201 research outputs found

    Prueba de habilidades practicas CCNA.

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    Comprender el papel fundamental del uso de las telecomunicaciones en nuestro entorno, en el uso diario, en el uso práctico y poder comprender de cómo se mueve la información a través de las nuevas redes de información y ver sus alcances logrados durante el desarrollo de este diplomado donde se evidencia a continuación. En uno de los mejores convenios que maneja la Universidad con Cisco donde cada estudiante aprende en el diplomado a diseñar e implementar de las redes LAN-WAN, capaces de diseñar e implementar subredes de menor y mayor complejidad y donde mediante orientación a la conceptualización de configuración y resolución de protocolos de enrutamiento y estado del enlace.Understand the fundamental role of the use of telecommunications in our environment, in daily use, in practical use and to be able to understand how information moves through the new information networks and their scope achieved during the development of this diploma where evidence below. In one of the best agreements that the University manages with Cisco where each student learns in the diploma to design and implement LAN-WAN networks, you can design and implement subnets of lesser and greater complexity and where through orientation to the conceptualization of configuration and resolution of routing protocols and link status

    War, the United Nations, and Peacekeeping

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    While the amount of interstate war in the international system had declined by 2013, since then both intrastate and internationalized intrastate war has increased. In 2015 there are sixteen UN peacekeeping operations around the globe, involving about 130,000 military, police, and civilian personnel. Over the past seventy years, UN peacekeeping operations have evolved from simple buffer forces tasked with observing cease-fires and armistices to complex multidimensional operations in intrastate conflicts, involving peacebuilding in an increasingly dangerous environment

    Propuesta de reforzamiento para los pilares del puente Quirihuac - Trujillo, mediante el uso de colchones antisocavantes confinados con geosintéticos

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    En nuestra investigación emplearemos todas las herramientas que nos sea posible para estimar la socavación local en los pilares del puente, puesto que solamente se han tenido en cuenta formulas empíricas y simulaciones unidimensionales en el software HEC-RAS, además, creemos que este estudio sentará precedentes para los cuales podrían tomarse medidas y así proteger la cimentación de los pilares de la degradación del lecho del cauce producto de una máxima avenida. El problema de la determinación total de la socavación, sin embargo, no todo el problema recae es esta premisa, si no también determinar las causas que originan esta socavación, para ello se realizó el levantamiento topográfico de la zona de intervención del proyecto considerando 1km aguas arriba y 1km aguas abajo de la estructura del puente emplazado en cauce del rio moche, obteniendo una pendiente longitudinal media de 0.014m/m en el tramo en estudio con una longitud total de 2200 m lineales de rio, del estudio de mecánica de suelos rescatamos el hecho de que se trata de un suelo de área arcillosa con contenido de grava de hasta 3” de diámetro, de los modelos hidráulicos computacionales propuestos, tanto en 2 y 3 dimensiones se rescataron los siguientes resultados para la socavación: En el modelamiento bidimensional la socavación máxima en el pilar izquierdo es de 1.21m y en el pilar derecho de 1.82 m y en el modelamiento tridimensional el valor máximo obtenido es de 4.96 m para el pilar derecho.In our investigation we will use all the tools that we can to estimate the local undermining in the pillars of the bridge, since only empirical formulas and onedimensional simulations have been taken into account in the HEC-RAS software, in addition, we believe that this study previously seated for which measures could be taken and thus protect the foundation of the pillars from the degradation of the bed of the riverbed product of a maximum avenue. The problem of the total determination of the excavation, however, not all the problem lies in this premise, if it does not also etermine the causes that originated this excavation, for this purpose the topographic survey of the intervention zone of the given 1km water project was carried out. up and 1 km downstream of the structure of the bridge located in the riverbed of the Moche river, obtaining an average longitudinal slope of 0.014m / m in the section under study with a total length of 2200 linear meters of river, from the study of soil mechanics We rescued The fact that it is a soil of clayey area with gravel content up to 3 ”in diameter, from the proposed computational hydraulic models, both in 2 and 3 dimensions the following results were rescued for undercutting: In two-dimensional modeling the maximum undercut on the left pillar is 1.21m and on the right pillar of 1.82m and in three-dimensional modeling the maximum value obtained is of 4.96 m for the right pillar.Tesi

    Guidelines and recommendations on yeast cell death nomenclature

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    Elucidating the biology of yeast in its full complexity has major implications for science, medicine and industry. One of the most critical processes determining yeast life and physiology is cellular demise. However, the investigation of yeast cell death is a relatively young field, and a widely accepted set of concepts and terms is still missing. Here, we propose unified criteria for the definition of accidental, regulated, and programmed forms of cell death in yeast based on a series of morphological and biochemical criteria. Specifically, we provide consensus guidelines on the differential definition of terms including apoptosis, regulated necrosis, and autophagic cell death, as we refer to additional cell death routines that are relevant for the biology of (at least some species of) yeast. As this area of investigation advances rapidly, changes and extensions to this set of recommendations will be implemented in the years to come. Nonetheless, we strongly encourage the authors, reviewers and editors of scientific articles to adopt these collective standards in order to establish an accurate framework for yeast cell death research and, ultimately, to accelerate the progress of this vibrant field of research

    Treatment of a post-traumatic stiff knee after an open extensor apparatus injury by arthroscopic arthrolysis through a free flap

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    Extensor apparatus injury; Open patella fracture; Stiff kneeLesión del aparato extensor; Fractura de rótula abierta; Rodilla rígidaLesió de l'aparell extensor; Fractura de ròtula oberta; Genoll rígidOpen patella fractures have high complication rates. Post-traumatic joint stiffness is particularly common. The management of this complication is even more difficult if free flap was used to cover a soft tissue defect. Late surgical manipulation of free flaps can lead to their failure, with catastrophic consequences. The use of minimally invasive techniques could reduce the associated risks. We present a case of knee stiffness after the fix and flap treatment of a grade IIIB open patella fracture. We performed an arthroscopic arthrolysis with portals through the flap. The pedicle was preoperatively located and avoided. Joint range of motion remarkably improved without records of flap complications. We consider that the technique is feasible. Its success was based on the multidisciplinary collaboration between orthopaedic and plastic surgeons and rehabilitation medicine specialists

    Flood Hazard Assessment Supported by Reduced Cost Aerial Precision Photogrammetry

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    1566 p.Increasing flood hazards worldwide due to the intensification of hydrological events and the development of adaptation-mitigation strategies are key challenges that society must address. To minimize flood damages, one of the crucial factors is the identification of flood prone areas through fluvial hydraulic modelling in which a detailed knowledge of the terrain plays an important role for reliable results. Recent studies have demonstrated the suitability of the Reduced Cost Aerial Precision Photogrammetry (RC-APP) technique for fluvial applications by accurate-detailed-reliable Digital Terrain Models (DTMs, up to: 100 point/m2; vertical-uncertainty: 0.06 m). This work aims to provide an optimal relationship between point densities and vertical-uncertainties to generate more reliable fluvial hazard maps by fluvial-DTMs. This is performed through hydraulic models supported by geometric models that are obtained from a joint strategy based on Structure from Motion and Cloth Simulation Filtering algorithms. Furthermore, to evaluate vertical-DTM, uncertainty is proposed as an alternative approach based on the method of robust estimators. This offers an error dispersion value analogous to the concept of standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution without requiring normality tests. This paper reinforces the suitability of new geomatic solutions as a reliable-competitive source of accurate DTMs at the service of a flood hazard assessment.S

    Implementación de servicios IT en Zentyal Server

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    https://doc.zentyal.org/6.2/es/Con el diplomado de profundización del sistema operativo Linux, se pudo realizar la instalación y configuración de la distribución Zentyal server en el cual se realizaron en ambientes simulados, tareas que permiten dar soluciones confiables al cliente, implementando servicios de mayor nivel IT. Dentro de las tareas realizadas se efectuaron la configuración en los diferentes módulos como son DNS Server, DHCP Server, Controlador de dominio, Proxy, Firewall, File Server, Print Server y VPN. Así mismo, se verifico el funcionamiento de cada uno de los servicios instalados.With the deepening diploma of the Linux operating system, it was possible to install and configure the Zentyal server distribution in which tasks were carried out in simulated environments, allowing reliable solutions to be provided to the client, implementing higher level IT services. Among the tasks carried out, the configuration was carried out in the different modules such as DNS Server, DHCP Server, Domain Controller, Proxy, Firewall, File Server, Print Server and VPN. Likewise, the operation of each of the installed services was verified

    Open loop amplitudes and causality to all orders and powers from the loop-tree duality

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    Multiloop scattering amplitudes describing the quantum fluctuations at high-energy scattering processes are the main bottleneck in perturbative quantum field theory. The loop-tree duality is a novel method aimed at overcoming this bottleneck by opening the loop amplitudes into trees and combining them at integrand level with the real-emission matrix elements. In this Letter, we generalize the loop-tree duality to all orders in the perturbative expansion by using the complex Lorentz-covariant prescription of the original one-loop formulation. We introduce a series of mutiloop topologies with arbitrary internal configurations and derive very compact and factorizable expressions of their open-to-trees representation in the loop-tree duality formalism. Furthermore, these expressions are entirely independent at integrand level of the initial assignments of momentum flows in the Feynman representation and remarkably free of noncausal singularities. These properties, that we conjecture to hold to other topologies at all orders, provide integrand representations of scattering amplitudes that exhibit manifest causal singular structures and better numerical stability than in other representations.Comment: Final version to appear in Physical Review Letter