8 research outputs found

    Implementation of a food safety management system according to ISO 22000 in the food supplement industry: A case study

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    [EN] This work aims to present a methodology to carry out hazard and control measures assessments to properly establish operational prerequisite programmes (oPRPs) and the HACCP plan in the food supplement industry according to the ISO 22000 standard. This study focused on the manufacture of propolis, royal jelly and vitamin C ampoules, sold as energy boosters. Seven of the 13 hazards identified in this study were significant: two hazards were in the reception step (residues of pesticides, antibiotics and/or heavy metals (code 2) and contamination by pathogens (code 3)), two in the ingredients weighing step (cross-contamination by metabisulphite (code 9) and contamination by pathogens (code 10)), one in the mixture preparation step (contamination by pathogens and/or proliferation of microorganisms (code 11)) and two in the ampoule-filling and -sealing step (cross-contamination by metabisulphite (code 12) and contamination by pathogens (code 13)). After assessing the control measures, critical control points (CCPs) were determined in the hazards with codes 2, 9 and 12, which could be managed by an HACCP plan. The remaining hazards were managed by establishing oPRPs. Implementation of the ISO 22000 standard in the food supplement industry guarantees food safety and helps improve their competitiveness in the global market. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Fernández Segovia, I.; Perez-Llacer, A.; Peidro, B.; Fuentes López, A. (2014). Implementation of a food safety management system according to ISO 22000 in the food supplement industry: A case study. Food Control. 43:28-34. doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2014.02.04228344

    Estruturação de um programa de qualificação em gestão da qualidade, segurança e saúde ocupacional: apresentação dos resultados de uma aplicação piloto realizada no aglomerado metal-mecânico de Sertãozinho - São Paulo Structuring a qualification program on quality, occupational health and safety management: presenting the results of a pilot application in the metal-mechanic cluster in Sertõzinho, São Paulo state, Brazil

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    Este artigo apresenta e discute a estruturação de um programa de qualificação para pequenas e médias empresas em gestão de qualidade, segurança e saúde ocupacional. O programa de qualificação proposto inclui a estruturação de um modelo de sistema de gestão integrado bem como a estruturação dos processos de implementação e auditoria deste sistema. O método de pesquisa-ação foi adotado para a condução da aplicação piloto desta proposta que foi realizada no aglomerado metal-mecânico de Sertãozinho, São Paulo. Os resultados preliminares da aplicação piloto apontam para possibilidade de operacionalização da proposta que pode contribuir em dois aspectos importantes: maior competitividade para as empresas do aglomerado e melhoria na competência da governança local em coordenar ações conjuntas. Ressalta-se ainda a existência de desafios para a continuidade do programa de qualificação, sendo a sua manutenção pela agência de coordenação local um dos mais críticos.<br>This article aims to present and discuss the framework of a qualification program on quality, occupational health and safety management for small and medium sized enterprises. The proposed qualification program includes an integrated management system model, as well as a process for conducting periodic audits. Action research was the methodological approach chosen to conduct the pilot application of the proposed qualification program. The pilot application was performed with a group of small and medium enterprises of the Sertãozinho's metal-mechanic cluster, located in the state of São Paulo Preliminary results indicate the possibility of operationalization of the proposal as well as its contributions to two key aspects: increase competitiveness of the companies in the cluster and increase competence of the cluster governance team to coordinate joint actions. Nevertheless, there are great challenges to maintain the qualification program, and its maintenance is one of the most critical challenges faced by the governance team