1,049 research outputs found

    Development of okara powder as a gluten free alternative to all purpose flour for value added use in baked goods

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    Soymilk and tofu production yields large quantities of agrowaste (okara). Okara is high in fiber and protein making it a potential nutritious food ingredient. The shelf life of only a day makes it difficult to work with in large scale operations. To increase the value of okara, the dried product was incorporated with other ingredients to create a gluten-free flour (AF). Analysis of biscuits and cookies made with AF yielded poor product height, spread and texture. However, pancakes and muffins made with AF were more successful. AF was not significantly different (p < 0.05) from the control in the muffin product in regards to springiness, hardness and height. Sensory evaluation of the muffins found AF muffins out-performing a commercial gluten free flour, and was not significantly different from the control in flavor and texture, with no distinguishable beany flavor. These studies demonstrate that AF produced from okara can be used to increase the value of the agrowaste

    Pedagogía terapéutica en Educación Infantil

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    Este trabajo consiste en analizar, como veremos más adelante, la intervención en aula de una alumna que requiere unas necesidades educativas especiales, así como determinados apoyos educativos debido a que por la enfermedad que sufre presenta ciertos retrasos en su aprendizaje. Es muy importante que en la actualidad todos los centros educativos sepan atender a las necesidades que presentan sus alumnos siempre desde la inclusión, ya que no porque tengan una necesidad para llevar el ritmo normal de la clase se han de sentir diferentes al resto de sus compañeros. Sabiendo esto, el caso elegido para llevar a cabo dicha intervención en el aula y así realizar este trabajo, es una niña de 5 años que tiene síndrome de Down, en primer lugar conoceremos un poco a la niña y posteriormente veremos la intervención propuesta, esta va a ser llevada a cabo dentro del aula ordinaria, ya que esta niña acude y trabaja en ella junto con el resto de sus compañeros, ya que el hecho de que esta pueda presentar diferentes necesidades educativas y presente la necesidad de recibir ciertos apoyos para cubrirlas, es un aspecto muy positivo que pueda hacerlo trabajando en la misma aula que los demás. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, la intervención en la cual se basa este trabajo es una intervención llevada a cabo en el área de matemáticas ya que en esta área es donde la niña muestra más descompensación en relación al ritmo de aprendizaje de sus compañeros, y donde esta niña recibe más apoyo y ayudas a la hora de trabajar

    Bond behavior of self consolidating concrete

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    The new generation of innovative projects has led to the use of greater amounts of reinforcement and the development of concrete with specific characteristics. It is necessary to use a material that ensures the uniformity of the cross section, as well as the adherence of the existing reinforcement, and due to this, the self-consolidating concrete becomes an technique alternative has great potential to achieve these properties. The aim of this paper is to analyze the bond behavior of self-consolidating concrete that was obtained by means of the Beam Test performed within a large experimental campaign of characterization. Four types of SCC were studied with two strength levels (40 MPa and 60MPa) and two different types of granular skeletons, using two specimens at each age (3, 7, and 28 days). All specimens were tested with a corrugated steel bar 10 mm in diameter. The results show that the adhesion tension independently of resistance presents a rapidly evolving at 7 days reached 95% of the total adhesion by 28 days.Postprint (published version

    Sustainability based-approach to determine the concrete type and reinforcement configuration of TBM tunnels linings. Case study: Extension line to Barcelona Airport T1

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    Fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC) is a suitable alternative to the traditional reinforced concrete used in the manufacture of precast segments used to line tunnels excavated with a tunnel boring machine (TBM). Moreover, its use as a structural material has been approved by several national codes and by the current fib Model Code (2010). The use of FRC in segmental linings confers several technical and economic advantages, evidenced by the fact that structural fibres have been used to partially or entirely replace reinforcing bars in many TBM tunnels built over the past 20 years or currently under construction. FRC could also have been used in other tunnels, which are currently in the planning stage or under construction. However, despite its technical suitability and approval in current codes, the use of FRC was not possible in some cases. The impediment has sometimes been an incomplete understanding of the structural behaviour of the material, but a more general motive has been that comparisons of materials have taken into account only direct material costs and have not considered indirect costs or social and environmental factors. The aim of the present research is to develop a method for analysing the sustainability of different concrete and reinforcement configurations for segmental linings of TBM tunnels using the MIVES method (a multi-criteria decision making approach for assessing sustainability). This MCDM method allows minimising subjectivity in decision making while integrating economic, environmental and social factors. The model has been used to assess the sustainability of different alternatives proposed for manufacturing the segmental tunnel lining for the extension of the rail line of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) to Terminal 1 of El Prat Airport in Barcelona.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    ¿Podemos construir un modelo de profesor que sirva de referencia para la formación de profesores en didáctica de las ciencias experimentales?

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    En este trabajo pretendemos dar pautas para la formación del profesor, que creemos necesario para el desarrollo de una enseñanza- aprendizaje acorde con las necesidades educativas actuales. Nos centramos en la relación teoría-práctica, cuya interacción debe ser analizada desde un punto de vista más complejo, formulando distintas dimensiones en una hipótesis de progresión que utiliza la reflexión y el sentido crítico como un nivel de referencia. Aportamos, por último, una investigación que se centra en la complejidad de la reflexión como instrumento eficaz para iniciar y llegar a un modelo de desarrollo profesional deseable de los profesores

    Socialist Feminism and/or feminist socialism: María Cambrils

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