269 research outputs found

    Ener3DMap-SolarWeb roofs: A geospatial web-based platform to compute photovoltaic potential

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    [EN] The effective exploitation and management of renewable energies requires knowledge not only of the energy intensity at the exploitation site but also of the influence of the geometry of the site and its surroundings. For this reason, the efficient processing and interpretation of combined geospatial and energy data is a key issue. This paper presents the development of a web-based tool for the automatic computation of photovoltaic potential on rooftops and on parcels without buildings. The tool called Ener3DMap-SolarWeb Roofs is based on Leaflet and supports WMS, GeoJSON, GeoCSV and KML formats, among others. With these data formats, base maps, geometric data from the rooftops automatically computed from LiDAR and imagery data with self-developed processing algorithms, cadastral data and a solar radiation model are integrated in the tool. These different types of data, the high level of automation and the different scales for which energy data is calculated (hourly, monthly and annually) are the main contributions of the presented tool compared to other existing solutions. The capacities of the tool are tested through its application to analyze the solar potential of rooftops with different shapes and for different solar panel configurations. The accuracy of the results is ensured through the integration of a validated methodology for the computation of geometry and a validated solar radiation model, PVGIS

    Interaction between a Novel Oligopeptide Fragment of the Human Neurotrophin Receptor TrkB Ectodomain D5 and the C-Terminal Fragment of Tetanus Neurotoxin

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    This article presents experimental evidence and computed molecular models of a potential interaction between receptor domain D5 of TrkB with the carboxyl-terminal domain of tetanus neurotoxin (Hc-TeNT). Computational simulations of a novel small cyclic oligopeptide are designed, synthesized, and tested for possible tetanus neurotoxin-D5 interaction. A hot spot of this protein-protein interaction is identified in analogy to the hitherto known crystal structures of the complex between neurotrophin and D5. Hc-TeNT activates the neurotrophin receptors, as well as its downstream signaling pathways, inducing neuroprotection in different stress cellular models. Based on these premises, we propose the Trk receptor family as potential proteic affinity receptors for TeNT. In vitro, Hc-TeNT binds to a synthetic TrkB-derived peptide and acts similar to an agonist ligand for TrkB, resulting in phosphorylation of the receptor. These properties are weakened by the mutagenesis of three residues of the predicted interaction region in Hc-TeNT. It also competes with Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a native binder to human TrkB, for the binding to neural membranes, and for uptake in TrkB-positive vesicles. In addition, both molecules are located together in vivo at neuromuscular junctions and in motor neurons

    Quality of life and cost-effectiveness analysis of topical tranexamic acid and fibrin glue in femur fracture surgery

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    Altres ajuts: European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); MAPFRE Foundation (grant code SA/12/AYU/456).Background: We assessed quality of life (QoL) of patients undergoing surgery for proximal femur fracture and performed a cost-effectiveness analysis of haemostatic drugs for reducing postoperative bleeding. Methods: We analysed data from an open, multicentre, parallel, randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) that assessed the efficacy and safety of tranexamic acid (TXA group) and fibrin glue (FG group) administered topically prior to surgical closure, compared with usual haemostasis methods (control group). For this study we conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of these interventions from the Spanish Health System perspective, using a time horizon of 12 months. The cost was reported i

    Reaction mechanisms in the scattering of 8 Li on 208 Pb around the Coulomb barrier

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    We present an analysis of the reaction 8 Li + 208 Pb , which has been recently measured at energies around the Coulomb barrier. The study is focused on the elastic and one-neutron removal channels. The elastic angular distribution has been analyzed by means of the optical model and coupled-channels method. The measured 7 Li yield has been assumed to come from the one-neutron transfer reaction 208 Pb ( 8 Li , 7 Li ) 209 Pb and the breakup reaction 8 Li + 208 Pb → n + 7 Li + 208 Pb . For the former, an analysis in terms of the distorted wave Born approximation and coupled-channels Born approximation (CCBA) methods has been performed. For the breakup reaction, a generalization of the CCBA method has been used, in which the final states are described as n + 208 Pb continuum states. Transfer and breakup are then treated consistently. The summed angular distribution for the two processes reproduces the shape and absolute magnitude of the measured 7 Li distribution. We conclude that most of the measured 7 Li yield comes from the one-neutron transfer channel. We also show that the elastic scattering is notably affected by the strong coupling to transfer channels.Fundaçao para a Ciência e a Tecnología (FCT) de Portugal. POCTI/36282/99Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de España. FPA2002-04181-C04-0

    Variación espacio-temporal de la cobertura de coral del norte del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano, Península de Yucatán, México

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    Evaluating the response of coral assemblages to different disturbances is important because variations in species composition may have consequences for ecosystem functioning due to their different functional roles in coral reefs. This study evaluates changes in diversity, structure and composition of coral assemblages of the coral reefs of two national parks in the northern sector of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System spanning the period from 2006 to 2012, just after the impact of two hurricanes in the area. Coral assemblages in the Cancún National Park included fewer species and lower live coral coverage ( < 15%) than those recorded in Cozumel. In the Cancún National Park, the species with the highest coral cover was Porites astreoides (more than 40% relative cover), and no significant temporal changes were observed in live coral cover and species composition. On the other hand, in the Cozumel National Park the dominant species were Agaricia agaricites, Siderastrea siderea and Porites astreoides, and the coral reefs showed an increase in live coral cover from 16% in 2006 to 29% in 2012. The dynamics of coral assemblages differed between the two parks: while there is an apparent stability in the current composition of the Cancún reefs, the Cozumel reefs show an increase in the abundance of the aforementioned dominant species. However, it is possible that the population characteristics of the species that dominate the coral assemblages in both national parks, such as those of fast population growth and of small colony size, do not entirely fulfill the main function of accretion and habitat heterogeneity, and more research is therefore needed to test this hypothesis.Evaluar la respuesta de las comunidades de coral a diferentes perturbaciones es importante ya que las variaciones en la composición de las especies pueden tener consecuencias en el funcionamiento del ecosistema, debido a los diferentes roles funcionales que cada especie tiene dentro de él. En este estudio se evaluaron los cambios en la diversidad, estructura y composición de las comunidades en los arrecifes de dos Parques Nacionales ubicados en el sector norte del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano, durante el periodo 2006-2012, justo después del impacto de dos huracanes en la zona. En el Parque Nacional Cancún se registraron pocas especies de coral y una cobertura de coral vivo baja ( < 15%) sin cambios temporales significativos; la especie más dominante en este parque fue Porites astreoides con más del 40% de cobertura relativa. Por otro lado, los arrecifes de coral del Parque Nacional de Cozumel mostraron un incremento en la cobertura de coral del 16% en 2006 a 29% en 2012; las especies dominantes, y que incrementaron su cobertura en este periodo, fueron Agaricia agaricites, Siderastrea siderea y P. astreoides. Aunque la dinámica de las comunidades de coral fue diferente en ambos parques, es posible que las características poblacionales de las especies que dominan las comunidades de coral en todos los arrecifes no cumplan por completo con las funciones principales de acreción y heterogeneidad de hábitat; sin embargo se necesita más investigación para poder evaluar esta hipótesis

    Synthesis and Antiviral Activities of Novel Purinyl- and Pyrimidinylcarbanucleosides Derived from Indan

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    The 12th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry session Bioorganic Chemistry and Natural ProductsStarting from (±)-trans- and (±)-cis-3-hydroxymethyl-1-indanol, novel 6-substituted purinylcarbanucleoside derivatives of indan (5, 6, 9, 10, 15 and 17) were synthesized through a key coupling reaction with 6-chloropurine under Mitsunobu conditions. Suzuki–Miyaura reactions of the protected 6-chloropurine derivative with different arylboronic acids afforded the corresponding 6-arylpurinylcarbanucleoside derivatives. Finally, three new 5-halouracilcarbanucleosides (19, 20 and 21) were prepared by reaction of uracilcarbanucleoside 18 with different N-halosuccinimides. All of the new analogues were evaluated for antiviral activity against a wide variety of virusesThe authors thank the Xunta de Galicia for financial support of this work under projects PGIDT05PXIB20301PR and 07CSA008203P

    A new experimental approach to the study of beauty

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    Theories of beauty perception have tilting between the importance of the golden section, and the importance of cultural and learning factors on perception of beauty. The contradiction between those approaches may be solved by taking in account the real golden proportion rather than the ideal golden proportion. A new framework to conduct new and more comprehensive experimental approaches to the study of beauty is proposed

    TELMA: Entorno de formación personalizada online en Cirugía de Mínima Invasión

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    TELMA es un entorno de formación y aprendizaje online basado en edición de vídeo laparoscópico, la gestión del conocimiento y el trabajo colaborativo con el fin de mejorar la efectividad y eficacia de los procesos de formación (inicial y continuada) de los cirujanos de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión (CMI). TELMA explota el uso del vídeo laparoscópico como el núcleo de los contenidos didácticos y hace uso de tecnologías de formación online y gestión de contenidos digitales multimedia, para mejorar la adaptación, calidad y eficiencia del servicio ofrecido al usuario. TELMA persigue acortar las curvas de aprendizaje, proporcionando a los cirujanos un acceso ubicuo a contenidos educativos y metodologías didácticas, dotando al aprendizaje de mayor interactividad y proporcionando a los alumnos un papel más activo, una mejor adquisición de los conocimientos y habilidades y un mayor uso de las fuentes de información disponibles

    Proposal evaluation matrix for geopark projects in Latin America, based in Protected Areas: Case Studies and Applicatio

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    Los países latinoamericanos han desarrollado diversos sistemas nacionales de ANP, algunas de las cuales denotan singularidades geológicas en marcos locales y regionales, que pueden perfilarse dentro de una estrategia territorial amplia y holística basada en el patrimonio geológico. Dado el déficit regional de geoparques, se propone una matriz de indicadores para evaluación de proyectos de geoparques aplicable en ANP, con el propósito de valorar territorios potenciales. Para este estudio se estimaron once sitios en cuatro naciones de América Latina, aplicando dos matrices de evaluación: una global y una propuesta regional; con el fin de observar el comportamiento individual de cada zona y la distribución de las categorías con relación al conjunto de datos. Como principal resultado se muestra el menester de fortalecer los aspectos comunicativos y socioeconómicos necesarios para la generación de geoparques. El uso de esta metodología permitirá visualizar los mejores prospectos entre las áreas de estudio y crear una valoración estándar para futuras estimaciones.Latin American countries have developed diverse national systems of NPA, some of which denote geo- logical oddities in local and regional frameworks, which can be profiled in a comprehensive and holistic regional strategy based on geological heritage. Given the regional deficit of Geoparks, is propose a matrix of indicators for geoparks projects evaluation applicable in NPA is proposed, in order to evaluate potential territories. For this study eleven localities from four Latin American countries were estimated, using two matrices of evaluation: global and regional proposal, in order to observe the individual trend of each zone and the distribution of the categories with respect to the data set. The main result shows the need to strengthen communication and socio -economic aspects necessary for the generation of geoparks. The use of this methodology allowed us to visualize of the top prospects from the study areas and create a standard assessment for future estimates

    Geotechnics for rockfall assessment in the volcanic island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    The island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain) is characterized by a large variability of volcanic rocks reflecting its volcanic evolution. The geological map provided by Geological Survey of Spain at 1:25.000 scale shows more than 109 different lithologies and it is too complex for environmental and engineering purposes. This work presents a simplified geotechnical map with a small number of classes grouping up units with similar geotechnical behaviours. The lithologies were grouped using about 350 rock samples, collected in the seven major islands of the Archipelago. The geotechnical map was used to model rockfall hazard in the entire island of Gran Canaria, where rockfalls are an important threat. The rockfall map was validated with 128 rockfall events along the GC-200 road, located in the NW sector of Gran Canaria. About 96% of the events occurred along sections of the road where the number of expected trajectories is high or moderate.This work was carried out in the framework of two projects funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO): SAFETY (Sentinel-1 for geohazard prevention and forecasting. Ref. ECHO/SUB/2015/718679/Prev02) and U-GEOHAZ (Geohazard Impact Assessment for Urban Areas. Grant Agreement No. 783169). This work has been partly funded by the University of Alicante in the framework of Quality Improvement Grant of PhD Program in Materials, Structures and Soil Engineering: Sustainable Construction, Salvador de Madariaga Mobility Program from the Spanish Ministry of Science (PRX18/00020) and the Industrial PhD Project GEODRON (IND2017/AMB-7789). We also appreciate the contribution of the MACASTAB project (Ref.: MAC/3.5b/027). The laboratory tests were carried out in the Laboratories of Building and Public Works from the Canarian Government. The methodology is also developed in the framework of the RISKCOAST project (Ref: SOE3/P4/E0868) funded by the European Regional Development Fund - Interreg programme (3rd call for proposals)