1,068 research outputs found

    T cell specific adaptor protein (TSAd) promotes interaction of Nck with Lck and SLP-76 in T cells

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    Background: The Lck and Src binding adaptor protein TSAd (T cell specific adaptor) regulates actin polymerization in T cells and endothelial cells. The molecular details as to how TSAd regulates this process remain to be elucidated. Results: To identify novel interaction partners for TSAd, we used a scoring matrix-assisted ligand algorithm (SMALI), and found that the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of the actin regulator Non-catalytic region of tyrosine kinase adaptor protein (Nck) potentially binds to TSAd phosphorylated on Tyr280 (pTyr280) and pTyr305. These predictions were confirmed by peptide array analysis, showing direct binding of recombinant Nck SH2 to both pTyr280 and pTyr305 on TSAd. In addition, the SH3 domains of Nck interacted with the proline rich region (PRR) of TSAd. Pull-down and immunoprecipitation experiments further confirmed the Nck-TSAd interactions through Nck SH2 and SH3 domains. In line with this Nck and TSAd co-localized in Jurkat cells as assessed by confocal microscopy and imaging flow cytometry. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments in Jurkat TAg cells lacking TSAd revealed that TSAd promotes interaction of Nck with Lck and SLP-76, but not Vav1. TSAd expressing Jurkat cells contained more polymerized actin, an effect dependent on TSAd exon 7, which includes interactions sites for both Nck and Lck. Conclusions: TSAd binds to and co-localizes with Nck. Expression of TSAd increases both Nck-Lck and Nck-SLP-76 interaction in T cells. Recruitment of Lck and SLP-76 to Nck by TSAd could be one mechanism by which TSAd promotes actin polymerization in activated T cells. © 2015 Hem et al

    Temperature Dependence of the Flux Line Lattice Transition into Square Symmetry in Superconducting LuNi2_2B2_2C

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    We have investigated the temperature dependence of the H || c flux line lattice structural phase transition from square to hexagonal symmetry, in the tetragonal superconductor LuNi_2B_2C (T_c = 16.6 K). At temperatures below 10 K the transition onset field, H_2(T), is only weakly temperature dependent. Above 10 K, H_2(T) rises sharply, bending away from the upper critical field. This contradicts theoretical predictions of H_2(T) merging with the upper critical field, and suggests that just below the H_c2(T)-curve the flux line lattice might be hexagonal.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Drug-Free Platelets Can Act as Seeds for Aggregate Formation During Antiplatelet Therapy

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    The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at http://atvb.ahajournals.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1161/ATVBAHA.115.306219/-/DC1.Medical Research Council, the British Heart Foundation (PG-12-68-29779), the Wellcome Trust (101604/Z/13/Z), and the William Harvey Research Foundation. T.D. Warner has received research grant funding and consultancy fees from Astra Zenec

    Lean Six Sigma Approach to Implement a Femur Fracture Care Pathway at “San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d’Aragona” University Hospital

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    Timeliness in the treatment of fracture of the femur, through surgery, is crucial in the elderly patient as it reduces the risk of mortality and disability. Here we propose a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) approach to reduce the preoperative length of stay for patients with femur fracture. Through the LSS, a tailored Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Path (DTAP) for these has been implemented and monitored over time. In particular, through the analysis, based on the application of the DMAIC cycle conducted on data extrapolated from the information system of the “San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d’Aragona” University Hospital of Salerno, the new DTAP was designed and implemented. After the introduction of the DTAP, a significant reduction in the average length of hospital stay was observed, with a preoperative length of stay within 48 h in 65% cases (compared to the previous 9%). In particular, the most significant reduction (over 55%) is obtained for patients aged over 65 years old. Such a result reflects not only the improvement in the care process but it is also compliant with the guidelines of the Italian Ministry of Health, as reported in the New Guarantee System for monitoring the quality of care. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Design of an MgB<sub>2 </sub>race track coil for a wind generator pole demonstration

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    An MgB2 race track coil intended for demonstrating a down scaled pole of a 10 MW direct drive wind turbine generator has been designed. The coil consists of 10 double pancake coils stacked into a race track coil with a cross section of 84 mm x 80 mm. The length of the straight section is 0.5 m and the diameter of the end sections is 0.3 m. Expanded to a straight section of 3.1 m it will produce about 1.5 T magnetic flux density in the air gap of the 10 MW 32 pole generator and about 3.0 T at the edge of the superconducting coil with an operation current density of the coil of 70 A/mm2.Electrical Sustainable EnergyElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Conceptual design and thermal analysis of a modular cryostat for one single coil of a 10 MW offshore superconducting wind turbine

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    Superconducting generators show the potential to reduce the head mass of large offshore wind turbines. A 10 MW offshore superconducting wind turbine has been investigated in the SUPRAPOWER project. The superconducting coils based on MgB2 tapes are supposed to work at cryogenic temperature of 20 K. In this paper, a novel modular rotating cryostat was presented for one single coil of the superconducting wind turbine. The modular concept and cryogen-free cooling method were proposed to fulfil the requirements of handling, maintenance, reliability of long term and offshore operations. Two stage Gifford-McMahon cryocoolers were used to provide cooling source. Supporting rods made of titanium alloy were selected as support structures of the cryostat in aim of reducing the heat load. The thermal performance in the modular cryostat was carefully investigated. The heat load applied to the cryocooler second stage was 2.17 W@20 K per coil. The corresponding temperature difference along the superconducting coil was only around 1 K.European Commision's FP

    Geometric Multicut: Shortest Fences for Separating Groups of Objects in the Plane

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    We study the following separation problem: Given a collection of pairwise disjoint coloured objects in the plane with k different colours, compute a shortest “fence” F, i.e., a union of curves of minimum total length, that separates every pair of objects of different colours. Two objects are separated if F contains a simple closed curve that has one object in the interior and the other in the exterior. We refer to the problem as GEOMETRIC k-CUT, as it is a geometric analog to the well-studied multicut problem on graphs. We first give an O(n4log3n)-time algorithm that computes an optimal fence for the case where the input consists of polygons of two colours with n corners in total. We then show that the problem is NP-hard for the case of three colours. Finally, we give a randomised 4/3⋅1.2965-approximation algorithm for polygons and any number of colours
