292 research outputs found
Analisis Identifikasi Dan Peranan Sektor Pertanian Dalam Menghadapi Otonomi Daerah Di Kabupaten Boyolali Identification Analysis and Role of Agricultural Sector in Facing Regional Autonomy at Boyolali Regency
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (a) mengidentifikasi sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi otonomi daerah di Kabupaten Boyolali berdasarkan komponen pertumbuhannya. (b) mengidentifikasi sektor pertanian berdasarkan basis ekonomi di Kabupaten Boyolali. (c) mengetahui peranan sektor pertanian dalam perekonomian wilayah Kabupaten Boyolali. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Boyolali dengan mengunakan data Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Kabupaten Boyolali dan PDRB Provinsi
Jawa Tengah tahun 1998-2002, Data Boyolali dalam Angka tahun 1998- 2002. Data tersebut diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Kabupaten Boyolali. Analisis yang digunakan adalah shift share konvensional, analisis Location Quotion (LQ), dan Analisis Pengganda Pendapatan dan Tenaga Kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (i) Sektor pertanian yang mempunyai pertumbuhan di atas pertumbuhan provinsi adalah perkebunan, kehutanan, dan perikanan; sedangkan sektor tanaman bahan
makanan dan peternakan berada di bawah pertumbuhan provinsi. (ii) Berdasarkan komponen pertumbuhannya, sektor pertanian di Kabupaten Boyolali tahun 1998-2002 termasuk ke dalam sektor yang progresif (PP positif) tetapi tidak mempunyai daya saing wilayah yang baik (PPW negatif). (iii) Berdasarkan komponen pertumbuhan proporsional, sektor peternakan dan perikanan merupakan sektor yang progresif, sedangkan sektor tanaman bahan makanan, perkebunan, dan kehutanan merupakan sektor yang tergolong lamban pertumbuhannya. (iv) Berdasarkan komponen pertumbuhan pangsa wilayah, sektor tanaman bahan makanan, perkebunan, kehutanan, dan perikanan merupakan sektor yang mempunyai daya saing wilayah yang baik, sedangkan sektor peternakan merupakan sektor yang tidak mempunyai daya saing wilayah yang baik. (v) Peranan sektor petanian dalam perekonomian wilayah Kabupaten Boyolali selama periode tahun 1998-2002 cenderung meningkat, kecuali pada tahun 2001 mengalami penurunan
Pola Alokasi Buruh Tani dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Produktivitas Usahatani Melon: Pendekatan Generalized Additive Model
Even though it is known that melon farming is labor-demanding, the allocation of hired labor is often overlooked as the subject of melon farming studies. To fill this void, this study aims to analyze the pattern of farm labor allocation and its effect on the productivity of melon farming. The data used in this research is primary data collected through a survey of 60 melon farmers selected using the convenience sampling method by considering the area of farming land. Data analysis included descriptive statistical analysis and non-parametric regression, namely the generalized additive model. The research results show that: (1) labor costs account for nearly 50% of variable production costs; (2) melon farms with a land area of more than 0.5 ha tend to employ more farm laborers than farms with less than 0.5 ha. Farm workers are even employed for farming activities that fall into the category of delicate works and have a significant impact on production, such as pest and disease control, pruning shoots, and fruit selection; and (3) the use of farm laborers in delicate works farming activities reduces melon productivity
The goals of the research to understand of (1) the play of role the agricultural sektor in
growth of GRDP (Gross Regional Domistic Product); (2 )the correlation of agricultural sector
with non agricultural sectors; (3) the stability and persistancy ofagricultural sectorand the
compare with non agricultural sectors and (4) the risk of agricultural sector and non agricultural
sector. The results of research shows: (1) the agricultural sector was basic sector in growth of
GDRB, the component to affect of GDRB agricultural sector were as national share, proportional
shift and differential shift. (2) The Agricultural sector with non agricultural sectors had good
relationship. (3) The stability of agricultural sector was lowest, if compared with non agricultural
sectors, and the short time lowest persistant compared with non agricultural sectors. (4) The risk
of agricultural sector lowest compared with non agricultural sectors
Penambahan Lisin Pada Pakan Komersial Terhadap Retensi Protein Dan Retensi Energi Ikan Bawal Air Tawar (Colossoma Macropomum) [Lysine Addition on Commercial Feed to the Protein Retention and Energy Retention Colossoma Macropomum]
Asam amino adalah komponen terkecil yang menyusun protein. Sejumlah asam amino akan dihubungkan satu sama lain melalui perantara ikatan peptida untuk membentuk protein. Asam amino telah dibagi menjadi dua; yaitu asam amino esensial dan asam amino non-esensial. Asam amino esensial adalah asam amino yang tidak dapat disintesis oleh tubuh ikan; karena itu asam amino esensial harus ada dalam pakan. Lisin adalah salah satu dari sepuluh asam amino esensial, fungsi lisin adalah untuk pertumbuhan dan perbaikan jaringan tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lisin dalam pakan komersial terhadap retensi protein dan retensi energi ikan bawal air tawar. Metode yang digunakan adalah desain eksperimen rancangan acak lengkap. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah kadar lisin yang berbeda, yaitu P0 (0%), P1 (0,6%), P2 (1,2%), P3 (2,4%), P4 (4,8%) dan perlakuan diulang 4 kali. Parameter utama yang diamati adalah retensi protein dan retensi energi pada air tawar bawal. Parameter yang diukur didukung oleh parameter kualitas air. Analisis data menggunakan Analisis Varian (ANOVA) dan untuk menentukan perlakuan terbaik digunakan Duncan\u27s multiple range test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p <0,05) dalam retensi protein dan energi adalah daging ikan bawal air tawar. Retensi protein dan retensi energi dalam pengobatan P1 (0,6% lisin), P2 (1,2% lisin), P3 (2,4% lisin) dan P4 (4,8% lisin) berbeda secara signifikan dengan perlakuan P0 (kontrol). Kualitas air selama 40 hari perlakuan ditetapkan pada suhu 27-300 C, pH 7,5-8,5, amonia 4 mg / l dan oksigen terlarut 4 mg / l
This article intends to examine the concept of rational theological concepts in Islam with a focus on the thoughts of Harun Nasution. Harun Nasution is a controversial Islamic reformer. His idea was born as a response to and against the traditional ideas that developed at that time; even Harun Nasution dared to go against the flow of traditional ethics that according to him had long been rusty and difficult to remove. The emphasis of this paper is on the presentation of Harun Nasution's progressive thinking in the Islamic theological concept and tts importance in advancing Indonesian Islamic civilization. Thus, the qualitative method will be employed in this work, along with a historical study approach gleaned from books, journals, and related publications. The essence of Harun Nasution’s theory is the realization that Islam is a universal rational religion, and that via rational theology, people can fully comprehend the meaning of revelation in both the Qur'an and the Hadith. To build the Islamic Ummah such that it always exists exclusively through forming a rational society, a renewal movement through education is required
Although it is in our nature to worship Allah, most people either forget to do so or choose not to for a variety of reasons, including being preoccupied with other priorities. Karangduren Village residents read Surah al-Ikhlas, the Attaqoh dhikr, 100,000 times in an effort to preserve their belief in Allah. In addition to examining the history of reading and application, this article aims to understand the impact of Attaqoh dhikr on the spiritual well-being of the residents of Karangduren village. This research takes a qualitative approach, including methods such as observation, interviews, and documentation. For data processing, data reduction methods, data presentation, and conclusion phases have been employed. This study discovered two forms of Attaqoh Dhikr in Krangduren village: independent dhikr and congregational dhikr. Independent dhikr is more flexible, whereas congregational dhikr takes place every two weeks on Tuesday evenings at the al-Huda mosque. Second, the personal and societal impact of reciting Attaqoh dhikr is increased peace of mind, the emergence of a sense of trust, satisfaction, and sincerity, and the spirituality of individuals. Dhikr Attaqoh in Karangduren village has succeeded in strengthening the spiritual condition of the community.Abstrak
Manusia diciptakan untuk beribadah kepada Allah, akan tetapi kebanyakan manusia lupa atau bahkan menolak beribadah dengan berbagai macam alasan, salah satunya adalah sibuk dengan berbagai urusan dunia. Masyarakat Desa Karangduren berusaha untuk menjaga keimanan mereka dengan cara membaca dzikir Attaqoh, yaitu membaca surah al-Ikhlas sebanyak seratus ribu kali. Penulis ingin meneliti sejarah pembacaan dan pelaksanaan serta pengaruh dzikir Attaqoh terhadap kondisi spiritualitas masyarakat di desa Karangduren. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Untuk pengolahan data, peneliti menggunakan teknik reduksi data, menampilkan data, dan tahap kesimpulan. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan: Pertama, Dzikir Attaqoh di desa krangduren dilaksanakan dalam dua bentuk yaitu dzikir secara mandiri dan dzikir secara berjama’ah. dzikir secara mandiri dapat dilaksanakan secara lebih fleksibel, sedangkan dzikir berjama’ah dilaksanakan setiap dua minggu sekali pada malam selasa di masjid al-Huda. Kedua, pengaruh pembacaan dzikir Attaqoh baik secara pribadi maupun masyarakat adalah meningkatkan ketenangan hati, munculnya rasa tawakal, ridho, dan ikhlas dan meningkatkan spiritualitas masyarakat. Dzikir Attaqoh di desa Karangduren telah berhasil menguatkan kondisi spiritual masyarakat yaitu meningkatkan amalan ibadah mereka, dan membawa perubahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
Cassava is one of Indonesia's local food which ranks third largest after paddy and corn. CentralJava Province ranks second in producing cassava in Indonesia. One of the regencies / cities that has thepotential to be developed in cassava farming is Karanganyar Regency. Karanganyar Regency has acassava variety called Jalak Towo. Jalak towo has a softer texture compared to other cassava.Thisstudy aim were determine the factors of production that affect the production of jalak towo cassava inKaranganyar Regency and its optimization analysis. The basic method used in this research wasdescriptive and analytical methods. The research location was Tawangmangu Subdistrict and JatiyosoSubdistrict as sub-districts producing jalak towo cassava in Karanganyar Regency. Sampling in thisstudy using a random sampling method with a total of 60 respondents consisting of 30 people at eachlocation. Data analysis methods used include: cobb-douglas production function analysis, varyingmodel parameter analysis and optimization analysis. The results of this study indicate that the factorsthat influence the production of jalak towo cassava are land area, experience, manure, urea fertilizer,age of the farmer, and location. Production factors that affect cassava production from the analysis ofvarying model parameters in Kec. Tawangmangu is the area ofland, manure, urea fertilizer, age of the farmer, and labor, while in Kec. Jatiyoso is land area and age. The results of the optimization analysisshowed that the combination of the use of production factors in Tawangmangu and Jatiyoso Subistrictsware not optimal
Phytochemical study of Dryobalanops from Malaysian Dipterocarpaceae, and structure - activity relationship studies / Agustono Wibowo
distributed as major species in emergent canopy of Lambir Forest and Sarawak lowland dipterocarps forest. The genus is very unique, as there are only seven species available in the whole world, which confined to the tropical forests of West Malesia. The chemical constituents of Dipterocarpaceae are reported to possess various biological activities such as cytotoxicity, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities. The aims of this study are to isolate secondary metabolites, to determine their antibacterial, DPPH scavenging and cytotoxic activities, to study structure-activity relationship, and to propose biogenesis pathway and chemotaxonomic significance in Dryobalanops. The dried powder of the stem bark of D. aromatica, D. lanceolata, D. rappa and D. becarii were macerated with acetone and evaporated under reduced pressure. The crude acetone extract was subjected to vacuum liquid chromatography to give several fractions
PENDEKATAN THE QUR’ANIC MILIEU DALAM STUDI AL-QUR’AN (Telaah Pemikiran Angelika Neuwirth dalam The Qur’an in Context: Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur’anic Milieu)
The study of the Qur’an among Western thinkers seems not monolithic. In the real of orientalists who use historical analysis to respond Islam with a negative value, such as regarding the Qur’an none more than an epigonal text and not much left to be known about the Qur’an. Meanwhile, a positive understanding toward Qur’an has done by some of them, such as Angelika Neuwirth. The differences are more based on Angelika’s attempt to convey a truly contextual reading of the Qur’an, not contenting its self with dissolving the Qur’an into its Christian, Jewish, and other “sources”, but to allow for the possibility that the Qur’an may turn out to be a text of its own
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