5,214 research outputs found

    Compact device for mass transfer between liquid films and vapour or gas

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    University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain) offers a method and device for mass transfer between liquid and vapour or gas. Applications to absorbers and desorbers in absorption chiller technology, evaporators, condensers and chemical reactors. The research group is trying to find companies for further development, commercial viability assessment and commercial exploitation

    Center Manifold and Exponentially-Bounded Solutions of a System of Parabolic Equations

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    AMS (MOS) subject classifications. primary: 34G10; secondary: 35B40

    Una nueva aproximación a la presidencia de Carlos Ezete. hacienda y moneda en El Salvador, 1890-1994.

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    Este artículo propone profundizar en el gobierno de Carlos Ezeta, presidente de El Salvador a fines del siglo XIX, desde una perspectiva diferente a la que tradicionalmente se ha mantenido. Por un lado, las circunstancias financieras internas e internacionales condicionaron su gestión y, por otro, sus intentos de renovación fiscal y monetaria, combinados con lo anterior, chocaron con los fuertes intereses de sectores dominantes que, finalmente, provocaron el golpe de Estado de 1894.This article proposes to deepen into a different approach to the traditionally offered on Carlos Ezeta government at the end of XIXth century El Salvador. On the one hand, serious financial circumstances at internal, but also international, economy affected his governance. But on the other hand, his essays of fiscal renovation, combined with the previous factor, were confronted by the strong interests of oligarchy which, finally, provoked the 1894 coup d’état

    Las Clases dominantes, la legislación y los márgenes de la corrupción política: El Salvador a mediados del siglo XIA

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    La corrupción política es una práctica registrada en la historia desde la antigüedad y que ha sido estudiada extensamente en todas sus variantes por las ciencias sociales en el siglo XX. Normalmente se entiende como una violación de la ley, con el objeto de obtener una ganancia no necesariamente económica. Pero quién y por qué redactó y aprobó la ley. La legislación, en general, establece determinadas barreras que varían en cada sociedad en relación con lo que puede ser considerado corrupción, por lo que parece pertinente quiénes y por qué aprobaron dichos márgenes y no otros. El artículo propone que al menos los historiadores, al considerar la corrupción, deberían estudiar también los procesos de aprobación de ciertas leyes porque éstos podrían ser considerados también como prácticas corruptas .Political corruption is a practice that has occurred in history since antiquity and which has been studied in all its varieties extensively by social sciences in 20th century. It is usually understood as a violation of the existing law within a society with the aim of obtain some profi t, nor necessarily economic. But who wrote and approved that law and according to which interests is never taken into consideration by scholars. Laws in societies establish different limits in relation with what can be considered corruption, so it is relevant to wonder who and why fi xed those limits and not others. This article proposes that at least historians, when considering corruption, should study also the processes of approving certain laws because they could be considered also practices of corruption

    What can we learn from melt inclusions in migmatites and granulites?

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    With less than two decades of activity, research on melt inclusions (MI) in crystals from rocks that have undergone crustal anatexis \u2013 migmatites and granulites \u2013 is a recent addition to crustal petrology and geochemistry. Studies on this subject started with glassy inclusions in anatectic crustal enclaves in lavas, and then progressed to regionally metamorphosed and partially melted crustal rocks, where melt inclusions are normally crystallized into a cryptocrystalline aggregate (nanogranitoid). Since the first paper on melt inclusions in the granulites of the Kerala Khondalite Belt in 2009, reported and studied occurrences are already a few tens. Melt inclusions in migmatites and granulites show many analogieswith theirmore common and long studied counterparts in igneous rocks, but also display very important differences and peculiarities,which are the subject of this review. Microstructurally, melt inclusions in anatectic rocks are small, commonly 10 \u3bcm in diameter, and their main mineral host is peritectic garnet, although several other hosts have been observed. Inclusion contents vary from glass in enclaves that were cooled very rapidly from supersolidus temperatures, to completely crystallized material in slowly cooled regional migmatites. The chemical composition of the inclusions can be analyzed combining several techniques (SEM, EMP, NanoSIMS, LA\u2013ICP\u2013MS), but in the case of crystallized inclusions the experimental remelting under confining pressure in a piston cylinder is a prerequisite. The melt is generally granitic and peraluminous, although granodioritic to trondhjemitic compositions have also been found. Being mostly primary in origin, inclusions attest for the growth of their peritectic host in the presence of melt. As a consequence, the inclusions have the unique ability of preserving information on the composition of primary anatectic crustal melts, before they undergo any of the common following changes in their way to produce crustal magmas. For these peculiar features, melt inclusions in migmatites and granulites, largely overlooked so far, have the potential to become a fundamental tool for the study of crustal melting, crustal differentiation, and even the generation of the continental crust

    Approximate analytic temperature distribution and efficiency for annular fins of uniform thickness

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    The salient feature in the quasi one-dimensional differential equation for annular fins of uniform thickness is without question the presence of the variable coefficient 1/r multiplying the first order derivative, dT /dr. A good-natured manipulation of the variable coefficient 1/r is the principal objective of the present work. Specifically, the manipulation applies the mean value theorem for integration to 1/r in the proper fin domain extending from the inner radius r¹ to the outer radius r². It is demonstrated that approximate analytic temperature profiles and heat transfer rates of good quality are easily obtainable without resorting to the exact analytic temperature distribution and heat transfer rate embodying modified Bessel functions. For enhanced visualization, the computed temperature profiles, tip temperatures and fin efficiencies of approximate nature are graphed and tabulated for realistic combinations of the normalized radii ratio c and the thermo-geometric fin parameter ξ of interest in thermal engineering applicationsPublicad

    Teoría e historia: (a propósito de historiografía reciente sobre Nicaragua)

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    Tomando como referencia algunos de los libros publicados recientemente sobre historia de Nicaragua, se pone de manifiesto cómo, con frecuencia, los historiadores utilizan términos tomados en préstamo de otras ciencias sociales, como la sociología, sin precisar su significado y el contexto teórico en que han sido definidos, lo cual varía según las diversas corrientes de esta disciplina durante el presente siglo. Esto, que se presenta como un problema para el avance de la ciencia histórica en la actualidad en el terreno de la teoría, es particularmente grave en una especialidad como la denominada historia social —aún admitiendo las diversas concepciones de esta expresión—, por contraste con lo que sucede en otras, como podría ser la historia económica

    Dogma católico para indios: la versión de la Iglesia del Perú en el siglo XVII

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    El autor elige a Fernando de Avendaño -doctrinero, visitador de idolatrías y canónigo de la catedral de Lima en el siglo XVII- como un caso a partir del cual mostrar cómo la Iglesia entre otras instituciones, ejerció la dominación colonial en el Perú. Para ello estudia la ideología de Avendaño en sus Sermones de Nuestra Santa Fe Católica ... (1649) para los indios, no exactamente mediante el contraste de los valores y creencias españolas con las indígenas, sino a través del uso de la retórica en la construcción de los sermones. De esta forma, se detecta un determinado uso de los mecanismos de la retórica que refleja, y es coherente con, la posición de Avendaño en el sistema colonial, concretada en su experiencia vital, y que constituye un aspecto singular de su ideología. Partiendo de la fe, el clérigo elaboró una construcción retórica dedicada a establecer la superioridad de la religión católica sobre la de los indios, en lo que pudiera ser considerado como una "teología de la dominación".The author focuses on Fernando de Avendaño, a parish priest, extirpator of ido la tries and canon of the Lima cathedral in the seventeenth century, who is an example of how the Catholic Church, among other institutions, exerted power in colonial Peru. Through the analysis of his Sermones de Nuestra Santa Fe Católica ... (1649) the ideology of the Avendaño is perceived not just in the stark contrast between Spanish values and beliefs and those of he Indians, but also in the use he made of rhetoric in constructíng his sermons. This reveals a specific use of rhetorical devices that rejlect and are coherent with his position in the colonial system, and thus became a special part of Avendaño's ideology. Starting with faith, Avendaño built a rhetorical construct dedicated to proving the superiority of the Catholic religion over that of the Indians, in what may be regarded as a "domination theology"

    Dispositivo compacto de aplicación en tecnología frigorífica de absorción, evaporadores, condensadores y reactores químicos

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    La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ofrece un dispositivo de transferencia de masa entre fases gaseosa y líquida, para tecnología frigorífica de absorción. La tecnología mejora la eficiencia y reduce significativamente el volumen de elementos como los absorbedores y desorbedores de máquinas frigoríficas de absorción, y otros dispositivos de transferencia de masa. Se solicita colaboración para profundizar en el desarrollo, realizar un estudio de viabilidad técnico-económica para su explotación comercial