ecology

    Model Problems Effectiveness of Handling System Complaints of National Health Warranty Service in the Office of the Social National Security Agency Province of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Currently public service is required to compete in fulfilling and providing the best service for the community. Quality public services will be a key indicator of customer satisfaction. The national health insurance program (NHI) is implemented in 2014 by the National Social Security Implementing Agency, it is expected that by 2019 it will reach Universal Health coverage, so that prompt, timely and sustainable service will be the public's expectation in general. The objective of the research is to analyze the effectiveness of complaint handling system of Card Membership Services at the National Social Security Implementing Agency (SSIA) Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province, to model problem and solution of effectiveness problem of complaint handling of health service of National Social Security. Type of qualitative research, using case study approach. Informants are patients and SSIA officers. Data collection using in-depth interviews, observation and document review. The result of the research shows that the handling of complaints of NHI membership service in SSIA office has not been fully effective. In its implementation, there are problems in service mechanism including lack of clarification of the officer about the handling of complaints, lack of complaints handling solution, lack of clarity of complaint handling information, lack of sympathy handling complaints, lack of accuracy of complaint handling, lack of speed of complaint handling, not as desired, and some Handling convoluted complaints. Conclusion; the implementation of complaint handling of  NHI membership service in SSIA office still less effective, there are some problems faced that is on organizational behavior aspect and service mechanism. Recommendation; the need for SSIA Parties to improve policy, improve service management, education and training for officers, and fulfillment of service resource needs

    Model of Problems Effectiveness of Coordination Systems of Partnership of National Health Warehold on Service Offices of the Agency of Social National Security Agency Province Sulawesi Tenggara Indonesia

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    National Social Security Implementing Agency (SSIA), since 2014 has been given the task and authority in the implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) membership services, is expected to complete the target by 2019 reaches the Universal Health Coverage targets. In order to create a fast and precise service, the coordination function of SSIA service should be improved between service sections. The objective of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of NHI Card Membership Service Coordination at the Service Office of National Social Security Implementing Agency of Southeast Sulawesi Province, to model problem and solution problem of effectiveness of coordination system of participation service of National Health Insurance. Type of qualitative research, using case study approach. The research informants were patients and SSIA officers. Data collection using in-depth interviews, observation and document review. The result of the research shows that generally the coordination system of National Social Security implementation in SSIA Office has not been entirely effective. The implementation still faced problems such as lack of information on the participants in terms of coordination of officers in the service, coordination of officers less quickly, coordination of officers less appropriate, coordination of officers less expectations, and less coordination between officers. Conclusion; the implementation of coordination system of National Health Insurance membership service in SSIA office has not been fully effective. Recommendation; the need for SSIA Parties to improve policies, improve service management, education and training for officers, and the fulfillment of service resources needs


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    One of the foods favored by the public is nugget which is a fast food group with meat-based ingredients. In this study, mocaf, brown rice flour and corn starch were used as an alternative fillers to wheat flour as a means of reducing dependence on wheat flour as an imported product and increasing the nutritional content of nuggets. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in the formulation of ingredients on the organoleptic characteristics and chemical content of the nuggets that were most favored by the panelists. This research began with the nugget formulation, followed by organoleptic testing and chemical characterization of the nugget formula that was preferred by the panelists. The average results of the affection test showed that nugget B was preferred to nugget A, which used less, with the ingredient formula having a ratio of mocaf, brown rice flour and cornstarch, namely 4:1:3 (60g:15g:45g). The selected nugget formula contains water as much as 57.553%, fat content 1.055%, ash content 1.955%, protein 29.195%, crude fiber 16.064%, and carbohydrates other than fiber 10.205%. By not using wheat flour as the main ingredient, these nuggets can be regarded as an alternative food that is low in gluten and high in fiber because of the content in carrots, brown rice flour, and mocaf.</p