31 research outputs found

    Study of risk factors that influence visual fatigue and musculoskeletal stress in an open office

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Human EngineeringWork-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD), affecting tendons, bones, ligaments or vertebral discs, are very common today. Actually, companies opt for open spaces, these are spaces where there are no walls, doors, or workspaces for each employee, they simply bring them all together in the same area, with continuous desks and next to each other. This study is focused on an open office and aimed to identify and evaluate the main risk factors for musculoskeletal problems and visual stress. First, the place was visited to have a more specific idea of this, then a questionnaire based on the Nordic questionnaire was applied to 20 workers, to which other questions related to demographic data, lighting, visual stress, among others were added. In order to develop an ergonomic assessment, the Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA) was applied, which is a method commonly used to evaluate jobs in offices. In addition, the lighting data were recorded in 35 desks/workplaces, according normative requirements. From the Nordic questionnaire, the body regions more affected by musculoskeletal pain/discomfort during the last 12 months were the feet (70% of the 20 workers), lumbar (65%), neck (55%) and knees (50%). Considering the ROSA assessment, the final value was 5 points, which indicates that exists a risk for high discomfort and possible occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders. Therefore, these results pointed out the need for further research and modifications to the workplaces. Relatively to the lighting, the illuminance values obtained are lower than the values recommended by the European Standard – ISO 8995: 2002, justifying the visual complaints reported by some of the workers. Summarily, this open space needs intervention at the level of lighting, since adequate lighting of the workplace contributes to the safety, well-being and comfort of the employees. At the same time, ergonomic measures (such as occupational gym and physical reorganization of the workplaces) were needed to decrease the musculoskeletal risk. In this domain, the ROSA method is a useful and easy method to assess WMSD risk in offices.As lesões musculoesqueléticas relacionadas com o trabalho (LMERT) que afetam tendões, ossos, ligamentos ou discos vertebrais, são muito comuns hoje em dia. Na atualidade, as empresas optam por open spaces, os quais são espaços onde não há paredes, portas ou espaços de trabalho para cada funcionário, estão estão juntos na mesma área, com mesas contínuas e próximas umas das outras. Este estudo é focado num open space e tem como objetivo identificar e avaliar os principais fatores de risco para problemas musculoesqueléticos e stress visual. Primeiro, o local foi visitado para se ter uma ideia mais específica e, em seguida, um questionário baseado no questionário nórdico foi aplicado a 20 trabalhadores, aos quais foram adicionadas outras questões relacionadas com dados demográficos, iluminação, stress visual, entre outras. Para desenvolver uma avaliação ergonómica, foi aplicado o Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA), que é um método comummente usado para avaliar trabalhos em escritórios. Além disso, os dados de iluminação foram registrados em 35 mesas/postos de trabalho, de acordo com os requisitos normativos. No questionário nórdico, as regiões corporais mais afetadas pela dor/desconforto musculoesquelético nos últimos 12 meses foram os pés (70% dos 20 trabalhadores), a região lombar (65%), o pescoço (55%) e os joelhos (50%). Considerando a avaliação do ROSA, o valor final foi de 5 pontos, indicando que existe risco de alto desconforto e possível ocorrência de problemas musculoesqueléticos. Portanto, esses resultados apontaram a necessidade de mais investigação e modificações nos postos de trabalho. Em relação à iluminação, os valores de iluminância obtidos são inferiores aos recomendados pela Norma Europeia - ISO 8995: 2002, justificando as queixas visuais relatadas por alguns trabalhadores. Resumidamente, este open office precisa de intervenção ao nível da iluminação, pois a iluminação adequada do local de trabalho contribui para a segurança, o bem-estar e o conforto dos funcionários. Ao mesmo tempo, medidas ergonómicas (como ginástica laboral e reorganização física dos locais de trabalho) são necessárias para diminuir o risco musculoesquelético. Neste domínio, o método ROSA é um método útil e fácil para avaliar o risco de LMERT nos escritórios


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    La Diablada Pillareña en la actualidad resulta una de las festividades de más significación en el cantón Píllaro de la provincia de Tungurahua, Ecuador. Es parte del imaginario de las personas que habitan el sector, por lo que se hace importante referirse a esta dinámica cultural desde una perspectiva antropológica. El objetivo de la presente investigación es aportar a la valorización de la Diablada Pillareña, desde el análisis del performance. Para el proceso metodológico se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo, con un diseño de la investigación de tipo transversal, etnográfico y descriptivo. En el estudio se concluyó que la Diablada Pillareña, como simbolismo y performance, aborda diversas interpretaciones disciplinares y dinámicas socioculturales, se constituye como un evento performático con características mestizas y que combina diferentes tipos de símbolos y elementos, que hacen de este un evento de orden mestizo.  &nbsp

    La diablada pillareña, un performance simbólico

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    The Diablada Pillareña is currently one of the celebrations with greater significance in the canton Pillaro, province of Tungurahua. It is part of the imagination of the people who inhabit the sector, so that it is important to refer to this cultural dynamic from an anthropological perspective. The objective of the present investigation is to contribute to the appraisal of the Diablada Pillareña, from the analysis of the performance. For the methodological process, a qualitative approach was used, with a transversal, ethnographic and a descriptive research design. The study concluded that the Diablada Pillareña as symbolism and performance addresses diverse disciplinary interpretations and socio-cultural dynamics, it constitutes as a performance event with mestizo characteristics that combines different types of symbols and elements that make it an event of a mestizo nature.La Diablada Pillareña en la actualidad resulta una de las festividades de más significación en el cantón Píllaro de la provincia de Tungurahua, Ecuador. Es parte del imaginario de las personas que habitan el sector, por lo que se hace importante referirse a esta dinámica cultural desde una perspectiva antropológica. El objetivo de la presente investigación es aportar a la valorización de la Diablada Pillareña, desde el análisis del performance. Para el proceso metodológico se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo, con un diseño de la investigación de tipo transversal, etnográfico y descriptivo. En el estudio se concluyó que la Diablada Pillareña, como simbolismo y performance, aborda diversas interpretaciones disciplinares y dinámicas socioculturales, se constituye como un evento performático con características mestizas y que combina diferentes tipos de símbolos y elementos, que hacen de este un evento de orden mestizo

    Groundwater Flow Processes and Human Impact along the Arid US-Mexican Border, Evidenced by Environmental Tracers: The Case of Tecate, Baja California

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    With the increasing population, urbanization and industry in the arid area of Tecate, there is a concomitant increase in contaminants being introduced into the Tecate River and its aquifer. This contamination is damaging the usable groundwater supply and making local residents and commercial enterprises increasingly dependent on imported water from the Colorado River basin. In this study we apply a suite of chemical and isotopic tracers in order to evaluate groundwater flow and assess contamination trends. Groundwater recharge occurs through mountain-block and mountain-front recharge at higher elevations of the ranges. Groundwater from the unconfined, alluvial aquifer indicates recent recharge and little evolution. The increase in salinity along the flow path is due to interaction with weathering rock-forming silicate minerals and anthropogenic sources such as urban wastewater, residual solids and agricultural runoff from fertilizers, livestock manure and/or septic tanks and latrines. A spatial analysis shows local differences and the impact of the infiltration of imported waters from the Colorado River basin. The general trend of impaired water quality has scarcely been documented in the last decades, but it is expected to continue. Since the groundwater system is highly vulnerable, it is necessary to protect groundwater sources.Engineering and Science School of Tecnológico de Monterrey viaWater Science and Technology research group


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    ResumenEl presente documento se enfoca en los resultados obtenidos luego de un estudio formal y funcional de elementos, tanto del proceso de recolección catalográfico de varias piezas cerámicas encontradas en excavaciones dentro de la parroquia Sucre del cantón Patate de la provincia de Tungurahua en Ecuador –adjudicadas a las culturas Puruhá - Panzaleo, pertenecientes al período de integración regional y que reposan en su mayoría en la Tenencia Política de Sucre e Iglesia del Señor del Terremoto del cantón Patate– ; así como también, a los “imaginarios” del pueblo, los cuales revelan una identificación simbólica de la realidad y época de permanencia de la comunidad. Todo esto fundamentado en una investigación netamente etnográfica, de tipo cualitativo, que consintió la recopilación de discursos por medio de  entrevistas y de la observancia de su actual estilo de vida para la interpretación y análisis del grupo en cuestión, considerando las relaciones de significado que se producen a nivel cultura o ideológico. De manera que el proceso de diseño aplicado, busca su rescate y revalorización, enmarcado en la descomposición de los mencionados compendios, pues la identificación de la esencia cultural, características y comportamientos propios de la zona, dan paso al desarrollo de nuevas propuestas alfareras con un toque identitario y modernista que permiten generar opciones de emprendimientos para la comunidad, con el propósito de lograr el desarrollo y bienestar de los habitantes de este sector.Palabras clavePuruhá – Panzaleo, Parroquia Sucre, artesanías, cerámica. AbstractThis document focuses on the results obtained after a formal and functional study of elements; from the process of cataloging several ceramic pieces found in excavations inside the Sucre parish that belongs to Patate canton of Tungurahua Province in Ecuador – which is assigned to the Puruhá - Panzaleo cultures, belonging to the regional integration period and that mostly rests in Sucre´s Political Tenure and the church “Iglesia del Señor del Terremoto” in Patate–; as well as the "imaginary" of people, which reveals a symbolic identification of the reality and time of permanence of the community. All this, based on purely qualitative ethnographic research which consisted of the collection of speeches through interviews and the observance of the current lifestyle for the posterior interpretation and analysis of the group at hand, considering also the relationships of meaning that are produced at cultural or ideological levels. Therefore, this applied design process, seeks its rescue and revaluation, framed in the decomposition of the aforementioned compendiums, since the identification of the cultural essence, characteristics, and behaviors of the area, give way to the development of new pottery proposals with an identity and modernist touch that allow generating entrepreneurship options for the community, with the purpose of achieving the development and well-being of the inhabitants of this sector. KeywordsPuruhá – Panzaleo, Sucre Parish, handicrafts, pottery

    Ritualidad y espiritualidad como elementos centrales en la recuperación de adicciones

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    The current research work examines how ritual practices and spirituality contribute to recovering addicts from a community located in the central region of Ecuador. The case of the group "Vencer" is studied in the framework. This group is formed by recovering addicts to whom ethnographic interviews have been done as well as and participant observations in order to analyze their testimonies and encounters which are the the soul of this investigation. This work was been organized into three chapters. In the first chapther the definition of addiction is provided. The history of drug and alcohol is also mentioned as well as the relation between them and the diferent types of addictions which are mostly accepted within societies. The focus of the research is directed to the addictions that have a higher percentage of recovering addicts in the group in which the study was conducted. It also shows how alcoholism is being framed on the senses of human beings, their psychological, social and cultural meanings, not just for alcoholics and their families, but also for the society which keeps its different individual and subjectivities shapes as a whole .El presente trabajo de investigación indaga el cómo las prácticas rituales y la espiritualidad contribuyen a la recuperación de los adictos en una comunidad ubicada en la región centro del Ecuador, a partir de un abordaje metodológico que fusiona el estudio de caso, la observación participante y la entrevista etnográfica, con el fin de analizar testimonios y encuentros que se constituyen en el alma de la presente investigación. Este estudio fue organizado en tres capítulos. En el primero de ellos se proporciona la definición de adicción, para abordar seguidamente la historia de la drogadicción y el alcohol; se relaciona a la existencia de adicciones de diferentes tipos, la mayoría de ellas permitidas socialmente. El enfoque de la investigación está dirigido a las adicciones que tienen mayor porcentaje de adictos en recuperación dentro del grupo en el que se realizó la indagación. Además se demuestra como el alcoholismo se va estructurando en un armazón de sentidos y significados psicológicos, sociales y culturales, no sólo para personas alcohólicas y sus familiares, sino también para la sociedad como un colectivo que guarda las diferentes subjetividades individuales que la conforman

    Raymis andinos desde la práctica educativa en el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural

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    El discurso de la diversidad y de interculturalidad configura la reciente conceptualización pedagógica en el Ecuador. Surge como una alternativa para reivindicar la noción de dominio colonial hacia el establecimiento de relaciones igualitarias entre grupos étnicos; donde en el ámbito educativo la interculturalidad invita a los docentes a adquirir una formación integral no solo en la cosmovisión indígena, sino en diferentes procesos históricos para así, diseñar un esquema educativo que compile diferentes saberes y coyunturas que permitan construir un pensamiento integral y crítico de sociedad; por lo que el presente estudio tiene como objetivo  analizar los raymis andinos, desde las prácticas educativas para el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural. Para ello, en la metodología se utiliza el enfoque cualitativo desde el diseño sistemático, descriptivo y explicativo mediante la técnica de observación y la entrevista semi estructurada como técnica de apoyo dirigida a los docentes de la institución Morona Santiago. Los principales resultados evidenciaron que en la entidad educativa se practican manifestaciones ancestrales como los raymis bajo un trabajo cooperativo y un ambiente de inclusión, siendo la interculturalidad el eje central de la práctica de la educación inclusiva. Se concluye, de este modo, que la entidad enraíza las prácticas y tradiciones patrimoniales desde la educación inclusiva como parte integral de concepción de pluralidad. Además, constituye un elemento clave para establecer y formalizar los raymis como herramientas pedagógicas que integran a la cultura y la explican desde su saber histórico

    Assessment of major ions and trace elements in groundwater supplied to the Monterrey metropolitan area, Nuevo León, Mexico

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    The Monterrey metropolitan area (MMA) is the third greatest urban area and the second largest economic city of Mexico. More than four million people living in this megacity use groundwater for drinking, industrial and household purposes. Thus, major ion and trace element content were assessed in order to investigate the main hydrochemical properties of groundwater and determine if groundwater of the area poses a threat to the MMA population. Hierarchical cluster analysis using all the groundwater chemical data showed five groups of water. The first two groups were classified as recharge waters (Ca-HCO3) coming from the foothills of mountain belts. The third group was also of Ca-HCO3 water type flowing through lutites and limestones. Transition zone waters of group four (Ca-HCO3-SO4) flow through the valley of Monterrey, whereas discharge waters of group 5 (Ca-SO4) were found toward the north and northeast of the MMA. Principal component analysis performed in groundwater data indicates four principal components (PCs). PC1 included major ions Si, Co, Se, and Zn, suggesting that these are derived by rock weathering. Other trace elements such as As, Mo, Mn, and U are coupled in PC2 because they show redox-sensitive properties. PC3 indicates that Pb and Cu could be the less mobile elements in groundwater. Although groundwater supplied to MMA showed a high-quality, high mineralized waters of group 5 have NO3 − concentrations higher than the maximum value proposed by international guidelines and SO4 2−, NO3 −, and total dissolved solid concentrations higher than the maximum levels allowed by the Mexican normative. © 2017, The Author(s)


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    El presente artículo se enfoca en los resultados obtenidos después del proceso de recolección planteado en el registro catalográfico de las piezas cerámicas de la Parroquia Sucre. La finalidad principal es el desarrollo de nuevas propuestas cerámicas centradas en aquellos elementos conocidos como los “imaginarios”, los cuales se manifiestan como una identificación simbólica de la realidad y época de una comunidad, de forma que el proceso de diseño se enmarca en la descomposición de esos elementos, así como la identificación de características y comportamientos propios de la zona de investigación, como su esencia cultural.This article focuses on the results obtained after the collection process proposed in the catalog of the ceramic pieces of the Sucre Parish. The main purpose is the development of new ceramic proposals focused on those elements known as the "imaginaries", which are manifested as a symbolic identification of the reality and time of a community, so that the design process is part of the decomposition of those elements, as well as the identification of characteristics and behaviors typical of the research area, such as its cultural essence


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    Existen varios estudios que se han realizado a nivel internacional sobre las consecuencias del consumo de drogas en el funcionamiento global del adicto, sin embargo, en el Ecuador el estudio de los efectos colaterales son insuficientes a nivel neuropsicológico y social. Objetivo: Analizar los aspectos neuropsicológicos y sociales del drogodependiente en el Ecuador. Metodología: los 65 participantes de entre 20 y 40 años de edad, fueron seleccionados de varios centros de adicciones localizados en distintas provincias del país y debieron cumplir criterios de inclusión y exclusión; los instrumentos aplicados fueron baterías neuropsicológicas y bitácoras para el levantamiento de la información, todo el estudio fue de corte transversal y de tipo descriptivo, correlacional entre las variables investigadas. Resultados: factores como la familia y el grupo de amigos puntuaron como significativos en la determinación de la conducta adictiva, los discursos y los universos de los participantes mostraron relación directa entre los imaginarios de los participantes y su impacto sobre el comportamiento adictivo; mientras que varios componentes cognitivos como la velocidad de información, la autoregulación, fluidez verbal, flexibilidad mental, memoria semántica, memoria viso-espacial, toma de decisión, concentración estaban afectados en esta población. Conclusiones: varios de los resultados de la investigación son compartidos con otras realidades a nivel internacional, sin embargo, varios de ellos mostraron características singulares ligadas a aspectos socioculturales dinámicas donde el adicto se desenvuelve y desarrolla, que resultó distintas para las regiones del país.There are several studies that have been carried out at the international level on the consequences of drug use on the overall functioning of the addict, however, in Ecuador the study of side effects are insufficient at the neuropsychological and social level. Objective: To analyze the neuropsychological and social aspects of drug addicts in Ecuador. Methodology: the 65 participants between 20 and 40 years of age were selected from several addiction centers located in different provinces of the country and had to meet inclusion and exclusion criteria; The instruments applied were neuropsychological batteries and logs for information retrieval, the whole study was cross - sectional and descriptive, correlational among the variables investigated. Aspectos neuropsicológicos y sociales de la drogodependencia en Ecuador Results: factors such as family and group of friends scored as significant in determining addictive behavior, participants 'discourses and universes showed a direct relationship between participants' imagery and their impact on addictive behavior; While several cognitive components such as information speed, self-regulation, verbal fluency, mental flexibility, semantic memory, visuospatial memory, decision making, concentration were affected in this population. Conclusions: several of the results of the research are shared with other realities at international level, however, several of them showed unique characteristics linked to dynamic sociocultural aspects where the addict develops and develops, which was different for the regions of the country