146 research outputs found

    Terceira Idade: o discurso dos experts e a produção do "novo velho"

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    Resumo: O presente trabalho objetiva desnaturalizar a categoria da terceira idade. A partir da revisão bibliográfica de alguns autores importantes no campo da Gerontologia e no diálogo com Foucault, Deleuze e Guattari argumentamos que a produção desta subjetividade "novo velho" articula-se a outros vetores de existencialização presentes no contemporâneo. Palavras-chave: Subjetividade. Modos de existir. Terceira Idade. Velho. Gerontologia. Abstract: This paper argues the third age cathegory like a natural stage of life and shows that it is a historical product. After a bibliographyc revision of some important Gerontology’s authors and using the work of Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari we be able to say that "new old people" represent an artificial form to designate the elderly people which is a production of many factors on contemporary society. Keywords: Subjectification Forces. Life Style. Third Age. Elderly People. Gerontology

    Physical Activities Pattern among Brazilian Adults: Results of Phone Survey, 2006

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    O estudo descreve as características do padrão de atividade física da população adulta das capitais de Estados brasileiros e do Distrito Federal em 2006. Os dados foram coletados pelo sistema de vigilância de fatores de risco e proteção para doenças crônicas por inquérito telefônico (Vigitel) em uma amostra probabilística da população com 18 ou mais anos de idade (n=54.369). Foram analisados dois indicadores: ativo no lazer; e sedentário. Os indivíduos ativos no lazer foram 14,9%, a maioria homens. A caminhada é a modalidade mais comum, para ambos os sexos. A freqüência de ativos no lazer aumenta com a escolaridade e diminui com a idade. O sedentarismo já atingiu 29,2% da população adulta, com maior freqüência no sexo masculino, e aumenta com a idade e com a escolaridade. O perfil de atividade física é insatisfatório em todas as cidades, o que determina a necessidade de mais esforços no estímulo à prática da atividade físicaThis report describes the characteristics of physical activities pattern among adult population of Brazilian State Capitals and the Federal District in 2006. Data was collected through the surveillance system of risk and protection factors for chronic diseases by telephone inquiry (Vigitel) in a probabilistic sample of 54,369 individuals aged 18 years and older. We analyzed two indicators: leisure time physical activity; and sedentariness. The frequency of individuals active in leisure was just of 14.9%, greater among men. Walking is the most common modality for both sex. Frequency of leisure active life increases with education, and decreases with age. Sedentary life affects 29.2% of adult population, more frequently males. The physical activity profile is not satisfactory in all cities, which determines the need for more efforts to stimulate the practice of physical activit

    El impacto de las expectativas sobre la adaptación académica de los estudiantes en la Educación Superior

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    Os desafios enfrentados pelos jovens, decorrentes do ingresso no Ensino Superior, têm sido alvo de inúmeras pesquisas, destacando a confluência de variáveis pessoais e contextuais nesse processo de transição e adaptação ao Ensino Superior. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar como as expectativas afetam a qualidade das vivências adaptativas dos acadêmicos que iniciam o Ensino Superior. Participaram deste estudo 182 estudantes brasileiros (M=26,2; DP=8,76), sendo 146 mulheres e 36 homens, que responderam a dois questionários reportados às expectativas e vivências acadêmicas. Os resultados indicaram que as expectativas iniciais dos ingressantes foram correlacionadas com a qualidade das suas vivências acadêmicas. Em particular, as expectativas de envolvimento nas relações com os colegas, no projeto vocacional de carreira e nas atividades curriculares do seu curso foram associadas à adaptação acadêmica dos estudantes.Many studies have addressed the challenges faced by students when they access higher education, describing the influence of personal and contextual factors on the transition and adaptation to Higher Education. The present study aimed to investigate how expectations impact the quality of first-year students’ experiences. Participants included 182 Brazilian students (M=26,2; DP=8,76), 146 women and 36 men, who answered two questionnaires focusing on academic expectations and experiences. Results suggest that initial expectations of first-year students are correlated with the quality of their academic experiences. Specifically, expectations about students’ engagement with colleagues, career project, and curricular activities in their undergraduate program, seem to be related with students’ academic adaptation.Los desafíos que enfrentan los jóvenes que resultan del ingreso a la educación superior han sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones, destacando la convergencia de variables personales y contextuales en este proceso de transición y adaptación a la educación superior. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar cómo las expectativas afectan la calidad de las experiencias de adaptación de los estudiantes que inician la educación superior. Participaron 182 estudiantes brasileños (M=26,2; DP=8,76), siendo 146 mujeres y 36 hombres, que respondieron dos cuestionarios direccionados a las expectativas y experiencias académicas. Los resultados indicaron que las expectativas iniciales de los estudiantes ingresantes se correlacionaron con la calidad de sus experiencias académicas. En particular, las expectativas de participación en las relaciones con los compañeros, en el proyecto de la carrera y en las actividades curriculares del curso fueron relacionadas con la adaptación académica de los estudiantes.Universidade do MinhoUniversidade Salgado de Oliveir

    Schistosomus reflexus in a Dog and a Cat

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    Background: Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is a congenital anomaly, that the animal presents exposed abdominal and thoracic organs. The alterations includes limbs malformation, abnormal spinal column, liver and diaphragm hypoplasia, genitourinary and gastrointestinal changes, on this way, the fetus can not survive. The aim of this study was to report the first SR case in dog and cat in Brazil, and describe anatomical, pathological and radiographic changes.Case: The puppy had ventral midline defect in the abdominal and thoracic wall extending from the sternum to the pubis with viscera exposition, including the heart, lung, liver, stomach, intestine, spleen, kidneys, moreover right army was abnormal, however no spinal column was present. It was performed radiography to evaluate bone abnormalities, and was diagnosed agenesis of carpal, metacarpal and phalange bones. The kitten had ventral midline defect measuring 4 x 2 cm, in the abdominal wall and exposition of liver, stomach, intestine and spleen, as well as tibiotarsal joint arthrogryposis on both lags. It was performed fetus radiography and no spinal column change was diagnosed.Discussion: Schistosomus reflexus is a congenital abnormality common in ruminants. Although it was few reported in dogs and cats. The two cases in this study are the firsts reposts in Brazil in these especies. In our case, the dog had exposition of abdominal and thoracic organs and died one hour after born, similar to this, another author reported a case where the thoracic and abdominal evisceration and the puppy died ten minutes after born. However, in another case with abdominal evisceration only, the puppy survived for eight days. Probably it happened because respiratore function was not compromised. The kitten had abdominal opening only, in turn, other authors reported a case whose abdominal viscera exposition was by pelvic fissure, and another case, what presented thoracic and abdominal evisceration, like our dog case. Some authors affirm that this defect causes fetal dystocia on ruminants, because of the vertebral column abnormality, what promote passage difficult at born moment. On the other hand, dogs did not present these kind of changes and dystocia was not related to this pathology on cases in dogs and cats, however most of these authors performed cesarean because the female did not get normal born. As well as, on two cases in kitten were reported vertebral column abnormalities, what can be related to dystocia. Even no animal of our study present any vertebral column abnormality, other bone changes were found, like carpal, metacarpal and phalange agenesis on army of the dog and tibiotarsal joint arthrogryposis on both lags of the cat fetus. The others report in dogs did not found vertebral column or bone changes, but in cats it was observed vertebral column abnormalities and other changes, like arthrogryposis on four limbs, skull flattening, mandibular brachignathism, reduced ossification of the cranial vault bones, palatoschisis and unfused eyelids. SR etiology is not clearly known, it may be related with genetic, mechanic, endocrine, metabolic, nutrition and infectious factors. The moment of embryonic development, where these factors influence the changes is related with abnormality grade. Although, Chromosomic abnormalities, like chromatid and chromosome breaks, non-homologous pairing of chromosomes was shown. In this study the bitch did not present any metabolic, endocrine or nutritional change, on other hand the queen was submitted to exogenous hormonal treatment to avoid pregnancy, what may be related to SR development. SR is a rare abnormality in dog and cat, fetus radiographic, anatomical and pathological findings confirmed to being this congenital defect, and this are the first reports in Brazil in these species

    Educação sobre a sexualidade: inclusão e cuidado da população LGBTTI em abordagem articulada entre saúde e educação

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    Changes in gender and intergenerational relations give rise to social and family situations that requireeducational actions on health and sexuality in schools. This study promoted the collective construction of such actionsaimed at the LGBTTI population, using participatory methodologies. We held meetings with pedagogical teams from theDepartment of Education of Mariana (Minas Gerais) and a high school to plan strategies, and organized workshops tobring monitors and students together. These actions established coexistence agreements, valuing affection and self-esteemand sharing information on topics such as: sexuality, gender roles, concepts of biological sex, sexual orientation, genderidentity and prejudice. Sexual and gender diversity proved to be relevant topics at school, an environment that triggerschanges regarding issues that are often unknown or neglected, but which directly affect people’s lives.Los cambios en las relaciones de género y entre generaciones dan lugar a situaciones sociales y familiaresque requieren acciones educativas sobre salud y sexualidad en las escuelas. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo promoverla construcción colectiva de acciones de esta naturaleza, dirigidas a la población LGBTTI, utilizando metodologíasparticipativas. Se realizaron reuniones con equipos pedagógicos del Departamento de Educación en el municipio deMariana (Minas Gerais) y de una escuela secundaria para planificar propuestas. Se desarrollaron talleres para reunirmonitores y estudiantes. En estos, se elaboraron acuerdos de convivencia, se valoró el afecto y la autoestima y secompartió información sobre sexualidad, género y prejuicio. Se trabajaron los temas: sexualidad, roles de género,conceptos de sexo biológico, orientación sexual e identidad de género. El tema diversidad sexual y de género demostróser relevante en la escuela, lugar donde desencadena cambios en relación con temas que a menudo son desconocidos odescuidados, pero que afectan directamente la vida de las personas.Mudanças nas relações de gênero e entre gerações originam situações sociais e familiares que requerem ações educativas em saúde e sexualidade nas escolas. Este trabalho objetivou promover a construção coletiva de ações dessa natureza, voltadas para a população LGBTTI, utilizando metodologias participativas. Realizaram-se reuniões com equipes pedagógicas da Secretaria de Educação do município de Mariana (Minas Gerais) e de uma escola do ensino médio para planejamento das propostas. Desenvolveram-se ações no formato de oficinas para aproximar monitores e estudantes. Nestas, foram elaborados acordos de convivência, valorizadas a afetividade e autoestima e compartilhadas informações sobre sexualidade, gênero e preconceito. Foram trabalhadas as temáticas: sexualidade, papeis de gênero, conceitos de sexo biológico, orientação sexual e identidade de gênero. A temática da diversidade sexual e de gênero mostrou-se relevante na escola, ambiente desencadeador de mudanças em relação a questões muitas vezes desconhecidas ou negligenciadas, mas que afetam diretamente a vida das pessoas

    Liderança coletiva: proposta de escala de autoavaliação

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo desenvolver uma escala para autoavaliação da liderança coletiva, com base na percepção dos líderes em relação à influência das decisões coletivas tomadas sobre os resultados da organização e as estratégias efetivamente adotadas. Esta escala foi desenvolvida a partir da análise de conteúdo de artigos científicos que tratam de assuntos relacionados à efetividade organizacional e à liderança, e sugestões de quatro especialistas, que participam de conselhos administrativos. Visa contribuir para a lacuna atualmente existente na literatura acerca do tema liderança coletiva, propondo-se um instrumento para avaliação da efetividade do papel dos membros do Conselho de Administração

    Metodología para estimar el nivel de desarrollo sostenible en espacios territoriales

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    47 páginas.Este documento presenta una metodología y su respectivo programa de cálculo computarizado, los cuáles permiten realizar evaluaciones cualitativas rápidas, a sí como el análisis comparativo de los niveles de desarrollo sostenible a nivel nacional, sectorial o regional. El enfoque metodológico tiene como fundamento conceptual una perspectiva multidimensional del proceso de desarrollo

    Paraganglioma de corpo aórtico em cão

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    Background: Aortic body paragangliomas are uncommon neoplasms that develop mainly in aortic and carotid bodies. It has been supposed that genetic factors and chronic hypoxia may stimulate tumor development. The brachycephalic dog breeds, as Boxer, are most predisposed to present this neoplasm. The clinical symptomatology is related to tumor size and localization. Usually aortic body paraganglioma has benign biological behavior, when it is malignant, rarely promotes metastases. The aim of this study was to report a case of the aortic body paraganglioma as death cause in a dog.Case: A canine, 10-year-old, male, cross breed, presented clinical signs as anorexia, emesis, cough, dyspnea and exercise intolerance. After death the animal was examined at the Department of Veterinary Pathology at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia. On necropsy, no pericardial effusion was identified, however pleural and abdominal effusion was observed, volume like 1000 and 700 mL, respectively. The heart had a neoplasm near the left atrium, it measured 6.5 x 8.2 cm, had irregular surface, firm consistency, grayish color, and at the cut showed infiltration in the myocardium, as well as obstruction of the left atrial lumen and left ventricle concentric hypertrophy. No distant metastases were found. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of polyhedral morphology cells, eosinophilic cytoplasm, spherical and hyperchromatic nucleus. Cells were grouped into lobes separated by fibrovascular stroma, large cells (less uniform cells), low mitotic rate and myocardial infiltration. On immunohistochemical analysis anti-cytokeratin, anti-vimentin and anti-S-100 antibodies were used. Tumour cells stained was absent for anti-cytokeratin and anti-vimentin, but was anti-S-100 positive. A case of malignant aortic body paraganglioma grade II was diagnosed.Discussion: The reported case was diagnosed in cross breed dog. However, brachycephalic dog breeds, as Boxer, are more predisposed to develop this kind of tumor. The development of these tumors is related to the genetic factors and chronic hypoxia. It was suggested that the tumor origin on this case is related to genetic factors, because the animal had no respiratory diseases, he was not brachycephalic and lived in a low altitude city, what exclude the possibility to have been induced by chronic hypoxia imposed by low oxygen. The clinical symptomatology presented by the animal days before death was related to the localization and size of the tumor. The macroscopic findings were similar to those of other studies. And the histopathological findings of the report were indicative for the histological classification of malignant aortic body paraganglioma. On immunohistochemical analysis it was negative for anti-cytokeratin and anti-vimentin antibodies, however was positive for anti-S-100 antibody, thus differentiated from other tumors that may occur in this local and confirmed the diagnosis of malignant aortic body paraganglioma grade II. The dog died due to tumor-related causes, however some authors indicate de tumor as a necropsy finding. The findings made it possible to conclude that tumor was aortic body paraganglioma and that it promoted cardiorespiratory complications related to localization and infiltration, what was worsened by pleural effusion leading the animal to the cardiogenic shock that culminated with death. It shows the importance of including this tumor in the list of differential diagnoses of heart diseases in dogs

    Analysis of medicines and the relationship with pharmaceutical care: quantitative and microbiological determination of medicines containing dipyrone

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    Many studies had described the morbi-mortality related to medicines. As for the strategies to reduce the possible risks for medicine therapy is very important to readvise the pharmaceutical activity, once the pharmacist has potential for constitute an essential part for the solution of problems related to the utilization of medicines. The purpose of this work was to demonstrate that the therapeutic subdosage and the microbiological contamination may be directly involved with the inappropriate manipulation of medicines stored in residences. Liquid dosage forms containing dipyrone market in Brazil and stored at homes in Araraquara (SP) were analyzed regarding quantitative and microbiological analysis. Only in 57% from 128 samples analyzed the drug quantity was in accordance. Moreover, 26.2% from 128 samples analyzed presented S. aureus, E. coli and Salmonella sp. These results demonstrated clear reduction in their quality, as well as the presence of molds and/or bacteria in some medicines that still agreed with the expirations dates, showing the importance of the pharmacist in advising the correct use and store of medicines.Vários estudos relatam a ocorrência de morbi-mortalidade relacionada com medicamentos. Quanto às estratégias para reduzir possíveis riscos à terapia medicamentosa é de suma importância a necessidade de reorientação da atividade farmacêutica, uma vez que o profissional farmacêutico tem potencial para se constituir em uma parte essencial para a solução dos problemas relacionados à utilização de medicamentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar que o fator subdosagem terapêutica e a contaminação microbiana podem estar diretamente envolvidos com a manipulação inadequada dos medicamentos mantidos nas residências. Medicamentos líquidos contendo dipirona comercializados no Brasil e armazenados em residências em Araraquara (SP) foram avaliados no que se refere a análises quantitativa e microbiológica. Somente em 57% das 128 amostras analisadas a quantidade de fármaco estava de acordo. Além disso, 26,2% das 128 amostras analisadas apresentaram S. aureus, E. coli e Salmonella sp. Esses resultados demonstraram clara queda na qualidade dos mesmos, assim como a presença de fungos e/ou bactérias em alguns dos medicamentos, que ainda estavam dentro de seus prazos de validade, demonstrando a importância do profissional farmacêutico na orientação quanto ao uso e ao armazenamento correto do medicamento

    National Health Promotion Policy (PNPS) : chapters of a journey still under construction

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    A saúde faz-se um bem público produzido pelas e nas redes de relação e disputas de sujeitos que almejam colocar determinados interesses e necessidades na agenda das políticas públicas. A Promoção da Saúde, como conjunto de estratégias e formas de produzir saúde, no âmbito individual e coletivo, visando atender às necessidades sociais de saúde e garantir a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população, emerge marcada pelas tensões próprias à defesa do direito à saúde. O artigo pretende explicitar certo percurso da Promoção da Saúde no SUS, contando a história de sua afirmação como Política Nacional e as possibilidades que aí se produziram para ampliar a integralidade do cuidado em saúde. Os autores, totalmente implicados na formulação, implementação e revisão da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde (PNPS), sistematizam a caminhada em três capítulos: 1998/2004 – Embrião de uma PNPS; 2005/2013 – Nasce, cresce e se desenvolve uma PNPS; 2013-2015 – Revisando, ampliando e divulgando a PNPS. Para além da narrativa de uma história, análise de ciclo de uma política, ou balanço de avanços tenta-se resgatar contextos, textos, discursos, tensões na trajetória da PNPS. Os próximos capítulos são uma obra em aberto e anunciam caminhos.Health is a fundamental human right, according to the global commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Health is a public good socially produced by and within social networks and disputes among subjects that seek to place certain interests and needs on the agenda of public policies. Health Promotion, as a set of strategies and forms of producing health, both individual and collective, aiming to meet the social needs of health and to assure better quality of life of the population, emerges intrinsically marked by tensions inherent to the defense of the right to health. The present article intends to detail a certain pathway of Health Promotion at SUS, telling the history of its affirmation as a National Policy and the possibilities that were produced therein to amplify the completeness of healthcare. The authors, totally involved in the preparation, implementation, and revision of the National Health Promotion Policy (PNPS), classified the journey into three chapters: (1) 1998/2004 – Embryo of a PNPS; (2) 2005/2013 – Birth, growth, and development of a PNPS; (3) 2013-2015 – Revision, expansion and dissemination of the PNPS. In addition to the narrative of a history, the cycle analysis of a policy, or balance of advancements, there is an attempt to restore contexts, texts, speeches, and tensions in the PNPS trajectory. The next chapters are still ongoing, and announce paths and possibilities on how to ensure that a Policy is kept alive