374 research outputs found

    Estado nutricional e práticas dietéticas de usuários de academias em Aracaju, Sergipe

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    Atualmente é crescente a pressão da sociedade e da mídia pelo culto ao corpo perfeito, o que levam jovens e adultos a adotarem dietas e práticas alimentares que muitas vezes são questionáveis do ponto de vista da saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o estado nutricional e práticas dietéticas utilizadas por 712 praticantes de atividade física em sete academias no município de Aracaju. Foi utilizado questionário semi-estruturado que perguntava sobre número de refeições diárias, adoção de dietas, tipos e fontes de indicação. O peso e a estatura foram auto-referidos. Os dados de índice de massa corporal (IMC) dos participantes foram inconsistentes com a condição física dos mesmos, invalidando a técnica de relato destas medidas para classificação do estado nutricional nesta população. Destes, 22% relataram algum tipo de dieta paralelamente à atividade física, dos quais 90,38% foram do tipo hipocalóricas. Apenas 26,14% dos que fazem dieta tiveram indicação de um profissional nutricionista contra 73,85% que tiveram indicações de fontes não recomendadas. Do total, 95% dos entrevistados exercitavam-se pelo menos 3 vezes por semana e 56% faziam de 4 a 5 refeições diárias. Os dados apontam preocupação com o padrão alimentar e adoção de práticas dietéticas, sugerindo a necessidade de programas de educação nutricional e mudanças nas práticas dietéticas monitorada por profissionais habilitados

    Clonagem e expressão de recetores de citotoxidade expresso por células natural killer

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    As células Natural Killer (CNK) expressam uma série de recetores codificados pela linha germinativa capazes de desencadear citotoxicidade. As células NK tendem a expressar muitos membros de famílias específicas de moléculas sinalizadoras. A presença de muitos recetores ativadores e de muitos membros de famílias específicas de moléculas sinalizadoras pode permitir que as células NK detetem diferentes tipos de células-alvo e iniciem diferentes tipos de resposta. Desta forma, este sistema contribui para a robustez da resposta das células NK. Na ausência de moléculas sinalizadoras selecionadas, a função citotóxica das células NK permanece frequentemente inalterada. Esta dissertação teve como como principal objetivo a sub-clonagem dos recetores de citotoxicidade natural NCR1, NCR2 e NCR4 expressos por células Natural Killer. Seguidamente, e através de transformação de células competentes pretendia-se a obtenção de estirpes bacterianas estáveis capazes de expressar as proteínas recombinantes, identificáveis através de amplificação por PCR dos genes de interesse, e tendo como objetivo final a purificação e caracterização das proteínas finais expressas. Sendo este um estudo exploratório, o planeamento de atividades e tarefas foram moldadas tendo em conta a obtenção de resultados e por esse motivo,uma vez que os resultados não foram conclusivos, e apesar de tentadas abordagens distintas, não foi possível realizar os passos de purificação e caracterização das proteínas recombinantes.Natural Killer (CNK) cells express a series of germline-encoded receptors capable of triggering cytotoxicity. NK cells tend to express many members of specific families of signaling molecules. The presence of many activating receptors and many members of specific families of signaling molecules may allow NK cells to detect different types of target cells and initiate different types of responses. In this way, this system contributes to the robustness of the NK cell response. In the absence of selected signaling molecules, the cytotoxic function of NK cells often remains unchanged. This dissertation had as its main objective the sub-cloning of the natural cytotoxicity receptors NCR1, NCR2, and NCR4 expressed by Natural Killer cells. Subsequently, and through the transformation of competent cells, the aim was to obtain stable bacterial strains capable of expressing recombinant proteins, identifiable through PCR amplification of the genes of interest, and with the ultimate objective of purifying and characterizing the final expressed proteins. As this is an exploratory study, the planning of activities and tasks was shaped taking into account the achievement of results for this reason, since the results were not conclusive, and despite trying different approaches, it was not possible to carry out the purification steps. and characterization of recombinant proteins

    Fashion clothing for disable persons

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    Development of fashion clothing combining ergonomical and psychological comfort is a need for disabled persons. From the users’ point of view the product must also address aesthetic aspects such as fashion trends. Considering the social connotation that fashion has, it was decided to work in the conception of clothes developed for persons with physical disability. Having also in mind the diversity and specificity of the existent cases and the special demand of each one, particularly whose suffer poliomyelitis sequels and other diseases that cause the use of prosthetics in the legs and crutches for walking. This last group was selected as the target-market

    Ecotoxicity tests using the green algae chlorella vulgaris — a useful tool in hazardous effluents management

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    The treatment efficiency of laboratory wastewaters was evaluated and ecotoxicity tests with Chlorella vulgaris were performed on them to assess the safety of their environmental discharge. For chemical oxygen demand wastewaters, chromium (VI), mercury (II) and silver were efficiently removedby chemical treatments.Areduction of ecotoxicitywas achieved; nevertheless, an EC50 (effective concentration that causes a 50% inhibition in the algae growth) of 1.5% (v/v) indicated still high level of ecotoxicity. For chloride determination wastewaters, an efficient reduction of chromium and silver was achieved after treatment. Regarding the reduction of ecotoxicity observed, EC50 increased from 0.059% to 0.5%, only a 0.02% concentration in the aquatic environment would guarantee no effects. Wastewaters containing phenanthroline/iron (II) complex were treated by chemical oxidation. Treatmentwas satisfactory concerning chemical parameters, although an increase in ecotoxicitywas observed (EC50 reduced from 0.31% to 0.21%). The wastes from the kinetic study of persulphate and iodide reaction were treated with sodium bisulphite until colour was removed. Although they did not reveal significant ecotoxicity, only over 1% of the untreated waste produced observable effects over algae. Therefore, ecotoxicity tests could be considered a useful tool not only in laboratory effluents treatment, as shown, but also in hazardous wastewaters management


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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of nitrate salts and a growth regulator on seed conditioning. Subsequently, the responses of the influence of the leaf application of paclobutrazol (PBZ) and nitrogen on the quality of seedlings of Capsicum frutescens L. were evaluated. Two experiments were carried out. The first experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design to evaluate priming, as follows: T1 – control, T2 – control (water), T3 – 0.2% calcium nitrate, T4 – 0.2% potassium nitrate, T5 – 0.1% calcium nitrate + 0.1% potassium nitrate, T6 – PBZ, and T7 – PBZ + 0.1% calcium nitrate + 0.1% potassium nitrate. The second experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 2×5 factorial scheme consisting of priming (absence and presence of calcium nitrate) and leaf application of growth regulator, as follows: control (water), PBZ, PBZ + 1% nitrogen (calcium nitrate), PBZ + 1% nitrogen (urea), and PBZ + nitrogen (0.5% calcium nitrate + 0.5% urea). Physiological conditioning with a solution of 0.1% calcium nitrate increased the germination and seedling emergence rate and resulted in seedlings with a higher shoot length at 33 days after sowing (DAS), but seedlings at 50 DAS showed no differences in growth with its use. Leaf application of 0.1% paclobutrazol provided pepper (C. frutescens L.) seedlings with better distribution in growth according to the Dickson quality index


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    Considerando o atual contexto sócio político brasileiro, este artigo apresenta elementos que permitem refletir sobre o trabalho docente nas instituições federais de ensino e apresenta fundamentos teóricos e empíricos que confirmam a hipótese de que os servidores públicos da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - UFMT atravessam período de sofrimento com a sobrecarga de trabalho, com a competitividade vaidosa entre os “pares”, com a desvalorização e a desorganização de suas atividades laborais. A violência estabelecida entre tais trabalhadores é percebida não apenas pelos depoimentos de docentes, mas também pelos registros disponibilizados pela instituição, em sua home page, onde estão relacionados os Processos Administrativos e os Inquéritos Investigativos instaurados para apurar fatos que envolvem servidores e discentes da instituição. Aponta que o Burnout pode ser o responsável pelo processo de adoecimento dos docentes e pelos prejuízos causados ao ensino superior, pois elementos sinalizam para o esgotamento emocional do professor, para a sua despersonalização e, paradoxalmente, para uma sobrecarga horária de trabalho versus baixo envolvimento nas atividades. É inegável a hipótese de que o trabalho docente esta cercado por circunstâncias que são fontes de adoecimento.

    Impact of excipients in the chronic toxicity of fluoxetine on the alga Chlorella vulgaris

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    Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) widely used in the treatment of major depression. It has been detected in surface and wastewaters, being able to negatively affect aquatic organisms. Most of the ecotoxicity studies focused only in pharmaceuticals, though excipients can also pose a risk to non-target organisms. In this work the ecotoxicity of five medicines (three generic formulations and two brand labels) containing the same active substance (fluoxetine hydrochloride) was tested on the alga Chlorella vulgaris, in order to evaluate if excipients can influence their ecotoxicity. Effective concentrations that cause 50% of inhibition (EC50) ranging from 0.25 to 15 mg L−1 were obtained in the growth inhibition test performed for the different medicines. The corresponding values for fluoxetine concentration are 10 times lower. Higher EC50 values had been published for the same alga considering only the toxicity of fluoxetine. Therefore, this increase in toxicity may be attributed to the presence of excipients. Thus more studies on ecotoxicological effects of excipients are required in order to assess the environmental risk they may pose to aquatic organisms

    The cholesterol 24-hydroxylase activates autophagy and decreases mutant huntingtin build-up in a neuroblastoma culture model of Huntington’s disease

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    Objective Compromised brain cholesterol turnover and altered regulation of brain cholesterol metabolism have been allied with some neurodegenerative diseases, including Huntington’s disease (HD). Following our previous studies in HD, in this study we aim to investigate in vitro in a neuroblastoma cellular model of HD, the effect of CYP46A1 overexpression, an essential enzyme in cholesterol metabolism, on huntingtin aggregation and levels. Results We found that CYP46A1 reduces the quantity and size of mutant huntingtin aggregates in cells, as well as the levels of mutant huntingtin protein. Additionally, our results suggest that the observed beneficial effects of CYP46A1 in HD cells are linked to the activation of autophagy. Taken together, our results further demonstrate that CYP46A1 is a pertinent target to counteract HD progression.This work was supported by Brainvectis and E.rare: E-Rare Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2017 “Transnational Research Projects for Innovative Therapeutic Approaches for Rare Diseases”. CN laboratory is supported by the French Muscular Dystrophy Association (AFM-Téléthon), the Ataxia UK, and the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (project ALG-01-0145-FEDER-29480 “SeGrPolyQ”). AM is supported by a Ph.D. fellowship from FCT (SFRH/BD/133192/2017)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intrauterine mortality in women with syphilis in Aracaju/SE philanthropic maternity / Mortalidade intrauterina em mulheres com sífilis em maternidade filantrópica de Aracaju/SE

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    Introduction: Congenital syphilis is part of the preventable causes of perinatal mortality. It is possible to perform effective diagnosis and treatment in pregnancy preventing vertical transmission in 97% of cases. In the absence of adequate treatment during pregnancy, the abortion rate can reach 25% and a dead fetus to 11%.Objective: This is an analytical, cross-sectional and retrospective epidemiological study to evaluate the intrauterine mortality of pregnant women with syphilis in Philanthropic Maternity of Aracaju/SE in the years 2017 to 2019.Material and Method: The study used data from the pregnant woman's card and the paper records of the mother/baby binomial followed at the congenital syphilis outpatient clinic. Approved by cep on May 15, 2018, CAAE:74226217.2.0000.5371. The statistics used were descriptive by means of absolute and relative frequencies of categorical variables and numerical frequencies in mean and standard deviation, the level of statistical significance defined in p < 0.05. The program used was the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciencies) 21.Results: The sample consisted of 347 pregnant women's cards and paper records. The prevalence of gestational syphilis was 1.8% and the intrauterine mortality rate (abortion and dead fetus) in previous pregnancies was 28.5%. The women were young, with a mean of 24.5 years, 84.7% lived in the Urban area, mostly brown and black (85.7%), fertility rate 2.28, 2.1% illiterate and 56.6% elementary school, 61.5% had 6 or more prenatal consultations. At the time of delivery, 51.6% of the mothers had VDRL greater than or equal to 1:8 and only 2.9% were negative at 6 months after delivery. The VDRL of the partners was negative in 66.7% of the cases. In the puerperium, only 39% of the partners were treated adequately, and 75.4% of the puerpery women treated the disease.Conclusion: Intrauterine mortality in women with syphilis in previous pregnancies was almost three times higher than in the general population. Although pregnant women had had the minimum number of prenatal consultations recommended by the Ministry of Health, less than 40% of the partners were treated after the diagnosis of syphilis in their partners.   

    Expression of ck-19, galectin-3 and hbme-1 in the differentiation of thyroid lesions: systematic review and diagnostic meta-analysis

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    Background: To distinguish between malignant and benign lesions of the thyroid gland histological demonstration is often required since the fine-needle aspiration biopsy method applied pre-operatively has some limitations. in an attempt to improve diagnostic accuracy, markers using immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry techniques have been studied, mainly cytokeratin-19 (CK-19), galectin-3 (Gal-3) and Hector Battifora mesothelial-1 (HBME-1). However, current results remain controversial. the aim of the present article was to establish the diagnostic accuracy of CK-19, Gal-3 and HBME-1 markers, as well as their associations, in the differentiation of malignant and benign thyroid lesions.Methods: A systematic review of published articles on MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library was performed. After establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria, 66 articles were selected. the technique of meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy was employed and global values of sensitivity, specificity, area under the summary ROC curve, and diagnostic odds ratio (dOR) were calculated.Results: for the immunohistochemistry technique, the positivity of CK-19 for the diagnosis of malignant thyroid lesions demonstrated global sensitivity of 81% and specificity of 73%; for Gal-3, sensitivity of 82% and specificity of 81%; and for HBME-1, sensitivity of 77% and specificity of 83%. the association of the three markers determined sensitivity of 85%, specificity of 97%, and diagnostic odds ratio of 95.1. Similar results were also found for the immunocytochemistry assay.Conclusion: This meta-analysis demonstrated that the three immunomarkers studied are accurate in pre- and postoperative diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid lesions. Nevertheless, the search for other molecular markers must continue in order to enhance this diagnostic accuracy since the results found still show a persistency of false-negative and false-positive tests.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fac Med ABC, Dept Biochem, Santo Andre, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biochem, São Paulo, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Head & Neck Surg, Santo Andre, BrazilFac Med ABC, Med Sch Students, Santo Andre, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Hematol & Oncol, Santo Andre, BrazilAlbert Einstein Jewish Hosp, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biochem, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc