2,370 research outputs found


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    This book review analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project. The Happiness Project is a novel about how to pursuit happiness in life. The writer’s purpose of this review is to explore the strengths and weaknesses through its intrinsic elements, like theme, characters, plot, setting, and point of view so that there are beneficial aspects for readers. The writer usesCarl Gustav Jung’s theoryto examine the main character of the novel, Rubin. This novel has 12 chapters in which each chapter representing a new month.From this process, we can learn a lot about life that does not always rely on the material and mone

    Evaluasi Tingkat Kemampuan Kardiovaskuler Atlet Arung Jeram Mapala Universitas Gunung Leuser Aceh

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    This study aims to determine the level of cardiovascular ability of the Mapala white water rafting athletes at Gunung Leuser University, Aceh in 2022. This study is a descriptive study. The instrument used is a cardiovascular test using a 12-minute run test. The sample in this study consisted of 15  athletes from 21 populations. The data analvysis technique used in this study was descriptive statistics with the percentage formula. The results of the research on the cardiovascular ability of white water rafting athletes at the University of Gunung Leuser Aceh using a 12-minute running test had an average value of 2223.67 meters at the medium category level. The percentage of cardiovascular ability level of rafting athletes at Mapala Gunung Leuser Aceh University with a percentage of 2 athletes in the very good category (13.33%), 5 athletes in the good category (33.33%), 4 athletes being in the moderate category (26, 67%), 3 athletes were in the poor category (20.00%), and 1 person was in the very poor category (6.67%). Based on the results of research, the level of cardiovascular ability of the mapala white water rafting athletes at Gunung Leuser University, Aceh in 2022 is in the medium category. &nbsp

    Paradigma Baru Birokrasi Pemerinthan dalam Mewujudkan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Baik

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    Substitution of the new order regime reform era to bring home big enough task for holders of development policy in this country . Government bureaucracy into one part left by the new order of special concern by the government , especially pemerintaha area. The inability of the government to manage the bureaucracy caused by many things one of which is the lack of quality of personnel in providing service to the community . Apparatus still positioning itself not as a public servant but someone who must be served . Therefore, in this paper the author tries to analyze the problems with the approach of a paradigm shift regarding the bureaucratic apparatus of government as part of efforts to resolve the issue of government bureaucracy in order to realize good governance


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    A good library is a library that has been managed perfectly in accordance with library science and applies the latest technology, and is utilized by the library to its full potential. All information sought by users can already be found quickly and precisely. Because the library has provided all sources of information, and all collections have been digitalized perfectly. To realize the digitization library, it is very necessary that experts in the technology are needed. Librarians who always take part in the library are highly demanded for their role in realizing digital libraries

    Volume Oksigen Maksimal (Vo2 Max) Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga Universitas Gunung Leuser Aceh

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    The aim of this research is to determine the VO2 max level of students in the sports coaching education study program at Gunung Leuser University, Aceh, Academic Year 2023/2024. This research is a descriptive research. Data collection uses a survey method with tests and measurements. The instrument used to measure the VO2 max test uses the Bleep Test. The subjects in this research were students from the sports coaching education study program at Gunung Leuser University, Aceh, Academic Year 2023/2024. 117 students consisted of men and women. The data analysis technique used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis expressed in percentage form. The conclusions that can be drawn from this research are the VO2 max of male and female students as follows: in the very good category there were 5 students (4.3%), good for 11 students (9.4%), fair for 45 students (38.4%). %), less than 24 students (20.5%) and very less than 32 students (27.4%). Keywords: VO2MAX, Students Sports Coaching Education Study Progra


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    EVALUASI PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM IMUNISASI DASAR DI PUSKESMAS LUBUK BUAYA KECAMATAN KOTO TANGAH KOTA PADANG TAHUN 2017 Oleh : Afrizal (1021219015) (Dibawah bimbingan : DR, dr, H. Edison, MPH dan dr. Firdawati, M.Kes., PhD) Abstrak Program imunisasi merupakan salah satu program untuk melindungi penduduk secara spesifik terhadap Penyakit yang Dapat Dicegah Dengan Imunisasi (PD3I). Pencapaian cakupan target Universal Child Immunization (UCI) di Puskesmas Lubuk Buaya sudah mencapai target 100% pada tahun 2014, namun Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) Difteri pada tahun 2015 pada wilayah kerja Puskesmas Lubuk Buaya paling tinggi (37,5%). Adanya kesenjangan ini menjadi dasar untuk melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan program imunisasi dasar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif untuk melakukan evaluasi dari pelaksanaan program imunisasi dasar, dengan metoda wawancara mendalam, FGD, telaah dokumen dan observasi. Informan penelitian adalah Kepala Seksi Surveilan dan Imunisasi, Kepala Puskesmas, Penanggung jawab Program Imunisasi Puskesmas, Pelaksana Imunisasi, Camat dan Lurah serta ibu-ibu yang memiliki anak usia 1-3 tahun, validasi data dilakukan dengan triangulasi. Pada hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa ketenagaan untuk pelaksanaan imunisasi sudah memadai namun tenaga pelaksana imunisasi belum pernah mengikuti pelatihan khusus imunisasi, dana untuk pelaksanaan program sudah memadai, sarana dan prasarana sudah mencukupi, SOP pelaksanaan imunisasi sudah tersedia. Perencanaan imunisasi berdasarkan acuan dari dinas kesehatan, pelayanan imunisasi dilakukan di dalam dan di luar gedung, masih ada petugas imunisasi yang belum melaksanakan SOP. Pencatatan dan pelaporan dimulai dari pembina wilayah ke puskesmas kemudian dilanjutkan ke dinas kesehatan. Supervisi dan bimbingan teknis sudah terlaksana dari dinas ke puskesmas, pimpinan puskesmas hanya supervisi secara berkala ke klinik/BPS belum terlaksana supervisi ke posyandu saat pelaksanaan imunisasi. Cakupan imunisasi masih belum mencapai target karena faktor pemahaman masyarakat, dan faktor teknis pelaksanaan program. Dari hasil penelitian masih perlu dilaksanakan pelatihan khusus imunisasi bagi tenaga pelaksana imunisasi di lapangan. Diperlukan koordinasi lintas sektoral yang maksimal dengan pemerintahan kecamatan dan kelurahan dalam mendukung pelaksanaan program imunisasi. Daftar Pustaka : 41 (2005 – 2017) Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, Program Imunisasi Dasar, Puskesma

    Perkembangan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Di Indonesia (Kasus STAIN, IAIN, UIN Dan Perguruan Tinggi Islam)

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    The development of Islamic universities in Indonesia began with the opening of the Islamic College (STI) in Jakarta in July 1945 before Indonesia's independence. After the formation of STI changed to UII (Islamic University of Indonesia). The next development of the religious faculty of UII was nationalized as PTAIN (State Islamic College), then the next phase came IAIN and STAIN, besides that, private Islamic higher education emerged, both in the form of universities, institutes, and high schools. Expansion of Islamic Higher Education as an effort to develop Islamic higher education in realizing higher quality and qualified Islamic higher education institutions and able to compete with PTUs in Indonesia. UII, UII Faculty of Religion became PTAIN, PTAIN and ADIA became IAIN, then IAIN became UIN. The conversion of IAIN/STAIN to UIN is a positive and constructive response to the challenges of a globalized world of education so as to produce graduates who have competitive adventage, reliable and strong competitiveness in facing the challenges of the times

    Analytical, Bioactivity And Stability Studies On Strobilanthes Crispus L. Bremek And Sonchus Arvensis L. Extracts [QK99.M2 A258 2008 f rb].

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk memiawaikan ekstrak-ekstrak (Ew, E7ac, Em, Eac dan Em-sox) daun Strobilanthes crispus L. Bremek dan Sonchus arvensis L. untuk tujuan kajian praklinikal. The purpose of this study was to standardize the leaf extracts (Ew, E7ac, Em, Eac and Em-sox) of Strobilanthes crispus L. Bremek and Sonchus arvensis L. for preclinical studies


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    Pusat  kesehatan masyarakat (Puskesmas) tentunya memiliki berbagai  macam obat  yang akan diberikan kepada pasien yang berobat di puskesmas meskom. puskesmas meskom merupakan suatu hal yang tentunya sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat desa meskom. dan puskesmas meskom juga   dibangun  untuk   menjawab  kebutuhan  tersebut.   Tujuan  penelitian  ini   adalah  untuk menentukan tarikan lalu lintas puskesmas meskom,dan pengaruhnya pada kinerja lalu lintas di ruas jalan utama desa meskom, Data yang digunakan yaitu data tarikan pengunjung puskesmas meskom,dan volume lalu lintas yang ada di ruas jalan utama desa meskom. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode survey. Kinerja jalan diukur dengan menggunakan standar MKJI 1997, dan kinerja ruas jalan tersebut di 5  tahun mendatang,dianalisis menggunakan analisa regresi. Besarnya bangkitan puskesmas kemudian dibebankan pada masing-masing ruas jalan, setelah mendapatkan volume kendaraan terbebani bangkitan dilakukan analisis kinerja ruas jalan. Angka pertumbuhan lalu lintas digunakan untuk memprediksi kondisi 10 tahun yang akan datang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa volume lalu lintas hari (senin) terjadi pada pukul 09.00-10.00 WIB pagi yaitu160 smp/jam, sedangkan sore terjadi pada pukul 16.00-17.00 WIB yaitu 172 smp/jam, sedangkan volume lalu lintas hari (Minggu) terjadi pada pukul 10.00-11.00 WIB pagi yaitu 167 smp/jam, sedangkan sore terjadi pada pukul  16.00-17.00 WIB yaitu 192 smp/jam. Kapasitas ruas jl. Utama Desa Meskom adalah 157,923 smp/jam. Kondisi eksisting tahun 2021 jumlah lalu lintas kendaraan yaitu 8577 smp/jam. dan untuk 10 tahun yang akan datang tahun 2031 jumlah lalu lintas sebesar 157,923 smp/jam


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    This study aims to analyze the development of Islamic fintech and its role in Islamic finance from various literatures, especially journal articles of international repute and indexed by Scopus. This research is a type of qualitative-descriptive research with a literature study approach. The literature study was carried out by collecting journal articles that were in accordance with the research objectives using the Publish or Perish (PoP) application, then content analysis was carried out. Content analysis is an analytical method by trying to find out the content and intent of a text to produce an objective description. The results of the study show several findings, namely: first, the research topic is divided into three main topics, namely first, market analysis on what factors influence a customer to use or not use fintech, second, the impact of fintech on the economy, and third, fintech implementation. in various fields of the economy