359 research outputs found

    A characterization of Hermitian varieties as codewords

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    It is known that the Hermitian varieties are codewords in the code defined by the points and hyperplanes of the projective spaces PG(r,q2)PG(r,q^2). In finite geometry, also quasi-Hermitian varieties are defined. These are sets of points of PG(r,q2)PG(r,q^2) of the same size as a non-singular Hermitian variety of PG(r,q2)PG(r,q^2), having the same intersection sizes with the hyperplanes of PG(r,q2)PG(r,q^2). In the planar case, this reduces to the definition of a unital. A famous result of Blokhuis, Brouwer, and Wilbrink states that every unital in the code of the points and lines of PG(2,q2)PG(2,q^2) is a Hermitian curve. We prove a similar result for the quasi-Hermitian varieties in PG(3,q2)PG(3,q^2), q=phq=p^{h}, as well as in PG(r,q2)PG(r,q^2), q=pq=p prime, or q=p2q=p^2, pp prime, and r≥4r\geq 4

    Definition of Power Converters

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    The paper is intended to introduce power conversion principles and to define common terms in the domain. The concepts of sources and switches are defined and classified. From the basic laws of source interconnections, a generic method of power converter synthesis is presented. Some examples illustrate this systematic method. Finally, the commutation cell and soft commutation are introduced and discussed.Comment: 29 pages, contribution to the 2014 CAS - CERN Accelerator School: Power Converters, Baden, Switzerland, 7-14 May 201

    Effects of blood transfusion on exercise capacity in thalassemia major patients

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    Anemia has an important role in exercise performance. However, the direct link between rapid changes of hemoglobin and exercise performance is still unknown.To find out more on this topic, we studied 18 beta-thalassemia major patients free of relevant cardiac dysfunction (age 33.5±7.2 years,males = 10). Patients performed a maximal cardiopulmolmonary exercise test (cycloergometer, personalized ramp protocol, breath-by-breath measurements of expired gases) before and the day after blood transfusion (500 cc of red cell concentrates). After blood transfusion, hemoglobin increased from 10.5±0.8 g/dL to 12.1±1.2 (p<0.001), peak VO2 from 1408 to 1546mL/min (p<0.05), and VO2 at anaerobic threshold from 965 to 1024mL/min (p<0.05). No major changes were observed as regards heart and respiratory rates either at peak exercise or at anaerobic threshold. Similarly, no relevant changes were observed in ventilation efficiency, as evaluated by the ventilation vs. carbon dioxide production relationship, or in O2 delivery to the periphery as analyzed by the VO2 vs. workload relationship. The relationship between hemoglobin and VO2 changes showed, for each g/dL of hemoglobin increase, a VO2 increase = 82.5 mL/min and 35 mL/min, at peak exercise and at anaerobic threshold, respectively. In beta-thalassemia major patients, an acute albeit partial anemia correction by blood transfusion determinates a relevant increase of exercise performance, observed both at peak exercise and at anaerobic threshold

    Effects of maintenance lithium treatment on serum parathyroid hormone and calcium levels: a retrospective longitudinal naturalistic study

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    Objective: The aim of this retrospective longitudinal naturalistic study was to evaluate the effects of maintenance lithium treatment on parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcium levels. Methods: A retrospective longitudinal naturalistic study design was used. Data were collected from the database of a tertiary psychiatric center covering the years 2010\u20132014. Included were bipolar patients who had never been exposed to lithium and had lithium started, and who had PTH, and total and ionized calcium levels available before and during lithium treatment. Paired t-tests were used to analyze changes in PTH and calcium levels. Linear regressions were per- formed, with mean lithium level and duration of lithium exposure as independent variables and change in PTH levels as dependent variable. Results: A total 31 patients were included. The mean duration of lithium treatment was 18.6\ub111.4 months. PTH levels significantly increased during lithium treatment (+13.55\ub114.20 pg/mL); the rate of hyperparathyroidism was 12.9%. Neither total nor ionized calcium increased from baseline to follow-up; none of our patients developed hypercalcemia. Linear regressions analyses did not show an effect of duration of lithium exposure or mean lithium level on PTH levels. Conclusion: Lithium-associated stimulation of parathyroid function is more common than assumed to date. Among parameters to be evaluated prior to lithium implementation, calcium and PTH should be added

    Cardiovascular risk in patients with severe mental illness in Italy

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    Background: Patients with severe mental illness (SMI), such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorders, are more frequently affected by metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular (CV) diseases than the general population, with a significant reduction in life expectancy. Beyond metabolic syndrome, quantifying the risk of CV morbidity in the long-term may help clinicians to put in place preventive strategies. In this study, we assessed 10-year CV risk in patients with SMI and healthy individuals using an algorithm validated on the Italian general population. Methods: Patients aged 35-69 years diagnosed with SMI were consecutively recruited from psychiatric acute care units. Single CV risk factors were assessed, and 10-year CV risk calculated by means of the CUORE Project 10-year CV risk algorithm, based on the combination of the following risk factors: age, systolic blood pressure, total and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, diabetes, smoking habit, and hypertensive treatment. Patients' data were compared with those from the general population. The 10-year CV risk was log-transformed, and multivariable linear regression was used to estimate mean ratios, adjusting for age, and education. Results: Three hundred patients and 3,052 controls were included in the analysis. Among men, the 10-year CV risk score was very similar between patients with SMI and the general population (mean ratio [MR]: 1.02; 95%CI 0.77-1.37), whereas a 39% increase in 10-year CV risk was observed in women with SMI compared to the general population (MR: 1.39; 95%CI 1.16-1.66). Conclusions: In our study, women with SMI were consistently more at risk than the general population counterpart, even at younger age

    Relationship between Breast Cancer Surgical Treatment and Psychiatric Symptomatology: Which Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors Could Influence It? A Preliminary Study

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    This study aimed to investigate psychiatric symptomatology in a sample of patients affected by breast cancer undergoing surgery, evaluating the potential mediators on perceived stress levels, depression and hopelessness. The study was conducted on eighty-five patients with breast cancer, admitted consecutively to the Breast Unit of the IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, between May 2018 and December 2019. Sociodemographic (age of diagnosis, gender, marital and occupational status, educational level, having children) and clinical (type and side of surgery, previous breast surgery, neoadjuvant chemotherapy and axillary dissection) characteristics were investigated through a semi-structured interview. The following rating scales were administered: Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Hopelessness Scale, and Perceived Stress Scale. Our findings indicate that the presence of children and of a partner was associated with a lower total score on the clinical dimensions evaluated. Furthermore, we found demolitive surgery to be a mediator between perceived stress and hopelessness, while history of previous breast surgery was found to be a mediator between demolitive surgery and perceived stress. In conclusion, patients affected by breast cancer undergoing more complex and demolitive surgery or with history of previous breast surgery should be mostly monitored from a psychological and psychiatric point of view from the beginning of treatments to evaluate the first manifestations of psychiatric symptomatology

    Gender Differences in COVID-19 Lockdown Impact on Mental Health of Undergraduate Students

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    open13Background: Prolonged university closures and social distancing-imposed measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic obliged students to at-home learning with online lectures and educational programs promoting potential social isolation, loneliness, hopelessness, and episodes of clinical decompensation. Methods: A web-based cross-sectional survey was carried out in a university institute in Milan, Northern Italy, to assess the COVID-19 lockdown impact on the mental health of the undergraduate students. We estimated the odds ratios (OR) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) using adjusted logistic regression models. Results: Of the 8,177 students, 12.8% reported depressive symptoms, 25.6% anxiety, 8.7% insomnia, and 10.6% reported impulsive tracts, with higher proportions among females than males. Mental health symptoms were positively associated with caring for a person at home, a poor housing quality, and a worsening in working performance. Among males compared with females, a poor housing quality showed a stronger positive association with depressive symptoms and impulsivity, and a worsening in the working performance was positively associated with depressive and anxiety symptoms. In addition, the absence of private space was positively associated with depression and anxiety, stronger among males than females. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first multidisciplinary consortium study, involving public mental health, environmental health, and architectural design. Further studies are needed to confirm or refute our findings and consequent recommendations to implement well-being interventions in pandemic conditions.openAmerio A.; Bertuccio P.; Santi F.; Bianchi D.; Brambilla A.; Morganti A.; Odone A.; Costanza A.; Signorelli C.; Aguglia A.; Serafini G.; Capolongo S.; Amore M.Amerio, A.; Bertuccio, P.; Santi, F.; Bianchi, D.; Brambilla, A.; Morganti, A.; Odone, A.; Costanza, A.; Signorelli, C.; Aguglia, A.; Serafini, G.; Capolongo, S.; Amore, M

    Mood symptoms and suicidality across the autism spectrum

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    Abstract Background Autism spectrum is a psychopathological dimension which encompasses a wide range of clinical presentations: from subthreshold forms and autistic traits (AT), that can be found in the general population, to full-blown autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Many studies reported high rates of comorbidity between both ASD and AT and mood disorders, as well as a high prevalence of suicidal ideation among patients with ASD/AT. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of mood symptoms and suicidal ideation and behaviors in patients with full-blown ASD and in subjects with AT, as well in a healthy control (HC) group, with a specific focus on which of the autistic features may be predictive of suicidal ideation and behaviors. Methods We recruited 262 adult subjects: 34 with ASD without intellectual impairment or language disability (ASD group), 68 fulfilling only one symptom criterion for ASD according to DSM-5 but who do not meet criteria for a full-blown diagnosis of ASD (AT group), and 160 HC. All subjects were assessed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5); in addition, they were asked to fill two questionnaires: The Mood Spectrum, Self-report (MOODS-SR) and the Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum). Results ASD subjects reported significantly higher AdAS Spectrum and MOODS-SR total scores, as well as higher MOODS-SR depressive component total scores, when compared with AT and HC subjects. AT subjects scored significantly higher than the HC group. No significant differences were reported between ASD and AT subjects for the suicidality score according to MOODS-SR, despite both groups scored significantly higher than the HC group. The strongest predictor of suicidality score were MOODS-SR depressive component score and AdAS Spectrum Restricted interests and rumination domain score. Conclusions Our results highlight a correlation between autism and mood spectrum, as well as between suicidality and both ASD and AT. Subthreshold forms of ASD should be accurately investigated due to their relationship with suicidal thoughts and behaviors

    Myositis/myasthenia after pembrolizumab in a bladder cancer patient with an autoimmunity-associated HLA: Immune\u2013biological evaluation and case report

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    Pembrolizumab (mAb to PD-1) has been recently approved for the therapy of pretreated urothelial cancer. Despite the efficacy, it is often accompanied by unpredictable and sometime severe immune-related (ir) adverse events (AEs). Here, we report the clinical and immune\u2013biological characterization of a patient with a metastatic bladder cancer who developed myositis signs (M) and a myasthenia-like syndrome (MLS) during treatment with pembrolizumab. The patient presented an autoimmunity-associated HLA haplotype (HLA-A*02/HLA-B*08/HLA-C*07/HLA-DRB1*03) and experienced an increase in activated CD8 T-cells along the treatment. The symptomatology regressed after pembrolizumab discontinuation and a pyridostigmine and steroids-based therapy. This is the first report of concurrent M and MLS appearance in cancer patients receiving pembrolizumab. More efforts are needed to define early the risk and the clinical meaning of irAEs in this setting

    Linguistic profile automated characterisation in pluripotential clinical high-risk mental state (CHARMS) conditions: methodology of a multicentre observational study

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    Introduction: Language is usually considered the social vehicle of thought in intersubjective communications. However, the relationship between language and high- order cognition seems to evade this canonical and unidirectional description (ie, the notion of language as a simple means of thought communication). In recent years, clinical high at-risk mental state (CHARMS) criteria (evolved from the Ultra-High-Risk paradigm) and the introduction of the Clinical Staging system have been proposed to address the dynamicity of early psychopathology. At the same time, natural language processing (NLP) techniques have greatly evolved and have been successfully applied to investigate different neuropsychiatric conditions. The combination of at-risk mental state paradigm, clinical staging system and automated NLP methods, the latter applied on spoken language transcripts, could represent a useful and convenient approach to the problem of early psychopathological distress within a transdiagnostic risk paradigm. Methods and analysis: Help-seeking young people presenting psychological distress (CHARMS+/− and Clinical Stage 1a or 1b; target sample size for both groups n=90) will be assessed through several psychometric tools and multiple speech analyses during an observational period of 1-year, in the context of an Italian multicentric study. Subjects will be enrolled in different contexts: Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Maternal and Child Health (DINOGMI), Section of Psychiatry, University of Genoa—IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genoa, Italy; Mental Health Department—territorial mental services (ASL 3—Genoa), Genoa, Italy; and Mental Health Department—territorial mental services (AUSL—Piacenza), Piacenza, Italy. The conversion rate to full-blown psychopathology (CS 2) will be evaluated over 2 years of clinical observation, to further confirm the predictive and discriminative value of CHARMS criteria and to verify the possibility of enriching them with several linguistic features, derived from a fine-grained automated linguistic analysis of speech. Ethics and dissemination: The methodology described in this study adheres to ethical principles as formulated in the Declaration of Helsinki and is compatible with International Conference on Harmonization (ICH)-good clinical practice. The research protocol was reviewed and approved by two different ethics committees (CER Liguria approval code: 591/2020—id.10993; Comitato Etico dell’Area Vasta Emilia Nord approval code: 2022/0071963). Participants will provide their written informed consent prior to study enrolment and parental consent will be needed in the case of participants aged less than 18 years old. Experimental results will be carefully shared through publication in peer- reviewed journals, to ensure proper data reproducibility. Trial registration number DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/BQZTN
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