162 research outputs found

    New method for determining the quark-gluon vertex

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    We present a novel nonperturbative approach for calculating the form factors of the quark-gluon vertex in terms of an unknown three-point function, in the Landau gauge. The key ingredient of this method is the exact all-order relation connecting the conventional quark-gluon vertex with the corresponding vertex of the background field method, which is Abelian-like. When this latter relation is combined with the standard gauge technique, supplemented by a crucial set of transverse Ward identities, it allows the approximate determination of the nonperturbative behavior of all 12 form factors comprising the quark-gluon vertex, for arbitrary values of the momenta. The actual implementation of this procedure is carried out in the Landau gauge, in order to make contact with the results of lattice simulations performed in this particular gauge. The most demanding technical aspect involves the approximate calculation of the components of the aforementioned (fully dressed) three-point function, using lattice data as input for the gluon propagators appearing in its diagrammatic expansion. The numerical evaluation of the relevant form factors in three special kinematical configurations (soft-gluon and quark symmetric limit, zero quark momentum) is carried out in detail, finding qualitative agreement with the available lattice data. Most notably, a concrete mechanism is proposed for explaining the puzzling divergence of one of these form factors observed in lattice simulations

    Using synchronization of chaos to identify the dynamics of unknown systems

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    We address the issue of how to identify the equations of a largely unknown chaotic system from knowledge about its state evolution. The technique can be applied to the estimation of parameters that drift slowly with time. To accomplish this, we propose an adaptive strategy that aims at synchronizing the unknown real system with another system whose parameters are adaptively evolved to converge on those of the real one. Our proposed strategy is tested to identify the equations of the Lorenz and the Rossler systems. We also consider the effects of measurement noise and of deviation of our fitting model from consistency with the true dynamics.Comment: 16 Pages, 5 figure

    Patterns of gauge symmetry in the background field method

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    The correlation functions of Yang-Mills theories formulated in the background field method satisfy linear Slavnov-Taylor identities, which are naive generalizations of simple tree level relations, with no deformations originating from the ghost sector of the theory. In recent years, a stronger version of these identities has been found to hold at the level of the background gluon self-energy, whose transversality is enforced separately for each special block of diagrams contributing to the gluon Schwinger-Dyson equation. In the present work we demonstrate by means of explicit calculations that the same distinct realization of the Slavnov-Taylor identity persists in the case of the background three-gluon vertex. The analysis is carried out at the level of the exact Schwinger-Dyson equation for this vertex, with no truncations or simplifying assumptions. The demonstration entails the contraction of individual vertex diagrams by the relevant momentum, which activates Slavnov-Taylor identities of vertices and multi-particle kernels nested inside these graphs; the final result emerges by virtue of a multitude of extensive cancellations, without the need of performing explicit integrations. In addition, we point out that background Ward identities amount to replacing derivatives of propagators by zero-momentum background-gluon insertions, in exact analogy to standard properties of Abelian gauge theories. Finally, certain potential applications of these results are briefly discussed.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figure

    Resistencia a la propuesta de cambio cultural en una microempresa en la ciudad metropolitana de Lima

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    El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional, consistió en recopilar y analizar datos en una microempresa y encontrar la relación que existe entre dos variables identificadas como las nuevas propuestas de mejora en la organización y la resistencia del líder a los cambios propuestos. La metodología descriptiva aplicada, permitió explorar a través de entrevistas y encuestas como se manifiestan en los trabajadores mediante un conjunto de respuestas, el comportamiento, las reacciones y las actitudes, sobre la conducción de la empresa, la forma de trabajo y el crecimiento profesional de cada colaborador. El trabajo de investigación logró confirmar como algunas decisiones tomadas por el responsable de conducir los destinos de la microempresa afectan de alguna manera la motivación del personal al realizar sus labores diarias en la compañía. La tecnología que en la actualidad es una herramienta muy útil para mejorar los procesos, tomar mejores decisiones, mejorar el estatus comercial de la empresa y facilitar una mejor conexión con los clientes, a través de aplicativos y las redes sociales, no están siendo aprovechadas en su real dimensión por la organización, desaprovechando una gran oportunidad para diferenciarse de sus competidores y mejorar su estatus a nivel empresarial.The present professional sufficiency work consisted of collecting and analyzing data in a microenterprise and finding the relationship that exists between two variables identified as the new proposals for improvement in the organization and the leader's resistance to the proposed changes. The descriptive methodology applied allowed us to explore through interviews and surveys how the workers manifest themselves through a set of responses, behavior, reactions and attitudes, regarding the management of the company, the way of working and the professional growth of each collaborator. The research work managed to confirm how some decisions made by the person responsible for managing the destiny of the microenterprise somehow affect the motivation of the staff when carrying out their daily tasks in the company. The technology that is currently a very useful tool to improve processes, make better decisions, improve the commercial status of the company and facilitate a better connection with customers, through applications and social networks, is not being used in its real dimension by the organization, wasting a great opportunity to differentiate itself from its competitors and improve its status at the business level.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    A simple deterministic Lorenz chaotic-based methodology to cipher and decipher information

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    We present in this paper a secure deterministic cipher and decipher mechanism based on the well known Lorenz's dynamic system. The cipher process is performed by the combination of the message to be cipher and the states of the Lorenz's dynamic system, which act as the cipher key. The decipher process is carried out by the reconstruction of the key, which is generated using a Lorenz's system state observer. The observed key is then used in the decipher process in order to recover the ciphered message.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Effects of divergent ghost loops on the Green's functions of QCD

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    In the present work, we discuss certain characteristic features encoded in some of the fundamental QCD Green's functions, for which the origin can be traced back to the nonperturbative masslessness of the ghost field, in the Landau gauge. Specifically, the ghost loops that contribute to these Green's functions display infrared divergences, akin to those encountered in the perturbative treatment, in contradistinction to the gluonic loops, for which perturbative divergences are tamed by the dynamical generation of an effective gluon mass. In d=4, the aforementioned divergences are logarithmic, thus causing a relatively mild impact, whereas in d=3 they are linear, giving rise to enhanced effects. In the case of the gluon propagator, these effects do not interfere with its finiteness, but make its first derivative diverge at the origin, and introduce a maximum in the region of infrared momenta. The three-gluon vertex is also affected, and the induced divergent behavior is clearly exposed in certain special kinematic configurations, usually considered in lattice simulations; the sign of the corresponding divergence is unambiguously determined. The main underlying concepts are developed in the context of a simple toy model, which demonstrates clearly the interconnected nature of the various effects. The picture that emerges is subsequently corroborated by a detailed nonperturbative analysis, combining lattice results with the dynamical integral equations governing the relevant ingredients, such as the nonperturbative ghost loop and the momentum-dependent gluon mass

    The use of sociocultural animation techniques at the University improve interpersonal relationships between teachers and students

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    La relación existente entre el profesor y los alumnos puede depender de muchas circunstancias. De entre ellas, este estudio se centra en confirmar que el uso de técnicas de animación sociocultural en el aula hace que se vean mejoradas las relaciones interpersonales entre estos agentes educativos. El procedimiento metodológico seguido se centra en un enfoque interpretativo-descriptivo mediante el uso de unos cuestionarios como técnicas de recogida de datos. Los resultados encontrados confirman nuestra hipótesis inicial y a la vez nos abren las puertas hacia futuras líneas de investigación.Relationships between teachers and students can depend on many circumstances. Specifically, this study focuses on confirming that the use of sociocultural animation techniques in the classroom can improve interpersonal relationships between them. The methodological approach adopted was interpretive-descriptive using questionnaires as a data collection technique. The results confirm our initial hypothesis and also open the doors to future research.Departamento de Psicología Socia