22 research outputs found

    Evaluating the intervening factors in patient safety: focusing on hospital nursing staff

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    OBJECTIVE To evaluate intervening factors in patient safety, focusing on hospital nursing staff. METHOD The study is descriptive, with qualitative approach, excerpt from a larger study with analytical nature. It was undertaken in a public hospital in Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, between January and June 2013, with semi-structured interviews to 70 nurses, using Thematic Content Analysis. RESULTS The principal intervening factors in patient safety related to hospital nursing staff were staff dimensioning and workload, professional qualification and training, team work, being contracted to the institution, turnover and lack of job security, and bad practice/disruptive behaviors. These aspects severely interfere with the establishment of a safety culture in the hospital analyzed. CONCLUSION It is necessary for managers to invest in nursing staff, so that these workers may be valued as fundamental in the promotion of patient safety, making it possible to develop competences for taking decisions with focus on the improvement of quality care.OBJETIVO Avaliar fatores intervenientes na segurança do paciente, com enfoque na equipe de Enfermagem hospitalar. MÉTODO Estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, recorte de pesquisa de maior abrangência de caráter analítico. Desenvolveu-se em um hospital público de Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, entre janeiro a junho de 2013, por meio entrevistas semiestruturadas com 70 enfermeiros assistenciais, empregando-se Análise de Conteúdo Temática. RESULTADOS Os principais fatores intervenientes na segurança do paciente relacionados à equipe de Enfermagem encontrados foram: dimensionamento de pessoal e carga de trabalho; formação e capacitação profissional; trabalho em equipe; vínculo empregatício, rotatividade e falta de estabilidade; má prática/comportamentos destrutivos. Tais aspectos interferem sobremaneira no estabelecimento da cultura de segurança na instituição analisada. CONCLUSÃO São necessários investimentos, por parte dos gestores, nos recursos humanos de Enfermagem, para que estes trabalhadores sejam valorizados como fundamentais na promoção da segurança do paciente, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de competências para a tomada de decisão com foco na melhoria da qualidade assistencial.OBJETIVO Evaluar los factores intervinientes en la seguridad del paciente, con énfasis en el equipo de Enfermería hospitalaria. MÉTODO Estudio descriptivo, con abordaje cualitativo, recorte de investigación de mayor alcance de carácter analítico. Se desarrolló en un hospital público de Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, entre enero y junio de 2013, por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas con 70 enfermeros asistenciales, empleándose el Análisis de Contenido Temático. RESULTADOS Los principales factores intervinientes en la seguridad del paciente relacionados con el equipo de Enfermería encontrados fueron: dimensionamiento de personal y carga laboral; formación y capacitación profesional; trabajo en equipo; vínculo de empleo, rotatividad y falta de estabilidad; mala práctica/comportamientos destructivos. Dichos aspectos interfieren demasiado en el planteamiento de la cultura de seguridad de la institución analizada. CONCLUSIÓN Son necesarias inversiones, por parte de los gestores, en los recursos humanos de Enfermería, para que se valoren esos trabajadores como fundamentales en la promoción de la seguridad del paciente, posibilitando el desarrollo de competencias para la toma de decisiones con énfasis en la mejoría de la calidad asistencial


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    : Este artigo refere-se ao relato de experiência didático-pedagógica, vivenciada por docentes e discentes do curso de Agronomia da Universidade Federal do Tocantins- UFT, ação do Projeto vinculado ao Programa Institucional de Inovação Pedagógica (PIIP). A Matemática foi apontada como a disciplina com maior reprovação no curso, fator que estimulou os acadêmicos a formularem, sob a orientação de docentes da disciplina e de outras correlatas, uma proposta metodológica contemplando conteúdos básicos que podem ser considerados entraves (quando não aprendidos durante a educação básica) à aprendizagem de conteúdos mais complexos, tais como Limites, Derivadas e Integrais, que complementam a ementa da referida disciplina. Prosseguiu-se, então, com sua aplicação na modalidade de Oficina, ministrada pelos acadêmicos de períodos mais avançados. Para avaliação dessa ação, foi aplicado pré e pós-teste a dezoito acadêmicos matriculados na disciplina de Matemática. Os resultados apontam que houve avanços na interação entre estudantes de diferentes estágios acadêmicos, na familiaridade com aplicativos e ferramentas facilitadoras de aprendizagem e na verificação da importância dos temas apresentados em relação às disciplinas específicas do Curso de Agronomia

    Regrowing forests contribution to law compliance and carbon storage in private properties of the Brazilian Amazon

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    The viability of the climate pledges made by Brazil at the COP21 in Paris, 2015, heavily depends on the success of the country policies related to forest governance. Particularly, there are high expectations that the enforcement of the Brazilian Forest Code (BFC) will drive large-scale forest recovery and carbon mitigation. In this study, we quantified the potential role that ongoing forest regeneration may play in offsetting deficits from private properties with less vegetation cover than determined by the BFC, considering different law implementation settings. Focusing on the Amazon Biome, we overlaid property level data from a mandatory registry (≈ 250,000 properties) onto land cover maps to quantify on-site forest deficit offsets by ongoing forest recovery. Similarly, we estimated the share of regrowing forests in private properties potentially eligible for off-site deficit compensation (i.e. via market-based forest certificates trade). Regrowing forests could reduce, on-site, 3.2 Mha of forests deficits, decreasing non-compliance from private properties by 35%. Likewise, forest certificates availability increased by 3.4 Mha when we included regrowing forests in the calculations. This means an increase in the forest certificate offer-demand ratio from 0.9 to 2.0. On the one hand, trading certificates issued from recovering forests may represent a low-cost strategy for compliance with the BFC, a pathway for achieving restoration targets, and an additional source of income for landholders. To meet this potential, it is necessary to better conceptualize second-growth forests, advancing the poor definitions presented by the BFC, and offer an operational basis for their protection. On the other hand, including regrowing forests' certificates in compensation schemes may further restrain the potential of the trading mechanism for conservation of unprotected old-growth forests and lead to positive net carbon emissions. We highlight that the BFC implementation must be carefully regulated to maximize synergies between compliance and forest resources conservation and enhancement

    Pfeiffer syndrome: clinical and genetic findings in five Brazilian families

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    Pfeiffer syndrome (PS) is mainly characterized by craniosysnostosis, midface hypoplasia, great toes with partial syndactyly of the digits and broad and medially deviated thumbs. It is caused by allelic mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and 2 (FGFR1 and 2) genes. This study describes the clinical and genetic features of five Brazilian families affected by PS. All patients exhibited the classical phenotypes related to PS. The genetic analysis was able to detect the mutations Cys278Phe, Cys342Arg, and Val359Leu in three of these families. Two mutations were de novo, with one familial. We identified pathogenic mutations in four PS cases in five Brazilian families by PCR sequencing of FGFR1 exon 5 and FGFR2 exons 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, and 16. The clinical and genetic aspects of these families confirm that this syndrome can be clinically variable, with different mutations in the FGFR2 responsible for PS201E52E58CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGsem informaçã

    Arritmia cardíaca em tratamentos odontológicos

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    São vários os fatores que podem provocar a arritmia cardíaca. Naodontologia os anestésicos adrenérgicos, o estresse no tratamento e ainda, segundo Miller e colaboradores (1998), alguns aparelhos, podem aumentar a frequência cardíaca (MALAMED, 2013), ocorrendo taquicardias e arritmias. Assim, o trabalho busca compreender os movimentos de sístole e diástole cardíaca, demonstrando a importância do ciclo, assim como descrever asestruturas e a arritmia cardíaca

    Chemical Profile, Antibacterial Activity and Antibiotic-Modulating Effect of the Hexanic Zea Mays L. Silk Extract (Poaceae)

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    The present study aimed to determine the chemical profile and to evaluate the antibacterial activity and antibiotic-modulating action of the hexanic Zea mays silk extract in association with aminoglycosides. Standard Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 strains, as well as multi-resistant Escherichia coli 27, Staphylococcus aureus 35, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa 31 strains, were used in this study. Phytochemical prospection revealed the presence of the following secondary metabolites: tannins, flavones, flavonoids, and xanthones, with the main chemical constituents being identified in plant extracts obtained with apolar organic solvents such as hexane. The extract presented a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ≥1024 μg/mL against all the tested strains. The association of the extract with aminoglycoside antibiotics showed significant synergistic effects against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, except for amikacin, which was antagonized by the extract against E. coli. These results indicate the Zea mays silk presents bioactive compounds with antibiotic-modulating properties. However, further research is required to characterize the effects of isolated compounds and determine their potential for drug development