62 research outputs found

    Aumentando la adquisición y retención del vocabulario en estudiantes de inglés como segunda lengua a través del uso de textos multimodales (memes)

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    This research assessed the use of multimodal texts for vocabulary acquisition and retention of 18 EFL young learners from 6th grade aged between 11 and 12 years and enrolled in a primary school in Chile. The multimodal texts (memes) were designed by the researchers and selected to meet different criteria in terms of vocabulary. To gather information, three vocabulary tests were administered: before, right after, and two weeks after the end of the intervention. The data from the tests were analyzed with descriptive statistics, while the focus groups were interpreted with the content analysis technique. The results reveal an increase in the acquisition and retention of the selected vocabulary. Furthermore, the focus group conducted with the students shows that young learners value the acquisition of English as a foreign language, especially through the use of vocabulary. Finally, the use of multimodal texts in the classroom is perceived by students as an innovative and fun way to learn.Esta investigación evaluó el uso de textos multimodales para la adquisición y retención de vocabulario de 18 jóvenes estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera de entre 11 y 12 años de edad y matriculados en una escuela primaria de Chile. Los textos multimodales (memes) fueron diseñados por los investigadores y seleccionados para cumplir con diferentes criterios en términos de vocabulario. Para recopilar información, se aplicaron tres pruebas de vocabulario: antes, inmediatamente después y dos semanas después del final de la intervención. Los datos de las pruebas se analizaron con estadísticas descriptivas, mientras que los grupos de discusión se interpretaron con la técnica de análisis de contenido. Los resultados revelan un aumento en la adquisición y retención del vocabulario elegido. Además, el grupo focal realizado con los alumnos muestra que los estudiantes jóvenes valoran la adquisición del inglés como lengua extranjera, especialmente a través del uso de vocabulario. Por último, el uso de textos multimodales en el aula es percibido por los alumnos como una forma innovadora y divertida de aprender


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    The purpose of the present study was to correlate the external load of an official soccer match with the percent change in the countermovement jump variables in professional soccer players and to analyze the differences between moments (pre, immediately post and 24 hours post-match). The main findings were the correlations between the percentage of change in the CMJ variables and the external load very strong between JH1 with ACC4; JH2 with D23, HSR, ACC1 and DCC2; JT1 with ACC4; PP1 with ACC3; RFDB1 with ACC4; RPD1 and RPD2 with D7. On the other hand, differences were found in PF between pre and post, in PP between post and 24h, RFDB between pre and post. Through our results we conclude that the change in the vertical jump with countermovement is correlated with the external load performed during a match in professional players, so that the assessment of the mechanical variables of the jump on force platforms is a practical option to assess fatigue after a soccer match. An individual analysis is also necessary to know the intra-player differences because the group analysis is influenced by the external load

    Personalized Alert Notifications and Evacuation Routes in Indoor Environments

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    The preparedness phase is crucial in the emergency management process for reaching an adequate level of readiness to react to potential threats and hazards. During this phase, emergency plans are developed to establish, among other procedures, evacuation and emergency escape routes. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can support and improve these procedures providing appropriate, updated and accessible information to all people in the affected zone. Current emergency management and evacuation systems do not adapt information to the context and the profile of each person, so messages received in the emergency might be useless. In this paper, we propose a set of criteria that ICT-based systems could achieve in order to avoid this problem adapting emergency alerts and evacuation routes to different situations and people. Moreover, in order to prove the applicability of such criteria, we define a mechanism that can be used as a complement of traditional evacuation systems to provide personalized alerts and evacuation routes to all kinds of people during emergency situations in working places. This mechanism is composed by three main components: CAP-ONES for notifying emergency alerts, NERES for defining emergency plans and generating personalized evacuation routes, and iNeres as the interface to receive and visualize these routes on smartphones. The usability and understandability of proposed interface has been assessed through a user study performed in a fire simulation in an indoor environment. This evaluation demonstrated that users considered iNeres easy to understand, to learn and to use, and they also found very innovative the idea to use smartphones as a support for escaping instead of static signals on walls and doors

    CAP-ONES: An Emergency Notification System for all

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    10 pages, 7 figures.-- Contributed to: 6th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Respose and Management (ISCRAM2009, Göteborg, Sweden, May 10-13, 2009).Later published as article in: International Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 6, n. 3-4, p. 302-316 (11 February 2010), http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJEM.2009.031568In this paper we present an ontology-based system for managing emergency alert notifications. Our purpose is to generate emergency alerts that are accessible to different kinds of people, paying special attention to more vulnerable collectives like impaired people. By adapting alerts to different devices and users we can allow Emergency Management Systems (EMS) to communicate with collectives like blind or deaf people whom otherwise will be unreachable by usual channels. Moreover, if we consider the constrains imposed by the nature of the emergency situations we can also improve the information transmission to cope with situational disabilities (e.g. smoke during a fire can cause low vision problems). We centered our system architecture on two characteristics: the first one is an ontology that codifies knowledge about accessibility, devices, disabilities, emergencies and media so the alert notification can be tailored according to different parameters; the second one is the use of an open standard like the CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) that enables our system to interoperate with other existing systems.This work has been partly funded by the UIA4SIGE project (Ministry of Science and Innovation TSI2007-60388).Publicad

    Balanceo de un sistema de cosecha mecanizado utilizando simulación de eventos discretos.

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    A mechanized harvest system was analysed, working in a radiata pine clear cut operation and compound by a feller buncher, a grapple skidder, a grapple processor and a three-wheeler. A Discrete – Event Simulation Model was built with the goal to balance the system. The mechanized wood processing was the bottleneck according to the time study results, then this process was supported adding 3 chain saw felling operators to reach a yield of 60.82 m3/Productive Machine-Hour (PMH) in the configuration proposal. Also the simulated skidding was done, operating the grapple skidder at 80 m Average Skidding Distance (ASD) with one loading stop at a bunch for four stems to balance the obtained processing yield. Finally, the feller buncher can spend 1.6 extra minutes grouping the modify bunches to accomplish the expected yield of the system. The simulation experiment gives 60.39 m3/PMH expected yield of the system if all the proposed modifications in felling, bunching, skidding and processing are done.Se analizó un sistema de cosecha mecanizado, operando en una faena a tala rasa de pino radiata y conformado por un feller buncher, un skidder con garra, un procesador y un trineumático. Un Modelo de Simulación de Eventos Discretos (MSED) fue desarrollado con el propósito de balancear el sistema. El proceso mecanizado de madera fue el limitante del sistema de acuerdo con los resultados del estudio de tiempos, entonces este proceso fue apoyado agregando a 3 operadores de motosierra para alcanzar una producción de 60,82 m3/Hora-Máquina (HM) en la configuración propuesta. Simulado el madereo se determinó que para balancear la producción obtenida en proceso, el skidder con garra debía operar a una distancia promedio de madereo (DPM) de 80 m, realizando una detención para completar una carga de cuatro fustes. Finalmente, el feller buncher puede usar hasta 1,6 minutos adicionales para formar las pilas que permitan lograr la producción esperada para el sistema. De acuerdo con la experimentación de simulación se podría lograr una producción del sistema de 60,39 m3/HM, si todas las modificaciones propuestas en volteo, apilado, madereo y proceso son realizadas

    California, a new genus of geraniaceae endemic to the southwest of North America

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    Los datos morfológicos permiten distinguir, a nivel de genero, Erodium macrophyllum Hook. & Am. de las especies incluidas en Erodium y Monsonia (Geraniaceae). Tambien los datos obtenidos de la secuencia de ADN cloroplSstico (»mL-F) apoyan estas diferencias. Por lo tanto, proponemos un nuevo genero monotípico, California Aldas., C. Navarro, P. Vargas, Ll. Saez & Aedo, para que queden mejor reflejadas las relaciones filogeneticas en la clasificacidn de las Geraniaceae. Incluimos una diagnosis, ilustraciones, a diferenciales y una clave de géneros de Geraniaceae. Se propone una nueva combinaci6n: California macrophylla (Hook. & Am.) Aldas., C. Navarro, P. Vargas, Ll. SSez & Aedo, comb, nov. [basion.: Erodium macrophyllum Hook. & Am.]; y se designan dos lectdtiposMorphological data provide evidence for the separation of Erodium macrophyllum Hook. & Arn. in a new genus, different from either Erodium and Monsonia (Geraniaceae). Also cpDNA sequence data (rrnL-F) support this view. Thus, we propose the recognition of a new monotypic genus, California Aldas., C. Navarro, P. Vargas, Ll. Saez & Aedo, to better reflect phylogenetic relationships in Geraniaceae. We provide diagnosis, illustrations, comparative analysis of distinctive characters, and a key to genera of Geraniaceae. The new combinationb proposed is: California macrophylla (Hook. & Am.) Aldas., C. Navarro, P. Vargas, Ll. Saez & Aedo, comb. nov. [basion.: Erodium macrophyllum Hook. & Am.]; and two lectotypes are designe


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    Se analiz\uf3 un sistema de cosecha mecanizado, operando en una faena a tala rasa de pino radiata y conformado por un feller buncher, un skidder con garra, un procesador y un trineum\ue1tico. Un Modelo de Simulaci\uf3n de Eventos Discretos (MSED) fue desarrollado con el prop\uf3sito de balancear el sistema. El proceso mecanizado de madera fue el limitante del sistema de acuerdo con los resultados del estudio de tiempos, entonces este proceso fue apoyado agregando a 3 operadores de motosierra para alcanzar una producci\uf3n de 60,82 m3/Hora-M\ue1quina (HM) en la configuraci\uf3n propuesta. Simulado el madereo se determin\uf3 que para balancear la producci\uf3n obtenida en proceso, el skidder con garra deb\ueda operar a una distancia promedio de madereo (DPM) de 80 m, realizando una detenci\uf3n para completar una carga de cuatro fustes. Finalmente, el feller buncher puede usar hasta 1,6 minutos adicionales para formar las pilas que permitan lograr la producci\uf3n esperada para el sistema. De acuerdo con la experimentaci\uf3n de simulaci\uf3n se por\ueda lograr una producci\uf3n del sistema de 60,39 m3/HM, si todas las modificaciones propuestas en volteo, apilado, madereo y proceso son realizadas.A mechanized harvest system was analysed, working in a radiata pine clear cut operation and compound by a feller buncher, a grapple skidder, a grapple processor and a three-wheeler. A Discrete \u2013 Event Simulation Model was built with the goal to balance the system. The mechanized wood processing was the bottleneck according to the time study results, then this process was supported adding 3 chain saw felling operators to reach a yield of 60.82 m3/Productive Machine-Hour (PMH) in the configuration proposal. Also the simulated skidding was done, operating the grapple skidder at 80 m Average Skidding Distance (ASD) with one loading stop at a bunch for four stems to balance the obtained processing yield. Finally, the feller buncher can spend 1.6 extra minutes grouping the modify bunches to accomplish the expected yield of the system. The simulation experiment gives 60.39 m3/PMH expected yield of the system if all the proposed modifications in felling, bunching, skidding and processing are done

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