124 research outputs found

    Aurinkosähkön tutkimusvoimalan mittaus- ja tiedontallennusjärjestelmä

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    The photovoltaic research power plant of the Department of Electrical Energy Engineering at the Technical University of Tampere consists of 69 solar modules in different configurations, 21 solar (SP Lite 2) and temperature (Pt100) sensors, data measuring and logging cards (cRIO 9074, NI 9144, 2 NI 9205 and 6 NI 9217) and two weather stations with temperature and humidity sensors (HMP155), wind sensor (WS425) and irradiance sensors (CMP21 and CMP22). This thesis is about connecting these devices together and creating an easy to use and efficient but complex system which processes, collects, saves and provides data from the sensors to researchers. The main goal is to provide researchers with an easy access to the data from the sensors from extended time periods. In the thesis different options and methods to implement the parts of the system have been studied carefully before implementing. The main parts of the system implementation are the following: The data from the sensors are transmitted via cables and extension cables to the data measuring and logging cards which are connected to the local network. Sensors are either grounded from the cable or from the structure. In addition, a lightning rod was built and installed to protect the wind sensor and personnel. The data processing, collecting and saving implementations have mostly been done in LabVIEW. The data are processed by averaging the data to reduce noise and sending it at a 10 Hz rate to the host computer to be saved into a PostgrSQL database. A file-based system alternative to store the data was also implemented. A graphical user interface (GUI) implementation to the MATLAB was made to help researchers gain specific data from the database more easily. A public Internet site was created in the end for the system, and it offers limited general information to everyone who is interested. The system was successfully implemented and completed. It is running 24/7 and ready for researchers to take advantage. Everything in the system has been made with the focus that the system will be expanded, and it should be easy to do so in future. It is recommended to study and understand how the system works before expanding it

    Designing with Data: Using Analytics to Improve Web and Mobile Applications

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    This thesis looks at the ways in which software analytics can be used to gather data on web and mobile application usage. The main goals of the study were to find out how the data collected with analytics can help in improving these types of applications and to place analytics into the group of user research methods available to an HCI researcher. The first five chapters form the theoretical part of the thesis. These chapters discuss the methodological foundations of analytics in sociological and psychological research, place analytics into the automated data collection tradition in HCI research, chart the technical and strategic details of how the data is best collected, and compare the strengths and limitations of analytics data with those of other user research methods. The research part of the thesis is based on work done on three applications, two of which were mobile applications and one a web application. These three applications were treated as case studies that exemplify the ways in which analytics can be used to improve software applications. The results showed analytics to be an extremely useful research method for an array of research questions. The collected data revealed several potential points of improvement in the studied applications. Furthermore, the low cost and good availability of different analytics solutions was found to make it a method that any HCI researcher or designer with an access to a publicly deployed application can add to their toolbox

    Estimation of breast height diameter and trunk curvature with linear and single-photon LiDARs

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    International audienceContext: Precision forestry together with new sensor technologies implies Digital Forest Inventories for estimation of volume and quality of trees in a stand.Aims: This study compared commercial LiDAR, new prototype SPAD LiDAR, and manual methods for measuring tree quality attributes, i.e., diameter at breast height (DBH) and trunk curvature in the forest stand.Methods: We measured 7 Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris) with commercial LiDAR (Zeb Horizon by GeoSLAM), prototype SPAD LiDAR, and manual devices. We compared manual measurements to the DBH and curvature values estimated based on LiDAR data. We also scanned a densely branched Picea abies to compare penetrability of the LiDARs and detectability of the obstructed trunk.Results: The DBH values deviated 1–3 cm correlating to the specified accuracies of the employed devices, showing close to acceptable results. The curvature values deviated 1–6 cm implying distorted range measurements from the top part of the trunks and inaccurate manual measurement method, leaving space for improvement. The most important finding was that the SPAD LiDAR outperformed conventional LiDAR in detecting tree stem of the densely branched spruce.Conclusion: These results represent preliminary but clear evidence that LiDAR technologies are already close to acceptable level in DBH measurements, but not yet satisfactory for curvature measurements. In addition, terrestrial SPAD LiDAR has a great potential to outperform conventional LiDARs in forest measurements of densely branched trees

    Koulun turvallisuuskulttuuri — tärkeä ja aina ajankohtainen, mutta epäkiitollinen aihe käsiteltäväksi:tapaustutkimus suuren yhtenäisperuskoulun turvallisuusvastaavan ja opettajien suhtautumisesta turvallisuuskulttuuriin

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia yhden suuren yhtenäisperuskoulun pelastussuunnitelman vastaavuuta suhteessa lakiin kirjattuihin sisältövaatimuksiin. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on selvittää saman tutkimukseen osallistuneen koulun turvallisuusvastaavan ja opettajien suhtautumista oman koulun turvallisuuskulttuuriin. Turvallisuuskulttuuria tarkastellaan pelastussuunnitelmaan perehtymisen, turvallisuusjohtamisen, turvallisuuskasvatuksen ja turvallisuuskulttuurin ylläpidon näkökulmista. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty fenomenografista tutkimusotetta. Turvallisuusvastaavan ja opettajien suhtautumista, asenteita ja mielipiteitä kuvaava aineisto on kerätty sähköistä kyselylomaketta apuna käyttäen. Kyselylomake sisälsi neljätoista avointa kysymystä sekä kyllä/ei-väittämiä. Lomake lähetettiin turvallisuusvastaavan lisäksi 55 opettajalle. Opettajien vastauksia kertyi yksitoista. Tutkimusvastaukset analysoitiin käyttäen fenomenografiseen tutkimusotteeseen soveltuvaa aineistolähtöistä analyysimenetelmää. Vastauksista tehtiin tulkintoja opettajien suhtautumisesta turvallisuuskulttuuriin asteikolla positiivinen-neutraali-negatiivinen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan tutkimukseen osallistuneen koulun pelastussuunnitelma on sisällöllisestä laadukkuudesta huolimatta enemmän linjassa säädösten kanssa, jotka on laadittu ennen uusinta pelastuslakia. Tuloksista käy myös ilmi, että opettajien suhtautuminen koulun turvallisuuskulttuuriin on pääosin positiivista ja neutraalia. Positiiviset vastaukset kuvastavat vahvaa luottamusta koulun turvallisuuteen ja turvallisuutta edistäviin toimiin. Neutraaleista vastauksista puolestaan heijastuu opettajien välinpitämättömyys ja tietämättömyys turvallisuusasioita koskien. Negatiivista suhtautumista sisältävien vastausten mukaan turvallisuuskasvatus tulisi huomioida opettajankoulutuksessa nykyistä paremmin. Tutkimuksen luotettavuuteen on pyritty kuvaamalla avoimesti ja tarkasti tutkimuksen eri vaiheet, menetelmät ja tulokset. Luotettavuutta lisää myös se, että vastaajat olivat entuudestaan tuntemattomia, eikä heitä ole voitu johdatella vastaamaan tietyllä tavalla. Tutkimustulosten todenmukaisuutta ajatellen sekä koululle että kaikille vastaajille on taattu täysi anonymiteetti. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena ei ole perinteisesti ajateltuna yleistettävän tiedon luominen koulujen turvallisuuskulttuurista. Tutkimustuloksilla voi olla sosiokulttuurisesti laajempaa merkitystä, koska koululaitoksissa useiden lakien ja asetusten määrittämä turvallisuus on opetuksen järjestämisessä kaiken lähtökohta

    Peripheral neuropathy in patients with long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency - A follow-up EMG study of 12 patients

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    Correction: Volume: 23 Issue: 1 Pages: 228-228 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2015.10.009 Accession Number: WOS:000457658200030Background: The neonatal screening and early start of the dietary therapy have improved the outcome of long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHADD). The acute symptoms of LCHADD are hypoketotic hypoglycemia, failure to thrive, hepatopathy and rhabdomyolysis. Long term complications are retinopathy and neuropathy. Speculated etiology of these long term complications are the accumulation and toxicity of hydroxylacylcarnitines and long-chain fatty acid metabolites or deficiency of essential fatty acids. Aims: To study the possible development of polyneuropathy in LCHADD patients with current dietary regimen. Methods: Development of polyneuropathy in 12 LCHADD patients with the homozygous common mutation c.G1528C was evaluated with electroneurography (ENG) studies. The ENG was done 1-12 times to each patient, between the ages of 3 and 40 years. Clinical data of the patients were collected from the patient records. Results: The first sign of polyneuropathy was detected between the ages of 6-12 years, the first abnormality being reduction of the sensory amplitudes of the sural nerves. With time, progression was detected by abnormalities in sensory responses extending to upper limbs, as well as abnormalities in motor responses in lower limbs. Altogether, eight of the patients had polyneuropathy, despite good compliancy of the diet. Conclusions: This study is the first to report the evolution of polyneuropathy with clinical neurophysiological methods in a relative large LCHADD patient group. Despite early start, and good compliance of the therapy, 6/10 of the younger patients developed neuropathy. However, in most patients the polyneuropathy was less severe than previously described. (C) 2015 European Paediatric Neurology Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy: Current Insights

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    Cases of PML should be evaluated according to predisposing factors, as these subgroups differ by incidence rate, clinical course, and prognosis. The three most significant groups at risk of PML are patients with hematological malignancies mostly previously treated with immunotherapies but also untreated, patients with HIV infection, and patients using monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatments. Epidemiological data is scarce and partly conflicting, but the distribution of the subgroups appears to have changed. While there is no specific anti-JCPyV treatment, restoration of the immune function is the most effective approach to PML treatment. Research is warranted to determine whether immune checkpoint inhibitors could benefit certain PML subgroups. There are no systematic national or international records of PML diagnoses or a risk stratification algorithm, except for MS patients receiving natalizumab (NTZ). These are needed to improve PML risk assessment and to tailor better prevention strategies.Peer reviewe