131 research outputs found

    Studies of Shock Wave Interactions with Homogeneous and Isotropic Turbulence

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    A nearly homogeneous nearly isotropic compressible turbulent flow interacting with a normal shock wave has been studied experimentally in a large shock tube facility. Spatial resolution of the order of 8 Kolmogorov viscous length scales was achieved in the measurements of turbulence. A variety of turbulence generating grids provide a wide range of turbulence scales. Integral length scales were found to substantially decrease through the interaction with the shock wave in all investigated cases with flow Mach numbers ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 and shock Mach numbers from 1.2 to 1.6. The outcome of the interaction depends strongly on the state of compressibility of the incoming turbulence. The length scales in the lateral direction are amplified at small Mach numbers and attenuated at large Mach numbers. Even at large Mach numbers amplification of lateral length scales has been observed in the case of fine grids. In addition to the interaction with the shock the present work has documented substantial compressibility effects in the incoming homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow. The decay of Mach number fluctuations was found to follow a power law similar to that describing the decay of incompressible isotropic turbulence. It was found that the decay coefficient and the decay exponent decrease with increasing Mach number while the virtual origin increases with increasing Mach number. A mechanism possibly responsible for these effects appears to be the inherently low growth rate of compressible shear layers emanating from the cylindrical rods of the grid

    The electronic structure of polyaniline and doped phases studied by soft X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies

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    The electronic structure of the conjugated polymer, polyaniline, has been studied by resonant and nonresonant X-ray emission spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation for the excitation. The measurements were made on polyaniline and a few doped (protonated) phases for both the carbon and nitrogen contents. The resonant X-ray emission spectra show depletion of the {\pi} electron bands due to the selective excitation which enhances the effect of symmetry selection rules. The valence band structures in the X-ray emission spectra attributed to the {\pi} bands show unambiguous changes of the electronic structure upon protonation. By comparing to X-ray absorption measurements, the chemical bonding and electronic configuration is characterized.Comment: 8 pages, 8 pictures, http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/jcpsa6/v111/i10/p4756_s

    Resonant soft X-ray Raman scattering of NiO

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    Resonant soft X-ray Raman scattering measurements on NiO have been made at photon energies across the Ni 2p absorption edges. The details of the spectral features are identified as Raman scattering due to d-d and charge-transfer excitations. The spectra are interpreted within the single impurity Anderson model, including multiplets, crystal-field and charge-transfer effects. At threshold excitation, the spectral features consists of triplet-triplet and triplet-singlet transitions of the 3d8 configuration. For excitation energies corresponding to the charge-transfer region in the Ni 2p X-ray absorption spectrum of NiO, the emission spectra are instead dominated by charge-transfer transitions to the 3d9L-1 final state. Comparisons of the final states with other spectroscopical techniques are also made.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-8984/14/13/32

    Resonant inelastic soft-x-ray scattering spectra at the N1s and C1s edges of poly(pyridine-2,5-diyl)

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    Resonant inelastic scattering measurements of poly(pyridine-2,5-diyl) have been performed at the N1s and C1s edges using synchrotron radiation. For comparison, molecular orbital calculations of the spectra have been carried out with the repeat unit as a model molecule of the polymer chain. The resonant emission spectra show depletion of the p electron bands which is consistent with symmetry selection and momentum conservation rules. The depletion is most obvious in the resonant inelastic scattering spectra of carbon while the nitrogen spectra are dominated by lone pair n orbital emission of s symmetry and are less excitation energy dependent. By comparing the measurements to calculations an isomeric dependence of the resonant spectra is found giving preference to two of the four possible isomers in the polymer.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S036820489800354

    The electronic structure of poly(pyridine-2,5-diyl) investigated by soft x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies

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    The electronic structure of the poly-pyridine conjugated polymer has been investigated by resonant and nonresonant inelastic X-ray scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopies using synchrotron radiation. The measurements were made for both the carbon and nitrogen contents of the polymer. The analysis of the spectra has been carried out in comparison with molecular orbital calculations taking the repeat-unit cell as a model molecule of the polymer chain. The simulations indicate no significant differences in the absorption and in the non-resonant X-ray scattering spectra for the different isomeric geometries, while some isomeric dependence of the resonant spectra is predicted. The resonant emission spectra show depletion of the {\pi} electron bands in line with symmetry selection and momentum conservation rules. The effect is most vizual for the carbon spectra; the nitrogen spectra are dominated by lone pair n orbital emission of {\sigma} symmetry and are less frequency dependent.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030101049800262

    Polarized x-ray absorption spectra of CuGeO3 at the Cu and Ge K edges

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    Polarized x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra at both the Cu and the Ge K-edges of CuGeO3 are measured and calculated relying on the real-space multiple-scattering formalism within a one-electron approach. The polarization components are resolved not only in the unit cell coordinate system but also in a local frame attached to the nearest neighborhood of the photoabsorbing Cu atom. In that way, features which resist a particular theoretical description can be identified. We have found that it is the out-of-CuO4-plane p_{z'} component which defies the one-electron calculation based on the muffin-tin potential. For the Ge K-edge XANES, the agreement between the theory and the experiment appears to be better for those polarization components which probe more compact local surroundings than for those which probe regions with lower atomic density. Paper published in Phys. Rev. B 66, 155119 (2002) and available on-line at http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v66/e155119.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Published in Physical Review B, abstract available on-line at http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRB/e15511

    Genetic Background Strongly Modifies the Severity of Symptoms of Hirschsprung Disease, but Not Hearing Loss in Rats Carrying Ednrbsl Mutations

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    Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is thought to result as a consequence of multiple gene interactions that modulate the ability of enteric neural crest cells to populate the developing gut. However, it remains unknown whether the single complete deletion of important HSCR-associated genes is sufficient to result in HSCR disease. In this study, we found that the null mutation of the Ednrb gene, thought indispensable for enteric neuron development, is insufficient to result in HSCR disease when bred onto a different genetic background in rats carrying Ednrbsl mutations. Moreover, we found that this mutation results in serious congenital sensorineural deafness, and these strains may be used as ideal models of Waardenburg Syndrome Type 4 (WS4). Furthermore, we evaluated how the same changed genetic background modifies three features of WS4 syndrome, aganglionosis, hearing loss, and pigment disorder in these congenic strains. We found that the same genetic background markedly changed the aganglionosis, but resulted in only slight changes to hearing loss and pigment disorder. This provided the important evidence, in support of previous studies, that different lineages of neural crest-derived cells migrating along with various pathways are regulated by different signal molecules. This study will help us to better understand complicated diseases such as HSCR and WS4 syndrome

    A Spontaneous Mutation of the Rat Themis Gene Leads to Impaired Function of Regulatory T Cells Linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Spontaneous or chemically induced germline mutations, which lead to Mendelian phenotypes, are powerful tools to discover new genes and their functions. Here, we report an autosomal recessive mutation that occurred spontaneously in a Brown-Norway (BN) rat colony and was identified as causing marked T cell lymphopenia. This mutation was stabilized in a new rat strain, named BNm for “BN mutated.” In BNm rats, we found that the T cell lymphopenia originated in the thymus, was intrinsic to CD4 T lymphocytes, and was associated with the development of an inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the suppressive activity of both peripheral and thymic CD4+ CD25bright regulatory T cells (Treg) is defective in BNm rats. Complementation of mutant animals with BN Treg decreases disease incidence and severity, thus suggesting that the impaired Treg function is involved in the development of inflammatory bowel disease in BNm rats. Moreover, the cytokine profile of effector CD4 T cells is skewed toward Th2 and Th17 phenotypes in BNm rats. Linkage analysis and genetic dissection of the CD4 T cell lymphopenia in rats issued from BNm×DA crosses allowed the localization of the mutation on chromosome 1, within a 1.5 megabase interval. Gene expression and sequencing studies identified a frameshift mutation caused by a four-nucleotide insertion in the Themis gene, leading to its disruption. This result is the first to link Themis to the suppressive function of Treg and to suggest that, in Themis-deficient animals, defect of this function is involved in intestinal inflammation. Thus, this study highlights the importance of Themis as a new target gene that could participate in the pathogenesis of immune diseases characterized by chronic inflammation resulting from a defect in the Treg compartment