681 research outputs found


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    This research aim to know diverge strain about Hen-day Production (HDP). This research was executed on January 10th up to February 10th 2008 at in Regency Blitar. In six Subdistrionts : Ponggok Subdistriont, Kademangan Subdistriont, Garum Subdistriont, Srengat Subdistriont, Kanigoro Subdistriont and Talun Subdistriont. This research to use random sampling to make use of survey method. Here in after obtained data to be life beginning eggs production, life high eegs production and life last egg production later deskriptif. Data HDP device the used is RAK. Here in after obtained to be data to be analysed with variant analiysis, if there are difference continued with BNT test. This research strain hen eggs condicional : Isabrown strain (T1), Lohman strain (T2), Manggis strain (T3), Haisex strain (T4) and CP 909 Strain (T5). Result of from research say not influental because F.hit < F.tab 0,05. Must condition in subdistriots not with. Becaused to jib standart strain, experience long cattle breeder and to give standart woof. Koefisien 5 % results data corrects vailed. Conclusion of this reserech : the differench strain in Regency Blitar not influental Hen-day Production (HDP), life beginning eggs production generally age 4,5 month, life high eggs production generally age 7 month and life last eggs production generally age 19 – 22 month. Sugested result max product in to breed cattle hen eggs in Subdistriots Regency Blitar to need find foult with woof nice and correct manajement in row breed although all strain hen egg to get netive

    Peran Majelis Ulama Indonesia Dalam Mitigasi Pandemi Covid-19 (Tinjauan Tindakan Sosial dan Dominasi Kekuasaan Max Weber)

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    AbstractThis paper aims to uncover the motives of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in issuing Muslim community religious edicts during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In exploring this motive, the writer uses the theory of social action and power domination initiated by Max Weber. This type of research is qualitative research, researchers do the description and interpretation of data from primary sources taken from the official MUI website and other data that supports the results of the study. The results of this paper are: First, MUI is an actor of social religious action. Second, the motives for MUI socio-religious actions through fatwas issued contain three dominant motives. Third, the instrumentally rational motives in the fatwa refer to various models of worship. Fourth, MUI uses the values of the Islamic Religion which originate from the Qur'an, Hadith, and Jurisprudence. Fifth, MUI seeks to continue the traditions of the Prophets and Friends. Sixth, the MUI's Domination of Power determines the mandatory and unlawful matters in worship. Seventh, the MUI has a very important role in the mitigation effort of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Keywords: Social Actions; Power Domination; COVID-19; Mitigation, MUI Fatwa. AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap motif-motif Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dalam menerbitkan fatwa peribadatan masyarakat muslim saat Pandemi COVID-19. Dalam mengeksplorasi motif tersebut, penulis menggunakan teori tindakan sosial dan dominasi kekuasaan yang digagas oleh Max Weber. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif, peneliti melakukan deskripsi dan interpretasi data dari sumber primer yang diambil dari situs resmi MUI dan data lain yang mendukung hasil penelitian. Adapun hasil dari tulisan ini adalah: Pertama, MUI merupakan aktor dari tindakan sosial keagamaan. Kedua, motif tindakan sosial keagamaan MUI melalui fatwa yang diterbitkan mengandung tiga motif dominan. Ketiga, motif instrumentally rational dalam fatwa mengacu pada berbagai macam model peribadatan. Keempat, MUI menggunakan nilai-nilai dari Agama Islam yang bersumber dari Alquran, Hadis, dan Kaidah Fikih. Kelima, MUI berupaya untuk meneruskan tradisi para Nabi dan Sahabat. Keenam, Dominasi Kekuasaan MUI penentu hal wajib dan haram dalam peribadatan. Ketujuh, MUI sangat penting perannya dalam upaya mitigasi Pandemi COVID-19.Kata Kunci: Tindakan Sosial; Dominasi Kekuasaan; COVID-19; Mitigasi, Fatwa MUI


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    ABSTRAK Olahraga futsal biasanya dijadikan sebagai pembelajaran di luar mata pelajaran sekolah yang disebut ekstrakurikuler yang berguna sebagai wadah bagi siswa untuk mengembangkan potensi bakat di dalam dirinya untuk mencapai prestasi dan pelatih sebagai jembatan untuk mencapai prestasi yang dicapai. Pelatih dituntut untuk dapat memberikan yang terbaik untuk tim, maka dari itu pelatih yang baik seharusnya memiliki keilmuan atau latar belakang yang sesuai dalam cabang olahraga yang ditekuninya, baik cara melatih ataupun strategi untuk menghasilkan sebuah prestasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil pelatih ekstrakurikuler futsal Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) di Gresik yang menjuarai kejuaraan futsal “JUSTFIX” di SMA Negeri 1 Cerme pada tahun 2014-2017 meliputi juara 1, 2 dan 3. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan angket dan wawancara. Uji coba terbatas dilakukan pada 11 pelatih futsal SMP di Gresik. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian dari beberapa faktor yang digunakan untuk mengambarkan profil pelatih ekstrakurikuler futsal dengan persentase tertinggi adalah (1) tingkat pendidikan tertinggi 72,7% dari S1 Olahraga, (2) lisensi pelatih 0% tidak ada lisensi pelatih, (3) lama melatih 54,5% melatih &gt; 6 tahun, (4) kejuaraan yang pernah diikuti 63,6% mengikuti tingkat kabupaten, (5) jumlah kejuaraan 72,7% 1-4 kali, (6) prestasi atlet yang dilatih 63,6% tingkat kabupaten, (7) juara yang pernah diperoleh 3 tahun terakhir 37% juara II, (8) anak latih 34,4% kelas 7 dan 8, (9) prestasi pelatih (sebagai pemain/atlet) 69,2% tingkat kabupaten dan prestasi pelatih (sebagai pelatih) 53,8% tingkat kabupaten, (10) kategori yang dilatih 78,5% melatih putra, (11) program latihan 53,8% menggunakan program latihan harian. Persentase yang paling tinggi dari keseluruhan pernyataan yaitu kategori yang dilatih. Sedangkan persentase yang paling rendah yaitu lisensi pelatih. Kata Kunci : Profil, Pelatih, Ekstrakurikuler, Futsal. ABSTRACK Futsal is usually used as a learning outside school subjects are called extracurricular useful as a forum for students to develop the potential talent within him to achieve the feat and the coach as a bridge to achieve the achievements. Coaches are required to provide the best for the team, and therefore a good coach should have a scientific or appropriate background in the sport practiced, either by training or strategy for generating an achievement. This study aims to determine the profile of futsal extracurricular coach Junior High School (SMP) in Gresik, who won the championship futsal "JUSTFIX" SMAN 1 Cerme in 2014-2017 include champion of 1, 2 and 3. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method using questionnaires and interviews. Limited trials were conducted on 11 futsal junior high school coaches in Gresik. Data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative. The research result of several factors used to portray profile coach extracurricular futsal with the highest percentage is (1) the highest educational level 72,7% of the S1 Sport, (2) licensed coaches 0% no license coach, (3) long train 54,5% train&gt; 6 years, (4) championships have been followed 63,6% following the district level, (5) the number of championships 72,7% 1-4 time, (6) the achievements of athletes who trained 63,6% of the district, (7) champion ever obtained last 3 years 37% title II, (8) children trained 34,4% of grade 7 and 8 (9) achievement of the coach (as a player / athlete) 69,2% of the district and achievement trainer (coach) 58,3% of the district level, (10) categories were trained 78,5% trained men, (11) the exercise program 53,8% use a daily exercise program. The highest percentage of all statements is the category that is trained. While the lowest percentage is the trainer’s license. Keywords: Profile, Coach, Extracurricular, Futsa

    Penggunaan Profile, Statistik Dan Stratify Dalam Mengaudit Account Receivable

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    Teknik Audit Berbantuan Komputer (TABK) mengacu pada software ACL (Audit Command Langguage Versi 9), berguna menghitung Profile, Statistik, dan Stratify secara otomatis untuk mengatahui apakah terjadinya anomali. Dalam kasus ini menggunakan field amount pada file Account Receivable(AR), tempat menyimpan informasi saldo akhir. Penelitian ini telah membahas 161 record dari 772 record bersaldo negatip atau 27.72% dari total piutang. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kebijakan Perusahaan terhadap saldo negatip. Apakah saldo negatif dapat dikonversi menjadi barang atau jaminan piutang. Jika saldo positip sama dengan saldo negatif maka saldo piutang akan nol. Hal ini dapat terjadi salah interpretasi terhadap AR dan berpengaruh pada informasi penjualan kredit dimana Informasi tersebut seolah-olah tidak ada penjualan kredit padahal terjadi penjualan kredit. Kata kunci : TABK (CAATs), profile, statistik dan Stratify serta Account Receivable(AR

    Digital Leadership Kepala Sekolah Hubungannya dengan Kinerja Guru dan Kompetensi Siswa Era Abad 21

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    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between five principal digital leadership constructs, namely visionary leadership, digital age learning culture, excellence in professional practice, systemic improvement, and digital citizenship with teacher performance and student competence in the 21st century. The number of samples in This study consisted of 96 people consisting of principals and teachers from 24 schools. The data analysis in this study used SEM with the help of the AMOS 24 program. The results showed that the five components of digital leadership namely visionary leadership, digital age learning, excellent in professional, systemic improvement, and digital citizenship have a direct effect on teacher performance and student competence in the century era. 21. The five components of digital leadership also indirectly affect student competence through teacher performance. The contribution of this research shows that with adequate digital leadership practices, supporting the efforts of teachers in achieving the expected performance, can improve student competence in the 21st century era.Keywords: digital leadership, teacher performance, student competence, elementary school Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara lima konstruksi kepemimpinan digital kepala sekolah, yaitu kepemimpinan visioner, budaya pembelajaran zaman digital, keunggulan dalam praktik profesional, peningkatan sistemik, dan kewarganegaraan digital dengan kinerja guru dan kompetensi siswa di abad 21. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 96 orang terdiri dari Kepala Sekolah dan Guru dari 24 Sekolah. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan SEM dengan bantuan program AMOS 24. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelima komponen digital leadership yakni visionary leadership, digital age learning, excellent in professional, systemic improvement, dan digital citizenship berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap kinerja guru dan kompetensi siswa di era abad 21. Kelima komponen digital leadership tersebut juga berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap kompetensi siswa melalui kinerja guru. Kontribusi penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan praktik kepemimpinan digital yang memadai, mendukung upaya guru dalam mencapai kinerja yang diharapkan, dapat meningkatkan kompetensi siswa diera abad 21.Kata kunci: digital leadership, kinerja guru, kompetensi siswa, sekolah dasa


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    The study aims to analyse and classify the Islamic learning methods contained in the film I Not Stupid Too 2. The results of this research are expected to give a thought donation about the delivery of Islamic education methods both at home and in the school environment for children and adolescents as well as a reflection material for parents and educators. This research is a research study library, and includes qualitative descriptive research that seeks to reveal a problem or event as it is. Data collection is done using the documentation method. This research uses content anaysis (content analysis) or document analysis, which means giving meaning to the data that is successfully collected and from that meaning is drawn conclusions. The results showed that the film I Not Stupid Too 2 contains many values of Islamic religious education, especially in terms of methods of learning used, so that the film is safe to consume the general public and highly recommended for educators. The result of this research is the Islamic learning methods found in the film I Not Stupid Too 2 include; Method of Mau'idzah (advice), al Targheeb method (gift giving), Tarheeb method (penalty given), amtsal Method (Parable), method of precision, exercise method, and question and answer method

    Study on Anticancer Activity of Extracts of Sponges Collected from Biak Water, Indonesia

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    Indonesia is center of biodiversity where marine sponges are abundant. a source of bioactive compounds with various pharmaceutical properties such as anticancer, antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anti-malarial. In a continuation of a search for biologically active molecules from marine organisms we investigated the potency of marine sponges as anticancer. A total of 106 sponge specimens were collected between 3-40 m depths by SCUBA diving in Biak waters during August 2005. The specimens were extracted with methanol to provided crude extracts. The methanolic extracts were tested against NBT-T2 cell line. The assay result showed that 8.5 %, 29.2 % and 46.2 % of the extract have activity against the cell line at 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 g/mL. While, a 16.0 % of the extract did not showed activity against the cell line

    Da'wah in the digital era: Analysis of Husain Basyaiban's da'wah message in TikTok content

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    This study is motivated by the development of social media as a means of preaching, including Husain Basyaiban's Tiktok. This study aims to find out what da'wah messages are contained in the TikTok content in terms of the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth. Therefore, this study is library research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The semiotic analysis used is the Roland Barthes model, a theoretical framework that examines signs and their meanings in cultural contexts. In this analysis, we identified and interpreted the signs (visual and textual elements) in Husain Basyaiban's TikTok video, considering their cultural and social contexts. The results of the analysis show that the video contains several meanings and messages, namely: mutual respect between religious communities, not insulting other people's beliefs, respecting other people's religious rituals when religion is insulted, fighting, being careful in protecting your beliefs, the importance of conscience in maintaining tolerance, Islam is the true religion, there is no prejudice against religions other than Islam, preaching is an obligation, and Muslims carry a great trust. Then, in Husain Basyaiban's TikTok video, researchers also found the meaning of the video's denotation, connotation, and myth. With the meaning obtained, this study implies the importance of disseminating da'wah content through social media. Social media like TikTok can display short moral content but with deep meaning.*****Studi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan media sosial sebagai sarana dalam berdakwah diantaranya adalah Tiktok Husain Basyaiban. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa saja pesan dakwah yang terkandung dalam konten tiktok tersebut dilihat dari makna denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos. Oleh karenanya studi ini merupakan studi kepustakaan (library research) dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Analisis yang digunakan merupakan analisis semiotika dengan model Roland Barthes. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa di dalam video tersebut mengandung beberapa makna dan pesan, yakni: saling menghormati antar umat beragama, tidak menghina keyakinan orang lain, menghormati ritual agama orang lain, ketika agama dihina wajib dilawan, berhati-hati dalam menjaga akidah, pentingnya hati nurani dalam menjaga toleransi, Islam adalah agama yang benar, tidak berburuk sangka terhadap agama selain Islam, berdakwah merupakan suatu kewajiban dan umat Islam mengemban amanah yang besar. Kemudian dalam video tiktok Husain Basyaiban, peneliti juga menemukan makna denotasi, konotasi dan mitos dari video tersebut. Dengan makna yang didapat tersebut, studi ini mengimplikasikan pentingnya diseminasi konten dakwah melalui media sosial. Media sosial seperti TikTok dapat menampilkan konten moral singkat tetapi dengan makna yang mendalam

    Respon Mahasiswa Terhadap Panduan Publikasi Ilmiah untuk Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Jambi: (Student Response toward Publication Guide for Biology Education Universitas Jambi)

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    Student publications are one of the indicators of assessment in study program accreditation. Thus, efforts are needed to educate students to make these publications. This study aims to determine the response given by students to scientific publication guidelines that have been socialized. The research method used is qualitative research. The data in this study were obtained through filling out questionnaires by students as participants in the socialization of scientific publication guidelines. The results of this study indicate that students give a "good" response to the scientific publication guidelines that have been socialized. Based on this, it can be concluded that the guide can be a guide for students to publish. Key words: Response, Publication Guide   ABSTRAK Publikasi mahasiswa menjadi salah satu indikator penilaian dalam akreditasi program studi. Sehingga dengan begitu perlu upaya untuk mengedukasi mahasiswa untuk melakukan publikasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon yang diberikan mahasiswa terhadap panduan publikasi ilmiah yang telah disosialisasikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Data pada penelitian ini diperoleh melalui pengisian kuesioner oleh mahasiswa sebagai peserta sosialisasi panduan publikasi ilmiah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa memberikan respon “baik” pada panduan publikasi ilmiah yang telah disosialisasikan. Berdasarkan hal itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa panduan tersebut dapat menjadi pendoman bagi mahasiswa untuk melakukan publikasi. Kata kunci: Respon, Panduan Publikas
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