10 research outputs found

    Petrophysical, Geochemical, and Hydrological Evidence for Extensive Fracture-Mediated Fluid and Heat Transport in the Alpine Fault's Hanging-Wall Damage Zone

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    International audienceFault rock assemblages reflect interaction between deformation, stress, temperature, fluid, and chemical regimes on distinct spatial and temporal scales at various positions in the crust. Here we interpret measurements made in the hanging‐wall of the Alpine Fault during the second stage of the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP‐2). We present observational evidence for extensive fracturing and high hanging‐wall hydraulic conductivity (∌10−9 to 10−7 m/s, corresponding to permeability of ∌10−16 to 10−14 m2) extending several hundred meters from the fault's principal slip zone. Mud losses, gas chemistry anomalies, and petrophysical data indicate that a subset of fractures intersected by the borehole are capable of transmitting fluid volumes of several cubic meters on time scales of hours. DFDP‐2 observations and other data suggest that this hydrogeologically active portion of the fault zone in the hanging‐wall is several kilometers wide in the uppermost crust. This finding is consistent with numerical models of earthquake rupture and off‐fault damage. We conclude that the mechanically and hydrogeologically active part of the Alpine Fault is a more dynamic and extensive feature than commonly described in models based on exhumed faults. We propose that the hydrogeologically active damage zone of the Alpine Fault and other large active faults in areas of high topographic relief can be subdivided into an inner zone in which damage is controlled principally by earthquake rupture processes and an outer zone in which damage reflects coseismic shaking, strain accumulation and release on interseismic timescales, and inherited fracturing related to exhumation

    Geophysical characterisation of the Alpine Fault at Haast, Turnbull and Whataroa, New Zealand

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    The geometry of the upper-crustal portion of the Alpine Fault, the Australian-Pacific plate boundary on the South Island of New Zealand, is poorly constrained by geophysical studies where it cuts through the young sedimentary units of the coastal plain. Excellent accessibility on the vast mainly flat coastal floodplain at Haast, Turnbull and Whataroa region provides rare opportunity to undertake geophysical surveys along the Alpine Fault of New Zealand. In 2009, two seismic reflection lines were collected to better image the upper km or so of the Alpine Fault in the vicinity of the surface scarps of the most recent, but still prehistoric, ruptures south of the Haast River. Both profiles were running perpendicular to the fault extend to 2.5 km in length along the Turnbull River and 3.3 km at Haast. Analysis of these lines suggests that multiple strands of the fault have been active during the Holocene. The fault strands cut across sub-parallel strata, interpreted to represent at least seven regionally identifiable sequences that correspond to the accumulation of Holocene sediments following the last glacial retreat. Total combined vertical throw on the fault strands is consistent with expected uplift rates on the fault. Dip on the fault strands is interpreted to be between 53 and 74° SE. The WhataDUSIE-2D seismic profile was collected in early 2011. The project led by researchers from the University of Otago, TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) and the University of Alberta (Canada), provided relatively high-resolution coverage (4-8 m geophone spacing, 25-100 m shot spacing) along a ~5.1 km long profile across the Alpine Fault in the Whataroa Valley. Several technical difficulties arose during data collection and data processing. However, combination of CMP stacking and ray-theoretical travel time inversion methods provided detailed insight of a dynamic and complex geological setting. High-resolution seismic data imaged the uppermost part (~2-3 km) of the hanging wall of the Alpine Fault and show the bedrock topography eroded by glacial processes from the Last Glacial Maximum, which went through a rapid deposition process and filled with 200-400 m thick post-glacial sediments and outwash gravels. Several dipping reflectors, which likely associate to the Alpine Fault damage zone have been modelled dipping to ~40 – 42° SE in 600 m wide zone at depths of 1500 – ~2500 m. Two additional phases were modelled against dipping reflectors distributed in a ~1000-m-wide area dipping ~16° SE at the SE end of the transect. These features are likely positioned oblique to the 2D profile, therefore projecting the exact location of the reflectors is not possible by the data. These reflectors may indicate a potentially wide fractured damage zone

    Geophysical characterisation of the Alpine Fault at Haast, Turnbull and Whataroa, New Zealand

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    The geometry of the upper-crustal portion of the Alpine Fault, the Australian-Pacific plate boundary on the South Island of New Zealand, is poorly constrained by geophysical studies where it cuts through the young sedimentary units of the coastal plain. Excellent accessibility on the vast mainly flat coastal floodplain at Haast, Turnbull and Whataroa region provides rare opportunity to undertake geophysical surveys along the Alpine Fault of New Zealand. In 2009, two seismic reflection lines were collected to better image the upper km or so of the Alpine Fault in the vicinity of the surface scarps of the most recent, but still prehistoric, ruptures south of the Haast River. Both profiles were running perpendicular to the fault extend to 2.5 km in length along the Turnbull River and 3.3 km at Haast. Analysis of these lines suggests that multiple strands of the fault have been active during the Holocene. The fault strands cut across sub-parallel strata, interpreted to represent at least seven regionally identifiable sequences that correspond to the accumulation of Holocene sediments following the last glacial retreat. Total combined vertical throw on the fault strands is consistent with expected uplift rates on the fault. Dip on the fault strands is interpreted to be between 53 and 74° SE. The WhataDUSIE-2D seismic profile was collected in early 2011. The project led by researchers from the University of Otago, TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) and the University of Alberta (Canada), provided relatively high-resolution coverage (4-8 m geophone spacing, 25-100 m shot spacing) along a ~5.1 km long profile across the Alpine Fault in the Whataroa Valley. Several technical difficulties arose during data collection and data processing. However, combination of CMP stacking and ray-theoretical travel time inversion methods provided detailed insight of a dynamic and complex geological setting. High-resolution seismic data imaged the uppermost part (~2-3 km) of the hanging wall of the Alpine Fault and show the bedrock topography eroded by glacial processes from the Last Glacial Maximum, which went through a rapid deposition process and filled with 200-400 m thick post-glacial sediments and outwash gravels. Several dipping reflectors, which likely associate to the Alpine Fault damage zone have been modelled dipping to ~40 – 42° SE in 600 m wide zone at depths of 1500 – ~2500 m. Two additional phases were modelled against dipping reflectors distributed in a ~1000-m-wide area dipping ~16° SE at the SE end of the transect. These features are likely positioned oblique to the 2D profile, therefore projecting the exact location of the reflectors is not possible by the data. These reflectors may indicate a potentially wide fractured damage zone

    Protection du droit à la vie privée et du droit à la protection des données des salariés sur les réseaux sociaux en ligne : en particulier en France et en Hongrie

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    Les sites de rĂ©seaux sociaux en ligne ont acquis une importance considĂ©rable dans la vie quotidienne. Leur utilisation conduit Ă  une circulation sans prĂ©cĂ©dent de donnĂ©es personnelles : des individus du monde entier partagent des donnĂ©es Ă  caractĂšre personnel dans une qualitĂ© et une quantitĂ© jamais vues auparavant. Parmi les utilisateurs de ces rĂ©seaux sociaux en ligne se trouvent des salariĂ©s et des candidats Ă  l’embauche. Cela pose des problĂšmes spĂ©cifiques dans le contexte de l'emploi en ce qui concerne la vie privĂ©e et la protection des donnĂ©es. Bien que les moyens « traditionnels » de surveillance des salariĂ©s, tels que la surveillance CCTV ou encore la surveillance de l'utilisation d'internet et du courrier Ă©lectronique, soient dĂ©jĂ  rĂ©glementĂ©s Ă  la fois au niveau international et au niveau national (français et hongrois), la rĂ©glementation complĂšte des rĂ©seaux sociaux en ce qui concerne le contexte de l'emploi nĂ©cessite encore une Ă©laboration. Les sites de rĂ©seaux sociaux ont fondamentalement influencĂ© les conceptions de la vie privĂ©e et de la protection des donnĂ©es, ce qui a pour consĂ©quence une dilution des limites entre vie professionnelle et vie personnelle, tant pendant qu'au-delĂ  des heures de travail. Or, le traitement des donnĂ©es personnelles des rĂ©seaux sociaux pose de plus en plus la question de la protection des droits des salariĂ©s, et notamment la protection du droit au respect de la vie privĂ©e et du droit Ă  la protection des donnĂ©es. Ces droits doivent ĂȘtre mis en balance avec les pouvoirs de l'employeur, qui dĂ©coulent du droit de l'employeur Ă  la propriĂ©tĂ© (s'assurer que l'Ă©quipement fourni par l'employeur est utilisĂ© conformĂ©ment Ă  la finalitĂ© de la relation de travail), du droit de protĂ©ger son intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©conomique (par exemple en assurant la productivitĂ©, la protection de la rĂ©putation) ou encore de la sĂ©curitĂ© et la santĂ© au travail (ce qui confĂšre des obligations Ă  l'employeur). Ainsi, la thĂšse examine comment les rĂšgles existantes du droit du travail et du droit de la protection des donnĂ©es en France et en Hongrie peuvent ĂȘtre appliquĂ©es aux sites de rĂ©seaux sociaux et quels sont les principaux dĂ©fis qu'ils posent, notamment dans la phase de recrutement et en ce qui concerne l'utilisation des rĂ©seaux sociaux pendant et en dehors des heures de travail. La principale question Ă  laquelle la thĂšse rĂ©pond est la suivante : Ă  la lumiĂšre des frontiĂšres de plus en plus floues entre vies privĂ©e et professionnelle, oĂč trouver un Ă©quilibre entre les droits des salariĂ©s et ceux de l'employeur en matiĂšre d’usage des rĂ©seaux sociaux numĂ©riques et des donnĂ©es qui y sont produites ?Online social network sites have gained considerable importance in everyday life. Their use results in the unprecedented share of personal data : individuals from all over the globe share personal information in a quality and quantity never seen before. Employees and prospective employees are amongst users as well, which raises privacy and data protection issues specific to the context of employment. Although the “traditional” ways of employee monitoring, such as CCTV surveillance, monitoring of the use of Internet and e-mail, etc. are already regulated both at the international and at the national (French and Hungarian) level, the comprehensive regulation of social network sites with regard to the context of employment is yet to be elaborated. Social network sites have fundamentally influenced conceptions of privacy and data protection, resulting in the boundaries of work and personal life becoming increasingly blurred, both within and outside working hours. Yet, the processing of personal data obtained from social network sites increasingly raises the question of the protection of employees’ rights – particularly the protection of the right to privacy and the right to data protection. These rights must be balanced notably against the employer’s right to control and monitor, which ensue from the employer’s right to property (ensuring the equipment provided by the employer is used in accordance with the purpose of the employment relationship), the right to protect his/her economic interest (e.g. through ensuring productivity, the protection of reputation) and occupational safety and health (which confers obligations on the employer). Thus, the dissertation examines how the existing rules of labour law and of data protection law in France and in Hungary can be applied to social network sites and what the main challenge posed by them are, particularly in the phase of recruitment and during the use of social networks during and outside working hours. The main question to be answered by the dissertation is: in the light of the increasingly blurred boundaries, where should the balance be struck between the employees’ and the employer’s rights?Az online közössĂ©gi oldalak jelentƑs szerepet jĂĄtszanak a mindennapi Ă©letben. HasznĂĄlatuk sorĂĄn az egyĂ©nek soha nem lĂĄtott minƑsĂ©gben Ă©s mennyisĂ©gben osztjĂĄk meg szemĂ©lyes adataikat, szerte az egĂ©sz vilĂĄgon. A munkavĂĄllalĂłk Ă©s a leendƑ munkavĂĄllalĂłk szintĂ©n a felhasznĂĄlĂłk közĂ© tartoznak, ami a foglalkoztatĂĄs kontextusĂĄban specifikus kĂ©rdĂ©seket vet fel a magĂĄnĂ©let Ă©s a szemĂ©lyes adatok vĂ©delme terĂ©n. BĂĄr a munkavĂĄllalĂłk megfigyelĂ©sĂ©nek „hagyomĂĄnyos” mĂłdszereit, mint pĂ©ldĂĄul a kamerĂĄs megfigyelĂ©st, az internet Ă©s az e-mail hasznĂĄlatĂĄnak megfigyelĂ©sĂ©t, mĂĄr mind nemzetközi, mind tagĂĄllami (francia Ă©s magyar) szinten szabĂĄlyozzĂĄk, a közössĂ©gi oldalak foglalkoztatĂĄssal összefĂŒggƑ kimerĂ­tƑ szabĂĄlyozĂĄsa mĂ©g kidolgozĂĄs alatt ĂĄll. A közössĂ©gi hĂĄlĂłzati oldalak alapjaiban hatnak a magĂĄnĂ©letre Ă©s a szemĂ©lyes adatok vĂ©delmĂ©re, aminek eredmĂ©nyekĂ©nt a munka Ă©s magĂĄnĂ©let hatĂĄrai egyre inkĂĄbb elmosĂłdnak, mind a munkaidƑn belĂŒl, mind azon kĂ­vĂŒl. Ugyanakkor a közössĂ©gi oldalakrĂłl szĂĄrmazĂł szemĂ©lyes adatok kezelĂ©se fokozottan felveti a munkavĂĄllalĂłk jogainak vĂ©delmĂ©nek kĂ©rdĂ©sĂ©t – kĂŒlönös tekintettel a magĂĄnĂ©let vĂ©delmĂ©re Ă©s a szemĂ©lyes adatok vĂ©delmĂ©hez valĂł jogra. Ezeket a jogokat össze kell vetni kĂŒlönösen a munkĂĄltatĂł ellenƑrzĂ©si Ă©s felĂŒgyeleti jogĂĄval, amely a munkĂĄltatĂł tulajdonhoz fƱzƑdƑ jogĂĄbĂłl (pl.: annak biztosĂ­tĂĄsa, hogy a munkĂĄltatĂł ĂĄltal biztosĂ­tott felszerelĂ©st a munkavĂĄllalĂł a munkaviszony cĂ©ljĂĄnak megfelelƑen hasznĂĄlja), valamint a jogos gazdasĂĄgi Ă©rdekeinek vĂ©delmĂ©bƑl. (pl. produktivitĂĄs biztosĂ­tĂĄsa, jĂł hĂ­rnĂ©v vĂ©delme) Ă©s a munkahelyi biztonsĂĄg Ă©s egĂ©szsĂ©gvĂ©delembƑl (amely kötelezettsĂ©geket rĂł a munkĂĄltatĂłra) következik. KövetkezĂ©skĂ©pp, a disszertĂĄciĂł azt vizsgĂĄlja, hogy a FranciaorszĂĄgban Ă©s MagyarorszĂĄgon mĂĄr lĂ©tezƑ munkajogi Ă©s adatvĂ©delmi rendelkezĂ©sek mikĂ©nt alkalmazhatĂłk a közössĂ©gi oldalakra, Ă©s melyek az ĂĄltaluk felvetett legfƑbb kihĂ­vĂĄsok, kĂŒlönösen a munkaerƑfelvĂ©tel, valamint a közössĂ©gi oldalak munkaidƑben Ă©s azon kĂ­vĂŒl törtĂ©nƑ hasznĂĄlata terĂ©n. A disszertĂĄciĂł ĂĄltal megvĂĄlaszolandĂł fƑ kĂ©rdĂ©s az, hogy a fokozottan elmosĂłdĂł hatĂĄrok fĂ©nyĂ©ben hol kell megtalĂĄlni az egyensĂșlyt a munkavĂĄllalĂłk Ă©s a munkĂĄltatĂłk jogai között

    Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault

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    Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault

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    Temperature and fluid pressure conditions control rock deformation and mineralization on geological faults, and hence the distribution of earthquakes. Typical intraplate continental crust has hydrostatic fluid pressure and a near-surface thermal gradient of 31 ± 15 degrees Celsius per kilometre. At temperatures above 300-450 degrees Celsius, usually found at depths greater than 10-15 kilometres, the intra-crystalline plasticity of quartz and feldspar relieves stress by aseismic creep and earthquakes are infrequent. Hydrothermal conditions control the stability of mineral phases and hence frictional-mechanical processes associated with earthquake rupture cycles, but there are few temperature and fluid pressure data from active plate-bounding faults. Here we report results from a borehole drilled into the upper part of the Alpine Fault, which is late in its cycle of stress accumulation and expected to rupture in a magnitude 8 earthquake in the coming decades. The borehole (depth 893 metres) revealed a pore fluid pressure gradient exceeding 9 ± 1 per cent above hydrostatic levels and an average geothermal gradient of 125 ± 55 degrees Celsius per kilometre within the hanging wall of the fault. These extreme hydrothermal conditions result from rapid fault movement, which transports rock and heat from depth, and topographically driven fluid movement that concentrates heat into valleys. Shear heating may occur within the fault but is not required to explain our observations. Our data and models show that highly anomalous fluid pressure and temperature gradients in the upper part of the seismogenic zone can be created by positive feedbacks between processes of fault slip, rock fracturing and alteration, and landscape development at plate-bounding faults

    Petrophysical, Geochemical, and Hydrological Evidence for Extensive Fracture-Mediated Fluid and Heat Transport in the Alpine Fault’s Hanging-Wall Damage Zone

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    Petrophysical, Geochemical, and Hydrological Evidence for Extensive Fracture-Mediated Fluid and Heat Transport in the Alpine Fault's Hanging-Wall Damage Zone

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    Fault rock assemblages reflect interaction between deformation, stress, temperature, fluid, and chemical regimes on distinct spatial and temporal scales at various positions in the crust. Here we interpret measurements made in the hanging-wall of the Alpine Fault during the second stage of the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP-2). We present observational evidence for extensive fracturing and high hanging-wall hydraulic conductivity (∌10−9 to 10−7 m/s, corresponding to permeability of ∌10−16 to 10−14 m2) extending several hundred meters from the fault's principal slip zone. Mud losses, gas chemistry anomalies, and petrophysical data indicate that a subset of fractures intersected by the borehole are capable of transmitting fluid volumes of several cubic meters on time scales of hours. DFDP-2 observations and other data suggest that this hydrogeologically active portion of the fault zone in the hanging-wall is several kilometers wide in the uppermost crust. This finding is consistent with numerical models of earthquake rupture and off-fault damage. We conclude that the mechanically and hydrogeologically active part of the Alpine Fault is a more dynamic and extensive feature than commonly described in models based on exhumed faults. We propose that the hydrogeologically active damage zone of the Alpine Fault and other large active faults in areas of high topographic relief can be subdivided into an inner zone in which damage is controlled principally by earthquake rupture processes and an outer zone in which damage reflects coseismic shaking, strain accumulation and release on interseismic timescales, and inherited fracturing related to exhumation

    Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault

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    Temperature and fluid pressure conditions control rock deformation and mineralization on geological faults, and hence the distribution of earthquakes1. Typical intraplate continental crust has hydrostatic fluid pressure and a near-surface thermal gradient of 31 ± 15 degrees Celsius per kilometre2,3. At temperatures above 300–450 degrees Celsius, usually found at depths greater than 10–15 kilometres, the intra-crystalline plasticity of quartz and feldspar relieves stress by aseismic creep and earthquakes are infrequent. Hydrothermal conditions control the stability of mineral phases and hence frictional–mechanical processes associated with earthquake rupture cycles, but there are few temperature and fluid pressure data from active plate-bounding faults. Here we report results from a borehole drilled into the upper part of the Alpine Fault, which is late in its cycle of stress accumulation and expected to rupture in a magnitude 8 earthquake in the coming decades4,5. The borehole (depth 893 metres) revealed a pore fluid pressure gradient exceeding 9 ± 1 per cent above hydrostatic levels and an average geothermal gradient of 125 ± 55 degrees Celsius per kilometre within the hanging wall of the fault. These extreme hydrothermal conditions result from rapid fault movement, which transports rock and heat from depth, and topographically driven fluid movement that concentrates heat into valleys. Shear heating may occur within the fault but is not required to explain our observations. Our data and models show that highly anomalous fluid pressure and temperature gradients in the upper part of the seismogenic zone can be created by positive feedbacks between processes of fault slip, rock fracturing and alteration, and landscape development at plate-bounding faults