97 research outputs found

    Reforço de solos moles em Deep soil mixing para fundação de aterro

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    O presente artigo refere-se à análise de um aterro sobre solos moles através do programa deelementos finitos Plaxis®comparando a solução implementada (com geodrenos e pré-carga) com uma soluçãode tratamento em Deep Soil Mixing (DSM). Foram analisadas várias soluções alternativas em DSM, alterandoo espaçamento entre as colunas, o tempo de cura, e até a existência ou não de uma plataforma de transferênciade cargas. Para cada caso, os assentamentos foram aferidos e comparados verificando se satisfaziam osrequisitos do caderno de encargos. Finalmente foi ainda efetuada uma análise de viabilidade económica comcomparação do tempo de execução e dos custos associados às várias soluções.In the present work an embankment on soft soil is analyzed with commercial finite elementsoftware (Plaxis®) in order to compare the solution implemented on site (with drains and preloading) with asoil improvement solution in Deep Soil Mixing (DSM). Several alternative solutions in DSM were studiedchanging the column spacing, the curing time, as well as the inclusion of a load transfer platform. For eachcase the settlements were analyzed and compared to evaluate if the necessary requirements in terms of limitvalues were satisfied. Finally, a cost-benefit analysis was performed focused on the execution time and costof each solution

    Performance of visible and Near-infrared spectroscopy to predict the energetic properties of wood

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    Wood can be used for fuel by direct burning, or as a raw material for other fuels; however, it is necessary to evaluate the energy properties to ensure the optimal use of this material. The most relevant characteristics to be analyzed are the higher heating value, volatile material content, fixed carbon content, and ash content. Along with the traditional methods, there are also non-destructive evaluations that are optimized for speed and reliability. Among these methods, visible spectroscopy and near-infrared spectroscopy have been proven to be robust for the prediction of several wood properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of visible spectroscopy and near-infrared spectroscopy for species discrimination and prediction of higher heating value, volatile material content, fixed carbon content, and ash content for Eucalyptus saligna, Eucalyptus dunnii, and Eucalyptus benthamii woods. For this purpose, multivariate principal component analysis and partial least squares regression were applied to the collected spectra. The principal component analysis satisfactorily discriminated the three species, explaining 99% of the variance of the visible spectroscopy spectra and 73% of that of the near-infrared spectra. The estimation of energetic properties through partial least squares regression was satisfactory for both visible spectroscopy and near-infrared spectroscopies, which presented calibration R² values close to 1 and low errors for all properties studied


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    Para o controle dos circuitos de iluminação e circuitos de temperatura predial, é muito comum, encontrar em vários estabelecimentos brasileiros, o uso de diversos sistemas independentes de automação com a utilização de sensores que são totalmente controlados por seus proprietários, que além de gerar transtornos e esquecimentos quanto a seus acionamentos, podem com isto acarretar possíveis desperdícios de energia elétrica. Alguns aspectos importantes como temperatura, cor das lâmpadas, rendimento das luminárias, rendimento do reator utilizado e eficiência luminosa das lâmpadas são de extrema importância para um projeto que visa obter resultados voltados para a eficiência energética. Este artigo tem como objetivo, propor a automatização do acionamento dos circuitos de iluminação e ventiladores das salas de aula do Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte – UniBH, visando a eficientização energética em termos de: redução do consumo de energia, custo de manutenção, maior vida útil das lâmpadas e maior eficiência luminosa. Pretende-se propor com a adoção do CLP uma redução significativa no consumo de energia, apenas evitando o desperdício

    Ovarian Torsion in a Primipara Female Dog in Brazil

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    Background: Ovarian torsion is a condition which the ovary and the ovarian pedicle twist around the ovary suspensory ligament. No report regarding this condition was reported. The aim of the report was to describe a case of unilateral ovarian torsion in a 2-year-old primipara Golden Retriever dog.Case: A 2-year-old female primipara Golden Retriever dog weighting was referred to the Veterinary Hospital, for purulent vaginal discharge evaluation. The dog was presenting anorexia, weight loss, and intermittent diarrhea and vomiting. A cesarean section was performed nine months before her presentation and the oestrus cycle was recorded six months after the cesarean section. Discomfort was observed during the palpation of the abdomen and purulent vaginal was observed. Vaginal swab was performed and followed by cytological examination. The ultrasonographic examination was consistent with pyometra. The ovariohysterectomy was performed and were observed torsion of the left ovary. The histopathological examination of the left ovary and uterus were consistent with ovary necrosis and pyometra. Ten days after surgery the vaginal discharge had resolved and the sutures were removed. Six months postoperatively the dog revealed no further abnormalities. Grossly, the left ovary had firm consistency, dark red surface and 8 cm diameter. The histopathology examination findings were consistent with a diagnosis of diffuse necrosis of left ovary due to ovarian torsion, and uterinesuppurative inflammatory process - pyometra.Discussion: Ovarian torsion is uncommon in small animals, but can be observed high incidence in pregnant female dogs than in non-pregnant ones. The 360º an asynchronous ovarian torsion described in the present case is also an unusual condition in primipara female dogs due to the smaller stretching of the ovary suspensory ligament. The ovarian torsionis considerate an emergency condition due to acute abdominal pain. The mild abdominal discomfort observed during the physical examination was associated to pyometra or to ovarian torsion. The histopathological findings as hemorrhage, edema and necrosis were associated to compromised arterial circulation and ovarian torsion in late stage. The size of the pregnant uterus and/or the pyometra has contributed to ovary torsion. The dog of the present report had pyometra and previouscesarean sections; and these conditions may have contributed to ovarian torsion. The condition was incidentally found during the ovariohysterectomy, and the ovarian torsion diagnosis was determinate through histopathological examination. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance image could be used to diagnose, furthermore, they were not conducted due to the high cost. The leukocytosis and red blood cells Rouleaux was associated with ovarian necrosis and pyometra.Ovariohysterectomy was the treatment of choice to pyometra and ovarian torsion, and the surgery was performed without ovarian torsion reversion to minimize the reperfusion lesions. Ovarian torsion is a rare event in dogs, and it was clinically diagnosed during the surgery. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of ovarian torsion associate withpyometra in primipara female dogs in Brazil.Keywords: dog, obstetric, ovary, pyometra complex, endometrium

    Validação de um questionário quantitativo de frequência alimentar desenvolvido para universitários

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    Validou-se um Questionário Quantitativo de Frequência Alimentar em 50 graduandos em Saúde de São Paulo, Brasil. Considerou-se o registro alimentar de 3 dias como referência e variáveis energia, macronutrientes e fibras alimentares. A concordância entre o Questionário Quantitativo de Frequência Alimentar e a média dos registros alimentares de 3 dias foi avaliada pela estatística kappa, pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e percentual de concordância. Os limites de concordância foram examinados pelos gráficos de Bland-Altman. Melhores valores de coeficiente de correlação intraclasse foram encontrados para calorias (ICC 0,43; IC95% 0,17 – 0,63) e para nutrientes não ajustados por calorias, com exceção das fibras (ICC 0,34; IC95% 0,07 – 0,56). O percentual de concordância mostrou uma minoria classificada em terços opostos (16%) e aproximadamente metade classificada no mesmo terço (49.8%). Houve tendência à superestimação nos dados do Questionário Quantitativo de Frequência Alimentar para calorias e nutrientes, exceto gorduras. Recomenda-se a utilização deste instrumento em população universitária em estudos que visem à estimativa de calorias, bem como à classificação dos indivíduos em categorias de consumo.A validity test of a Food Frequency Questionnaire was carried out using 50 students of health occupation in São Paulo, Brazil. Therefore, a three day dietary record was used as reference method and variables such as energy, macronutrients and dietary fiber were analyzed. The accordance between the Food Frequency Questionnaire and average data from dietary record was tested with kappa statistics and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Limits of agreement were estimated by the Bland-Altman's method. Better results were found for calories (ICC 0.43; 95%CI 0.17 - 0.63) and non-energy-adjusted nutrients, except dietary fiber (ICC 0.34; 95%CI 0.07 - 0.56). The percentage of individuals classified in the same category of consumption was nearly half (49.8%), while only 16% of them were classified in opposite categories. With the exception of lipids, other analyzed variables tended to be overestimated by the Food Frequency Questionnaire. The Food Frequency Questionnaire is recommended as a method of assessing food intake of university students in studies which focuson calorie estimates and also intend to classify groups into intake categories
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