188 research outputs found

    The economic impact of Torre De Moncorvo’s wine and taste festival

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    An event can exist at a particular time and place, specifically prepared and developed with a certain purpose and for a target audience. According to the purpose and other factors, one can categorize events in a multitude of classifications. In this sense, this paper will focus on food and wine touristic events. A touristic event has the potentiality to attract new people to a region and, as such, attract new money, enhancing not only the economic activity of the region, but also its visibility, its image, and the diffusion of local culture. An event moves people, creating jobs and increasing the revenues for a country or a region, and can also develop the destinies’ notoriety and increase the demand in low seasons. This potential economic enhancement and cultural visibility is increasingly appealing for local and regional public and private entities as part of the economic and promotional development strategy of the region. As such, it is relevant to understand the annual Vinho & Sabor Douro, a wine and taste festival, that happens in Torre de Moncorvo, regarding its economic impact and how it promotes local culture and products. A survey was conducted in order to estimate the behaviour of exhibitors and visitors of the event. With the data collected it was possible to understand the importance of this event regarding exhibitors’ revenues, visitors’ preferred products, and how much the visitors spent, which allowed to estimate the economic impact of the event for the region.This research was funded by Citur - Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os gêneros textuais e as práticas de leitura e produção de textos na sala de aula do ensino fundamental no município de Cabeceiras-GO

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Curso de Licenciatura em Letras/Português, 2015.Atualmente, a educação vêm sendo cada vez mais aprimorada através da inserção da tecnologia no ambiente escolar. Com isso, várias disciplinas estão se adequando às necessidades que vem surgindo em todo mundo. Sabe-se que o principal método de desenvolvimento da Leitura e Escrita está na prática constante, assim como a realização de atualizações fundamentais para a evolução dos meios de ensino. Promover uma metodologia de trabalho onde as atividades propostas sejam executadas com uma maior e melhor dinâmica é o papel fundamental de um professor que se preocupa não apenas com o ensino em si, mas também com o despertar do interesse do aluno. O objetivo deste trabalho é desvelar a importância da aplicação de textos e a frequência das práticas de leitura realizadas em sala de aula com base em uma pesquisa de campo realizada no âmbito de algumas escolas do município de Cabeceiras-GO. A partir dos resultados foram obtidas informações acerca dos métodos utilizados para leitura e escrita e a eficácia dos mesmos assim como os maiores desafios a serem superados.Currently, education is being increasingly enhanced by the insertion of technology in the school environment. Thus, various disciplines are adapting to the needs that are emerging worldwide. It is known that the main development of method of reading and writing is in constant practice, as well as the delivery of key updates for the development of educational media. To promote a work methodology where the proposed activities are performed with a bigger and better dynamics is the key role of a teacher is concerned not only with the teaching itself, but also with the awakening of student interest. The objective of this work is to unveil the importance of implementing texts and the frequency of reading practices carried out in the classroom based on field research carried out within a few schools in the municipality of Cabeceiras-GO. From the results we obtained information on the methods used to read and write and their effectiveness as well as the biggest challenges to overcome

    Family Risk Factors That Jeopardize Child Development: Scoping Review

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    Acknowledgments: This publication was financed by national funds through the FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project UIDB/04585/2020. The researchers would like to thank the Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar Egas Moniz (CiiEM) for the support provided for the publication of this article.The obligation to protect children is defined by law. However, there is fragility in identifying actual or potential situations that jeopardize their development. This review aims to identify the family risk factors that jeopardize child development. A scoping review was conducted following the Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence-Based Practice framework and the 2020 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. The research was carried out on the electronic databases PubMed, CINAHL, Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive, MEDLINE Complete, and MedicLatina, with a time limit of 2010 to 2021. The search was restricted to documents written in Portuguese, English, and French. A total of 3998 articles were initially identified. After selecting and analysing, 28 risk factors were extracted from 29 articles. Four categories of risk factors were identified—namely, patterns of social and economic interaction, family characteristics, caregiver’s characteristics, and parenting. The results of this review allow the identification of family risk factors that jeopardize child development. This is significant for Child Protective Services workers as they carry out their risk assessments. This assessment is the first step in avoiding an accumulation of harm to at-risk children and allowing the development of interventions for minimising harm’s impact on children’s development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The malignant breast lesions characterization by use of the DW-magnetic resonance imaging

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    Objetivos – Com este estudo pretendeu-se i) avaliar o contributo da aplicação da sequência de difusão na caracterização das lesões mamárias malignas; ii) considerar se a sequência de difusão deve incorporar o protocolo standard em RM mamária e iii) correlacionar os resultados dos valores de coeficiente aparente de difusão (ADC) e os resultados histológicos. Metodologia – A amostra incluiu 18 pacientes do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre 38 e 71 anos, que apresentavam lesões mamárias malignas confirmadas histologicamente. Foi adicionado ao protocolo de RM mamária a sequência de difusão, de modo a calcular os valores de ADC das lesões observadas. Resultados – Verificou-se que a range de valores de ADC para lesões malignas em ROI’s calculados no centro da lesão apresentavam uma média e desvio-padrão de (0,89 ± 0,14x10-3mm2/s). O método da utilização dos valores de ADC na caracterização de lesões mamárias malignas demonstrou uma sensibilidade de 100%. Conclusões – Neste estudo, com uma sensibilidade de 100%, a ponderação em difusão demonstrou ser uma técnica vantajosa na caracterização de lesões mamárias malignas pelo que se sugere a sua introdução no protocolo standard da RM mamária. ABSTRACT - Aims – The aim of this study was i) to evaluate the potential of the DWI sequence in the characterization of malignant breast lesions; ii) to verify if this sequence should incorporate the breast MRI protocol and iii) to correlate the apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) values and histological results. Methodology – The sample includes 18 female patients between the ages of 38 and 71 years, who presented with malignant breast lesion confirmed by histology. The DWI sequence was added to the MRI standard protocol to calculate the ADC values. Results – In the results obtained we observed that the range of the ADC values calculated in the center of the malignant lesions, showed a mean and standard deviation of 0.89 ± 0.14 x10-3 mm2 / s. This method of using the ADC values for the detection of malignant lesions showed a sensitivity of 100%. Conclusion – The DWI technique proved to be a useful method in the characterization of malignant breast lesions, as it showed a sensitivity of 100%, so we suggest its inclusion in the Breast MR standard protocol

    O plano estratégico do turismo para o concelho de Oeiras e os eventos culturais: o caso do Palácio do Marquês de Pombal

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    Concelho de Oeiras pretende afirmar-se como um complemento à oferta turística existente nos Concelhos limítrofes de Lisboa/Cascais/Sintra, tendo para tal criado mecanismos que o impulsionem nesse sentido. Deste modo, o objectivo principal desta dissertação consiste na análise do Plano Estratégico do Turismo para o Concelho de Oeiras (2007), na perspectiva dos eventos culturais propostos para o Concelho, particularizando o caso do Palácio do Marquês de Pombal, referido no Plano como uma alavanca para o desenvolvimento turístico de Oeiras. Procurar-se-á, pois, compreender como o potencial deste património cultural edificado e as propostas do Plano se conjugam para benefício da população local, dos seus visitantes, e do Concelho. Este estudo irá assim reflectir sobre a génese, implementação e o actual estado de execução do Plano, e ponderar quais os impactos das orientações e propostas deste Plano Estratégico para o desenvolvimento turístico do Concelho de Oeiras num futuro próximo. O Plano congregou informação sobre o que já estava a ser feito entre as unidades orgânicas da Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, ao mesmo tempo que ajudou a definir linhas orientadoras, salientando assim potencialidades antes pouco claras ou definidas. Estabeleceu um caminho e uma estratégia para a divulgação do Concelho e da sua imagem, bem como para o seu posicionamento no panorama turístico regional e nacional. Pretender-se-á, igualmente, compreender a evolução da produção cultural do Palácio do Marquês de Pombal, um dos equipamentos de charneira do Concelho referenciados no Plano, e as possíveis implicações que o Plano trouxe para um acréscimo no volume e diversificação de eventos direccionados a visitantes e residentes ao/no Concelho. Esta investigação centrar-se-á, assim, na reflexão sobre a representatividade cultural do Palácio do Marquês de Pombal para Oeiras e na articulação e interacção deste equipamento com as estratégias turísticas definidas no contexto local. Através de uma abordagem metodológica de carácter quantitativo (ex. tratamento de dados estatísticos) e qualitativo (revisão da literatura, participação-observação e entrevistas), espera-se que este estudo possibilite uma melhor compreensão do impacto dos eventos culturais para o desenvolvimento turístico de Oeiras, nomeadamente aqueles que têm lugar no contexto de um equipamento cultural específico (Palácio do Marquês de Pombal), permitindo, por um lado, tirar elações da relação que se estabelece entre o turismo e o património construído e, por outro, dos benefícios que daí resultam para visitantes e residentes, no que diz respeito à imagem, desenvolvimento e projecção do Concelho de Oeiras no panorama turístico nacional.The municipality of Oeiras seeks to act as a complement to the tourism offer provided by the surrounding municipalities of Lisbon, Sintra and Cascais, having thus created the necessary tools and strategies to attain this goal. The main aim of this dissertation is therefore to analyse the Strategic Plan for Tourism of the Municipality of Oeiras (2007), under the perspective of the cultural events it proposes and specifically focussing on the case study of the Marquis of Pombal Palace, a venue which is referred to in the Plan as a springboard for tourism development in Oeiras. Therefore, we intend to understand how cultural built heritage can contribute to the achievement of the goals defined in the Plan, so as to benefit both the local population and tourists. This study thus analyses the origins, implementation and current situation of the Plan and reflects on the impacts of the guidelines and proposals of this strategic document for the development of the municipality of Oeiras in the near future. The Plan brought together the work undertaken by different departments of the local Council and presented guidelines to maximise the promotion of the municipality, its image and positioning in regional and national tourism. Furthermore, we seek to examine the cultural programme of the Marquis of Pombal Palace, a venue that is considered one of the main cultural attractions of the municipality. We endeavour to understand the impacts of the Strategic Plan on the cultural development of the Palace in terms of the number and diversity of events aimed at residents in and visitors to Oeiras. Hence, this research focuses on the cultural relevance of the Marquis of Pombal Palace in Oeiras and on the articulation and interaction of this venue with the tourism strategy defined at the local level. Through a methodological framework that privileges both a quantitative (data analysis) and qualitative (literature review, participant observation and interviews) approach, this dissertation pursues a better understanding of the impacts that cultural events, namely those hosted at the Marquis of Pombal Palace, have on tourism development in Oeiras. This reflection allows greater comprehension of the relationship established between built heritage and tourism and the benefits it brings to residents and tourists, as regards the image, development and promotion of Oeiras in the national tourism panorama

    Da tolerância à solidariedade: superação necessária ao exercício da cidadania, na construção de uma sociedade mais democrática

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    Esse artigo aborda a tolerância e a solidariedade, enquanto virtudes necessárias para o exercício da cidadania. Para tanto, parte-se da história da América Latina, que nos traz uma atualidade regada a injustiça e a violência, contexto este que compõe um sistema de dominação, vigente em nossa sociedade. Após algumas considerações sobre democracia e cidadania, argumenta-se sobre a tolerância e a solidariedade como virtudes imprescindíveis para a formação humana, quando se pretende uma participação social que prime pela luta na construção de uma sociedade para todos e todas, menos injusta e mais democrátic

    Fishers, let us talk: validating métiers in a multi-gear coastal fishing fleet

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    In the multi-gear coastal fleet in the Algarve (South Portugal), fishers own licenses for various fishing gears. However, they generally do not use all these licenses, and therefore, it is difficult to estimate the impacts this fleet has on the local environment. In this study, two types of questionnaires were used directed to the local fishers from the multi-gear fleet during interviews carried out between November 2019 and July 2021 with the objective to validate the métiers proposed for this fleet in a previous study using multivariate analysis on past landing profiles. A total of 10 out of the 11 proposed métiers were validated, including four métiers with gillnets, three with dredges, two with trammel nets, and one with traps. Additional métiers were identified not found in the previous study. The results obtained with the two types of questionnaires are presented, and their usefulness in validating the gear used and the seasonality of fishing activities are discussed, as well as their contribution to a clearer distinction between target species and commercial by-catch.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes toward older adults

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    Nursing students, as the future healthcare workforce, hold immense potential in providing quality care to older adults and becoming advocates for promoting aging and public health, thus contributing significantly to addressing the multifaceted challenges of our aging society. Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes about aging affect health care quality. Negative and unattractive representations of the social problems associated with aging contaminate nursing students’ attitudes. Nursing schools are challenged to develop new curricula to prepare future nurses for the inherent complexity of an aging society. This study aims to assess the knowledge and attitudes of nursing students toward older adults and identify the variables that can influence these attitudes. Quantitative research was carried out through the application of an online survey using a cross-sectional descriptive research design. A total of 182 nursing students completed the online survey. Progression in the nursing course was statistically significant; the more students advanced, the more positive attitudes and knowledge they revealed about aging; 39% of students have daily contact with their grandparents; however, only 14.8% would like to work with older adults. Multiple linear regression revealed that the most important factor for positive attitudes and knowledge about aging was regular contact with grandparents, followed by progression in the nursing course. The students’ age was not a significant factor in improving attitudes or expanding knowledge regarding older adults. In a multidimensional logic, the deepening of knowledge about aging and the socialization of students with older adults are central factors that should reinforce curricula in nursing education

    Avaliação do risco para a saúde pública resultante do contacto com águas recreativas e ornamentais

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    Objetivos: Este trabalho teve como objetivo caraterizar a população de microrganismos presente em águas recreativas (piscinas) e ornamentais (lagos), bem como avaliar o risco para a saúde pública do contacto com as mesmas
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