69 research outputs found

    Calidad educativa y evaluación formativa en los cadetes de III año de la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos Coronel Francisco Bolognesi – 2019

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es precisar la relación entre la calidad educativa y la evaluación formativa en los cadetes de III año de la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos Cnel. Francisco Bolognesi – 2019”. Método cuantitativo, de carácter aplicada, su alcance presentado fue descriptivo – correlacional y de diseño no experimental. De una población de 224 cadetes de III año, se apartó a 142 como muestra. Se elaboró para cada variable un cuestionario de 12 ítems, con una escala de valoración Likert; la confiabilidad del instrumento fue de 0.910 y por lo tanto, obtuvo una alta confiabilidad. Se determinó a través del Rho de Spearman una correlación de 0.900 para la hipótesis general, este valor permitió establecer una conexión positiva muy alta entre variables. Finalmente, se pudo concluir que ambas variables se correlacionan.The objective of this research work is to specify the relationship between educational quality and formative evaluation in the cadets of the III year of the Military School of Chorrillos Cnel. Francisco Bolognesi-2019”. Quantitative method, applied in nature, its presented scope was descriptive - correlational and non-experimental design. From a population of 224 cadets of the III year, 142 were selected as a sample. A 12-item questionnaire was prepared for each variable, with a Likert rating scale; the reliability of the instrument was 0.910 and therefore, it obtained a high reliability. A correlation of 0.900 was determined through Spearman's Rho for the general hypothesis, this value allowed establishing a very high positive connection between variables. Finally, it was possible to conclude that both variables are correlated.ChosicaEscuela de Posgrad

    Capsaicin Intake and Oral Carcinogenesis: a Systematic Review

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    Background: Chili is the most heavily and frequently consumed spice, either as a flavouring or colouring agent, and it is also a major source of pm-vitamin A, vitamin E and C. The main capsaicinoid found in chili peppers is capsaicin. It has been demonstrated that capsaicin acts as a cancer-suppressing agent through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, by blocking several signal transduction pathways. Oral squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most prevalent cancer worldwide. It is noteworthy that in countries where populations of diverse ethnic groups co-exist, differences have been observed in terms of incidence of oral cancer. The variances in their diet could explain, at least in part, these differences. The objective of this systematic review is to explore if there is evidence of a possible relationship between capsaicin intake and the incidence of oral squamous cell carcinoma, and discuss such association. Material and Methods: A bibliographical search was made in PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases, and finally 7 experimental studies were included; OHAT risk of bias tool was used to assess their quality. Results: All the studies confirm that capsaicin is a chemopreventive agent that prevents the development of oral cancer, through inhibition of malignant cell proliferation and increase of apoptosis. Conclusions: More human studies are needed in order to clarify the real link between consumption of chili (capsaicin) and the prevalence of oral cancer

    Trastornos de comportamiento alimentario: un problema olvidado en el Departamento del Magdalena, Colombia

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    Los trastornos de comportamiento alimentario (TCA) se caracterizan por distorsión significativa de la imagen corporal asociada a cambios comportamentales relacionados con ingesta de alimentos y el control del peso.Eating disorders (ED) are characterized by significant distortion of body image associated with behavioral changes related to food intake and weight control

    Propuesta para el desarrollo de una Escuela Técnica para Capacitación de reparadores de motores eléctricos

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    En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta para implementar un curso de formación para la reparación de motores trifásicos de inducción tipo jaula de ardilla de capacidad entre 150 hp hasta 250 hp. Para ello se ha basado en el curso de EASA/AEMT, en normas y estandares internacionales como IEEE, IEC, NEMA, ANSI y además de trabajos de graduación presentados anteriormente en la Universidad de El Salvador, y que sirvieron de respaldo a la información presentada en el documento. También se aborda la implementación de un laboratorio de pruebas para dichos motores, que deberá reunir todas las condiciones idóneas según las especificaciones en las normas internacionales para la realización de las pruebas aplicable

    Therapeutic management of the odontogenic keratocyst. An energetic approach with a conservative perspective and review of the current therapeutic options

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    Odontogenic keratocysts (OKC) are cystic lesions appearing in the jaws, usually asymptomatic with a progressive growth into the bone. Many of them are diagnosed by a routine radiological examination. This study reports a 12-year-old girl that presented an asymptomatic large radiolucent unilocular lesion associated to the crown of 3.8 that caused displacement of the molar and the inferior alveolar canal. Differential diagnosis included OKC, unicystic ameloblastoma, ameloblastic fibroma, dentigerous cyst and orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst. Two surgical interventions were performed; first, a marsupialization, and 10 months after, the third molar extraction plus cyst enucleation, mucosa excision and the application of Carnoy?s solution. The anatomopathological exam confirmed diagnosis of OKC. There was no evidence of recurrence after 2 years of follow-up. Marsupialization followed by surgical enucleation with mucosa excision and Carnoy?s solution can help manage treatment of OKC, a lesion characterized by an aggressive behavior

    Therapeutic management of the odontogenic keratocyst. An energetic approach with a conservative perspective and review of the current therapeutic options

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    Background: Odontogenic keratocysts (OKC) are cystic lesions appearing in the jaws, usually asymptomatic with a progressive growth into the bone. Many of them are diagnosed by a routine radiological examination. Material and methods: This study reports a 12-year-old girl that presented an asymptomatic large radiolucent unilocular lesion associated to the crown of 3.8 that caused displacement of the molar and the inferior alveolar canal. Differential diagnosis included OKC, unicystic ameloblastoma, ameloblastic fibroma, dentigerous cyst and orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst. Two surgical interventions were performed; first, a marsupialization, and 10 months after, the third molar extraction plus cyst enucleation, mucosa excision and the application of Carnoy's solution. Results: The anatomopathological exam confirmed diagnosis of OKC. There was no evidence of recurrence after 2 years of follow-up. Conclusions: Marsupialization followed by surgical enucleation with mucosa excision and Carnoy's solution can help manage treatment of OKC, a lesion characterized by an aggressive behavior

    Evaluation of the osteoclastogenic process associated with RANK / RANK-L / OPG in odontogenic myxomas

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    Odontogenic myxoma (OM) is a benign intraosseous neoplasm that exhibits local aggressiveness and high recurrence rates. Osteoclastogenesis is an important phenomenon in the tumor growth of maxillary neoplasms. RANK (Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor ?appa B) is the signaling receptor of RANK-L (Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-? ligand) that activates the osteoclasts. OPG (osteoprotegerin) is a decoy receptor for RANK-L that inhibits pro-osteoclastogenesis. The RANK / RANKL / OPG system participates in the regulation of osteolytic activity under normal conditions, and its alteration has been associated with greater bone destruction, and also with tumor growth. To analyze the immunohistochemical expression of OPG, RANK and RANK-L proteins in odontogenic myxomas (OMs) and their relationship with the tumor size. Eighteen OMs, 4 small ( 3cm) and 18 dental follicles (DF) that were included as control were studied by means of standard immunohistochemical procedure with RANK, RANKL and OPG antibodies. For the evaluation, 5 fields (40x) of representative areas of OM and DF were selected where the expression of each antibody was determined. Descriptive and comparative statistical analyses were performed with the obtained data. There are significant differences in the expression of RANK in OM samples as compared to DF (p = 0.022) and among the OMSs and OMLs (p = 0.032). Also a strong association is recognized in the expression of RANK-L and OPG in OM samples. Activation of the RANK / RANK-L / OPG triad seems to be involved in the mechanisms of bone balance and destruction, as well as associated with tumor growth in odontogenic myxomas

    Assessment of CD-105 as an Angiogenic Modulator in Odontogenic Myxomas and Dental Follicles

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    Aim. Odontogenic myxoma is a benign intraosseous neoplasm of the jaws, with a locally aggressive behavior and a high recurrence rate. CD-105 is a homodimeric cell membrane glycoprotein and is a component of the TGF-β1 growth factor receptor complex that modulates angiogenesis by regulating the proliferation, differentiation and cellular migration. The aim of this study is to quantify the microvascular density of the odontogenic myxoma based on the expression of CD-105. Materials and Methods. The analysis included 18 odontogenic myxoma and 18 dental follicles as controls. A standard immunohistochemical procedure was performed with the CD-105 antibody. Five representative fields (40×) of the odontogenic myxoma and the dental follicles were selected to determine the microvascular density, which was then followed by a descriptive and comparative statistical analysis. Results. Dental follicles presented a significantly higher microvascular density compared with odontogenic myxoma (P = .001). The odontogenic myxoma smaller than 3 cm showed a greater microvascular density than those larger than 3 cm in size (P > .05), and the microvascular density was lower in large odontogenic myxomas as compared with the dental follicles (P = .003). Conclusion. A weaker expression of CD-105 in odontogenic myxoma might indicate a lower angiogenic activity, suggesting that vascular proliferation has a limited role in the growth mechanisms and in the aggressive behavior of this neoplasm.peer-reviewe

    Los juegos tradicionales como estrategia lúdica para el aprovechamiento del tiempo libre de los estudiantes de grado 4º de la Institución Educativa Los Galanes

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    Realizado el diagnóstico, se encontró que en la Institución Educativa Los Galanes, los estudiantes del grado 4° en su tiempo libre deambulan por las calles de un lado a otro, sin tener en que ocupar ese espacio de su tiempo; por esta razón el grupo investigador decide utilizar los juegos tradicionales como estrategia metodológica para aprovechar el tiempo libre de estos estudiantes. Se escogen estos juegos porque son del agrado de adultos, jóvenes y niños; dado que estos han sido utilizados por nuestros antepasados y se han venido jugando de una generación a otra. Se proponen siete actividades, con una selección de juegos como carreras encostaladas, tardes de cometas, la gallinita ciega, elaboración de instrumentos como yo – yo, balero, chinchina con materiales del medio, aros y botellas, cucunua, la lleva, maratón de yo – yo, chinchina y balero, con los que se pretende aparte de aprovechar el tiempo libre, estrechar lazos familiares, descubrir su creatividad, autonomía, desarrollar la comunicación, proporcionar un ambiente de esparcimiento y fraternidad. De esta forma los juegos tradicionales se constituyen en estrategia lúdico – pedagógica para el aprovechamiento del tiempo libre

    Assessment of CD-105 as an angiogenic modulator in odontogenic myxomas and dental follicles

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    Aim. Odontogenic myxoma is a benign intraosseous neoplasm of the jaws, with a locally aggressive behavior and a high recurrence rate. CD-105 is a homodimeric cell membrane glycoprotein and is a component of the TGF-β1 growth factor receptor complex that modulates angiogenesis by regulating the proliferation, differentiation and cellular migration. The aim of this study is to quantify the microvascular density of the odontogenic myxoma based on the expression of CD-105. Materials and Methods. The analysis included 18 odontogenic myxoma and 18 dental follicles as controls. A standard immunohistochemical procedure was performed with the CD-105 antibody. Five representative fields (40×) of the odontogenic myxoma and the dental follicles were selected to determine the microvascular density, which was then followed by a descriptive and comparative statistical analysis. Results. Dental follicles presented a significantly higher microvascular density compared with odontogenic myxoma (P = .001). The odontogenic myxoma smaller than 3 cm showed a greater microvascular density than those larger than 3 cm in size (P > .05), and the microvascular density was lower in large odontogenic myxomas as compared with the dental follicles (P = .003). Conclusion. A weaker expression of CD-105 in odontogenic myxoma might indicate a lower angiogenic activity, suggesting that vascular proliferation has a limited role in the growth mechanisms and in the aggressive behavior of this neoplasm.Aim. Odontogenic myxoma is a benign intraosseous neoplasm of the jaws, with a locally aggressive behavior and a high recurrence rate. CD-105 is a homodimeric cell membrane glycoprotein and is a component of the TGF-β1 growth factor receptor complex that modulates angiogenesis by regulating the proliferation, differentiation and cellular migration. The aim of this study is to quantify the microvascular density of the odontogenic myxoma based on the expression of CD-105. Materials and Methods. The analysis included 18 odontogenic myxoma and 18 dental follicles as controls. A standard immunohistochemical procedure was performed with the CD-105 antibody. Five representative fields (40×) of the odontogenic myxoma and the dental follicles were selected to determine the microvascular density, which was then followed by a descriptive and comparative statistical analysis. Results. Dental follicles presented a significantly higher microvascular density compared with odontogenic myxoma (P = .001). The odontogenic myxoma smaller than 3 cm showed a greater microvascular density than those larger than 3 cm in size (P > .05), and the microvascular density was lower in large odontogenic myxomas as compared with the dental follicles (P = .003). Conclusion. A weaker expression of CD-105 in odontogenic myxoma might indicate a lower angiogenic activity, suggesting that vascular proliferation has a limited role in the growth mechanisms and in the aggressive behavior of this neoplasm